Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Razor Crest Mods, Part 1!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/codenamechaosss 📅︎︎ May 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody adam savage in my cave and norm here in adam's cave as well and in front of us yeah fleet what's a fleet the fly yes you're right um i i love the ships of the star wars universe we have like we live in this age now there's tons of science fiction movies and tons of spaceships moving around and one of my issues with a lot of spaceships is they look super highly detailed to the degree that i can't quite parse their overall shapes and one of the things that doug chang and all the designers in the star wars universe do so well is iconic outlines i call it silhouettes can a five-year-old draw the x-wing the u-wing yes y-wing yes so we have two razor crests here and us a pair of adult children are going to slowly start to refine these to be i think we both feel like these are excellent canvases on which to just play in the spaceship realm yeah when hasbro designed this you know they designed to be a playset so like we showed the panels come off you know the whole top comes off the whole side panel all this modularity exactly exactly but we want to add more yes these nacelles come off and while they have magnificent detailing all around i see some clear orange parts that are begging for lighting um so that's what we want to do this isn't going to get finished today it's not going to get finished in the next video what this is is the beginning of a set of videos of us slowly modifying our razor crests until we feel like we're happy with them and that includes painting it's going to include installations as other people who have this in the world start doing maybe some 3d modeling and 3d printed replacement parts let us know if you know people are doing those type of kits well you want to get yeah like when i was building the dagostini millennium falcon there were all sorts of add-on kits that kept on showing up while i was building it for doing lighting and doing all sorts of floor detailing and extra little places i'm sure that's going to start to happen with these but what we're starting with i think is some disassembly yes um it's funnily enough after we released our video a wonderful youtuber i can't remember their name actually figured out how to get these nacelles apart and it is super non-trivial um the nacelle is screwed together this way and then capped with these like capture caps so there's like a knob with a lip and then the the engine cowling goes over that and is captured and it's tight enough that like i was doing all sorts of force and i didn't want to break anything but i really appreciate that youtuber for showing us the inside because it gave me some ideas about how to maybe a little more easily separate these nacelles so that we can get some lighting and detailing going on in them all right so we have two workbenches we're gonna kind of break them into their natural components and then go a little bit further to turn this canvas into like a deconstructed razor crust yeah the first thing i'm going to do with the nacelles is i'm going to just start running this one under hot water i want to soften up what i saw in the video is that there's a lip and then there's these uh fins that come up to the lip and i just want to soften those up with warm water and i think that'll make it a little easier to pop these guys off all right yeah all right let's start um a little bit of dismantling i think to me we'll go full jawa yeah yes totally all right let me get that we got these guys i love that they put structural detail on the inside of the connecting parts the blue parts where you're never supposed to see them i know right i know but and like they're really understanding that if you're gonna pull this apart they're giving you some more narrative it's really lovely okay there's that the roof in one of the videos this removable roof is a fantastic piece i would like to put integral lighting into this not today but at some point because i can put batteries and lights in this and it's still a removable piece i think that's awesome there's that yup that guy oh yeah this whole side panel [Applause] this one oh the gun yeah yeah are you noticing like screws what's that are you noticing like screws you know places where we can where we can mechanically take it apart yes it's still pretty hard to find screws though they've done an unfortunately good job of hiding them come on there we go i think that is all of them [Applause] nacelles right uh so it's not critical to pull these screws out but i'm going to because i definitely want to end up painting these interiors um they're all the same size i believe so that makes it really easy i'll get a couple of phillips i gotta say take a look at these screws close up they're phillips screws but i believe that hazlab chose these screws because they don't look like phillips screws from a distance i think that's a really neat choice that they made i appreciate that attention to detail yeah it just pops right off and then the other thing lifts right out there okay um one of the things that happens is as you try and pry you dent the edges of this but it's the razor crest it's dented and it's scratched so that's a nice little bit that we don't have to worry too much about but um so again the structure here is that there are two halves and they are held they're actually screwed together but those screws are all hidden under these two caps that are clipped on with a lot of force so i'm going to put them under water hot water to try and uh uh make them a little lazier make them a little easier to move here we go i know there's not a lot of room back here sorry about that um yeah there's no electronics in here so there's no worries about getting water in here but once i start getting water in here i have to get these apart because i can't have them leaking water all over