Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Vsauce Glasses Hack!

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Fake news. There was an unrelated product nicknamed 'duck tape' before duct tape was invented. They are not the same thing:

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/Funkybeatzzz 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

So this is a reversed r/boneappletea then

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/zaubercore 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Or heating ducks.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody its Adam from Testim with special guest Michael from Vsauce yes okay um Michael we're doing a project today that involves us going out on the road together on our 40 city tour yes and I've done some stage stuff before but I've always had that little like Britney Spears mic yeah and it makes me feel like a diva it's not really natural no and I will tell you having worn one for multiple tours it never quite molds to your ear correctly they make new ones that clip on both yours and I find it's really constricting plus a change onstage well that's the thing is I want to shirt to come off and not hit anything you want to wage flex it's the whole reason I did this is just like Oh show this off okay so what I found the last tour the last couple of tours I did I was changing my shirt a lot and it was a nightmare it was undoing my mic and I was losing my muffy which is a nightmare and I got a tip from Penn Jillette he does this because they have to do costume changes in Penn & Teller stage show he puts his microphone in his glasses really and so my sound guide Chris actually expect a couple of elements and these are my touring glasses and the cables go back behind my head and this is completely gives me all freedom and a fantastic soundproof and I can't see anything no these aren't bifocals though these aren't bifocals these are transitioned because I haven't I don't need bifocals oxidation yeah it's a problem with transition is when you get older like me the the it doesn't quite work so the whole universe flexes when I move so later all night has that yet I still just use one prescription everywhere young fresh eyes so we are going to build a pair of mic elements into your glasses wait a minute where are those mic elements are the are they over there the little hold on just a second okay this is not fully prepping for the shoot here we have the mic element and we are going to build one of these into your glasses pull disclosure to you guys I either was not told or didn't read the email saying that we were doing this today so I came here with just this pair of glasses so we would use your hero glass there there my day-to-day actual glasses the ones I've worn in every episode since I got them years and now you're gonna be well using tools on them I am you won't notice you know I break now trust me no no no I'm not going to break them and you can see here this is it's a very very small amount of disruption with the visual line of the glasses in fact we're also not even gluing the microphone to the glasses we're gluing a little housing the microphone slips into so yes you can pull that microphone out and wear those glasses just fine and right wouldn't be any trouble cool so shall we let's do it art with a mod now I guess while we're doing this you're going to be blind I'm nearsighted so I can see this stuff pretty well okay it's you guys way out there that are just a blur how your sighted are you because I'm so nearsighted I couldn't read a stop sign from 15 feet away let me see your glasses a stop sign check check it out let's actually read without any glass this makes me want to talk like Michael when then how I talk it's a little bit I'm just trying to be you know articulate and clear I will tell you that the last time we were hanging out in LA and doing writing for this show I came back home and did a tested video and when I was watching the rushes I realized oh my god I sound a little like Michael oh really well I really like the way you speak and so this is sort of infected like a silent kind of like a Ross Geller I don't talk in the same way I talk in videos in real life it's their close sale but it a little more precise and it's a little purse it's a little like also I'm gonna give you guys time to kind of catch up and make sure on the same page yeah and to make sure that I've said everything correctly because I'm gonna look back over what I just said yes correct okay I will be kind of blind so maybe I shouldn't man any tools but we'll see I mean I I can see it clothes pretty well so what I'm going to do is I'm going to be using this tool which is a dremel it is effectively a high-speed spinning rotary bit oh wow we hand see the little flutes on there and how is it different than just a drill it goes much higher speed and I can lower that speed Oh relativity it takes a multitude of different kinds of bits there and I think this little round over will be the one that I want and it'll allow me to carve just a little bit of a channel to give myself better surface area alright Mike thing that we're gluing in there and what's what material are these made out of acrylic um plastic that's a plastic I don't know whether it's acrylic or abs or even a thermoset resin I'm not sure but but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because we're going to be gluing it in with a cyanoacrylate acrylic glue basic great and because we'll be taking this little that little housing right there all I'm doing is creating a little bit of a channel so that that housing has a nice amount of surface area to mate with your glass right all right I would not hurt your lenses so let me put this on there and I want to put this on the left side here and these arms are called they're called temples the whole arm because I usually call it like a maybe an arm I never know what to say temples having messed with and broken glasses for decades I'm actually pretty good at working on them these look like they're quite spread out but they fit your head do you have a larger head than normal I don't think so I think I spread them out because of the way I take them on and off mm-hmm and sometimes I have to retighten them so that they don't get looser and looser yeah they were actually pretty loose when I when I started with them okay so let's see want to match this yeah right about there okay so here we go we're carving into your glass these are going to be the glasses I will be wearing on stage a stirring brain candy you guys are watching it sounds like a dentist's drill yeah it's the same kind of thing it is the deadest Roe works on a very high speed actually even much higher than this yeah we air power yeah did you get this going really fast I'm gonna do both sides alright I see what you've done so far cuz I'm even from