Remove ANYTHING from Complex Perspectives! - Photoshop Tutorial

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hi there this is amish from fix imperfect and today i'm going to share with you how to remove objects placed on complex perspectives in photoshop take a look at this photo we cannot just simply use the clone stamp tool right here so if you go ahead and create a brand new layer use the clone stamp tool take a sample from right here all right even if we try to match these lines if we take it to the top see the lines are not matching up there why because they are following a perspective we're gonna have to use some special tools some special features in photoshop to be able to fix that and that's what we're gonna learn today so without any further ado let's get started [Music] before we begin this video is sponsored by wacom tablets and you already know i've been using one for years and years since i was a baby just kidding if you are on your journey of mastering photoshop a graphic tablet is one of the best investments you can make because it gives you two things precision and pressure sensitivity and that's common to all graphic tablets the one that i recommend is the wacom intuos pro line that's one of my favorites i use the medium sized so what happens is that it's not like a mouse which is either switched on or switched off there are levels of pressure and according to pressure you can control a plethora of things you can control the brush size opacity flows scattering and take advantage of the features of some of the most advanced brushes in photoshop for example if i go ahead and select the kyle ultimate inking thick and thin have a look as i tilt the pen the angle of the brush changes and that helps the brush to act very naturally i don't know why i wrote saturn but you get the point so if you want to check out the latest models of wacom tablets and what i recommend please check the links in the description back in the magical world of photoshop and if you want to go ahead and download this forum follow along you already know what to do check the links in the description now the first thing is remove the easy stuff that's step one so now we know that we can easily cover the top part of the plant with the wall and it's easy to do with the clone stamp tool however it would leak into the table and the chair so we need to make a selection to limit that and the best way to do it is with the pen tool so press p for the pen tool don't forget the shortcut for the pen tool is it's right in the name p so let's start making a selection so i'm gonna start right in here just to stay a little on the safer side and if you want to learn how to use the pen tool go ahead and watch this guide the more patient and accurate you are with the pen tool the better the result you're going to get now to turn a curve into a corner just hold the alt key or the option key click on it and then it's now a corner click and drag to draw a curve if you want to adjust anything just hold the ctrl or command and then adjust these points now you can go ahead and select some extras and finish the loop all right once you have created the path i would highly recommend to save it for later because who knows maybe you might need it so go to the paths tab right here if you cannot see it go to window and then make sure paths is checked now just rename the work path to something right to just something all right anytime you want to have access to it all you got to do is to just select that and you have the access to it you will never lose it to turn this into a selection what do you do there are lots of ways one of the ways is holding the control or command and clicking on the thumbnail of the path now before applying the clone stamp tool we cannot just directly apply the clone stamp tool and apply it right here because that will give a very sharp edge we want some feathering on it some softening on it so what do you do go to select modify and then feather let's apply a feather of one or two pixels one would be more than enough in this case now it might differ according to the resolution and you can do some trial and error to find out just do one stroke see how it feels and it will clearly give you an indication whether you want to increase or decrease the feather so with the clone stamp tool selected on a brand new layer make sure you are in the layers panel just take a sample from above the plant and start painting right here that's all you gotta do and we have that taken care of press ctrl or command d to deselect and there you go have a look the better the selection the more patient you are with the pen tool the better results you're gonna get now again my friend we need to take care of these leaves and we might need the selection again but i accidentally pressed ctrl or command d and we might have even gone a couple steps into the future we want the selection back we don't want to undo stuff so how do you get the selection back and that's why i asked you to save the path just go to the paths tab hold the control or command click on the thumbnail to get it back if you want to feather it you can do that as well by going to select modify and then feather let's go for the same values and again select the clone stamp tool and then just fix that area as well hold the alt or option and then click to take a sample and fill over it it's not filling you know why because the selection is on the opposite side press ctrl shift and i to invert the selection now hold the alt key of the option key click to take a sample and fill on this side now we have a selection it just won't go out there you go press ctrl or command d once you're done and at the top area is fixed step number two is defining the perspective before you start to remove this stuff right over here we need to define what the perspective is by the way before moving to step number two do not forget to keep things organized just name layer one to anything anything that can help you remember what it was so for me it would be removing the easy stuff now let's create