Adam Savage Unboxes a Mechanical Marble Run!

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hey everybody Adam Savage here in my cave with a show and tell um I'm showing you just the least amount of information on the side of this box uh they have printed Fascination knows no age and I totally agree with that sentiment um what I have here is a desk toy a a toy of Fascination called marvelous I don't know anything about it uh it got sent to me there was no note on the box but we have covered a uh some Marble Runs and perpetual motion machines on this channel in the past and I think that's why they sent it they sent it because they thought that I would like it and I like what I see on the box so I'm going to crack it open and play with it on camera here uh this is a company called 360 design on the other side of Fascination knows no age they have printed roll with us um all right oh okay immediately I really app just from an unboxing standpoint this is nice this is this is a good feeling look at that that is a um that is a terrific little bit of engineering I just got to say that um well done everybody that is a lovely bit of cardboard engineering okay um wow it's a lot more assembled than I thought it would be here we go can on do this all carefully like okay oh how to adjust your marous marbolis for Gile that's a beautiful piece of glass all right oh here's the marbles okay we have the marbles this is says fragile but I can peel that off there must be a whole Channel devoted to this moment we just released a 3D printing video of the new form 4 and uh it opens uh Norm carefully peeling all the plastic off the best feeling okay um so let's see about how to get started here user manual that is some advice but I think this is the setup yep okay did all that did all that it's level wait four okay time four Phil from Phil from in from Top Place remaining marbles on base here they come I don't know what material they have chosen for these feel a little like Alabaster or glass maybe a synthetic marble product oo o something's happening oh things can happen all right hey hey hey what's happening to you here oh okay yeah okay so there's just a tiny persuasion here that's a little bit higher than it should be and I'm just going to bend this up like this and try it again that's another one oh it's a little too fast I see all right let's try that it looks like I have solved all the settling that might have happened during shipping oh wait I can put this back the cork is lovely the cork top and bottom here very very nice uh so after loading the marbles all right so I oh that's how you do it B wait a second where is that happening I see wait a see it shouldn't be happening hold on let's see here it's happening here okay let's make an adjustment there I think that needs to come up just a tiny bit higher to yeah yeah there's something happening right there actually I want to see that again yeah no that one didn't happen all right so what is what is grabbed a pair of pliers in case I need them I don't think I do but I also think maybe that should be more gentle let's try it mhm oh oh oh oh oh oh we're getting a little Newton's Cradle going on yeah that's problematic all right there's more adjustment here um great let us see okay I yeah one second this is good I thought this was going to be like five minutes but you get a whole fixing thing um I imagine the marketing department might be freaking out watching me fix their thing but a thing like the I maybe not um things like this are touchy um I don't mind I mean I've been mucking with toys like this my whole life so I've tuned many Marble Runs in my day all right there's a thing I want to do here which is okay yeah yeah yeah I see oh we lost one ah yeah we're still getting this thing here we're still getting this thing here okay so I feel like to get rid of that thing there I want to increase this thing here let's try that that was promising that was not that difficult every now and then I hear a little Tic Tac that it hits the side but that's totally fine these mechanisms are hard to build it's hard to ship these uh and have them all arrive in the same condition luckily I think the people most likely to purchase something like this either for themselves or for another are the exact demographic that doesn't mind adjusting and like T and by tuning I I literally I don't think I really needed these I think it's just about like finding the spots and giving a little bit of a twisty Bend um this thing is spot welded together I can't even imagine the manufacturing process for nailing these pieces but they did it it's a lovely little desk toy and um yeah I can totally the way they move in opposition to each other is really quite beautiful and when you build a rhythm of the activation oh oh oh oh we're getting the we're getting the Newton's Cradle again come on I don't want the Newton's Cradle oh now I've done it damn it so what happens is it's it's jumping off of the track right here which is a combination of two things one is this line isn't high enough to stop that but the other is that they're probably building up too much speed over here which is why I'm trying to just adjust oh whoa we'll see if that worked [Music] um we'll do five see how we do oh no no no oh that was all bad that was all bad all right let let's try [Music] so once you're doing an adjustment like this when you're mking around with it it's really smart to not try and do too much at once I'm just going to keep on trying to raise this this little that little track arm that's all I'm trying to do just increase that so it doesn't hop out there and I'm also not trying to do too many things so I can just keep an eye on the thing that I'm trying to adjust one two three four five one two oh oh oh we got two at once oh all right so now I feel like I've got the back up but what I want to do is I want to decrease the lead in speed so I'm just G to I'm just going to pull this and yeah lower that speed oh yep up I got that one gone getting about a failure at 1 and 10 four five two three four five [Music] we can call it what a beautiful object um Aesthetics are a really lovely practice uh thank you marvelous people I'm assuming this came directly from you guys thank you for this beautiful desk object I really appreciate it it has been a lot of fun tuning it both here and here in my brain where thinking happens and in my eyes where seeing happens you guys have a wonderful day thanks for joining me for this quick or less quick than I intended Show and Tell and I will see you next time thank you for watching that video if you're anything like me you were watching it wondering Adam how can I spend more time with my friends in the outdoors under improvisatory and impromptu conditions and I would counsel you to go to adamsavage decom and buy yourself one of my bed rolls which will allow you feny of dry yet comfortable socializing on grass or any other place you find yourself I've had one of these in the trunk of my car for 25 years okay I haven't been making these for 25 years it was somebody else's until I made my own okay Adam I'll see you there
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 131,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, tested adam savage, adam savage, adam savage tested, perpetual motion, inside adam savages cave, perpetual motion machine, marble maze, marbles, marbolous, fix, review, unboxing, marble machine, marble race, marble device, non stop marble track, perpetual motion device, non stop marble run, non stop marble, adam savage rube goldberg
Id: snV5rQ90MqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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