this distance without them on I can't see that what's going on I all means so I've just carved a little channel there and I haven't broken the outside line here so that line is the same right and then this little guy here wow this is a little scary to me because these are literally my glasses the only ones I have at least here I think I have some at home that are older but the poor guys it's like seeing your kid get maimed or like being there where your kids getting operated on but I appreciate that yeah you're not changing the silhouette of them I'm trying not to and you know this is a little bump that'll be and my glasses have slightly thicker frame than yours yeah we're going to keep on going down with that channel a little bit to try and just make sure this sinks into the line yeah just possible actually had a radio producer watch my show and at the end of the turn show all she wanted to know was where the hell was my mic yep couldn't find it that looks like a good amount of surface area about my glasses on you can see just how blue my eyes are you see that love you link they're brown they're blue yours are blue mine are very blue it's yeah which is great when I dress up as Chewbacca because Peter Mayhew has blue eyes not many people realize that Chewbacca is blue-eyed I wouldn't have guessed that alright so that is tell me if I'm getting too close and I just don't have any glasses on I am I'm not a claustrophobic human so okay so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to wet the bottom of this in the CA glue and then I'm going to that is a little bit of accelerant that helps the CA glue set immediately let me do that the carbon dioxide in your breath also helps CA glue to color it's not just the moving air it's also the carbon dioxide and I'm also doing that because CA glue can tend to cause crazy on glass on glass or plastic but we shouldn't have much trouble now it should be relatively set here let me just blow it off so we get that once you see how nice and neat that is and that is actually going to be a pretty good hold so if we put this in there oh okay I'm going to need to carve out a little bit more behind it I can't believe I'm doing this to your real glasses I know I mean honestly if you break him it'd be a good story have you ever had fans buy a pair of these because you wear them no because I've worn a lot of different glasses I used to have a pair that were converse brand converse and I did get a few emails about them huh no one asks about these but I've gone through a few different pairs the the backup emergency pair I have at home are totally messed up cuz I took them into a sauna oh and when I left rather than being having temples like this they were bowed out like some kind of hula hoop you know next time we see each other I can fix that and we can fix it yeah I can fix it wait we heat it up again or something mm-hmm I have a hairdryer and some hot water in the next time because they're cool they're like red on the inside I think I only used them in a couple of videos all right okay so I think this is perfect look at that it just slips right in there awesome all right let's pop that in okay and pop the temple on and putting tiny screws in with big dumb fingers always difficult so now you have silvered coloured glasses so in order to route these I am going to use some aluminum tape this is second tested fans know that I love this aluminum tape I use this for making fake swords and what is made out of it's actually luminol it's actually so aluminum with a sticky soft aluminum and a sticky it's used in plumbing plumbers use this all the time for sealing pipes or sealing ducts so this is actually far better for sealing ducts than duct tape why because the one thing that duct tape is the worst at is sealing ducts is it temperature base well yeah and a duct tape tends to take thermal heating and cooling cycles very poorly in a brittle in fact duct tape is not duct tape its original name was duct tape as like the animal yep I thought that was just a pun No so why the why duct tape um because uh because of its waterproof properties Oh but Ducks aren't known for withstanding thermal cycles nope they get brittle yeah which of Ducks do a lot of right this is cool apparently it sounds really good better than right now I've got a mic hidden underneath my sweater which someone had to like reach up and I wore this yeah so I bring these high tech corporate appearances and when I spoke at Ted last year their sound guy like every sound guy I bring these two is a little bit dubious about it but uh when we when I wore it onstage she said it had one of the best sound profiles he'd heard you have to bring this part yes this is universal enough then no I have an adapter for a dad it goes - that's a sure XLR is that right many ish um and I have a 8 inch adapter and what is the grifone actually called that type of microphone so countryman aha and I don't know what well it's in there what it's good but it's a super small little yeah it's probably a v6 which is a b6 um will actually will actually put up the information about what this element is so you guys know about it yeah in case you want to do this yourselves I actually have a couple of friends who have implemented this as a solution for stage work alright this could also be good for people who like to pace around and talk and record what they're saying maybe that's just me but I like to be all alone and just talk out loud and then all of a sudden I'll say things and I'm like what did I just say that was a really good way to say it or that was a good idea so what you really mean is that even if you didn't have a youtube channel you'd be recording what you're saying and even before I had a YouTube channel I was doing what you see me do on a YouTube channel just no one was watching that's all I was all alone in my in my bedroom now I love that at least I can share share the discoveries you're making well the the curiosity that I'm feel and the discoveries that other people have made that I'm celebrating yes sure yeah all right I'm just trying to get this to be really really weird and I have glasses on I put them on first thing in the morning take them off when I go to bed oh and there's sir I mean it's it's literally like I start to get panicked if I don't have them yeah the whole world has collapsed in on me because what I can make out is so much closer now that it's claustrophobic okay there we go almost there and are you saving this down so it's Matt oh right I forgot about that part thank you a little bit of scotch brite I can make it less shiny and slightly more match the texture of your glasses which are now my brain candy glass which is yes yeah those are my touring glasses just I can't talk very much while I'm doing this because it's high degree of concentration ya heard I'd say more but I'm just fascinated by what's