let's see here all right so yeah now when you're doing this and you're running hot water over a thing it's actually like cooking right because it's temperature management you just want to be imagining where stuff is at and like when does it when has the temperature gotten all the way through the thing because this this water here is probably about a 110 112 degrees um when the plastic gets heated up to that temperature that'll be as soft as i'll be able to get this i mean i guess i could heat up a tea kettle and get it hotter but i don't want to melt this stuff i'm just trying to relax it a little bit i'm coming at it from both ends kind of letting this drip down and then getting in there if you have a pla if you end up with a plastic part that's slightly warped long time soak in warm water is actually a great way to again relax it so that you could potentially bend it back into the form you need i use a heat gun and warm water all the time when i'm working with resin and styrene all right i'm almost there i think all right it could be a way to put that immersion circulator that sous vide device to use all right so let's see here um i already feel like it's moving more than it was the other day oh yeah wow right so and that's a clip it is a clip there's a clip underneath there which we're not too worried about necessarily oh god no i'm actually the moment i get that clip to release i'm cutting it out yeah yeah i'm like not letting it be part of the equation the guy did say in the youtube video that it was a real pain in the ass to get it off come on let's go i just thought a well-timed smack might work but it didn't oh well let's take a look at this yeah it there's where was it really even that's the release right there yeah oh my gosh yeah wow this was what you're softening got it yeah and same thing he said this it it actually sheared that's this is so well held here that it sheared there which is fine i'm putting this all back together i'm definitely never using the clips again i'm going to either use magnets or hidden screws to hold this on for the future but look at that look at that that that's fantastic i can do some real detailing on that again hazm lab using all the same size screws dudes your mensches shake shake shake almost there see we'll see these so i found i believe that the back comes off faster than the front without a doubt i'm just trying to see where your seam was yeah it's um right there right there so go ahead and like you start to torque this and you'll see it moving what [Music] that's the back one that's the back one's the easy one the front one's a pain in the ass here let me um let me see work on the front one for you do you want to go start to warm up another one yep okay warm up ah right so the paint tends to stick this thing together that's one of the things all right here we go and we're just gonna come on that was almost it that was part of it there we go got it norm i did it there's a little damage oh my god it's like we're cracking lobster shells right got it got it got it yep there we go that's the second one that's the bad one jesus all right and then this one should be the easy said maybe he needs a little more steaming it could be even the easy one i know come on baby that's so i'm sad that two of them came out easy and two of them didn't i wonder if they were the same side it was oh right and left right which one do you have yeah it is the same side oh this is maybe this is the left side and maybe that's a little so the left side might be more difficult yeah then the right side to undo wants to come off it wants to it really does i know your real danger at this moment is jamming the screwdriver into yourself so i'm really trying to be cautious and you can see i'm like tearing apart the whole cowling here and oh my god this is crazy somewhere somewhere in a factory there's someone who's like yeah i designed that part high fiving exactly i was hoping we'd be done within the first hour and it looks like we will be done with disassembly on these in the first hour so i'm pleased with that norm and i weren't sure that this is going to take like two hours however long when you're taking apart stuff like this you can be rest assured that if they can make one tool to make two parts they will because making everything a mirror of each other means double the amount of cooling and tooling is expensive did you get it now oh did you find the clamp helpful uh no here let me give it a shot here for you and we may end up with a little bit of destruction no it's okay full full disclosure all right so yeah oh it's just really getting in there and pry wow yeah i'm a i'm an old hand at it now i mean just to give you some idea here these are the four tabs holding on at the bottom of this lip and they held on so strong they sheared these four screw bosses rather than releasing yeah um sorry this is what i was going to get so what you want to do is you want to get this in there and just torque each for each of these back in that hole and then then this piece comes off and then once you pull that off these four screws oh when you get that off uh those four screws allow that thing to separate right but i don't i'm not using we're not no no no no we're done we're never gonna click um first try you can't over label your stuff l um those four screws are out oh right that's not but these are so that is our ah look at that r oh it's even labeled on the inside r sorry i don't mean to yell but i'm kind of excited about that and these are also our oh they're labeled r and r oh this is great those live there and there's that is the one piece so that's great now i need to get that at three [Applause] this last part just doesn't want to come out oh wow yeah we'll and we'll be able to repair all that and get that back down um but i yeah i found this one too to be a freaking nightmare [Applause] i don't care about the damage yeah my god ready that's better than prying right i'm just trying to oh that didn't