Adam Savage’s One Day Builds: Head-Mounted Dart Blaster!

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[Music] ah [Music] hello earthlings [Music] i was cleaning out my sink and my faucet sprayer broke and sprayed a bunch of water in my face just a few minutes ago anyway hi everybody uh adam savage here in my cave one of the most popular videos in tested's history is when i took a nerf foam ball shooter and modified it to shoot a thousand shots uh our normal videos you know log between a couple hundred thousand and a million views here and there you know we have some outliers on both regards but that one went bananas like that video went so viral i noticed my recognition factor on the street increased like surprisingly also with a younger set actually i mean like that the the teenagers are watching the youtube anyway um once i did that video ever since then we've long thought boy it would be really nice if we could you know tap into some of that that nerf magic again uh and a couple years later i did a reddit secret santa where i modified a a nerf sniper rifle to look really realistic and have some extra features and that was really fun and that also did really well and again we end up with this thing that happens to everybody who makes content which is like well that content did really well it'd be really nice if we had some more like that which is a totally reasonable way to think except that you can't force a thing like both of those were just projects that were perfect in and of themselves my interest with them like this thing that we do making content for each other you know it does not follow a set path nor is any part of it really predictable uh so while we've thought oh it'd be really nice to have something like that there's you know there's all sorts of different factors and one of them is just you know i just haven't felt inspired that's one of the biggest factors is i've been constantly keeping up with the foam dart space uh and nothing's inspired me until now um a foam dart shooter not nerf has come out with a form factor that i find riveting this what what what what that's i really really so i've had this for a week and a half now and i have not yet even put batteries in it because i've been waiting for you i've been waiting to shoot this so i could shoot this so we could shoot this i'm gonna put some batteries in it and try it out right now and we'll see uh we'll see what i think ah this is a piece of glass of tempered glass from an ikea billy bookcase of all things so i've turned this on and i've got a trigger and i'm not afraid to use it here we go [Music] huh there's something opaque about its operation or these batteries are dead that is also possible it is triple a yeah yeah that is triple a and i put these in right all right i i guess i guess i'm gonna have to read the manual what [Laughter] uh it doesn't take two double a's it takes four i know read the manual all right what what [Music] whoa [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] i want you all to stick so how does this load does it just do this you just do i rotate this to there i've reloaded it i just i want it these are suction cup darts and i want them to stick in the glass i've got that's kind of part of my plan but let's see i love the firing rate of this thing [Laughter] that is satisfying so yeah these are fabulous we'll include a link to these uh these are called d-dart d-dart pro this is the box it came in i i bought it i bought it i bought six of them reader why not uh i love the periodicity of this i love how fast it shoots [Music] and i have ideas i have some fun ideas first off i'm wondering if i put more than six volts into it i might be able to get it to go faster plus if i power with something other than double a's i can also likely get it go faster that's first thing second thing is i want to make a dual shooter i want to fire two of these at once third thing is [Music] third thing i wanna where's the thing hold on come on stay there all right so this is uh a airsoft tactical helmet it's like a fake tactical helmet looks great this is part of the third thing [Music] right yeah yeah uh-huh yeah yeah this is this this is right this is a um yeah there we go um so uh i am going to look to mount these on here number one yep number two i want to power them so that they have a little more juice when you when when it spins up and you hear and then you start to fire it and it goes there's a motor driving this outside thing and then there's two motors or one motor here driving these two uh uh spinning wheels that shoot the dart um as soon as one motor is under load the other is gonna lose some of its juice and that's simply because of the amount of angry pixies electrons that the uh double a batteries put out but if i give it some more juice like with a lithium-ion battery i should be able to get even better firing performance i want to meld them here i would mount them here like this power them well and i noticed that they actually do go where you aim them so i want to make an aiming ridicule yeah i want to make an aiming ridicule so that yeah i know this makes me very happy okay so let's get to work it's gonna be awesome all right let's see about the aiming here [Music] [Music] i don't think i have them all well i have more i have more i have more i asked for nothing and you shall have it in abundance i i won't see those darts again for a while output i know i could do five volts but i'd rather do six six there we go three amps that's what i'm looking for okay we're gonna charge you up we're going to charge you up get to the jabba gone gone i leave a little lead on these because