Adam Savage's One Day Builds: First Order Retrievability Tool Cart!

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So much for “F$&@ drawers”

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ExcaliburZSH 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2023 🗫︎ replies
hi everybody [Music] ah there we go I don't need a hat right now I'm wearing the Hat because it's super cold and I'm cold that's why I'm also wearing my American Giant Savage NASA NASA patch hoodie hi everybody Adam Savage in my cave it's weird I'm in the shop and I don't know what to do today like I I'm very ambivalent ambivalent I'm moving from like many different projects are sort of moving through my head and when that happens I start to think okay is there shop infrastructure I should be doing it's always yes uh and I one of the earliest videos that got a lot of traction untested was about my tool sorting Philosophy for Tool retrieval which I call first order retrievability which is that all the things I need that are mission critical like uh like uh uh micrometers and forstner bits and t handled Allen's and punches and drill bits and such are all right here at this tool cart right next to the main body of the shop this is like the this is without a doubt the most important tool cart in this shop and it's in a terrible state look over here look at this look at this this is months of neglect months let me give you a reverse thing this is normally where all the clamps live this holder for all my Allen twisties for all my uh tapping twisties failed and now they're just sitting here and the tabs are all just and the bits are all here and I don't even need all these and then these bits are here and they don't even need all these and yeah everything here just oh also I have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I have ten of these containers actually I have 11. I have a new one now I have metric it begs the question how do I fit this metric uh drill bit dispenser into this cart and keep it useful and there's a couple of other things that I've noticed that I don't use all the time so basically I need to rebuild this entire cart right now and it's like two we'll see if I get it done today unlikely but possible um the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to just start rebuilding it from scratch right now it's two carts I want it to be one [Music] so I'm gonna build a cart that will be the uh the thing it sits on [Music] perfectly fair I'm not even sure exactly how I want to start this but it's what I want to do today so I got to figure something out I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to go up to the Loft and I'm going to find some Wheels look at this I had four of these These are great I love red Wheels I love non-marking Wheels I love locking Wheels all that is great means I can wheel this into a van if I need to all right let's make measurements okay 48 inches wide 10 and a half inches deep I've got some [Music] [Music] foreign foreign I'm going to give it a another rigidifying member and then uh we're going to start to build the upright shelves so uh I've built this like this to get some anti-droop going on and I've have the wheels aren't out in the corners again so that this thing doesn't start to get saggy in the middle and I believe I'm putting both Towers is that how that works it might uh where the where do the carts go on this is up in the air in my head but the very next thing to do is to put in um this is a technology worth talking about t-bolts [Music] tea nuts t-nuts in the realm of bolts of nuts we've got your regular nut that's a quarter 20 regular mild steel nut we got your your Nylock nut with a little bit of nylon up there in the front grabs anti-vibration keeps the nut from Winding itself out you get a wing nut yeah I know a lot of wingnuts out there uh and then you've got the t-nut and the t-nut is this lovely little thing in which you drill a hole that diameter which I think is actually 5 16. and then you Hammer this in from the other side you can use a bolt to hold the thing on the wood and it the the the teeth here the teeth here they grab the wood they go into the wood they hold on to it um it has its limitations but these are like if peanuts didn't exist it would be a lot harder to be a theater technician today [Music] uh-huh yeah you know I'm right uh now we put in the TVs which is the process it looks like hey oh hey foreign [Applause] by halves yes I'm going to be holding them on with uh 16 of those [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one thing I'm doing here is each time I'm tightening Up A Screw I'm putting my hand on the t-nut I'm feeling the t-nut sink in so if you look at this one see it's a little bit proud watch this it gets much smoother that's what I want I want them all to be about the same [Music] good good nice and durable very happy with that so now [Music] now I have to get up to the top oh yeah [Music] I should clean the workbench because I've got to Stage my stuff here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] how are you today uh so I came in and I saw the cart and the car just good the card is calm the cart currently has a wonderful agglomeration of things that I use all the time caps cap wrenches long bits I've got short bits over there and long bits are what I are harder to find wehaw the bondhus the calipers and the whole Forster malarkey I also particularly dug this I did this last night just before I left um these are my gathered from all over collection of cat twists I didn't know I had this many of them uh they are glorious little little things with beefy dreams they they hold well more than their size would uh indicate uh so I'm going to add some more clampage here for some of these guys but I had this business here and I've I've been thinking about buying some more of these um drilled bit dispensers they're expensive they're like the the cheapest knockoffs are like 70 bucks and I know it's not that much but I like it was sorry for turning around so quickly it was always going to be an imperfect solution because what I really have is a very weird drawer let's go look at it I don't know if we've gone to this drawer before oh odd drill bits now drill bits or drill bits so you think there's a whole universe inside of drill bits the