Adam Savage Builds Isaac Newton's Death Mask Box!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RelevantMeaning5643 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2023 đź—«︎ replies

Very cool!!!! Adam must be stoked!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/realS4V4GElike 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2023 đź—«︎ replies
Isaac Newton inventor of calculus laws of gravitation the Milling on the side of coins anti-counterfeiting Isaac Newton so why is there a death mask of Isaac Newton well because he was a notable personage personage personage Persona back then and uh that was the kind of thing they did they did that sort of thing and secondly I met the original of this which looks like this at the Royal Society last year he's reminding me of someone is it Robin Williams does it look a little like Robin Williams at any rate I visited the Royal Society last year in London and it was a transformative experience totally amazing astounding and when I was there they brought out Isaac Newton's death mask they have it there they have the original this is it it's this is a crazy object I I I it's insane and it's in an archival box um and it's in an archival box I just keep wanting the puppet to come uh which means it's in a cardboard box and Brady Herron and I were laughing and tingling it should have a more it it could use a better container and so I made the offer to the Royal Society I was like you know I could build a container for Isaac Newton's death mask I could build something that would that would hold it perhaps in a more um refined look it's doing fine in a cardboard box and I think we should talk about what I mean when I say archival wait actually let me get to the point of this video which is already you clicked on the title you'll understand um I'm going to build a new container for Isaac Newton's death mask I'm going to bring it to the Royal Society and we will transfer Isaac Newton's death mask from its cardboard box into the box that I am making nothing could make me more excited I am so freaking happy about this this is like crazy great so I have some plans I have not determined exactly what those plans precisely are at the second but I'm going to mock it up in foam core right now yeah I'm going to mark it up in foam core today and then I'm going to build it uh out of some more solid materials but let's talk for a second about archival things um archival is a specific term of Art in art and storage of Antiquities that means no further damage will befall the thing within its storage so archival storage is storage that's not adding any chemicals or exposure both are problems for Antiquities exposure to ultraviolet light exposure to temperature and humidity changes exposure to touching and manipulating by people and uh and by chemicals so in the olden days they would build boxes out of wood and put their stuff in them but wood is a natural material made of compounds of probably tens of thousands of different compounds that make up what wood eventually is and some of those compounds deteriorate they off gas they release some of their chemistry and those gases can damage things when you are at the art store and they said they they're selling you they sell you acid free paper well what is an acid-free paper newspaper is not acid free paper it's one of the reasons it turns yellow I look I might be wrong it's been a long time since I looked that up but I believe that's what the case is so acid free papers are papers that will not uh change over time they will remain stable um and within art conservation there are all sorts of different delineations of archival aspects and look people ask me all the time about whether or not I use 3D printing in my process and part of it is the answer is mostly no part of the reason for that is that the practice in here is meditative and healing for me of working with my hands and so the getting there to the object by physically making it is what the Endorphin release release is based on but the other reason is that most 3D printing processes are not super archival uh resin printer certainly mostly not archival in my experience I've had prints sit on the shelf that slowly deteriorate over time uh they can also be more uh uh uh they can be more vulnerable to ultraviolet life foreign my favorite 3D printing process is what this is made out of which is centered nylon highly stable I believe pretty archival um nylon more archival actually than Delrin one of my favorite materials Delran let me grab a Chuck here Delrin whose chemical name is acetyl uh I think delrin's a brand name acetyl uh is a great plastic it's a machining plastic it's bearing plastic it's one of the bread and butter materials in the shop there is no Delrin up on an International Space Station and the reason for that is Delrin off gases Delrin never stops releasing a little bit of I don't know if it's deterioration that is off-gassing but uh yeah I'm not sure if it's officially deterioration from a chemistry standpoint but it's always releasing some chemistry and that chemistry can damage old things in spectacularly unknown unknowable ways and so