work [Music] did you snap the screwdriver oh man yeah a heat gun will be a key part of the repair of this thing ah norm i'm sorry that's okay same thing happened on mine sheared yep yeah so yeah that's when i'm just gonna come in here and yep that's this point we just want it off oh my god just i'm i'm quite sure that the hazmat has lab guys are going to reach out and be like oh there was this one place you could place a screwdriver the whole thing pops off oh wow here we go mazel tov [Laughter] i'm gonna thank you paper towels and clean up a little bit oh wow this is great this is great this is helping me figure out what i want to cut away and what i want to play with for instance i want to be able to see engine lights behind these fins and in order to do that yeah i'm going to need to be able to run a little bit of uh uh probably translucent acrylic back behind here with a uh with a gel on it that helps me there on the back side again it's like i'm just going to cut away all of this in order to be able to witness yeah that okay so those guys [Music] [Applause] one of the things i did when i thought i was getting close was i zeroed out the cross feed on my dro so that i knew when i hit the same depth i've got about an eighth of an inch to go to machine this little pocket that will hold our super thin silicone lights the reason i'm stopping so frequently is to keep the abs plastic of the toy from overheating if it gets overheated it's going to solidify and grip this and this whole thing will fly off and we don't want that so i'll show you i'll show you what i'm actually doing here is what i'm hoping to achieve if i can is a little bit of a oh okay ah copy that all right um what i'm hoping to achieve i got light coming out here no problem i want a little light coming out here and i'm greedy about it so i'm machining a little pocket in here to receive a lighting element but what i can see oh wait a second yeah interesting i really like how low profile that is it's almost not visible but if i carve these down each of these you know what that's what i'm going to do it's going to be very subtle the difference between what is and what will be but deep in here i'm going to let just a little bit of light escape it's going to be really really subtle but it'll give us this great extra bit of lighting drama in there plastic melted [Music] there it goes [Music] [Applause] so beauty uh your nacelles are cargo ah thank you yeah so i think um orange orange so we have basically a warm yeah warm uh warm white and a red are the two color options oh warm white yeah let's do wow no it should be red red yeah red for the outside red will be a tiny little kick around that perimeter of making this look really great and the inside orange or the inside will be naturally orange yeah finally caught up to the re assembly process where we caught adam when we got back from lunch so i've now also hogged out both ends of the new cells i need a little bit of standing off there to make that work later i'm just adding some washers to the reassembly because we're putting this back i'm putting this back together in a different way than it went together i've pulled out some of the screw bosses and other things that held this together oh that's not the right washer um and i'm now i'm adding washers so similar to here where i'm using some sheet metal screws and washers to hold it all together i'm doing the same with this part great great i'm very excited about all this um so now lights camera try that so i'm trying a hot source here rather than a ring of lights okay because i'm curious i know what a ring of lights is probably going to look like but i feel like if i get a hot source on this um i might get something even more interesting uh i don't know these are replacement uh leds for auto yeah so that's four volts right you have tinting already right i i get i get tinting out of this actually let me get this get that like that so i can hold it what do these want to operate at um probably 12 because they're they're i think they're car headlight replacements oh wow so they go real bright they should let's see here i mean that's four that's 12. okay a little bit of distance interesting yeah i mean that's the other thing is that there could be see i think we want to play around with some diffusers yeah to to kind of spread that light around sure like as you press it against the orange but pull it back it changes the look completely um and like i think that we might i mean even that's really that's pretty good right in the center yeah actually that's amazing especially with the ring of lights extra the red we got a nice hot spot and it doesn't look like just like lego right right yeah yeah yeah yeah so a hot spot right there and then red around the outside that's peeking through these well the red will peek through but no a second a second oh interesting okay so i'm gonna yeah okay i like that i like how that works i'm gonna scotch tape that in i think that's kind of great um i mean because we may even want to um oh that's them that is the center of the thing definitely we're going to want to paint some of this some of that detail on the on the orange in order to create some more interesting light stuff i mean john what i heard was that there's like endless numbers of rings 3d printed for the real ones yeah yeah um practical layering yeah so i pick these up all the time when i can find them because these burn fairly cool even at 12 volts oh yeah wow and that's like you know and i really like the leds boy they made them incredibly lovely dimmable you know i'm even thinking no that's too big um these guys are millennium falcon lights that's what is across the walls of the millennium falcon hallways so i'm uh oh oh right right right let me go grab this and see if i can yeah oh wait holy hallway wait there it is that's it these oh my gosh adam's pulled out of his memory at the top of the mando's cockpit and pulling from the upgrade archive bin it is