Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Mandalorian Blaster Paint and Weathering!

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It looks insanely good. Just like everything he makes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Icy-Fox-OwO 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
adam savage here in my cave with  a one-day build that is a one-day   paint and i've always said that i think i build  props just to get the pleasure of painting them   and in this case it is a hundred percent true  this is the mandalorians trusty sidearm for much   of the uh first and second season it is an ambar  rifle a disrupter rifle shoots one shot at a time   with a breach load here the cartridges that you  see on mando's uh shoulder belt and this belt uh   fit here in this rifle i'm really happy with its  mechanical construction and now it's time to paint   that is going to involve some dismantling and  also some final locking in of parts there's still   some things that spin and move around and that's  because i have to do a final disassembly before   painting all these and bringing them back together  where i am likely to begin on the finishing   is this tuning fork and that's actually the  nickname for this rifle is the tuning fork   i love the look of this thing uh in the  show it has this burnt metal gradient   from straw all the way to purple and is a very  difficult paint job to get right the droidakas   from episode one the phantom menace were painted  in the same way and my former supervisor brian   gernan concocted that beautiful paint job i am  going to be following some of his institutional   knowledge to get this one right um but like i  said first is disassembly so let's get started okay while i gave this the finished coat of gloss  black which is what i wanted for the undercoat of   the chrome that i'm going to give this uh i may  have to give it a little bit of touch up here   and there before the final paint job i'm also  going to play around with the new chrome paint   since the finish of this isn't shiny chrome um  i can screw up the the first try at this finish   but it's one i'm kind of excited about it might  be a really nice solution for getting a high gloss   all right so there's that that requires almost nothing and i can  get rid of this all right there we go is there something i'm forgetting   this is just me removing the final witness marks  from the construction of this uh scope stand it gets pretty beaten down in terms of the  weathering it gets a a bunch of black over it but   i'm just using this 300 grit 320 grit i'm gonna  take off the final sanding marks i was planning   to do this off the rifle but somehow i got some  crazy glue into a place it shouldn't have been   and i can't fully disassemble this rifle  anymore which is fine i can work with that let's just mark that great that's exactly how far i want  it to go and we'll get a little bit of yep there we go good that is definitely  never gonna go anywhere okay now okay i only had one chance to get that right i should have attended to that in a way that  bespoke of its higher stakes but luckily i think i   nailed it uh all right so now we're going to  we're going to sand this joint and then i'm   going to add some glue to it and then hopefully  we can make it disappear uh yep yep yep okay so we're almost good except that i've got a  couple yeah i'm just slowly working up on it so now i need to lock this guy into  its orientation and that is with a pen it's precisely as deep as i  needed it to be holy how all right uh i know i could go get a screw bit for this i  know but by the time i did it oh there you go   that's it excellent now that is a locked part it's not going anywhere oh   no tiz okay so why are you still moving  i might have to do a second one up here great okay i'm ending up doing a lot more sanding  than i originally planned to do here but that's what happens uh okay  so that guy oh he goes there roughly okay okay i'm gonna do another  lock-in screw wait ah yeah i see it's so hard to see this thing these are little rivets that will register this thing all right i think that will  just drop down in there these aluminum rivets that i have have a gold  anodized finish on them and i wanted to pull   that finish off for planting it here as  the alignment pin for the scope mount   um i should be able to hammer that in  and it should just go let's see here um   yeah there we are nice that's definitely  not going to go anywhere oh wow i barely   get it out okay so now i'm going to add a  second one which is down here now to pull   off this anodized coating i'm simply grabbing it  in these pliers which are made for holding screws   and i'm just giving it a pass on the polishing  wheel now you can see the gold here we go there you go and stuff get a little bit of a wacky pop   excellent okay uh right there's just this  one final bit of assembly which is that   these guys are aligned those guys  are aligned yes they are that works right uh i've got to mask that and then i'm  painting all these pieces separately that   that i think i can glue into place because  i'm just not taking this thing apart again now the paint that i'm using is a new gloss that  i really like bare paint and primer this goes   on a little heavy it dries really nicely