Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Spacesuit Glove Wrist Rings!

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hi everybody adam savage uh in my cave with  a a spacesuit part build i we haven't done   one of these in a long time the spacesuits are  always percolating in my head in the background   uh and i have all these plans for spacesuit  stuff but a lot of it's like big big long-term   projects i want to make a xcmu all sorts  of cool stuff but many of the deep dives   have to wait until i have larger blocks of  time to attack them however one just came up   uh one project just came up and i'm dying to  cut my teeth on it so the first spacesuit i   built myself built myself commit the first space  that i put together yeah that's the right one but   it the first spacesuit i put together it was  my mercury suit uh and i had a wonderful uh   uh seamstress here in the bay area  who did the primary sewing of the suit   uh i bought a beautiful replica mercury helmet  and ryan nagata accuratized it i did the boots   twice there's all sorts of little doodads  i did all the hard parts of the suit myself   and the weathering and uh the gloves were  a difficult thing i made myself a pair of   mercury gloves and you know i'm relatively happy  with these gloves as they are or at least i was   until i reached out to my the woman who i hire  frequently to make gloves for me and that is linda   guarese uh she has an etsy store called like linda  uh and linda gorisse made me some mercury gloves   last year and had a couple corrections and i just  got the latest pair of mercury gloves from her and   look at these masterpieces they are still almost  unweathered i've just done one t-stain pass on   the white parts but uh and these are gonna  get a lot dirtier before i'm done with them   but look at these people that this is masterful  masterful work and once i'm done weathering these   i'm gonna have to include a towel so like people  are clear that this is a replica um however as   you'll notice these are missing something that's  on these which is the aluminum connector part   uh and uh through a collector who owns a couple of  real aluminum wrist rings i was able to get some   genuinely tight measurements and that's what i'm  doing today i'm gonna make the wrist rings for my   mercury gloves now i'm not just making one set i'm  actually going to make three sets so that's six   rings and they're couplers yeah it's a lot  i'm actually going to start with making seven   because i'm definitely screwing something  up so we're making seven rings and since the   outer diameter is four inches i got this big  fat beautiful chunk of i think this is 6061.   yeah it is 6061 aluminum and i'm about  to chuck it into the lathe and then yeah there's a lot of steps to this one  and it's going to include some equipment i   haven't used very often which is uh there  are ridges uh around the outer perimeter   which means i have to take  a ring like this and mill in uh detents for these ridges for tightening the  gloves and this involves my dividing head and a   a an easy rest on my mill and dozens and dozens  of passes it's going to begin by chewing this up   on the lathe giving it two nice uh well-aligned  centers and then um once i have that i'm going to   blue this entire thing and lay it out really  carefully because i'm going to basically   i'm going to basically do all of the the milling  of the ridges on this monolithic block and   then i'm going to chuck it back into the  lathe and i'm going to hollow out its center   yeah it's a multi-multi-step process  this is likely going to take me hours but i have been del i've been wanting to  do these neck these wrist rings forever   because my mercury suit let's just look at this  again i mean look i know this is fine you know   it sells it definitely has a feeling and it  evokes but not like this not like this not like   this that's me doing a terrible impression of  switch or is it apot i think it's switch anyway   we are going to dress these up with some  of their harder parts hard to hard to make   and made out of hard stuff all right let's get  started okay one thing that is uh yeah working   with big monolithic blocks like this non-trivial  you don't want them to get away from you   i think four inches is just about the biggest  piece of work this chuck will reliably hold   um and it's actually i'm gonna check the  squareness on his bottom before i do anything yeah that is lovely great i'm glad  i have one reference surface this is   within a couple thou across its  entire face which is freaking ideal this is one in which i really really  really super important that it is highly concentric so i'm gonna  break out uh i'm gonna break out   the uh the indicator and i'm  gonna put it on slow speed turn on this magnet yeah okay so now i've got my  indicator on here and i'm just going to i'm going   to turn it so that it reads me zero and then