basically the same size so what we can do is we can drill that out make a plug of like a diffusion like some uh laser-cut acrylic and then just glue that right to the top of it yeah and it'll look absolutely awesome yeah paint this first and yeah yeah um and i've got like one two three four five i mean we we don't need that many and i've got plenty so that's awesome why you don't throw anything out great so oh these are actually solderable no matter how thin i cut them that's great so i can just do a sample here and like pop it around the perimeter um because that's really what i want to do just that oh okay right yeah yeah yeah got way too long this is the original rapid prototyping [Laughter] exactly okay what happened something touched something and i blew a fuse oh wait nope i didn't i accidentally oh from a certain angle the ring reads off access here let me let me let me hold it up so you can see yeah you're going to have to keep your finger between the two clip leads yep and then hold that one in the center right so first of all you can see okay i can see that we still want a little bit of more diffus keep keep hold that hold on to that for just a sec and it's one cob led strip on the inner recess here it's almost like i want almost like a cellophane wrapper stuffed in there yeah kind of thing of like no that's not going to do it's got to be like sort of a translucent stuff right there there you go well done it's about the same thing at the same second [Applause] yeah the thing i've noticed is that the ring i can see the ring and i and i feel like i understand the ring structure okay so i want to eliminate that and i think if we buy some um specular cellophane like for wrapping okay uh which is really really light and we stuff it in there that'll just use it enough to make it look like kind of a regular kind of diffract it a little bit and then when we hit some of this with black it's going to look really great the other thing i'm thinking about is painting the whole thing black and then scraping away so when you said liquid masking that's what i was thinking because you're masking and then maybe putting a coat of black yes and i'm just never used liquid masking so i'm a little nervous about it but like this yeah especially when we get the little red around the perimeter there that's going to be amazing i think this one day build is going to extend to a second date just so we got look at the red in there and see it man i feel like that i feel i just gotta say like i feel like the has lab folks thought about this just a little bit you know what i mean i look i know they didn't make it easy to take oh no no i go back to rewind [Applause] oh my god the culture of how this attaches together might have been something that has lab folks had nothing to do with but i i think i take your point was that that could have been opaque and the fact that it is a clear tinted piece gives us a lot to work with and makes our life a lot easier at this point yeah and you know like we've said repeatedly throughout like looking at haslabs stuff it feels like it's holding collectors in a nice embrace you know um i really like the hot center spot i think it's vastly better than just that yeah what do you think about mounting options for that um you know this is easy i could just take a tube and stick this in the tube and it fits over that thing oh okay wow okay that's absolutely true so because oh it sticks out yeah yeah and then i mean this thing just like parks in here yeah it's the problem is is like to do the final lighting you got to do all the painting and all the other stuff but like this is a fantastic proof of concept of how much really cool drama we can get out of these engines so i've got a little bit of flexible rubber here and i was just going to just try and get it to sit on dude dude there you go it isolates oh wow and the orange of that because this is a cool light and it makes it real nice and warm yeah i'm really digging that i feel like that's great i like the way it does that and then um let's how do you think that's going to combine well let's do it we can combine so curious okay so uh yeah there we go such a simple clever way of fitting in yeah i know like that's an old that's like a special effects solution okay so you got those yep let's get that one and these are five volts oh right are these five i think cob if this is your usb one oh sure uh it will say on the cob i believe it is five volts yeah okay so i need a second power supply thanks for catching that that's 5 volts i love that you pulled you're pulling two old ilm power supplies yes to light a 12 volt and a 5 volt led this is how we did it man okay that's 5 volts dude you get the ring yeah i think that's really nifty i think i may try and throw some cotton batting in there or maybe even try a little paint on this thing you can let go yeah to try a little paint on this thing to darken up some of it but that looks really nice it really is the hot shape yeah and i love the fact that you can see the ring the outer ring the orange just makes all the color really great very happy with that wow yeah i think that looks terrific okay all right um that is a pair of solutions for these then we need a light back here yep so you can get this front a little bit this will be i think maybe we'll take like a spray can cap okay and put some lights behind it so we get a little bit of um because you're you have built-in diffusion right already you know yeah yeah something like that and then we'll uh we'll figure out how to do that okay so i'm going to get this we can start to install these rings i'm going to uh give you some i'm going to cut the co bead at length and create some leads so i have my wires there and we're going to cut some of this tubing that you can get some most of that stuff and then i'm going to take some copper metallic tape to hold the cob down oh okay just because it's um the wire torquage on it can give it something separate yeah exactly adhesive