hard it  takes a little longer to dry but i really like how   i really like how the surface feels it's not one  of those paints that feels like a little bit tacky   for days once it's dry it's really nice and dry  um and i'm overdoing it with this i could apply   the chrome right now but i just  want a consistent undercoat to this just a little darker there that's all  we're gonna break for lunch and let   this try oh wait i have one more thing to show you i found a thing that is a blow dryer stand uh-huh i'm gonna set this on here   okay so i've looked at the reference photos i  have here's my best guesstimate of the color   breakdown here we have the back chamber this  all seems to be a light gunmetal the base   barrels here and here on either side of the hand  holds are a darker gunmetal and i've used a um   a dupli-color gm gunmetal for this then there's  a shiny chrome for the entire tuning fork   shiny chrome for a few detail pieces in here  and then we get the burnt metal gradient from   yellow to purple both here and also in here  i don't really have to worry too much about   order of operations here because this gets a lot  of black like dirt and wash over it um so where   to begin is the question um i'm gonna do the oh  the handles here these handholds they're actually   gold so i'm gonna use some rub and buff for that  and i think i'm gonna do a trick i tried a couple   of years ago where i thinned out some rub and buff  with lacquer thinner and kind of brushed it on   that'll give me the ability to kind of get into  these two zones without without marking the paint   once i have that this is the new mirror  chrome this is mirror by stuart semple um   i found out about this chrome uh from the  comments section on youtube of the last time   i was using the molotow uh someone said you should  try this stuff and i went and i looked at stuart's   youtube video promoting this stuff and it  was in the video it's pretty spectacular   this is a very small amount of paint but  it's a highly thinned lacquer that uh   at least in the youtube video i saw  looked like it spread really well   also he did all the application in the  first youtube video i watched with a brush   which is kind of mind-blowing to me but  i'm going to do the same thing so i think   i think i got to do the light gunmetal on this  part first and that's that part that part and   everything up to there so i can just cover this i  do like gunmetal because then when i do the brush   chrome that gets a little bit of the chrome  and that guy and i'll do all that is brush on   yeah all of this may change but keep your  station tuned to this channel i'm about to   do some airbrushing and what i heard  was that there was a lot of questions   uh in the last airbrushing video i  did about what i do about overspray   and the answer is i clean it up every now and then  i mean this shop is like probably four percent   overspray if you look at the surface of some of  the workbenches over here you'll see this thin   layer of dust it's probably the amalgam of nine  or ten different colors of paint as they settle yeah i i eventually want to make a filtered  little spray booth that i can pull out   and utilize just to manage the fumes  but i haven't done that so you're sir   what everyone was wondering is actually true  yes the overspray goes freaking everywhere that might be too thin i think i'm  going to add a little more paint at this point in the painting process you gotta  gird your loins for the fact that it's gonna   look crappy right you're doing the basic color  breakdown of your model first and you haven't   done any of the blending and you haven't started  any of this yeah any of that stuff you just it's   gonna look awful until it looks great it's  just one of these things all right here we go i just ran into a little bit of an  issue which is my light gunmetal   it's actually about the same tone as my dark  gunmetal so i'm going to add some all clad   lacquer aluminum in order to bring it up bring  its value up just a little bit so let me do that and then hit it with a little bit of this now hopefully all i'll really need here is a  light dusting of this stuff go with a full cup i like that yeah nice value that definitely  has a metallic feel to it i'm really happy with how this is covering i'm  just going to take a look here and i may add   a little more or less actually i'm not going  to touch that i think this looks terrific too i'm just gonna we're just gonna keep on going here nice i'd like that see that's a light  that's a dark gunmetal i'm pleased   let me give this a little bit  of variance there there we go   i don't know if you should follow my  methods for cleaning out your airbrush yeah good enough that's my motto good enough  if there's one comment i have to say about   all of the different 3d prints i've explored of  the mbr rifle um is it the edges are too crisp the   the real thing has much softer edges than a lot  of people are are realizing as they're modeling it oh right i want to try this rubin buff gold thing okay all right i'm going to see how this does  with the rubbing part the buffing part oh no it feels pretty dry i'm  just going to make sure it's dry and these aren't goldy gold they're just  like gold in there kind of blended affect i'm going to end up