i'll use them later they go with battery holders so yeah and this is the most rational place for me to grab this the question is is it strong enough actually let's um tighten this back up again now hold on to it with this that's not bad no i mean look this is going on my head i'm like bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang it's not undergoing a tremendous amount of um problematic force which is good all right so that's one good thing secondly i need to crack it open and get into that so there are a lot of uh moving all right i guess i have to do this whole thing by hand one two okay see this is what i need i need this one right okay we'll see if that works oh it's not so bad one two three six oh wow that is really neat that is a neat part wow look at that that's really lovely well i appreciate this toy for having all identically sized screws makes assembly much easier i guess i can just put them all together these two all right now i've got those apart it's time to take these apart i've got an on switch and a trigger switch and power lines i have ideas excellent [Music] so [Music] [Music] um i've been working on soldering and now i actually think given the configurability that i really want to charge this keep going there we go um i've got some quick connector connectors here and i'm going to try them out that one can go in there nope that doesn't help cut these excellent great that one's in we'll cut these two and this one goes in here and that's a nice secure fit and then this one that's another positive all right so then the second one now when i plug this in it should power up all four of these motors for shooting the darts on a six volt on the six volt there and then the 12 volt directly should also power up this light uh so let's plug this in and turn it on in three two [Laughter] all right keep charging keep charging i need to wire up the triggers [Music] yes i like that okay i have my trigger um it is uh one of these protected switch covers with a spring return toggle on it and so i'll be i'll have a handle and i'll hold on to this and i can do like this right i can undo that and pull the trigger and fire the guns but i want a handle on here so i've got like an inch and a half piece of aluminum going i'm going to knurl it neural not null i'm going to knurl it k-n-u-r-l knurling is the adding of a diamond or grip pattern diamond or non-diamond it's it's the adding of a grip pattern to a cylindrical thing there are a lot of different ways to knurl but my favorite way is using what's called a clamp knurler this thing so these are hardened wheels and you can see they have opposing lines on them and when you clamp down over a piece of aluminum with these and use some cutting oil and go slow these will imprint a diamond pattern if you use ones with uh straight lines it'll imbue a a ribbed pattern yeah it's really neat and this is my favorite knurling tool uh the clamp knurler um this is not a great one this is a cheap one but i'm happy with this so i've just ordered a couple of hemingway kits for building your a really nice clamp knurler um but i'm about to chuck that in the lathe and try it out [Music] okay so [Music] the knurling went great i'm gonna clean it up a little bit so what oh this might be one of my best diamond patterns i've ever done that it's a nice diamond pattern happy with that that's a nice trigger see right right right yeah i have made a little a little holder that holds it at this angle because i like this angle i like holding on to this and then right but i gotta hold on to this with some really good grip so i'm gonna toss a little uh pair of um probably 440 screws in there one there and one there yeah here we go [Applause] this is my favorite kind of build i mean i have lots of different things i like about different kinds of builds but this one where it really uh the problem solving is all fairly straightforward and sometimes straightforward problem solving is the enjoyable kind of problem solving that's just that's just the truth if i test this and i like it i'm just going to go with it so let's get some heat shrink on this equation and get a um wire coming out of it all right so uh because this switch is going to be near aluminum i'm putting some heat sorry about that i'm putting some heat shrink uh across that for some insulatory insulin insulational it's insulational great i like that that goes like that so then this goes excellent all right it's very exciting here's a question for the comments which is um do you guys have a preferred wrench for those nuts on uh your standard switch that half inch thing so that's this is this is totally the ocean's eleven clicker step make it armed fire fire fire okay uh so we're gonna do a test of this system oh yeah yeah yeah okay so the same distance that exists between these two i'm generally going with heavier wire than exists already because well the fatter your wire the more electrons you can move frankly you want to learn about how many electrons it takes to make a to get through a wire try try taking a wire like this try taking a lightweight wire like this and getting your wiper motor to work uh like 22 gauge wire on your wiper motors just not enough electrons to actually make it spin the voltage might be enough but can't get enough angry pixies through this stuff no that's too much i'm not gonna do that all right uh so now i want to check continuity so that when i hit this both of these close that's the goal so let's get a pair of clip leads on this equation there you go so uh when i connect this to that and i connect this to that and then i hit the switch nope i should have heard continuity but