the goal for me is to build a highly stable completely inert box that releases no chemistry whatsoever to damage this Priceless artifact I might make two of these one for myself and one for the Royal Society because well I gotta have one to house my Robin Williams [Music] um and the cardboard box that I first met Isaac Newton's face in is totally archival it is uh acid free cardstock heavy paper with crimped metal Corners it's very durable and museums the world over protect all of the most important things with effectively cardboard boxes so there's no there's nothing wrong with that per se yeah and I'm gonna go overboard in the building of my in the building of my box and the reason is because I can look museums have I mean the Royal Society I didn't know I don't know what their budget is but like they have a lot to take care of that requires infrastructure and that infrastructure has a cost a direct cost uh and so they go for the less expensive solutions that doesn't mean they're any less durable they're just less expensive hence why Newton is in a cardboard box I don't want anyone to think that somehow the Royal Society is like a sleep on the job and not storing their collection correctly they are totally um but I am just one guy with my own shop and I can afford to get some aluminum and make ridiculously over engineered box for Isaac Newton's death face um and give that to the Royal Society and my hope is that the Box itself will survive the collapse of that building if such a thing were to happen oh right so what you can see here is a sort of mix of organic forms and then these um facets here this arrangement of triangles as it were polyhedra um uh that is the I'm going to cut this along the line of its transition so that I have an accurate here is the death mask from the side you'll see it's not in the most spectacular shape it's plausible that that's what came out of the mold when they first did it um yeah how would they mold a dead guy's face they would use a soft plaster to do the negative uh and they would literally just like the guy's dead they'd go to the corner they'd like slather some plaster on the dead guy's face then they pull that off once it sets which is only a few minutes it's an exothermic reaction that's why plaster gets hot when it sets they pull it off then they pour a stone plaster something much harder into the negative and then they literally Hammer off the soft the soft plaster I I can't believe this works but this is really how it's been done for millennia Millennia okay hundreds of years at least um so yeah first thing is for me to cut and I have two prints of Isaac Newton's face and I've already drawn the line here in Sharpie all the way around the perimeter and I'm about to cut that then I will break out some foam core and some hot glue I'm already heating up my hot glue gun uh and I will mock up Isaac Newton's death mask archival storage box this is great I'm super psyched up [Music] what I've got here is a reciprocating saw but that speed will just melt this nylon so I want to put a regulator in line with the feed [Music] oh all right [Music] crazy all right well that will do let's uh open that hole in here foreign [Music] [Music] come on there we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh look at that [Applause] foreign [Music] I printed these the wrong size so I'm gonna print them again and then we'll be back to this [Music] I thought I should show you my Hardware so in addition to 6061 I'm going to use these aluminum handles one on either side and I've got stainless 832 button heads there for the hinges for this box I have an old pair of nagra hinges these are aluminum uh and I've got some uh stainless metric screws that fit those for the closure I've got these stainless these wonderful stainless uh yeah I've got these they're stainless they're lockable if one wanted to unnecessary however it's possible and I've got all the hardware I need for that that is also going to be metric we're going to have a mix of metric and Imperial fasteners not much to say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I've been mucking about and I've got a box that I'm happy with it fits all the hardware that I have I like the handle there I like the I like the closing clasps they're a little large but I don't mind that we can pull those into here install the hardware and then we've got here this will open like this um and then the face will sit here look at that look at all that room around uh right signature [Music] foreign ly toying around with the idea of etching Isaac Newton's signature into the top of this that is an idea that I have that is what it would look like and then it would have the handles here I mean kind of great I kind of like that opens like that pull out Newton amazing yeah yeah okay um I think this is enough to get started uh oh wait where are so I think it would go like this I would have [Music] 2.55 are they consistent all right that's what we're gonna do we're gonna do it that way I like that side I am going to cut this box and then I'm going to cut this box [Music] this is stealthily tricky I have a material here whose thickness