Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Resin 3D Printer Station!

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hey everybody adam savage here in my cave with  a one day build that is some infrastructure something fell from the ceiling anyway uh hi uh i  am doing a one-day build today that is some shop   infrastructure i've just received a new piece of  equipment and in order to even think about using   it i have to stop everything i'm doing and make  a table for it make a rolling stand um what did i   just get in the mail well it's very very very very  exciting um it is in this black case right here this is a brand new form 3d printer oh yeah um   uh-huh yeah 2021 just got real we're  gonna be printing in resin soon   um but this thing weighs like 150 pounds it's got  a large footprint it's got a fairly big footprint   you know this is all part and parcel of it there's  all this other stuff going with it uh but uh this   form 3d printer needs a rolling stand with some  storage and i am going to achieve that right now   using i think you can see back there there's  some plywood leaning up against my pool table   that's what i'm going to use to do it um i  know i know the cave looks like a freaking   mess doesn't it um there's a really good reason  for that and it's because it is a mess that's   that's the lockdown man i i i nobody comes in  here but me i mean you know people come through   but like i i i can't have an assistant here  at at all right i'm just alone in the shop so   the rest of the shop has suffered the shop itself  is in pretty good condition it's pretty refined   but that's because that's where all of  my attention is the rest of the place is   a bit of a [ __ ] fight um okay so uh right  here is the plywood that will be this table   i'm gonna go up into the loft and get some  casters this is going to be a quick and dirty   build i mean i'm going to glue and screw it so  it's strong and triangulated so it's robust and   provides a real work surface but uh this is  not going to be a refined piece of furniture   you ever gone with me up into the loft to  get something i don't know if we have sorry   i don't know that we have so let's see here i  have a bin full of casters up here let's see okay um those are too small i think it's got to be  these guys oh oh oh wait a second hold on   there we go all right that one's amazing but i only have  one of them how do you have how do   i have only one caster that's ridiculous i want i think i want them all to be locked three red ones how do i  have three red these are all   odd numbers one should never have an odd  number of casters okay there's a locker i'm almost out of my stash yes okay one of my favorite searches  on ebay is caster's lot   i think that's all i need for this right all right what's next now i gotta make a drawing  and figure out how big this is okay fit actually at the top of the form sits  here and it's 28 inches high this is exactly   how high yeah i think that's that's about  right i think the table should come to here   which is an inch and a  quarter higher than the table so inch and a quarter higher than the  table height an inch 39 and a half so 39 and the casters are four inches yeah  these are four issues casters are four um that would mean that minus my excuse me top table yeah okay and i'll have a shelf in there  once i figure out how tall it is okay uh   right yeah okay those are the handles yeah yeah okay let's get started uh  we're gonna cut some plywood   this is uh let's see here let's try this well well well well sorry that might have been a  little over the top i appreciate that it's just   the end of the day and i'm excited i finished  uh to the largest degree the cart for the form   printer um i will walk you through what the plan  was uh so there's a platform that's this bottom   this bottom piece of plywood uh through that are  four casters four inch uh locking casters there's   that then these legs are sitting on that platform  and this top platform is sitting on those legs so   there's no sheer uh strength being born by  any screws or screw or staples and this is   mostly screwed and glued together so i'm going to  provisionally state that this is uh a durable um   you know multi-decade stand for the form printer  or its successor or a group of successors i like   this handle here that's um really key for moving  it around it is um you know it allows it to fit   through doorways and things like that um the next  thing i need to do i need help with and that's   lifting the form printer onto this uh so i'm gonna  wait until norm comes around and then he and i   will lift it up onto this and then i'm actually  gonna make a couple of shelves in there and you   might notice that it's slightly trapezoidal that  was actually on purpose i wanted it to kind of   it's funny i was just thinking about making a  perfectly upright cart which is how i've made   every card i've ever made in my life and i was  thinking it'd be really neat if i was just off a   little bit build a little tension into it make it  a little pyramidal and screw and glue it all like i know it's a little funky but it's the same