geometry of the tip of a drill bit is a fought over engineered repeatedly sought solution there are all sorts of different ways to knock down a thing but that's not what I'm here to talk about I'm here to talk about the fact that in any normal shop you have some outlier drill bits puppies like that where where where where does he live do you have a drilling index for this thing you bought that time uh and so I've got a bunch of um what look like 12 inch aircraft drills I've got some medium look at that eighth inch six inches long aircraft drills are what these are often called because they get you in and out of tight spaces um you can't have too many long drills I am not kidding I go to this drawer more than most in the shop now I also have step drills I've got a large complement of Step drills and I've often found that step drills are step tools are one of those tools you don't need to spend a lot of dough on you don't need to go get the hundred dollar set of Step drills I have found very little difference overall overall between the 10 Harbor Freight step drills and all the other guys I've got them all I've got them all I don't notice any of them lasting longer than others uh I also have a whole set of acrylic drills with the uh 60 point 60 degree Point um the acrylic drills what is that one I don't even know what that one is this just looks like a normal half inch drill so it's perfect for my illustration you see the tip of the half inch drill and you see how that Leading Edge is coming around right right there that Leading Edge so that Leading Edge sorry yeah that Leading Edge comes around and it scrapes material but that also means that it pulls itself into the material the Plex bit just scrapes it scrapes it out of the way uh and does not shatter acrylic drills I don't even know if I have a favorite brand for those I just get them a tap um I've got glass drills I've got ceramic drills I've got Diamond drills I've got some Diamond hole saws this is a very regular visit for me needs to go somewhere else I see I see you see what I'm thinking it's gonna go and here's the best part is because I have this long unrealized plan to make myself a completely custom set of machinist toolboxes it's a long unrealized plan I have I have drawings I've never gotten around to it it is a big swing um but what I have is a whole bunch of these little baby little baby drawer slides and they fit in here with about a half inch to a half inch proud that is plenty for me and so yeah ladies and gentlemen and everybody else I'm going to install odd drill bits on the actual drill bit cart Deuteronomy I mean what are we gonna do next should we go get the um the brace drill collection that I have here I have a pretty impressive selection of brace fills and something tells me that oh hey wait there we go we'll just leave that for now I can see in the execution of this that I had something I like but The Next Step wasn't clear to me so when I come in this morning the most the the when you let your brain do that when you let your brain um gestate overnight and think about something my favorite feeling is when you come in I came in and I saw these and I was like oh more clam storage over here there's plenty of room it's great that makes me excited and then I come over here and I'm like I still don't know what to do with this pile of spaghetti odd drill bits is a drawer we are going to make we're going to make it fine we're going to make it out of some really nice uh quarter inch stock not half inch stock yeah I'm gonna make a I'm going to make probably four or five little drawers and I am going to have shelf storage for those brace bits and all the other huh now I'm wondering if I could store all the hole saws in there I mean there's a lot of room the problem is I don't go for whole I use hole saws like twice a year at the most so when you want to make a whole a drill bit right we've been talking about drill bits uh you want to make a hole a drill bit is how to do it there are lots of different ways drill bits go about their business but they're they they make holes of specific sizes or do they the thing is is that if you took a piece of metal and took a half inch drill and just poured down into it the hole you get would not be a half inch in diameter what um within reason it's probably if you measured it with a fine measuring instrument you'd find that it's interior finish is irregular which means that it is not one consistent diameter it's kind of marred up by having been carved up by the drill and it's it could be as much as 10 to 20 thousands over usually about ten eight to ten thou um which means that if I want a whole of a precise size I usually like let's say I want a half inch I will usually uh do a pilot hole in quarter inch then I'll do the size just under uh half inch what is that that's uh 3164. and then I will ream it reaming there's a reamer now a reamer has a set of fluted cutting edges on a spiral and this is called a chucking reamer I put it in my tail stock and I put the hole that I want to ream in the lathe or I can do this on the mill and the reamer bores a hole of incredibly precise Dimensions uh plus or minus a few a less than a few ten thousands really um again how well you've prepared matters but um one of the so reamers are awesome for mechanical fitment that is like really like they're actually critical they're Mission critical for uh a really nice mechanical connection between Parts they a drill bits will not suffice for I don't want to say never but drill bits are not often going to complete the job if you're asking them to do all of the like mechanical Precision that you need out of a machine with holes and axles and things like that drill bits are fine they're fine they're fine but but reamers okay enough about reamers foreign there are a couple things that reamers can do for you too that are really awesome I.E you can uh you can do what's called an interference fit in which you've got a hole that's let's say 999 thousandths of an inch one thousandth under one inch and then you've got a one inch shaft you can or one inch plug you can drive those two things together that that one thousandth will allow you to use an arbor press or a vice to press fit those things together and then it's very hard to get them apart it's a very positive