varies here and there I had a thou or two but that can that could still throw you off and I'm gonna have um what'll end up being 32 tiny screws 16 on either side and 16 top and bottom 32 uh tiny 440 screws stainless these guys and if I'm off by even a tiny amount I could be screwing whole Parts here so I have to move methodically and carefully I know that the two main defining pieces are the top and the bottom oh let's um name there so my two main pieces top and bottom they're going to be 12 by 7 point by seven and change so I'm going to cut them about an eighth of an inch over and then I'm going to square them up on the mill is that really what I'm going to do so the issue that I'm dealing with is that I've got these pieces of aluminum that are going to be this big uh seven and a half give or take and 12. and maintaining perf I want to maintain perfect squareness and parallelism among all these sides and that's a fairly it's just a larger object for me and I have to think through it it's not necessarily super complicated I want to make sure I get it right [Music] this piece of aluminum is exactly 12 inches wide and it's manufactured that way it's actually extruded in this in this form factor it's not made in a sheet this is a Extrusion Edge so I am going to um yeah that means I don't necessarily have to I still need the angle plate over on the mill for drilling The Edge holes foreign so what I want to do is I want to cut two of these at seven and a half yeah that's it [Music] all right um the fact is I'm being slightly lazy because I don't want to have to keep trimming in the Vise but I'm gonna have to keep trimming in the Vise so I'm going to pull the Vise um and I'm going to pull the Vise and clamp these directly to the table something I've always been able to do but I've never done now uh I'm going to clamp them all three together is that really the case yeah I think that is exactly the case because I'm going to uh yeah okay so uh uh here we go uh let's pull those foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is yep okay [Music] all right what I'm doing now is I'm trimming all four sides to their exact full correct height [Music] I'm going to let this and turn this whole thing over and that should get me the parallelism I'm hoping for that clean that out yep turn that over I'm using the one two three blocks to spread a little more holding and clamping power up top that is nice and tight when I cut this it should be totally parallel I missed the mosquito all right so let's see here [Music] all right nice good happy I'm gonna do this box the way I build all of my boxes which is I'm going to build it monolithically and then I'm going to slice the lid out I know it's aluminum but I'm comfortable enough with the finish and operation I'm getting out of this big three flute High spiral cutting bit that I think that I can go and flatten both sides and that means that the Box joins itself so uh right I think I can separate these out lovely [Music] ah right right I've got to ah yes yes yes yes yes these are the same size [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] it's like three seven five inches information so that means I do want a stop here that I can do for all four sets of these holes yes once I come up with the numbers then I'm doing or four and the numbers don't change they just change direction right yeah and these are yeah that can actually work in my favor so I can do the stop here like this let's get a clamp [Music] [Music] [Music] four sets of holes and so all right um foreign three holes in either side of these and [Music] just making sure I'm the whole thing uh so that's locked in that's locked in uh the diameter of my hole is going to be eighth of an inch ah dropper drills here you come 1 8 of an inch that's it and I think I can go with the 1 8 yes look at that that's great so here's what we're gonna do and what we can do is we drill the three holes and they are at and when they make this Mark 7.034 7.8 oh three foreign [Music] thank you [Music] Yeah I broke a tap I said I couldn't afford to break a tap but I broke one and luckily I broke it in a way that is actually repairable and achievable and I'm actually pulling it back out and it was mostly because I was singing I was like excited about the music it reminded me of courting my wife uh and there we go one disaster mildly averted okay so um outside outside okay outsides are all X X's X's X's now what I've got are [Music] these businesses so if these [Music] now I've got the real task here this is the tricky part I've got to I've got to drill the tapped holes that allow these two holes to go into these guys so uh yeah I'm gonna set that up [Music] so play Wonderwall a cover here's wonderful the royalty free version [Music] foreign [Music] hole there's three different site look at my hands for every hole I'm drawing there's three different sizes there's through hole that's 1 8 of an inch there's a tap hole that is a number 42 number drill um and I drilled the tap holes with through holes which means that the 440 screws I'll show you one they go in these holes how do I mess how did I mess that up well I wasn't