going on and what its gonna be like to have these like cyborg glasses oh it's so it's so freeing I can't even tell you you know we have three voices Adam we have three voices wait explain you've got you've got the sound waves that come right out of your mouth like direct and you hear that some of those actually reach the inside of your ear right away right but you also have the reflective voice the way your voice is bouncing off of the things around you so the acoustics of your your entire day yeah here let me grab these you can hear the difference if you hold two cards up in front of your ears now I'm not getting those direct sound waves right from my mouth into my ear hole so you're blocking that so I'm only hearing the how the room is reflecting my voice it's a good way to check like how the room sounds and you look awesome too and you look awesome anyway the third is is something that only you hear it's the voice in your head literally that conducts through your balls a conductive sound cuz yeah your your your jaw bone your cranial bones they vibrate and they move your eardrum as well and that is a much lower frequency that's why it to yourself you sound really more bassy but then you hear a recording of your voice and it's like it's really really sound like that yeah everyone's like yeah that's exactly what you sound like cuz they're not getting the bone conducted noise so that's one of the reasons we hate hearing ourselves in a recording because it's just not accurate it's not it's not really think we sound like yeah it's some stranger whose way tenure and higher pitched I tell people that and you've had this experience I'm sure that you get used to it you get used to hearing your own voice because you kind of I've sort of separate out my camera voice that I hear in my own voice you know it's like it's a character right what give a name for the on screen Adam I did for me it's like it's Vsauce Michael oh right right and they're not that different but I find myself when I'm like trying to talk about something that I find really exciting in real life yeah into that character and being like hold back hold back right you don't want to be performing for your friends as your accent or how you pronounce words changed because of being on TV and having people from all over the world listen to you and complain about that's the that's when I stop reading comments because someone mentioned that I use the word actually too much which is a totally valid complaint but after I read that pretty much for the rest of my life every time I say the word actually I think of that guy and I don't need that kind of noise bouncing around in my head yeah yeah yeah exactly um I haven't learned to ignore those voices I'm trying to learn how to say situation how do you know I sit situation Oh like with the oh shoot I put too much pressure on it and I delaminate it to glue yep okay so cool that's good to know looks like we've got a six you Asian I don't know how to say that word I say Sid situation and I say it all the time and in the comments on YouTube people are like situation with in Washington situation so what I'm doing right now is going yeah I'm giving a little bit of tooth so that the glue has something to grind breaking glasses did you know okay so and I used to say thing for thing for which I'd be like here's the thing aah ang I mean I grew up in Kansas which wasn't quite you know southern but yeah I would always say here's the thing and I couldn't pronounce the difference between a writing pen meaning and a you know sharp pin Oh until I was in college and people were like what are you talking about did you grow up drinking soda or pop you know what I grew up drinking coke oh no way you're from that I'm from that yeah and that is so weird I'm not making this up I worked at a snack shop and people would say hey can I get a coke and I'd be like well yeah what kind we've got sprite Dr Pepper and they'd be like what regular and I'm like Oh coca-cola yeah is a type of coke it's no it's not yes he totally drives me crazy really I don't understand soda is what I would say now but you know I haven't drank soda since I was a sophomore in high school what yeah my first heartbreak occurred then is this episodes about to get really personal and I was a mess I was like I cannot believe that I was rejected yes or I mean I could believe it right I it was it was more sad than I expected yeah and so I decided you know what I'm gonna just I'm gonna make myself better and I ran every other day and I lifted weights that summer and I lost a bunch of weight I got toned up and I stopped drinking soda yeah cuz um you wanted her to regret the decide I wanted her to see me in the fall and go what did I lose ha that's yes that's amazing and and everyone was like you really transformed like how did you do it I so I didn't drink soda you did how did you not drink soda and I was like wasn't that big of a deal so I haven't since yeah but you know what I do drink energy drinks uh and you might say what's the difference you've got I only drink sugar-free ones okay but what's the difference yeah what's the difference you know they're they're below sugar-free ones both have you know carbonated water as a as a face like well literally you rent this off that you've read the stuff that the pheno keto Newark's activate your your glucose receptor is just the same as sugar does your body thinks it your body responds to the diet stuff just as if it's sugar so for me though it's just a linguistic ritual if right you don't drink soda okay so I think we are good so what I've done is I've routed it up the side of the temple using the buffed aluminum tape once we got to the black part of the temple I used a couple of wraps of electrical tape so how do I use them uh you simply fold them up like this and you wear them on your shirt like this and then the mic will pick up all the sound for you Oh brilliant yeah it's really it looks totally natural no one realizes there's a mic there yeah your mic glasses are finished for brain candy and this has been a tested built with Adam Savage and the fabulous Michael Stevens a mic for Mike ol Stevens thanks guys setup on the spot clever
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 2,589,977
Rating: 4.939611 out of 5
Keywords: adam savage, brain candy live, brain candy, vsauce, michael stevens, adam savage one day build, vsauce adam savage, tested one day builds, adam savage vsauce, adam savage one day builds, vsauce and adam savage, one day build adam savage, adam savages one day builds, tested adam savage one day build, adam savage michael stevens, adam savage and vsauce, adam savage's one day builds, one day builds adam savage, vsauce mythbusters, adam savage tested, one day builds tested
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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