i am  oh wow i'm gonna spin it and so yeah i'm way out properly centered up i know i should have used  the four jaw chuck but i didn't need to be that   exacting and i got it within about six now plenty  enough for these uh for these wrist rings for me   now i'm just gonna face it and then i'm gonna give  it a little center hole for uh yeah and i'm gonna   give it a center hole so what is that going to  look like that's going to look like let's try that a little bit of artifacting there but  that's just fine for layout great um   right i'm just going to chamfer  the edges tiniest bit so   it's not sharp go yeah nice it's now exactly  square on both ends okay exactly is a charged term   i'm going to say it is now close enough to  square on both ends that end and that end so   now it's time to do a fairly hell of a setup a  fairly intense setup on the milling machine yeah   looks like iron man is like staring at the milling  machine like he doesn't know what to do with it   well i mean he wouldn't would he well  it's just an empty costume isn't it yeah   in it yeah this is a um yeah so this is one of  those operations in which i gotta pull the vice   and i don't like pulling the vise because i don't  like truing it back in it's it's 15 minutes i know   it's not that much but i gotta pull it bias so  that's what i'm gonna do as always every time you   have to pull your vice and you clean and you're  you're uh freeing up the ways sorry the the bed   of your mill is a good time to clean them all out  make sure everything is nice and flat and square   these are the vice they're just gonna live  there this guy yeah you're coming with me tomorrow right all right let's introduce you to uh  one of these tools so this right here   this right here is a a rotary head for  the mill so when i turn this handle   it's not locked down right now but if i turn  this handle the head moves and i can read   how much it's moving on the increment dial  down here uh in degrees it also has a uh a   hole plate here for certain divisions i  don't have the full set of hole plates   i plan to make those at some point just uh not  necessarily super important for this build um but   this also has a tilting head and so what i'm going  to do is i'm actually going to place it like this   i'm going to tilt the head down to 90 degrees  then i'm going to there we go then i'm going to   chuck this piece of aluminum into that chuck and  i'm going to support it on the other side with   this bad boy yeah all of that is about to happen  uh and then once i have it supported across that then i'm gonna start making some cuts but first  but first is the layout and that is getting   this whole thing blue and making the marks and  making it really clear to myself to future me   exactly what i'm cutting away and exactly what i'm  leaving so i ran into an issue in which the jaws   of my dividing hand are actually not big enough  to grab four inches so i used some of my deming   bits to hog out an inch and a half hole here  and i'll use the negative pressure i'll use the   opening pressure of the jaws to hold on to this  and they're built for this they've got radii   on their outside edges so that should work just  fine um i'm not making big deep cuts in this if i   was i'd probably open this up to be much  wider to give myself a wider base but   i'm literally making cuts that are like all  my all of my final dimensions are within 100   of the outer dimensions of this thing so  it's all very light cuts very quick passes   here's hoping all right it's time for some layout  this is going to take a little while because   well there's a lot of moving parts to this and i  want to get it right so for the uninitiated layout   is a process whereby you mark the piece that  you're going to cut with all of your plans   on how you're gonna cut it great yeah nice i  really like i want this surface to be super clean   uh the cleaner it is the better my marks will  be and the better my final product will be yeah and lordly knows i have certainly  screwed up enough space parts by   moving hastily to want to move  methodically through this one   you know what i'm going to chuck this into  the lathe and hit it with some scotch brite all right yeah you see the difference okay so now  we're going to blue it up i have grown to vastly   prefer the brush on marking fluid to the spray  marking fluid i find that when i spray on the   marking fluid uh it tends to go on a little too  thick and it tends to crack around my lines which   is like exactly the opposite of what it's supposed  to do so while i still do uh spray for big sheet   material the fact is uh when i'm doing the smaller  amounts i'm definitely going with the brush on oh i should probably check this into the lathe for   this because it's so much fun to do  on the lathe hang on yeah this year this is like click spring material here watch this there we go yeah let's let it spin a little longer uh