going through my checklist but I can fix that because what I can do is use Helicoil in a little thread repair in there and that's what I'm going to do we're going to heal the coil and fix these [Music] too scary I'm gonna do it by hand [Music] [Music] okay [Music] let's stop the box is assembled it's really darn close it is hard it is difficult to make a thing like this at this level of um Perfection is complex and I've built it all monolithically and so now I'm about to slice it and I'm going to use a slitting saw yeah I know [Music] um so let's see I was gonna use the table saw and then I remembered that I'm not stupid it's not that it's just yeah no that's a ridiculous thing to do it really is that would be it's probably doable but I'm not gonna try it uh I want to give it a gentle bump to this way can use it [Music] [Music] thank you oh you're broken [Music] all right thank you [Music] I messed up um [Music] um I didn't tighten this down and the blade cracked but because it didn't tie it down and the vibration was happening it was climbing the cut was climbing so I mucked up a bunch of work I've already done I'm letting it sink in I can I can push this whole thing back to the next time I go to London it doesn't have to be next month actually leaving for London in a week and a half it doesn't have to be then I can push it to the next time I go nobody's waiting on this [Music] here it is it's 5 45 and I decided to take one last cut and that's what happened [Music] um I can do a couple of things here there's a couple of options open to me I can um [Music] [Music] true huh [Music] [Music] let's go back and get our original position set another workout how to fix the up [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right this might not be such a total disaster we will see [Music] I want to show this to you oh what a horror show oh yeah love it all right let's turn this off all right I'm gonna do a finished cut on this and we'll see what we got success um success ish I was able to uh just gonna pack out and go home and then I realized I should show you where I got to it so my uh my slitting saw did indeed climb and it's the reason that the screws here are so close to the edge I'm fine with that years from now when you're visiting the Royal Society and they break this out and you see and someone says I wonder why they're so close also have here my to do or tomorrow you have two more days to finish this if I need it and I did clean up the inside edges look at that isn't that lovely um it is fascinatingly complex to make a big Square thing little tiny differences really show and really feel and I mean right here I'm like I'm within half a thousand over here it's like a thou and it's not it's not cool man and I actually think it's quite adjustable I think there's some movement I can do here and you know once I get this whole thing built I'm going to take it all apart I'm going to uh clean all the parts with uh chemicals and you know make them super super clean then I'm gonna put it back together and I'm going to use Loctite in the uh actually I've told I'm told again remember uh I'll have to look this up I'm told that I might not need Loctite anyway when you see me next which is just another shot or two uh I will be proceeding on this to-do list hey it's the new morning and everything looks great I'm really happy you know what I love I love this business I love seeing I love seeing the model oh wait yeah that is I love seeing the model next to the thing as it's being built this is a one of my favorite tableaus so I'm going to add four screws in the corner of this guy down here because yeah I wonder actually you know what I could almost do it on the bottom yeah I certainly could I may do this in a kind of a I need four I need four more screws in here for uh the correct symmetries and I'm considering I'm considering a couple of methods of doing that um but it's going to be on the mill so we're gonna get started [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm using the machine Jack here uh to push this out these original pieces of aluminum I was working with had a slight curve to them um they had a slight bow and I positioned the meat so I could take out that bow take when I feel like I succeeded so here we go last hole [Music] foreign [Music] oh I need new threads in you I guess yeah all right that's not a problem okay so that's that now it's time for the back for the hinges for the hinges yeah hey so on the back we have the hinges yeah and these I think are M3s but we will learn soon [Music] foreign [Music] dude yeah very happy that is really nice so let's cross off some things here we added four screws in the corners we've set up and drilled the hinge holes we set up and drilled the handle holes we have not drilled those we have not done that we have not done that all right that is one hell of a box the hardware installation of continues a pace uh I think I could use the same they're not they're totally not Okay so let us see how we're gonna do this um [Music] foreign cool so I will Center up on that guy yeah come on [Music] [Music] I almost got into real trouble there the reason