form  factor and it fits into the same amount of space   so yeah i did that um like i said next  thing is to get the form on here and   figure out what shelving i want and i may actually  make some under lighting here so you can see   what's on the shelves and it doesn't just get lost  back there um i have some philosophy about shelves   but i will need to see what attachments and other  stuff there is with the form uh in order to know   how much infrastructure to  build out for it all right   yeah it's a good it's a good finish for right  now i know i said that the next step of this   build was going to be lifting the form printer  up onto the stand but i was looking at this and to be perfectly honest i had another thought in my experience one of the things that a machine  that sits on a table like this always needs always   right because you'll be opening the thing up  doing some stuff here is potentially like a   tray here for staging so i've got a couple of  really nice 14 inch full extension drawer slides   and i think i'm going to make a little  uh a little service access table here yeah yeah let's do it yeah okay uh i think i figured out how i'm going  to build this thing it's going to kind of be i think i think i might have figured it out hmm okay that's probably a delivery for me wow all right so now i have cut using the table  saw a rabbet out of each of these four pieces ah right but the actual dimension is 21 uh okay i'm having this conversation with myself and  i'm realizing that i've got to do these as   bevel cuts but and that's um oh ow hold on i've  got a little piece of steel in my palm here gone uh okay i realize i have  to make bevel cuts in this shelf   that i'm making but that's  fine because i actually brought my crosscut saw over to the cave a couple  weeks ago for the same exact thing for bevel   cuts on my end tables so i will bring it and  put it right here and make my measurements   okay making some cuts i'm  working out got a bevel cut here   got a bevel cut here now i'm going to  work out this next bevel cut this one there it is okay done right i think this is my  only other bevel cut so i got a loader already make sure i don't cut through my cord and yeah i'm going to cut it ever so slightly long   just as some insurance because i don't have  many more of these pieces all right ever since okay hey good you're long i like that i'm glad  you're long that means you're not short so a little tiny slice off okay good right there i cut it too short okay   so i'm gonna reduce the width by a sixteenth of  an inch and that will get me where i'm going wow reducing this by a sixteenth of an inch so that's what i wanted it's perfect uh  let's see does this drop in it does   that's great very pleased very pleased oh right okay so now it's about  this get rid of this thing so great they matched exactly the same  that's exactly where i wanted them okay yeah yeah yeah yep okay and then the last weird measurement is this one right great okay i'm gonna make a little  cuddy cut on the bandsaw i'm just gonna   notch this out there and there oh  no i gotta go in one more right okay   cool right because that's got a berry  there okay cool that i understand so that's these uh top down one more sixteenth  of an inch for good measure like a pinch to grow an inch wow so okay i think this is the final test fit hey that looks great that looks really  really really good it's a nice little tray   yeah okay uh let's go let's glue it  so i can remove that entirely and start off with that yeah i could use some air this reach nope so you know what so all right oh dude that is great very pleased very pleased  okay so now i think i can put in this guy okay let's glue that in it'll be really solid so love it that is an awesome table  okay let's put in some drawer slides ah okay one of my drawer slides seems to be broken but i  have other drawer slides okay um what's going on oh those come out all the way okay okay okay now see here man the platform platform for doing  stuff platform for being useful and i put the there we go it's time to get some help lifting this  up on here i'm gonna go get some help and i think it's done i think  it's done man i think it's uh   i think it's ready to go so it says  pull it out of the packaging get a   person to help you lift it get rid of the  cardboard lift off the cover there we go oh my god look how good all this thing is  holy cow all right so then it says okay   so once i pulled this off i think i want  to fold this up i don't want this to be   sitting around getting all dusty and ugly  oh my god how do you fold a fitted sheet   i know how to hold evidence it's an  ancient secret passed down from generations okay um you pull off the thing and you  pull off the tape and then you plug it in okay oh my god i get to peel off the this is  the best part oh my god this is the most fun i uh oh yeah cut this from instruction  somewhere whatever you do don't   remove the blue plastic until you  fully blah blah blah blah blah oh man okay oh i see they want you  to pull all that crap out   before you turn it on right that makes total  sense that makes all the sense in the world   