going over this with a wash  and some airbrush so i'm not too concerned about   getting a perfect finish on this at all i just  would like to get it to be an even texture i'm   going to be kicking this way back okay  i think i think i might be at the stage that i can start to do this guy all right oh supposed to shake this really  well apparently according to stewart in   the video i watched this goes on very very  thin like you want to keep on brushing it to   brush away all the brush strokes and it lays out  incredibly thin really kind of fascinated by this   look at that that's the paint on the inside  of the cap okay let's see here i'm gonna   i'm gonna go there i'm gonna spin this  around and i'm gonna get all of that   so let's of actually i'm going to do the  broad flat areas first let's see here okay i can see how lightly it's applied it's a very light application yeah the trick is not to let the bristles  bite into the undercoat because this is a   solvent-based it can eat at the undercoat if i  let it but it seems to be laying on pretty nicely oh i think i can go on a  little thicker than i have been that's pretty insane for a brush on  i'm still learning the technique and   i might be using the wrong brush i might  not be using the perfect brush for this   that's i certainly account for that  possibility and stewart claims that   you can easily do a second coat which i  think i might do on this just in order to get it to see if i can get that shine i appear to be laying this on almost  too thin so i'm going with a little   bit more i was being a little too frugal with it that is a pretty astounding finish  for a brush on paint holy cow wow you really can see when you've got it wet  to the correct amount it's very clear it uh   it immediately starts to be much more  highly reflective there's like then   an optimal relationship between paint and  surface and i still think i'm probably using   a less than optimal brush for this um but in  for a penny in for a pound i'm just going to   complete this with this because again i go  over this with all these transparent colors that's i'm i'm suitable  color me suitably impressed   okay so let's let this guy sit here for a second all right and then each of these  guys gets a little chromie chrome   okay so this is definitely going  to be a sensitive operation damn this is um i'm really impressed the thing is about this chrome is that it's so  bright it's actually hiding some crimes like   even its own brush strokes i mean i see what  he's saying about laying it on really thin   and i think i would get better at choosing the  right brush for such a thing but damn that's   i'm really happy with that so what i really like  about the thinness of this paint and its shininess   is that i literally dipped my brush once  before i started painting this thing   and i still have plenty on the end of my  brush that's pretty fantastic that looks great   sorry beep that one out well we already beeped  it out it happened it happened both before and   after i said it got to have confidence when  you're doing these kind of right up to the line   sort of paints you got to have the confidence of a  sign of a letter oh my god people used to do that oh right that for a brush on paint this  is this is now an important part of my um   of my metallic kit and i haven't even tried  airbrushing this stuff um okay oh oh right i   have a few more doodads and details to hit with  this and that is things like each of these guys wow beautiful beautiful motherless wow if anything  this has gotten way shinier in the interim   that's and it feels actually semi-dry already  that's fantastic uh one thing is i want to um   i want to give this a clear coat and so  that's what i'm going to do i'm going gonna so the uh the clear coat helps to deepen the  wood grain make it look more oiled it it   just it makes it richer even and i'm using a  semi-gloss not a gloss because i don't need   high gloss that's not appropriate it's not  a high gloss item but semi-gloss is perfect   and uh i really don't mind this rust-oleum  i know i've talked about the virtues of   krylon's clear coat both actually all three matte  semi-gloss and gloss just rust-oleum also great okay yellow straw purple and then blue all right it's  time to do the burnt metal i have broken down   what the colors are we have yellow we have  straw then we have this purple and we have blue   uh i have yellow i have orange that's  not quite what i want i'm actually gonna   maybe mix the yellow and orange to get the straw  i'm looking for and i'm gonna mix the red and blue   to get the purple i'm looking for  and then i've got blue for this i've done like blue metal  but i have never done this   whole sequence so i'm kind of  both excited and a little scared there's that one and then that guy is  going to be right yellow down there   and straw to about the bend purple for here and  then blue out at the end okay so that's four   i heard something somewhere online about  someone having converted a uh jigsaw   to be a paint mixer not ready there  for that just yet but it's a great idea   all right there's blue thin it out just a  tiny bit so i'm going to try a little bit of rubbing alcohol there's a little  yellow and then this will be the straw   and for the straw i'm gonna add a drop