being is because these bits of these stainless clasps I have these are boat hardware and they're they're clearly kind of handmade but the thing that I decided to check at the last second was so I'd measure the distance across there 675 and the height between these two five seven five but I did not confirm that both of these sets of holes were the same distance apart and they were not 675 here 775 down here thank goodness I checked because now all the holes line up and I'm gonna get the yeah I'm gonna get that in there whoo says me to my own self okay uh [Music] it's worth talking to you about Helicoil so what I've got here are some aluminum handles that I have put enough screws into and tested out that they're a little bit munged and so what you do with the Helicoil is it's basically this little spring whose cross section is exactly that of an 832 thread and then you use this installation tool and you pop it in there and you get it past the surface and I'm gonna go one one notch past and then what you end up with is a stainless thread that is sitting in there in the aluminum it's a very very positive grab now at the bottom of the helicoils this little arm and that arm allows your installation tool to catch the arm and guide it in and then once you've guided it in past this point yep past the surface wonderful um I will show you what we do next so it puts a helicoil here on the insulation tool now I can turn it now I feed it into the hole here uh-huh this is a absolute savior ass in a mission critical situation type of tool Helicoil they're also called thread repair um and uh oh right so that little arm thing you get rid of that and you get rid of it with a little knocker usually something like like this sorry something like this it's basically just like a little stick and you do this and you hit it and that little arm piece breaks off and comes out because the steel is hardened and super brittle um and that makes it ideal for yep that makes it ideal for snapping that little arm off um but because it's so hard it is highly so the demo I heard about these was that uh somebody stripped a hole in an aluminum block and stalled a helicoil go and then strip the head off the bolt once the Helicoil was installed into the aluminum block I.E the Healer coil put so much extra strength into the hole that the Bolt's head came off before the thread stripped out of the aluminum so yeah I think that gets us where we want to go uh right I want to file those down [Music] foreign foreign [Music] so that's the one excellent okay so now I think we can put in the handles and the handles are these guys [Music] here she is [Music] handles latches whole body is aluminum as are the handles all the hardware is real stainless uh there it is there's the case dude [Music] wishing I had made two of these because I don't want to make another one for myself I always want one of the things I make for myself this is gonna be hard to part with I'm Gonna Miss This um okay so wait let's see where we are from here uh setup and drill latches holes yeah add 440 volts lid in Corners yep uh make Teflon feet let's do that Teflon a marvelously inert substance will make Ideal Feet for this they will not scratch anything you put it on and they don't Off cast Delrin of all things off gases I know uh so I'm just gonna Chuck this into the lathe and drill a through hole I'll figure out what I'm gonna use to hold these on and then I'm gonna make four of them so those are three millimeter let's see texture for 40s I may add some more they're not positive um actually no uh Optical punch come back I'm going to put these feet in using the drill press I don't need to Chuck this into a elaborate loading up the Teflon feet cleaned up a bit it's nice to clean up between projects Teflon feet and then the etching are the last thing before the final cleaning and spit and polish oh right and then I have to do the interior that's a whole separate deal so we're gonna yeah people [Music] so uh I've set a clean work surface I'm laying my to be etched piece here uh we're gonna get out some literal acid brushes I'm going to put on some gloves okay there we go I'm going to put a little bit of the ferric chloride into a cup and then pour it from there rather than just dump it from the bottle I'm not going to use a lot probably less than that okay here we go pouring in the etchant yeah that should be enough oh there we go you can see it's already starting to Bubble [Music] and apparently you're supposed to move the bubbles away [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you ah so uh washed neutralized and peeled and there is Isaac Newton's signature and it's a nice it's a nice deep edge it's dimensional I think it's at least a couple thou a couple thou deep uh what is that uh 0.05 of a millimeter anyway uh [Music] yeah fourth house point one of a millimeter yeah there we go um so uh I'm really happy it's time to start doing some of the final fit and polish of this thing and uh I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna set up here [Music] okay [Music] all right I'm putting the finishing touches this is uh this is the hard part of this project