right now i'm just making a set of reference marks do do so here is the four inch billet that will eventually  be some of my wrist connectors it is sitting on a   dividing head on a rotary head that is laid  down to 90 degrees i have used an indicator   to make sure that it is perfectly level and  that it spins within fourth house of true   that is as good as i'm gonna get and i'm happy  with that i've got an easy rest in the other side   the uh the this guy has to stand up on uh at three  inches so i use some one two three blocks to do   that and then i lock it down with the clamps and  the same thing with the easy rest also lock down   with the clamps when you are clamping up and  setting up work like this you gotta go slow   you gotta go methodically gotta just make sure  you've indicated every last thing that you can   think because the things that you you could be ten  thou out at one end and it turns out you're fifty   thousand at the other end and like i can almost  see ten though i can definitely see fifty thou   so uh this took the better part of the  last hour and that's fine that's exactly um   exactly what i expect then it turns out that i  didn't i have to cut this little v groove and   that's for these little you know these there's  11 positions with these street and i got to cut   a v groove out of that at 60 degrees and that's  what that is that's a standard uh thread cutting   but i don't i don't have the the thing i don't  i don't have a bit that cuts a perfectly um   angular bottom 60 degree cut that's 100th out deep  i've got a router blade which does a kind of uh   uh what do you call it a hollow grind  so i'm gonna try that i'm gonna run   that down the path of this like have i totally  screwed up i have a whole second piece of uh   a four inch that i can yeah that i can still  use uh and i'm gonna be taking notes because   whatever operation i'm gonna do to  get this first pass of the three bumps   i'm gonna be repeating that operation eleven  times 11 times welcome to the 11 times   um so yeah i think with all that being said it's  now maybe plausibly time for me to get cutting there we go yes yes 40 thousand correct yeah it's like  yeah 41 000 absolutely dead on the money   this is a terrifying cut to me let's spin it up all right i made my first cut and it's ass  it's terrible it's terrible cut plus yeah that here's the problem with a v-groove cut  with a sharp bottom is that the point   of any cutter you have at the bottom of  that valley is effectively not moving it's just moving a lot slower than the  outside the same way that the center of a car   tire is spinning at the same amount of  rpm but covering much less distance than   the outside of the car tire does that  make sense at any rate this idea of a   central cutter cutting each channel not  gonna work not gonna work at all if you   are a machinist with some experience you were  probably yelling at the screen the whole time   i am now going to do something really weird  i'm going to take one of these slitting saws   which is just shy of 80 000 thick which is  exactly what i need and i am going to grind it   i'm going to grind its profile there into a 60  degree cut ish using a very precise machine tool   known as the flap wheel grinder let's get  dressed up for the occasion shall we hello oh barely making a dent i want to spin in the  right direction i want to spin in that direction   yeah and then it's self-tightening yep  making some progress all right keep trying bingo okay so today is the day of the dropping  stuff and i know it's not recommended   usually when i drop something more than once it's  a sign i just need to slow down a little bit yeah   this ought to work so for reference this is  a slitting saw it is a saw blade for the mill   for pulling material out in a nice shallow channel  okay now i've taken a slitting saw that's the   same as that and i've cut it on an angle so now  it's a sharp now it's got this roughly hang on   let's see here yeah it's a it's got a roughly 60  degree angle uh i really don't think any space   enthusiasts are going to be checking my angle  work there and this is actually a slitting saw   arbor with an r8 bottom uh luckily the arbor  gave me enough room to grab on my lathe here   uh and the grinder yeah did really nice work  on uh hold on let me see if i can there you go   see that is that chamfer that's some it's a nice  straight chamfer it should give us a good channel here we go all right let's try putting in this  slitting saw arbor and seeing where we can get to that i want to raise this up a little bit i don't want   i want as little cantilever  out as i can get away with so in fact i'm actually going to move  this slitting saw up on the arbor here oh you won't go past that  okay i feel you i feel you all right i have succeeded in  balancing my slitting saw on the arbor   it looks like i'm making a cut it looks  like that cut is real let's give this a shot