of red burke and a little bit of red in here  this might be too much blue but we'll see come on there we go and a little  bit of blue here to get our mm-hmm there we go some alcohol definitely a purple one that i  could use a little more blue in   there we go this is terrible that doesn't  work at all no no no that's no good   what i really need to do is just  do right i need to do this that i know i look like i know what i'm doing but i  really am making it up all right let's try this oh that's going up until the knuckle all right i need to make it way thinner something's bad with that  well actually it's not too bad hey oh the spitting is terrible okay the yellow  seems to be a different formulation than the blue   and even the purple and for some  reason i am not succeeding at it   oh that's not a bad straw color  it's just a bad straw color there we go that's the color i wanted  there it is okay here we go that felt pretty good to me and that's  good because i think that's all the   yellow i have left there we go good  and then we're gonna wash that out we're going to go blue on the other side now  i want to be very gentle with this here we go there's that blue nice okay okay and now it looks terrible right now to  me we'll see if i can get the purple going okay kinda just not sure that feels better that last thing i did whatever  the hell it was felt like i kind of got something   um yeah i think i need a little bit of dark wash  and all that around there but i'm pretty pleased   um i know i forgot to put my mask on for this  final airbrushing i'm sorry i apologize i   totally slipped my mind in the stress of this uh  all right here wanna see a fun reveal here we go dude yeah very happy with that that's great so now i'm gonna try using an exceedingly  tiny brush to do detail work on this   um let's see if i can get it going this is instantly my new favorite chrome detailer   paint this is i mean i'm just kind of gobsmacked  by how good this stuff looks it's just fantastic i forgot about these little pipes those  little pipes have to get a gold treatment all right well the semi-gloss dried beautifully  on my walnut stock and i'm just ecstatic with   how it looks that is a great amount of  depth and i know i never did the inset   piece of metal that goes across here and you're  just gonna have to forgive me for that because   i just didn't get to it really it's not that i  didn't get to it it's that i didn't want to do it look at a certain point i'll probably get angry  enough to do it um what do i need now i need   to put this guy in here this is gonna be a tough  one to get in yeah maybe not as tough as i thought i'm i'm i'm excited uh yes okay so um oh right right right  i keep forgetting i keep forgetting   so sorry i gotta give this  thing a coat of black primer this thing that i've just done here which  is to dust this with matte black primer   it will yield one of my favorite weathered  finishes and also one of the fastest yes thank you for noticing i am using a new  blow dryer this conair infinity pro look   i have been accused of being a copper top that's   full of hot air so i thought i'd  get a blow dryer that was the same so i've given this a dusting of black primer and  as you can see it's not monolithic at all it's   variegated and that's exactly the way i  want it this is quadruple zero still wool and now it's actually still a little bit the  paint is still a little soft so i'm actually   going to stop here but i'm going to hit this  again once i uh once i get it mounted up   yeah you can see the reason i love this paint job and then pull it back off again all right  i'm gonna let that set for a minute and   yeah look at that that looks great come on i don't want to scratch this too much   and it is a pop fit for each of these  there we go i see you i see you too oh bingo oh come on come on oh dude dude i'm happy this will  go in there that is that one this is this one and i think yeah oh oh oh yeah that's that one i have an  interesting idea for the black   that i'm going to be airbrushing over  this to kind of weather it down okay so all right balance you on my foot and you get   oh you that's you yeah yeah  you're going all the way in there this looks really kind of crazy right now um   okay we've got all the colors  represented the united colors of mando um dude you really get why he  that whole business yeah   that's nice and straight up and down that's good so i am about to hit this with  some black airbrush in order to   in order to take it down actually  this is still a little soft i don't really need to worry about that  i guess let's keep on letting that dry now that i'm looking at it i think my  yellow is too yellow and it's problematic   uh it's fine here or it got you know  here it's just two yellow so i'm going   to make another batch of straw and i'm just  going to try fixing it with the airbrush um better better i'm happy with that that was messy   but effective so i keep on saying i keep on  threatening to tell you something interesting   and it's this i'm going to use this  um encryption china blac chyna ink to do some of my subtle airbrushing lines of my  first of all i've got to take the pressure down better yeah this is very subtle okay so yeah i'm really happy with how this is looking  i'm going to keep on