done the actual archival case uh next is to get the foam and Tyvek and other parts that will seat Mr Newton Mr Newton uh inside this box but right now I'm gonna call it a day a very good day yup and get the hell out of Dodge [Music] here we go Newton look at his name there it is don't wear it out all right see you in the morning next steps um I realized I've got to add a couple pieces of data to the outside of this one I forgot I want to sign it and I'm going to sign it here on the center of the bottom two I want to make a little card holder for it something like actually sorry I can't find it but here's what it looks like it looks like something like this with a window cut out here and it would sit right here so what you can see yeah I mean that's that's that would look great right there so this is me playing around and trying it for the first time using a chisel and a hammer and so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make a little card holder foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's better than I thought I was going to get to be fair that's a that's a nice little detail how about that [Music] well I'm pleased that was my practice and there is about an hour of work my final I didn't know I could do that that's a nice looking part that looks like a real thing I'm very happy let's put it let's put it in [Laughter] put one in and then we put a second one in and then we do the other two at once [Music] this allows you room to fix your mistakes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it's finally here it's finally here we're almost done okay so uh I have completed the physical form factor of the Box the hinges are lovely the clasps are reliable uh the opening is delightful and uh this is a real suitable home for Sir Isaac Newton's face uh it is time to line this and fill it with the foam for housing uh this guy and in this I'm going to follow some Museum best practices um specifically in the choice of material and glue so the material is uh some open cell polyethylene some open cell polyethylene which is uh very inert substance that means that um over time it does not change its chemical composition it is not in a state of flux it's not off gassing it's not releasing any volatile organic compounds or any others into the air this is sort of like the bread and butter of Museum storage uh and still even you don't let archival objects touch the uh the foam the ethylene foam you actually use Tyvek which is a non-woven inert Teflon based fabric I believe Teflon anyway my knowledge of its material composition notwithstanding that is the general one-two punch of Museum storage is you use uh the F the the the ethylene foam for for the padding and for any place in which the object is touching the foam you line it in uh Tyvek this is the same stuff they make the white painters suits out of and specifically thank you use this kind of low melt uh Hot Melt glue uh this is literally like the exact right stuff I it turns out that I already had it that was awesome so I'm going to be cutting some layers of this foam to fill this box and then I'm going to be cutting them out to hold the face and I'm going to also be making a part of the lid it also holds the face yeah yeah get started oh actually first up um is uh I need to cut all of this foam yeah I need to cut this foam so it fits in here so it fits in the box so I'm just going to take these over to the table saw great this is just what I wanted so let's see if this goes in here the goal here will be that uh that I'll do a little carve in here and make a patch of Tyvek so that if the head moves at all uh it's just going to touch Tyvek but it is going to be a this end up kind of thing not really a carry it around like like a suitcase for the moment um and I'm also going to have to actually raise it up a little on the very bottom so I almost want to this is interesting interesting all right I'm gonna make some foreign [Music] that cut out of all it's free of these and the question is can I do that all at once I think I can [Applause] [Applause] that's pretty great all right I can use that to trace out the others [Music] awesome [Music] [Applause] like that yes yes good now it's incumbent on me to cut this out right this yeah that's that's where that's where the real rubber meets the road as it were um yeah okay so I want to cut that out of two of these all right I guess I could have cut this out in a slightly different order but that's fine maybe let's see I'm going to carve out something It's gotta be here and there we're that's the low spot let's back up to the next spot yep okay and over here there's another low spot which is here and that comes up to there and up to there Okay so I think I don't know what I need to do here [Music] I think I want to come all the way around I think I've gone to my classic too tight of a tolerance moment foreign [Applause] yes that's where the cutouts are I guess I just need one and we'll leave right up and put it back down I'll sit back in there like that right yes I think so and for some of the gluing timeboards above the gluing so this is low temperature melt so I'm going to oh