mechanical connection how do you drill a hole 999 thousands well with this reamer so what I've got here is um a set of whatever I think are called like over unders I don't know what they're called um these are reamers that bracket the standard sizes so here's an eighth inch but this is one thou under eighth inch and this is one thou over eighth inch this is one thou under five sixteenths or three uh you know what I mean I'm not going to do the fractions in my head at any rate this goes all the way up to half inch 501 499 yep and then I've got uh I've got another 501 499 that I collected here is a three-quarter inch um this is a 0.75 and that's a 0.751 this is of 999 that is a one inch that is a one oh oh one anyway um I use the reamers often enough now my chasing zeros has had the result that I use the reamers often enough that they need to be in a stand and I must tell you I have a particular distaste for making bit stands only because it's extremely boring um I have to go find drill bits of each of these shaft sizes and drill them all so I have to have no wall of the numbers and basically once I looked at this I realized I really should have five eighths I really should have five eighths overs and unders so six two four six two five and six two six and I've ordered those but they haven't arrived yet so I'm gonna need to accommodate holes for those because I know I'm gonna I just I know myself I know how I do these things so I'm going to make a reamer over under kit here that will have three rows the center row will be the absolute dimensions and the left hand row will be the under and the right hand row will be the over and that will also live on a shelf under here oh and the other thing I'm going to do with that shelf put lights here because what I notice is is when I go over I didn't realize how much I was going to talk this morning 13 minutes um I noticed that the lights make me keep these shelves really nice yeah my other issue with making a stand for the chucking reamers the chucking reamers those chucking reamers um the other reason I was having difficulties getting started making a stand for my Chuck and reamers um is that I did not have a 2x4 there is not I need a big chunk of wood right I want to drill a hole in it so that it'll hold it upright and what I want is a two by four something something me right and all I have here is half inch I've got a few chunks of three quarter inch there's no there is no one inch let alone the one and three quarters that a two by four now is um but I found one I found one reader um it is here it is the middle layer on the underside of my old tool cart so I'm going to dismantle this and make some make my reamer stand out of that I guess that's where we're starting [Music] foreign [Music] all right I have drilled the piece of 2x4 I have put the holes in it I have labeled the holes I know that was a little ugly I'll fix that one a little later that's right that's enough anyway these are my reamers the over unders by oh oh 0.001 of an inch and we're gonna populate this now so we go that's 1001 that is one inch that is 0.999 Yep 0.99 this is 0.75 and 0.7501 I need to add some this is my half inch there you are 5 8 and this is right yeah so this is four nine right 499 yes let's put them into this one those and yes it happens there we go now I need the ones that go in the middle 7 16. so let's get one of those good one quarter [Music] there she blows each of these is one of the uh one of the reamers for standard fractional sizes and each of these is one thousandth over each of these and each of these is one thousandth under very exciting oh oh and here's this is a particularly fun part oh ladies and Gentlemen please that is a very happy making Bang okay so now I have some reamers I need to make sure I have a stock up so let's just do that uh uh next up I want to put lights in here facing that way I'm going to light this up it'll be great these are for sharpening I'm going to store them underneath there because when who the knows when I'm gonna get to Sharpie these are drill bits that just need to be sorted into those shelving yep that'll live right there reamers I'm so happy these are the odd drill bits and frankly is that a plexus oh yeah so it is all right so I've got my carbide beds I've got my long bits I've got my aircraft bits I've got my medium aircraft bits I guess I don't really need a second yep it certainly can much better okay so then [Music] I want to label it but I don't like the black on white label but I think I am going to do it Okay so oh I don't have to label them odd I can do long aircraft bits [Music] great lighting there just need to do a little bit of soldering and then the last thing we'll do is we'll figure out a way to hang the um the clip leads yep foreign should be negative which means this should light up there we go that's great that's just what I wanted that should be it now when I plug this in I should get operation and I don't so why not that's why oh my God always check the polarity man why would it be reversed who would reverse polarity freaking hell there we are now that ought to do it famous last words all right let's try it see what we got yeah all right yeah there we go oh so light join me won't you count [Music] thank you [Music] go through there [Music] foreign great what's a cube tap that is a cube tap that's what you mean on a film setting all right so let's get this and this should be light Aziz light Hey There It Is There She Goes oh oh see step into the light the light draws you towards it oh it makes you keep things nice light is beautiful light is so happy all right how am I gonna yeah I'm gonna hold on to that clip leads truth be told I need like six of them the rest should go in a drawer let me think about that all right well here we are here we are first order retrievability writ large over here we've got the tap wrenches and the tap guides and the Taps and for Taps that need sorting I've got a little bucket here all my long drivers the important ones the t-handled bond who's the weeha screwdrivers the drill drivers I still need to make a little for that guy but this is all back to normal oh look at that the over under reamers the wood uh Brad Point drill bits oh yes the long travel ing there's oh the black Simon Trail Stone beds down here we've got