so yeah all right i'm gonna start soldering those all right these i can turn that off and turn that off put these down great when i have to hold something down that needs a little bit of real um mechanical strength to hold it down so this is what i have to do here i'm trying to hold down both sides of this little chip on board strip so that when i attach the wiring to it i'm not always pulling it out i'm going to use this copper tape here there we go to put in and it's going over over the wire connecting up to the inside and then coming up inside there and the reason i like the metallic tape for that is because unlike normal tape it's it's metal so you can really mold it to the surface it's going to and that makes it mechanically a lot more robust i just i really really dig metallic tape for that kind of hold down gription when you need it i'm going to do most of my wiring with lugs because uh i just want to get it across the board you know oh you know what um norm yep i'm gonna end up putting uh leads on all these lights for us okay uh because that's i can just take care of that right now great there we go oh okay that's the hot confirmed always check everything confirmed great so that's a known quantity i can turn on my soldering iron as soon as you know you need like a certain light bulb times four or eight or twelve solder them all up makes your life a lot easier there we go [Music] let's see here that and that good oh that's bright i'm double checking this one five volts one i count all the time when i'm doing this two i always say things like three goes to three and four goes to four i find lots of mistakes that way normal heat shrink i think is like a three to one shrinkage this is supposedly more like four to one and this just keeps us insulated yeah that's good it's great it's going to create a a little cutting uh slit in it to have it wrap around right yeah you should have one already with a slit and i think it gave you one of the ones we i built or i mean i tested on uh one of them should have a little slim yeah that's right oh yeah scissors here you go go and i figure we use a little electrical tape to hold it onto the the light yeah it doesn't need anything too special you want to keep this pressured fit or do you want to hit a little bit of ca in there um i think so that's why i was thinking about wrapping just a little bit of electrical tape around the base of it and then pressure fitting it and then that should hold for a while okay and then later on i think we could use some like silicone glue or something like that to hold it on so both ends will have electrical tape i think actually the the main the uh the the back end here is just oh yeah i guess it could use a little bit of oh i had the one with the business on it there we go so i just i put a little here's what i did um i put this in here without with just a pressure i just actually what the i just broke my lamp all right i have to rebuild that one um i'll borrow those these are delicate more delicate than i realized yep so i have that this whole cutting it pressure fit this first on here and then wrap the electrical tape around the base yes excellent always be testing right now abt and i'll do one here just because i want to see the effect [Laughter] i know i know brother all right so um that's hot i have to solder this cob okay so we do this to that not to there talking to yourself is a vital part of making man it is really and this is a step down that's a step down from 12 to 5. it's not going to end up i i have it here right now i think ultimately it's going to end up living in in the yeah i need to find a place where the power distribution can go so that these things can have some removable plugs here that they go to um and there's space right like i don't need that thing that doesn't that doesn't matter i can still plugs in yeah because it's really those two plugs so you know i this is the post once we work out the lighting solutions working out how power gets to them is the next phase but that's just like again distributing it it may be that under here is where the step downs go and then they they drift out yeah i know there's all sorts of like engineering you have to do just to keep all that stuff going all right yes lugs just for power now oh so you've all connected yeah so yeah i'm just doing this yeah we just want to see the lights yeah yes you'll be able to hold on to it here pick it up this should be if i did everything correctly is that it that is it oh it's great looking i l also even from the side you can see that there's more than one color of light and that's just that's really nice i do think maybe throwing some cotton batting in there uh oh go grab why am i yelling who cares this is about uh excuse me about trying to get a little more fill in this light here so i'm just going to try doing some of that and oh that does help yeah okay moving around a little bit yeah so it's very funny what ends up being the thing that acts as your proper diffuser that's better than the dark spot that was in the middle you know plus it it quiets that ring a little bit and gives a little more diffusion a little less like the more you can see what you're seeing the less interesting it is but once you do that you kind of spread it out a little bit with a little bit of dark paint on the details on the orange it'll look really nice all right let's get some strain relief in here also notice you're using copper tape ah yes what's great about the copper tape is you can solder right to it if you need to i've used it as like a bus bar but i like it for holding stuff down because it conforms to what you're sticking it to and this is a little bit of rigidity yeah a little bit and it's not working itself away okay you know you put tape down and sometimes it's stretched and it pulls itself up and the copper does not yeah and i mean i'm still working out the i mean i use the lugs because they give me freedom to change my mind later this little 12 