a new layer on top of that and let's name this perspective removal this is where we will define the perspective go to filter and then vanishing point just zoom in and with the create plane tool the shortcut to which is c just mark along the four corners of the table now adjust these points and make sure they are positioned accurately now even though everything is so well aligned there's still a gap right there because in the real world my friend things are just a little twisted uneven or bent just like my right nostril is a little bigger than my left one or the vice versa i don't really remember but now that you have defined the perspective everything you do inside it in this dialog box will maintain the perspective for example even if you try to paint with something so let's say i'm painting with white it maintains the perspective the further we take it the smaller it becomes the closer we bring it the larger it becomes and it adjusts its shape according to the perspective let's go back by pressing ctrl or command z now it's time for us to move to step number three with some of you might have already guessed and that is cloning in perspective if you have not noticed yet there's also clone 2 that you can work with in the perspective and in here if you try to clone the lines will match up now in the clone settings there are some options diameter is simply the size of the brush hardness is simply the hardness of the brush we want it to be absolutely soft so we keep the hardness at zero opacity is the opacity of the brush and this is an important one do you want to turn on the healing or do you want to keep it off so what does healing do to understand this let's first learn what healing does not do so if you turn off healing now when you try to sample from a place by holding the alt key or the option key click to take a sample and then now you try to paint something right here okay it is just a simple copy paste with a brush it doesn't change its texture color or anything it doesn't try to adjust just like the clone stamp too it's a dumb tool that just copies and pastes in a brush that's all there is to it however if you turn on the healing now when you try to take a sample and now when you paint right over here and when you release your mouse it'll try to match up it did a pretty bad job because we didn't cover everything but it tries to match up and sometimes dumb works better because then it's just straight forward and we have complete control over it so in this case we're just gonna turn off healing we want it to be dumb so that we can control them now all you gotta do is let's start from right here hold the alt key or the option key click to take a sample and then let's start painting match up the lines make sure everything is aligned and then start painting all right this much is fine for now now i would suggest avoiding doing all at once doing bit by bit gives you more control over it and keeps the tone smoother take a sample from right here again hold the alt key or the option key click to take a sample and then we will try to paint right over here see we made the brush a little too big and it's also bringing up the edge of the pot let's try it again make the brush a little smaller this time take a sample again and start painting make sure everything is aligned it's okay you don't have to do all at once do bit by bit otherwise you will begin to see lines right over here all right it looks pretty much done we can fix the top area later now let's do this area some areas are still a little dark no problem let's take a sample from right here and this time we want to do a little bit of matching so let's turn on healing and try to cover over it there you go let's leave it it'll try to match it up and it has done a pretty good job press ctrl or command 0 to just fit the canvas to the screen and there you go it's pretty much removed hit ok once you're satisfied the problem is still not completely solved have a look there is this area still left out we need to fix that it's simple select the polygonal as the rule and let's make a selection of that area to keep it smooth just give it a little feather by going to select and then modify feather one pixel is fine hit okay and then with the help of the clone stamp tool just take a sample by holding the alt key or the option key click to take a sample make sure sample current and below is selected and then just paint easily fixed press ctrl or command d to deselect and there you go that's how to remove objects placed on complex perspectives with photoshop let's do a quick little recap step number one remove the easy stuff with the help of the clone stamp tool or the healing brush tool the patch tool whichever is your favorite step number two define the perspective by going to filter and then vanishing point just define the plane once you have defined it just remove or clone in perspective by using the clone stem tool right in there and we learned healing what is healing if you keep it turned off and turned on if you keep it turned on it'll try to match the cloned area with the surrounding areas if you keep it turned off it is just a simple copy and paste in a brush just like the clone stem too and step number four is simply finishing touch just removing little defects here and there and that's all there is to it so that's all for this video i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting pixem perfect on patreon and helping me keep fixing perfect tree for everybody forever thanks so much for watching i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep [Music] creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 1,121,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove objects in photoshop, remove anything in photoshop, perspective, vanishing point filter, clone stamp tool, selection, perspective grid, photoshop tutorial, remove things in photoshop, adobe, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: hshPCtAwSuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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