working on it slowly but surely look when you're when you're painting one  side of this model you got to take care of   the other side too you got to you got to  keep on dancing back and forth you can't   you can't ignore you can't ignore one side while  you're working on the other you got to make sure   you do everything in a balanced fashion i think i  want to take this gold down just a little bit more this is the point in which i stopped  looking at the reference material   and i start just trying to make  it work for me here in the room yep just on that there we go okay let's wash you out foreign sometimes a clear coat like a semi-gloss here  can actually do this very subtle tying together   of the paint job that you're trying to get  and right now i'm anticipating that i'm gonna   hit this with some acrylic to get it in the little  nooks and crannies and i just i want it to be uh sealed against those shenanigans  of mine that looks pretty darn good i'm just literally just giving this thing a little  bit of a of a pass it also just helps kind of tie   it together it is really weird how clear cuts  can kind of wrap their arms around a paint job all right we're gonna let that uh i'm gonna let that dry for a little bit  then i'm gonna hit this with some uh with some acrylic that'll be the final  pass that's nice it's a nice color let's get a little bit of yeah and a little bit of yep oh okay so um all my transparent  colors came out of this kit um smoke here that is a freaking gorgeous weathering  color i'm very excited about it right now   and i'm going to take that excitement and  channel it into action i don't need this anymore   i kind of think that i also  don't need to stand anymore instant love of this color okay yeah so one of the issues with using the  black ink is that it uh it wets out again   when i hit it with water well again i  don't have much of a problem with this   but it is presenting an interesting new weathering  thing but again it's kind of really don't mind all right um i'm going to add some  black darkish darkness to that let's take this guy that's what i wanted yep there  you go show me some details that's it oh i you know sometimes i put on  a weathering coat and i think is that enough   and then i just do another pass and  i'm always rewarded because it's that   second pass of color that really brings the  whole thing home honestly ah yeah you look great really happy in there all right all right i think i think i think i think  that's all i could do i i think i've done   all the goodness that i can  do to this lovely thing um oh let's see here let's take a look assessment  damn damn oh yeah oh maybe just a little   good just a little yeah so here's what i was  looking at um i look at this and i notice to   myself self i say that corner would just never be  clean in the world so i come at it and again i'm   holding my brush in a way that like happy mistakes  could happen and i just i give it a little bit of   like there and then i come in and pull it away  and now you see what just happened yeah mm-hmm   took care of that trough i still think i need a  little more dirt grime let me go around that side and yeah i i could probably spend another day just  refining this but i think we're there i   think this is a lovely lovely paint  job i'm going to say it's about 95   it actually probably looks better to you on  camera than it does to me in person because i've   made some of the transitions quite bright and  that'll make these things pop i really like my   rainbow effect in here and the burt  tuning fork and ah i can't wait   ah to get the mando costume up and running so  i can get some fun beauty shots with this dude   vaporized java vaporized bluer vaporized crate  dragon i can't remember thank you guys so much for   joining me for this one day build now please enjoy  some close-ups of this beautiful piece won't you do a note this is a one-day build that actually  happened inside of this one day right yep one day   we started at noon it is 5 20.   we're on our way home a rarity thank you guys so much for watching  that entire video if you would like   to support tested even further well i'm  here to tell you that you could become a   member if you follow the links below you'll  see there are several tiers of membership   depending on how much you'd like to pay and  how much access you would like to me and the   tested team and membership comes as always  with some excellent benefits including uh   questions that i'll answer in live streams the  questions have been so amazing and exclusive   videos and exclusive content follow the  links below and we will see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 377,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage one day build, one day builds, adam savage tested, tested one day builds, star wars, mandalorian amban rifle, adam savage star wars, adam savage mandalorian, adam savage mandalorian blaster, Amban Phase-Pulse Blaster, amban blaster, mandalorian rifle diy, mandalorian blaster, star wars blaster, disney plus, adam savage one day builds, star wars props, prop making, adam savage star wars props, mandalorian blaster prop, mandalorian prop build
Id: DcNPYycz4nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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