to five step down will i it'll probably live inside here there's some space underneath here that means all the 12 volts have to go to that though yeah i mean and maybe it's going to live inside of one of these but even then i need plugs that go between i have to figure it out oh hey i figured something else out um and it's this uh yeah you'll like this um okay we can let go and this is these are these are this is 12 this is 12 and these are 12 okay so this is a 12 volt little bulb um we're going to use these to light up that the orange on the bottom orange landing light is uh is that 12 volt one just because that's what you have on hand or yeah i could i keep these little i keep here i've got two of these because they have the built-in resistor yeah this is you just put 12 volts to it it's pre-wired so it's really straightforward yeah it's the built-in right there yeah and we'll be able to add dimming to these later if we want to oh it's nice i figure we have an entire day of painting norm of just masking off and doing the interior panels these guys oh those and also these and those yeah and i think those guys end up these end up getting glued together are the two pieces yeah the two hubs i think those two halves because they they uh they connect perfectly and they there's no reason why that's yeah they don't yeah it's so funny when we did our first painting pass all we saw was this exposed but there's so much more and by taking it apart you're going to get all and yeah and that's where we've even talked about potentially where you could do some lighting um i thought about it i don't think it actually works and here's the reason why when this thing goes in here it's so tight it's so tight that if you do lighting back there you're gonna see it and i that's going to drive me crazy especially the angle that it gets that it gets viewed at it's like this so you're kind of regularly looking down into that but i also think that with we can take some solder some actual just silver solder and run some extra leads of uh like electrical conduit across the top of this and just make it really simple okay they've really done a good job on this kit the hazlab folks of making this knot of making everything only fit together one way thank god um and labeled too or yeah it's really it's really great that they did that so now i want to paint these so that they're light tight which means i want to paint them black on the back [Applause] uh i forgot to tell you to take off these guys they're just two catches one on either side to remove them but you have to wait till the black paint dries the reason is and this is actually kind of interesting do you notice that this looks a little crisper than this yes and the reason is specifically because this is ever so slightly translucent and that makes its edges visually a little bit blurry yeah so i hit it with gray on the front and black on the back that makes it light tight but also a lot more interesting visually yeah isn't that funny and that's just just that translucency yeah the resin or where the injection will the plastic they use yeah isn't that fascinating i love that little thing so here is that you can see that this looks a little bit softer than this and normally you would not want that kind of hard edge they're getting free gradient by using a more translucent plastic in there in their injection molded but when we do the light behind there that christmas will make it really sell in terms of scale and then we'll also get to do like a very specific custom paint job on these to make them look you know to burn around the edges once we get to painting all this is the difficult busy work the painting is going to be the most fun already it looks better just even that one monochromatic gray makes that look way better so now i got to figure out how to get light into the backside of that diffuser so yeah come here norm take a look is this your landing lights oh no the front oh down what's that you're are you shooting into it or no no straight oh okay yeah yeah um so hang on so you're creating some distance yeah i think that's the key and i don't know that i need to get up closer in there but i'm also thinking that a little gel yeah and what i could do is just try a couple of colors here wow you see the way it's casting light along the edge there yeah no and i think that like i think that we want this to be like a red like a very red that's two that's two red yep but what if i did that with orange no it's still too red right that doesn't look like fire that looks yeah yeah [Music] trying to do too much at once all right let's do this hey there we go that's pretty great norm what's the color of theory it is um three different gels two bent over doubled and then an orange on top i can get four gels out of this um so if you hold that yep okay yeah oh and it reads real well along the the outside yeah i know especially when that's matte and not shiny when we do that scoop and we give it a little bit of like some um burn marks um so yeah we're basically going to be making four little gels here yeah and the distance really helps too yeah oh okay great how are those gonna be suspended because yeah it's a good question i i mean to be it's really almost just like a little you just need a little bit here and they just sit there you know what i mean like a little it's just that but it's just mostly just gonna sit right there so yeah there we go a little stand a little bit of acrylic a little bit of oh just a little standy yeah acrylic stand like quarter inch acrylic and glue it in with ca okay or actually freaking delrin will work great to be fair in delrin's soft enough that you can press fit and they have a little bit yeah and i don't even think it's it's actually yeah so oh shook wrap around yeah a little bit you're right shrink wrap would probably be perfect there and just like just sitting there facing forward so when we originally you only had these two pieces of diffusion you could make a