so this piece of cardboard protecting  one of the lead screws let's go okay so i must admit the glimmer of this task oh don't you do that sounds like i'm making balloon animals there we go oh that was a little traumatic oh my goodness look at how i've just   literally plastered fingerprints  all over the front of this thing this is pretty okay warning morning morning warning  warning warning warning morning   warning warning warning all right so it just says  plug it in and then it'll tell me welcome i guess i didn't mean for this to also be an unboxing  video but it kind of worked out naturally that way i mean i guess the way i was thinking about  it is if i'm going through the trouble to   make a stand for a form printer i feel  like i gotta finish that video with a   with a print right like this the problem  with my builds is that i i don't actually   fulfill the purpose of the thing  that i'm working on okay so um it's plugged in oh there we go oh oh it's lighting up oh so i kept on thinking i was almost done and  then i wanted to keep adding features so i   just finished a shelf it's a lightweight shelf  uh i uh sliced a couple of long slots in here   stapled and glued this all together it should be  actually a really nice uh solid lightweight thing   and i'm about to install it in here and um oh okay there we go there we go there we go nice that is um i'm starting  to feel pretty good about this whole thing that's the finished kit right there okay okay it's time it's done it's time it's time  to fire it up it's time to print i've got a   um a file yeah i've got a file it's a  piece of a space helmet shocker i know and yeah i'm about to print it up let's do it there's a few steps i still have to go through  i have to register and everything and uh get the   door all right uh yes let us fold up the fitted  sheet that lives that this thing lives inside of it they are the noise you are hearing is because  they are roofing my building today um so rest   assured that while the noise might be annoying to  you the smell of hot tar is spectacular in here   when you uh when you're in your late teens and  early 20s and you have your first car and you're   working on your first car um there's this  moment you go through for the first like year   you're learning how to work on your cars and every  time you drive past someone who's doing roofing   you're wondering is that my car is that my car is  that my car and you like freak out for a second   and then you remember you're driving past and  you see like the huge boiler as you're going by   another slide no a friend of mine told  me he had roofers work on his house   and they were heating their lunch they had  tin cans they had like cans of soup they   were literally like putting the cans of soup for  their lunch open on top of the burner that was   heating the tar i don't know if that's osha  approved um that's not a story that's germaine to   this build so i guess i should move on okay we're  going to plug this in we're going to turn it on   we're going to register it we're  gonna take care of all that stuff   just wanna talk about one  thing here oh did i really wow um obviously a machine like this uh works best  when it is perfectly level and this machine has   a lovely system for establishing level one is  on the little touch screen there's a dot inside   a circle and when that dot isn't touching any side  of that circle you are level uh there are also uh   four little pips that show you each of the four  feet and if that foot needs to be wound it shows   you the direction with which to wind it but it  is the winder for the feet that i am particularly   enamored with and it is this device so this  uh the feet have a large hex on them and this   slots into them here underneath and you spin it  the direction you want to and you can watch this   dot move and you can watch these things come into  level it's a really nice fast intuitive uh easy   easy system i'm impressed nicely done everybody  next tap to begin tank installation this is one   of the tanks right yep draft resin okay remove  packaging materials and lift tanks from case   oh i did that already i placed the mixer  in the front yup align the resin tank yep   yep okay and then there's the build  platform yep uh yep i put that in   yep that's in lower the platform lock it is build  platforms installed to keep everything clean yes   tap to begin the cartridge installation here  we go shake the cartridge oh my gosh this is exciting oh look at this see that this is formlabs photopolymer  resin draft version two one leader okay so i've done yep okay i've shaken it remove the orange plastic   covers at the bottom of your cartridges  leave the rubber valve in place okay i have removed it align the  left cartridge with the recess   and lower into place listen for a  confirmation sound i see it says l i think you might want to see this there we go uh align the cartridge with recess and lower into  place i'm just gonna just double check this yep   yep yep yep yep oh wait wait wait back remove the  orange plastic covers covers there's more than one   there's this one too that is another cover  the orange plastic