Inside a 170 year old Workshop...(how hand planes are made)

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hey everybody and welcome to my shop as you know I'm working on building a mobile Workshop right now and that's why right now all I think about is selecting the most essential tools and I think we found the perfect starting point all right before we open this it all started with a sand plane so I had this plane for quite a while and I never knew that the company who makes it is actually just one hour away from my shop so we started talking and they invited us and the exciting thing is that this company is 170 years old and I never had a film team there so this is not sponsored we're just so excited we were the first who got the invitation to film the shop so let's take a look [Music] [Music] I've been here for two minutes I can already tell you this is my favorite company you know why laughs I have never seen another one in the wild my name is all right one story he told us that really got me was traditionally Carpenters would make their own tools and they would hang on to it for all their lives and never own it because it's so specialized to their needs um apparently he was so good at making these hand planes that he started selling these and this is how the company was founded now I had this hand plane for I don't know a couple months and I always wondered how the hell do they make this [Music] foreign [Music] the whole shop is a little bit it feels like a time capsule and time is one of the biggest topic I think for the production of these tools we saw where they dried their wood and again this is one of these things that would be so easy to Outsource and to to make faster and more profitable just by getting Kiln dried wood but they buy the regional wood and they dry it themselves they have these stacks and they already sorted like what is going to be what tool and then depending on the thickness of the pieces they stay in this room for up to a year because that's how long it takes till the wood slowly dries up to a point that they can make the tools out of and I want to say again like this sounds the like the biggest commercial ever it's not they did not pay us to get there they gave us they gave us tools and I'll talk about this in a second but it to me it is just so fascinating to see that because if you have some kind of Interest into tools the only thing that is more interesting than tools is to see how they get made and I'm just so thankful that we got to that we got to see that it is so inspiring also for my own shop and for the shop that I now want to build the mobile shop [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] 's father in the 50s started documenting the process and these are the original plans by now they obviously have more modern ways to document the process but I'm just blown away by this the handwriting just keeping this folder around the appreciation for the past depreciation for how things were done back then yeah you can see it in this folder you can also see it in the tools that's why I'm a big fan hanging out in the shop and seeing the old machines and seeing how they treat the materials I think what struck me is that it seems it is not optimized for profit it's optimized for product they figure it out how to make the perfect hand plane years ago and now it's not about finding ways to make it faster or cheaper or more it's just finding a way to keep it exactly the same which is I can imagine hard enough [Music] thank you [Music] okay what I think is so crazy that even like details like the wing nuts first of all they're brass which is the best and they're from 50 kilometers from this region so even the smallest details are Regional and as good as they can be I think that's crazy crazy good I think this is exactly the details where it would be so easy to go let's just order 50 000 Wing nuts and washers um from a different company but to be so thorough and have that from the right material out of the region yeah that just blows me away it's worth it I think [Music] churn um [Music] you know five seconds yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is the moment this will blow you away it blew me away I think this is the perfect solution or the perfect starting point because it has the most essential hand tools and it's not only storage it is kind of a mini shop you don't have to unpack anything it's all right there it's all within reach and what I like the most not the most but what I really like is that there is a little bit space left that we can use for our own optimization and that is something that I want to do next week is remember when I said that the Carpenters had their own hand planes and it was so catered to their own needs that they would never loan it this is what I want this box to be so there's some things for example this this has to be the Jimmy the resta ice pick it can't be this generic thing or this Leatherman so I will take some time and customize this mini Workshop as much as I can because it needs to be the most efficient it can be almost catered to my needs but I think this is a great great great great starting point and one more thing I know I'm rambling but I think this is really important because I get this question so much from people who start their own shops or who want to get started in woodworking like how do I start what are the most essential tools I think a kit like this I mean it is a good starting point because people who have been thinking about tools for 170 years put this together and then it's it doesn't have to be this one but any kind of Kit get it and then customize it there's a starting point so this is my starting point for the mobile Workshop I cannot wait to put my own spin on it foreign to customize it a little bit let's do it dated uh-huh okay [Music] foreign okay next week we're going to customize this toolkit and we will start working on the mobile workshop and of course we're always working on the house but the thing is the jobs we're doing at the house look like this [Music] foreign so yeah it is a little bit boring but we are working in the background and I will absolutely keep you posted so I want to thank Hans York for showing us his shop and the whole it's a team for having us and I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I'm enjoying my new toolkit and I will see you next week with a new video but before you go this week's video is sponsored by [Music] brilliant is a Hands-On way to learn about math science and computer science they have thousands of lessons and they add new content every month this week's class I'm always excited to check it out can you puzzle your way through the natural world okay so this is the test there's a part of boiling water with a cup inside and they want to know when the water inside the cup will start to boil uh I don't know same time submit incorrect never what but oh that's how they make Musso chocola since there is no temperature difference at this point there will be no more heat flow into the cup with no incoming heat from the water and the cup will never boil I should have known this I should have known this but I didn't but that's the cool thing about brilliant they give you these explanations and now I know so as this points out brilliant does not only teach you about math it also teach you life lessons and it teaches you to become a better Problem Solver by learning just a little bit every day it actually adds up to a lot to try everything that brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days go to lavacamp or click the link in the description and the first 200 of you will get 20 off of brilliant's Premium annual subscription [Music]
Channel: Laura Kampf
Views: 189,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woodworking, Workshop, Metal, Maker, DIY, HOW, TO, Making, Design, Building, Laura Kampf, inspiration, ideas, recycling, trashtotreasure, handplane, hand plane, ece, traditional tools, wooden tools, woodworking tools, german, german tools
Id: hooec53MqLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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