right I do want to get rid of some of that foreign foreign [Music] that's great that is a great pickup that's a great pickup point um [Music] all right [Music] I've got time to get it into there okay so there we go we're gonna do uh I'm gonna come in here yep I'm gonna come in here yep yep yep okay yeah we're doing it we're happening I got some glue in the corner there excellent okay and we come down and we go out to the edges after all those edges yes this is working I'm gonna let that settle [Music] yeah oh yeah yep gotta get in there this guy would sit there like that yep see that no pressure on it nothing banging against him nothing rubbing not a tight fit a regular fit okay so now I want to come down here on the sides so it's I kind of wanna [Music] the nice thing about the low temperature the low melt uh adhesive is that it does not melt the foam uh it's not only archival but it does not melt so if I put oops sorry put this guy that was there and it comes out like that from there comes out comes out right and that means when his nose touches I need I need to pull that out so I want a patch here for his nose all right and I'm going to go with a slightly thinner piece of foam here this by the way this entire case has been cleaned and scrubbed with acetone so if the case is clean I'm very happy this can go like this this comes like this let's put this here right and so I think what I want to do there [Music] oh the nose is here [Music] now leave foreign okay uh so what else do I need I need [Music] okay very last step of this process is to make this this is to make that stand out yes it is to make that stand out I do want that to stand out I'm going to use some acrylic which when it dries is also inert but it's also not that huge a deal because on the outside not on the inside yeah okay oh I'm gonna put it on here and then I'm gonna peel it back off that's how I do my stuff thank you [Music] yeah that's just slightly darker let me get some Scotch right on there [Music] let's get a little more a little more deep in there one more than one more pass foreign [Music] [Music] it's time for me to sign this so I'm going to uh [Music] there in the middle right yeah right about there and it is yep right bye and see it's on the bottom there we go this is me signing my work bingo there it is there wait here there you go uh and I'm just gonna throw a little date down here [Music] I know it's not the most beautiful signature but it's on brand may 2023. all right uh let's get some paper towels do some final thing in here he lives in there back is closed we can peel all these guys up [Music] there it is there will be one final I think delivery of this in this video is that the next thing that's happening right the delivery is the last part of this video so uh now I'm gonna pack this up in uh some craft paper and some padding and throw it in a Pelican case so that we can take it to London and deliver to the Royal Society but I am really pleased and I like to imagine that if Isaac Newton was here he would feel pretty comfortable about this as a resting place [Music] [Music] Moment of Truth hello Keith hi Adam it's good to see you see you um how do you have a box for me I have a box for you and I I really hope that it is the right size uh cross everything yeah well the skill the scale uh pictures you took with measurements were fantastic they actually included all the measurements that my brain wanted uh and so we 3D printed one and I have made it very close fitting but it doesn't touch right like it's it's really holding it gently so I I believe you've got Newton's head in various sizes yeah well the first one we printed up was a little too large so I've got a 1 video Newton's big head send that one too and I've made this uh all out of inert archival materials it's Aluminum and Stainless Steel and apparently the stainless steel screws that are holding it together will over the next few years have a reaction to the aluminum that will make them Bond right okay uh and then all the materials inside are Museum quality excellent CFE and polyethylene yeah let's do it okay it's a great unwrapping I have also etched Newton's signature absolutely and um I've included you a little uh oh yeah the uh Museum number in there there you go I'm gonna put it there and I guess if you wanted to you could lock it yeah yeah and there he is there he is wow you know uh in special effects shops around the world because Robin Williams was in so many movies there are masks life masks of Robin Williams and Newton and Robin Williams are not too dissimilar then no there is this kind of resemblance yeah yeah yeah yeah it is a death mask Newton would have been lying down and spreading its effect yes uh and so yeah it only touches it around the edge here at this cut out for the nose doesn't touch this nose right okay so pressure on that we need to do that comparison between your mask and all mask yes here we go oh my goodness now this is this is quite a moment for me because back when I was a very young archivist I made a temporary box for Newton's death mask you did I did in the 1980s this is it the temporary box became permanent when I