covers not just cover   okay so next okay aha right it goes like this not like  that that was a comfort from the top bear with me i'm just i'm figuring it all out i'm  just double checking triple checking every single   one of my little maneuvers okay that's where the  thing slots in and it goes in here and that's a   that was an installation sound next align right cartridge okay here comes the  right cartridge is it really the right cartridge   though already my little work table here proving  to be highly useful this is draft version two yep   i'm going to remove that plastic i'm going  to do the same thing over here right yeah same thing over here oh that's another insulation oh look  at this a lot of trash today okay next uh-huh so i forgot to undo that bit of right right okay i forgot to do  that little orange sticker on the top   and now i don't want to pull  this out because i i'm sure it's   probably reasonable to pull it out but i don't  want to like leak resin all over the place so i'm just going to remove this orange sticker  from the top of this so this is clearly uh   you push on these two schmidges to open up yep   that's to allow the air to move in and  fill the volume of resin that's leaving and   uh that's the vent caps okay next my cartridges  are installed for best results close cap and   shake cartridges before each print oh okay  i will do that next um continue set up   online by entering the code on this screen  there we go that's what i was looking for okay look at that it even knows what kind of resin  i've got in there really awesome i have my   i have my file it's loaded into the it's loaded  into the form um it's calculating and checking   my model for printability 0.2 millimeter yep it's  a draft resin 0.2 millimeter setting that's great and it looks like it has determined that it's  printable this is just one part of the helmet   it passed the printability okay print time i  have no idea it's calculating the print time this is really exciting eight hours 23 minutes i'll be checking back  with this guy later on tonight well that's just   a wrap that's just around midnight midnight yeah  sure okay um let's see okay everything's good so start a print i have a lot of plans for this thing yeah i have a lot of plans um like  i said i want to do a mando costume   this year and i'm particularly  obsessed right now with his mbar   ambar rifle what a lot of people are referring to  as the tuning fork that's the rifle with the split   yeah there's a lot of little one of the things  that's beautiful about the mandalorian is there   are lots and lots of little details on the hand  props that are just kind of that thing that legacy   does so well i i'm not sure that legacy  effects did all the hand props um i know   that there's some of these coming from other  prop houses in los angeles um but i mean the the the the star wars universe specifically  the mandalorian star wars universe i'm loving   all of the hand props i love the pram i love  here's my um here is my war machine paintball   metal mando blaster this is an amazing kit  i did some blackening on it it actually even   has a functioning trigger this thing  is a masterpiece it's a work of art   and it's a war machine paintballs kit is itself  a work of art but also i really really like what   a kind of old westy sidearm it is okay i think  i've taken up as much of your time as i need to we're just gonna pause when you  see me again we'll be ready to go   okay uh i went away i set this to print i  went away i kept on checking in online and   the interface wasn't necessarily perfect  so i came in today the next day thinking   i wonder if i've got a print in  the printer and the answer is   i do i do it printed it's very exciting  ah i'm gonna open this up and take a look yup it's got a little bit of a um you know a  finish from the resin but it really does look like   it printed perfectly yeah it certainly did   we we're gonna do a story we're gonna we'll cover  the form printer in another video and you'll get   to see time lapse of it happening and we'll run  it through its paces but for this inaugural uh   inaugural look as to how it does on its new  portable stand i i i'm very pleased it's nice   it's nice and solid and we got a successful print  hey guys thanks for joining me for this one day   build uh and there'll be much more to come on  this beautiful machine i will see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 490,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, testedcom, formlabs, 3d printing, form 3, form 3l, resin 3d printing, adam savage, adam savage one day build, one day build, one day builds, adam savages one day builds, adam savage tested, one day builds adam savage, adam savage one day builds, 3d printer, 3d print, 3d printing for beginners, form 2, formlabs form 2, sla printing, sla resin printing, diy cart with wheels, 3d printer cart diy, 3d printer station, tested adam savage one day build, tested adam savage
Id: I5dH96JunrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 55sec (3355 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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