lot of that just by putting it toward the light as opposed to exactly exactly yeah your tolerances for this diffuser was so good that adding a coat of paint there it goes makes it a very very tight fit yeah it is right yep yeah that one's good actually but now i'm soldering while talking which means it's highly likely i'm going to wire one of these backwards three all right let's try that see if i got this right i like that it's not perfectly uniform all the way around you know what i mean yeah a little bit of the white leaking through a little bit of dab of ca yeah a little that's exactly right so we'll just do it here we go one of the lessons i'm learning here is that distance whether it's distance with from the tubing or the distance from how far you're putting for the this light with the standoff the light yeah helps a lot in addition to the diffusion yes it's absolutely true like when you're playing around with lighting yeah it's a whole it's a whole yeah it's a whole thing to get right about those those relationships i think we are almost ready for a test my goodness is that really possible okay good hey norm yeah i need your help for a second yep i just want you to hold these two yep that's it that's all i want um i'm just gonna are we gonna see some lights we're gonna see lights very soon feet at 12 volts i'm feeding it all 12. yep there we go got one two three and four four here comes this guy and dude we got lights on this got lights on this puppy oh yeah i mean look we'll end up doing some dimming i think but i really dig how that looks yeah a little bit a little bit of seamage oh it's just a translucency yeah you can see right through it so hit the inside of that with black or with a gray and uh just make that light leak because you can see that but i'm really pleased with how that looks and i think once we get to dim that a little bit be really good looking that i love yeah the way it shows the fins yeah yeah and that's not even you never even see that in the real thing i do like how uneven it is how what uneven that orange is yeah no i know it's nice it actually it helps sell a little bit that it moves and changes to your and so you know the other thing we can do is we can go in and do like uh airbrush around the edge of the diffusion to create a little bit of you know a little bit of drop off and that's a nice little hot light right here yeah i know i think it looks great and there's like another one under here somewhere or another pair of them down there the thing i love about this process is how improvisational it is once you get your i mean it is a great time to be able to buy like pre-wired leds it's all in regular you know 12 volt 6 volts 3 volts um but i love this process of figuring out how to get you know how to get the look you want to play around with a bunch of different things and then now that we've got it it's just but this is another couple of hours of work to do all four in the cells it's all same principles and four lights different looks yeah they do different things each of them um on this engine cal the engine on the back here i can see we're gonna have to do some painting for the light leakage yeah um but again that's a painting problem but now that i'm seeing this with lights in it once we have that once we start to detail in here and i really do think like adding some solder across this will add so much dimension it's just going to be really thrilling um then once we have that then we're going to be having like i have my 12 volt to 5 volt step down in here but that's going to need to live somewhere else so that this thing can plug together um that'll be another bit of engineering is figuring out how the nasals come out and how they go back in and plug together so it may be that there's two plugs in each one one twelve one okay you know and i think some of the little tiny things that i've got here i think these are three volts yeah so we're going to need a whole separate system for those this is the beginning of a long running long-term project and it's already so much fun it is i think that by the time the next time we shoot a video for this we'll have our four nacelles assembled and lit up um i want to work on the cockpit okay i'd love to see if we can actually even pull the cockpit and work on it outside and then put it back in um that's one one day build i can see we can spend a whole day just painting the exposed engine panel parts that's really great um inside here yeah the lighting on the underside of this guy is a whole nother thing i've got some nice little lights that i really like for that uh then there's interior painting uh again so just something i'd like to call out again is there's multiple modalities of paint here and i appreciate that while this isn't very interesting they really have tried to do a two color pass on this for weathering but also to make this look substantively different than the other weathered parts and that's like that's an attention to detail that's really that's really lovely oh man yes this is going to be a long process i'm having so much fun on this yeah we got to do we got to put a little window in there yeah yeah yeah that's another one all right dude it continues really that was a really fun fun excursion i love making my toys better this is the way that's totally the way
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 212,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage one day build, one day builds, one day build, the mandalorian, razor crest, star wars, adam savage one day builds, one day builds tested, prop making, mandalorian razor crest toy, haslab razor crest, haslab razor crest review, hasbro razor crest, hasbro razor crest review, show and tell, razor crest haslab, razor crest toy, razor crest review, razor crest vintage collection, the vintage collection star wars, adam savage star wars
Id: K0FcUntHyKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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