left and then returned to the Royal Society and I was shocked to find it it was still in there amazing so uh yep we're going to put this one to bed or possibly in the Ross Society archives as a museum piece I love that but yeah let's uh let's just take this out popped on the floor and uh here he is now yours looks smaller it does look it looks a little smaller there hard to say yeah um so the way I tried it to to go in is to Beaver off the neck oh it's going to it's going to go it's a fit it's almost a fit I'm not all right so it's not pressured again so we're slightly we're slightly angled here I think it might yeah actually I think it might not be the right size hold on yeah let's see what I wasn't saying here it I think the scale is just slightly out I think the scale is slightly yeah yeah I think that uh I think that I might need to take the interior back yeah it's very close I mean it's millimeters yeah because the uh that yeah yeah oh there's one more pass wow yeah okay um so my box remains Triumph battle uh I'm sweaty okay so uh uh 15 minutes probably took me to make this one and uh how do you say this was a uh of two days all right okay two long days of Machining I feel I feel Vindicated it actually turns out weirdly uh to be quite difficult to make a box where everything is really square and even yeah okay so okay let me I guess the one question I have I just want to answer a question about the size take that um maybe hold this to the back yeah let's try that no idea it's close it is so close but there's some actually the feature that's missing is the back yes yeah it's this is the phone right here and actually there might be an ability because height wise yeah it makes it looks pretty solid it does but there's this it's just that that this is not in my print yeah so you can see how this has been packed out with plaster at some time in its life probably and you can see the rusty pins there probably to display it in an upright so that that's that little depth measurement that I think we we've uh we've gotten over wrong so I think that I actually if you had a small blade I might be able to clear away enough material because the Tyvek here is not glued on the side I can fill it up make a little space for it and I might be able to accommodate that okay well we can try that we can see if we can get a scalpel blade let's give that and uh just give it a whirl foreign it's just there I just wanna I really am sweating I had no idea that Keith built the original box that's great my goodness I need scalpels in my life this is wonderful all right I think that is sufficient to see if we are in the ballpark I've cut away a fair bit there and straight up so that uh accommodates that so it should go back in here because it's very slightly pressure fit foreign type two [Laughter] here we go how's it okay and that looks more upright it definitely looks more upright I might not have cut down far enough yeah but let's see how that no it's not down not quite yeah but it's it's better it's definitely Improvement and it might be I mean I'm accommodating myself to the possibility I may need to take this home and make it just a tiny bit bigger it is my one thing as an engineer as I tend to make things fit a little too close and it limits my options later I guess if I have to take this one then it's an adventure yeah once this uh fomo travel when it never was in his lifetime really that makes sense okay oh you know what it feels like it's not quite dropping it's this I think it's kind of here right it's right yeah I think we could do there too okay okay here we go he's feeling quite snug pretty lovely yeah oh sir you're a genius I am very relieved there was no it meets right up perfect perfect incredible yeah wow and I've also uh I wanted to point out I've included handles on both sides excellent so it can be carried nice in a reasonable in fashion as as he's accommodated yeah yeah um traveling in style very good then I leave this um I leave this box to you absolutely fantastic Adams thank you very much it's been so much fun it had I have been so excited about this so much and I really was fully prepared to take this home and yeah remake this or whatever I had to do but no no this is fine and this if you throw that out I will take it but I don't have it in the archives um and yes we we need bonus we need holes and and I think yeah yeah you have made my season thank you oh you've made my day this is uh this is fantastic yeah and a signature that's that's just such a nice touch [Music] thank you
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 193,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, tested adam savage, science books, the royal society, sir isaac newton, principia mathematica, principia, the origin of the species, brady haran, numberphile, objectivity, charles darwin, science, calculus, newton's, newtons laws of motion, newtons second law of motion, newtons first law of motion, newtons third law of motion
Id: R3FV21QGQe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 4sec (5764 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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