all right that's sort of  working let's keep on going do do okay hello i have completed a set of  passes on this four inch billet um   the passes that i've completed are for the little  triangles the 11 sets of three triangles that run   around the circumference of the mercury wrist  rings and i'm about to do depth cuts to uh   to finish off the outside of this piece  but i wanted to pause here for a second   and talk about why i find this particular kind  of machining so difficult uh the main reason is   that i'm an impatient uh i am an impatient monkey  wearing shoes and i like to get things done and   let's be clear about what this took i had  to experiment with a bit i then had to work   with some slitting sauce and then to figure  out how to make my slitting sauce fit on my   arbor then i had to sharpen my slitting  saw at a 60 degree angle then i had to   figure out the correct number of degrees to  do these passes there are 11 groups of three   triangles each and it takes four passes to isolate  those three triangles so that's 44 passes and i   did it twice because the first time i don't didn't  think i went deep enough so that's 88 passes using this slitting saw here and every  single one of those passes has the potential   to ruin this piece and the simple  fact is is until really until lockdown   i was rarely able to get into the headspace of  like this is just going to take whatever time it's   going to take i mean sure an excellent machinist  or a cnc machinist could get this done in a   fraction of the time it's taking me but that's not  the point the point is this is what's happening   so yesterday i came in and i was thinking i'd make  some wrist rings but it took me all day just to   do about half of the passes on this  this morning i came in and finished that   but i have no expectation about where  i'm going to get at the end of today   and that's a big leap for me as a maker   because you know i have get to i have get it done  itis i like to finish every day with a tangible practical marker of the work that i have  done that day not every day ends with that   one has to be okay with that and by one i  mean me so next set of problem solving is going to happen next so do foreign um so uh okay there it is this is my billet  of aluminum on which i've cut   the 11 clusters of triangles  plus the middle switch uh uh   slot i gotta tell you like there's lots of little  things that are off about this but i believe i'll   be able to adjust each individual one again i'm  only trying to make six of these i think i can   only get six i might only be able to get four out  of here and that's fine if i can only get four   it's totally fine but i'd like to get six it's  time to chuck this thing into the lathe now scary um just to be clear on this guy i just made well over 125 passes total over two  days on this single four inch piece of aluminum   um that is a uh a lot of a lot of machining   and a lot of like prognosticating about  what's going to give me problems later but i didn't mess up anything too bad there  are small differences between this and the   real thing but not so much as that anyone  would really notice but me and maybe a few   other people i'm looking at you ryan uh but that  feels like an accomplishment and man this like this is filthy you can't it's maybe hard to see it  but like yeah a lot of aluminum powder everywhere   i have to think carefully  before i remove this from its   from its stand because right now it's  all like lined up this is a zero in   the center this is yeah you know i don't  want to mess up any other persuasion but i'm checking my list i'm making  my list and i'm checking it twice   and it looks like i can i can  pull this off of its stand   i'm just gonna make sure and then i guess the  next time i talk to you i'll be at the lathe well uh i didn't want to go too much farther  without checking in with you hang on let's   do this and we'll take a look at this so uh  here is my future mercury suit wrist rings   sitting as a monolithic billet of aluminum uh and  what i did was i started with a half inch drill   and then in um quarter inch increments i went half  inch three quarter one inch one and a quarter one   and a half one and three quarter and two and now  i'm using this big fat boring bar and i'm just   slowly removing the interior radius radius of  this until i it's going to be as the internal   diameter is what i want it to be for the wrist  rings once i have that then i'm going to start   cutting these off and again i'm hoping to get  four or six out of this we'll see my wrist   the boring out of the middle of my wrist  rings is almost complete it took some doing   uh this big honking chunk of aluminum i probably  could have gone with some thick wall pipe but i   had the stock and so i decided to go with  this stock but at a certain point so i was   peeling it off beautifully using this little um  there we go this little high-speed