the metric drills we've got everything from the tiniest drill bits two of the biggest ones uh we've got even Taps we've got tiny little Taps like this uh it's never gonna focus never gonna Focus to all sorts of big Taps wait wait there we go yes this is hold on oh wait hold on that this is a hardware store that's what it is to me oh wait also over here the clamps oh the CL the cat twists are here yeah I know I still need to fix that that's done don't pay no attention to that okay just we'll just block that out right now and then we got the other clamps over here oh it's great it's so great and here is a little two inchers the longers and yeah yeah so this is so much more useful to me like this I'm so so happy with this and when I look at this I'm like oh look at the clear space and then I look at the Hammers and I'm like you should deal with the Hammers oh what a what was I even thinking with this this this this is ridiculous so we're not quite done in the shop infrastructure build just doing this half the equation wasn't enough because the round storage of the long stuff and brass and aluminum all that this is all in great shape I'm really happy the storage of my stock the brass and the Delrin and the Teflon and the aluminum and the steel all of this is great I'm really happy with the storage yeah there we go I'm really happy with that storage but hammers hammers yeah hammers Zara they're a hot mess right now so we're gonna deal with the Hammers oh I don't know how I have not okay I have an idea for the hammer I have an idea for the Hammers but I'm a little not happy about it because I'm worried that it's what I concluded this morning what I concluded this morning was that uh I gotta just jump in I have an idea for the Hammers and I gotta just execute that idea so that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna pull them all out make a pile count them up come up with some averages yeah here we go [Music] [Music] foreign all right so I've got a circle template here and what I've determined with the Hammers is that I'm going to have three levels of holes that are going to go like this and two will always be this big two will always be this big and the rest will be this big I think that covers me for all my big handled hammers um so let us see how to draw a line and make a template foreign yeah I counted about 40 hammers this gives me one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen per 44. that gets me 44 Hammer holes spread out like this and then wait a minute [Music] foreign [Music] this is the best part of doing something like this is the fact that I get to populate this so the ax gets a home my uh my uh my favorite my favorite hammers all get to go right where I want them to go oh the phenolics yes foreign all right foreign [Music] [Music] this is super super awesome uh I'm really happy with this so I'm gonna add one more Finishing Touch to this look I've got room to expand I know that that almost never happens I frequently design storage in the shop for what I currently have and then when new things show up I'm like boned [Music] but not today uh I'm adding one more bit of helpfulness and that is I'm adding yes I'm adding this right here yep [Music] so this this just making a little shelfish okay okay and this will house the replaceable heads for my hammers yes and the hammer wedges see that hammer wedges so all things hammer can be found one simply comes here [Music] let's just go better you know it doesn't but it might feel better I think this guy this guy could be here oh maybe this guy can live here much better yep oh the hammerheads and extra stuff just sits here waiting for me to use it it doesn't it yeah look at that this is where all the extra stuff goes oh I just love having everything available to me [Music] I can't tell you how long I've been thinking about fixing this like years like two years at least for two years I've known this was a bad solution what I had going on here and it was unworkable and it wasn't working for me and it still took me long I didn't trust this arrangement I didn't think this would yield the number of hammers that I wanted to store it's funny this like what it takes to get to a to a task isn't it but between oh look I feel like I'm at the the the the the gates of those Warriors and Lord of the Rings the river you know at the end uh of the uh Fellowship of the Ring um yeah I feel like this is the gateway to the shop right the and and now we've got these two old guards here new guards um I'm really happy with the hammer storage I think this will be a real sea change for me and lights lights in all the cabinets I know one last thing I want to address here because years ago I definitely got a lot of attention on this channel for saying drawers are where things go to die and over the years I have yielded to a genuine appreciation for what drawers can do and when drawers have a specific and singular purpose that you know what's in there and you know what you're gonna find in there it's categorical then drawers are fine with me but when you have a shop with drawers you kind of need to go through them a lot that's another thing is that drawers require maintenance we don't think of drawers as a machine that requires maintenance but we also don't think of stairs as a machine and stairs are a machine they're a machine for doing work um look at all this mess what a chaotic and spectacular after effect um I'm just really pleased I don't want to break the spell uh thank you guys for joining me for this I'm gonna clean up and I guess I'll film until the camera runs out oh my battery's dying but uh yeah I know I somehow I took
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 649,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, one day builds, adam savage one day build, adam savage tested, tested adam savage one day build, one day builds adam savage, one day build, shop organization project, adam savage builds, workshop organization tips, workshop ideas, how to, one day builds tested, adam savages one day builds, tool organization, inside adam savages cave, one day build adam savage, workshop organization, adam one day build, shop organization, adam savage shop organization
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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