steel tool   i was taking off about a quarter of  an inch in a pass and it was going   fantastically and then all of a sudden it's sort  of just shattering like oh and just was terrible   oh yeah the whole thing was ringing uh and  i fixed it with a couple of things one was   i realized i didn't have enough grabs so i added  some uh wooden wedges here under the jaws because   i was a dummy and i'm only grabbing with this  bottom part and then i added some rubber bands   here to help kill the resonance that was a tip  i uh victor broadly gave me when i texted him   someone is at the front door someone is not  at the front door alexa is lying to me uh but   i'm about to make the final pass for the interior  of this i think yeah it's almost yeah it's very   close to the final pass and uh then it's  gonna be time to start cutting these off   there's still a bunch of finishing to do  and i'm gonna tumble these parts but yeah   yeah two days so far man this is fairly  involved you can tell my my hair is crazy   all right here we go so now i have the interesting  challenge of cutting slices off of this guy   um and not having a chatter and that's where a  very specialized piece of equipment i own comes in   and it's this this is a bull nose  uh rotating center and it will go in my steady rest excuse me my  tail stock and it will allow me   to hold on to this thing and be really nice and  rigid about how i'm holding on to it there we look go that okay i'm excited about this part do do do do i have just cut off the first wrist  ring and on a cursory glance it's not bad   it's not amazing but it's not bad got my 11  clusters of three triangles each that are roughly   230 thousands across about a hundred thou high   plus my button activation plus  the interior diameter of this   is exactly three and a half inches which will  fit this tubing which will help connect to yeah i may get six i'm shooting  for six but i may only get   i may only get uh four of these but  we're shooting for six here we go oh it's pretty look at that yeah okay uh so the next step with these is um  i'm gonna tumble them in my ceramic media tumbler   that's the next step uh and then i'm gonna  i managed to get uh two sets of wrist rings   that's enough for both of my mercury suits uh  and i'll make a mold of this to share with other   of my fellow mercury suit makers because none of  us has made this uh this risk coupling yet i mean   i probably could have bought  like quarter inch thick wall   four inch diameter tubing that  probably would have been a lot easier what it could have should have  right i'm going to set up my   tumbler and then i'm gonna get to uh sanding and  doing some finishing on these final parts as well   okay guys uh i had hoped that this would be a one  day video it is so not a one day video it's not   even a one part video in fact it's cutting so long  we decided to stop it here and cut the rest of it   into a second video but uh like make sure we're  all on the same page uh at this point i finished   uh four connectors i was hoping for six but i  end up with two pairs four of them and i'm really   really happy with how they look i'm  never going to machine this part again   so i'm very pleased with how they are um and  in the next video will be how i finish these um   i want them to look and feel like genuine  diet in the wool 100 usa nasa parts   and in order to achieve that specific type of  look i'm going to bring in a brand new piece of   equipment you guys haven't seen before and i don't  know if i've even talked about it very much before   um but that should be a specialized thing  for the next video for right now thank you   guys for watching this video and i will see you  next time thank you guys so much for watching   that entire video if you would like to support  tested even further well i'm here to tell you   that you could become a member if you follow  the links below you'll see there are several   tiers of membership depending on how much you'd  like to pay and how much access you would like   to me and the tested team and membership comes  as always with some excellent benefits including   uh questions that i'll answer in live 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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 171,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: testedcom, adam savage, nasa, tested, spacesuit, adam savage space suit, adam savage mercury, adam savage tested, tested space suit, adam savage (tv producer), adam savage cosplay, astronaut suit, ryan nagata, mercury spacesuit, one day builds, one day build, adam savages one day builds, adam savage one day build, one day builds tested, one day builds adam savage, adam savage one day builds, adam savage space suit build, adam savage space suit upgrades, adam savage mercury suit
Id: fM9FtG01wMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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