i did not i not done this right am i total dummy all right i didn't diagram this out that's one of the big issues here right okay i did just get my head wrapped around this let's get these clip leads out of here because i don't need more wires come on go fly away with you go nice little micro switch action there it is time for a systems check a systems check this thing's been charging excellent so if i plug this in and i turn it on i should see this go on i should hear all four of these motors [Applause] [Applause] go well i messed up somewhere i figured it out i figured it out i was trying to switch two things with one switch and you can't do that i need a double pole single throw and i have it so i'm about to use it uh yeah i just was not being yeah it's just being a little bit dim about it that's all back back in once more into the breach dear friends once more or close the wall up with that english dead deed he's dead she's dead okay that's newt that's my impression of newt from aliens mostly all right um now i have my switch is activating each circuit separately which is the smart money put this on yeah and then this all right yep there's one orientation and that's it so now right now i mean look i'm just trying to wire past the normal trigger switch which is making my job a little dumber because i could pull all this apart and rewire it so that i was able to activate it on a single thing i'd just be routing power through both of them in parallel again it's not that important so i just running a second lead was the fastest way to deal with this so let's get some tin all these wires i have all these new little jumpers and like heat shrink connectors i'm just today i feel like going today i feel totally in my um like original soldering just solder solder solder everything you know there's just something so positive and straightforward about it [Music] so [Music] all right we're back if i turn this on yep now i should see these both go hey hey yes both are going brilliant i'm a very very happy man very happy man time for reassembly reassembly um right yes it is time for reassembly i can put the wiring stuff away oh right okay that's okay i can deal with that so i'm not gonna put the trigger back on but the door i should and the door right the door goes like this yeah okay so i'm going to do a little notch on the doors on both sides [Music] ah yeah here's what i want to do is the dremel that's it [Music] [Music] reassembling this stuff can sometimes be a little weird but we got it wait no we didn't oh what am i oh i see there we go good good the one that needs yeah there we go that's the one and this one oh there it is okay let's put another one up there and then i should do another so this is a thing that i like to point out is this is the moment not to skimp on testing so i'm going to put a screw in the two critical parts one in the where the where the door hinges and one up at the top and that is all the structure this needs for testing but there's nothing worse than assembling something and realizing you've assembled it ever so slightly wrong and now need to redo it so in order to just double check that i'm going to do a systems check at every level of assembly because you don't want it okay so yeah basically i'm just gonna do another systems check [Applause] great and when i pull the trigger all right where's the trigger here we go now i should be able to turn off the motors [Applause] and still get operation on the triggers oh no that's a master switch great [Applause] i love how that sounds freaking awesome so that working let's put in all the rest of the screws one two three four yep foreign hang on hang on hang on hang on yeah we're gonna do a little painting [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do i really i seriously made this ever so slightly too short ridiculous uh so i just have to extend these both by a little bit by a little bit one more systems check always every time you make a change [Music] [Applause] i like that my machine sounds like almost like a peter frampton solo okay so yeah there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go spring in front put these through there then this guy goes in and this guy goes in oh [Music] there's nothing worse than assembling something and realizing you've assembled it ever so slightly wrong uh yeah right so yeah so i have to disconnect all of these and reconnect them all [Laughter] all right i can't lose track of anything so here we go zero zero one one two two three three type cut cut so much wiring and rewiring one and two and one and two three and four and three and four great great great that's it i knew it i knew it that's why i wasn't getting everything to see correctly now but now and i find it's always good to assembly line this stuff to assemble all of it like together so you're not yeah i don't know why but really so we are doing pretty good the reason i learned to test the whole way down is the number of times i did a final assembly on something and it didn't work and i thought god if only i had tested it like 10 minutes ago i wouldn't be in this dumb position yeah let's just oh amazing [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] this is without a doubt one of the stranger things i've ever built we're almost ready to test fire this we are ready to test fire this here is ah oh yeah it's like my head is the razor cross [Laughter] oh i've got a trigger not afraid to use it damn this is absurd and magnificent yes here we go uh powering on we are hot we are armed and we are firing dude dude i have to watch that that is so amazing the best part about that test i think is that both darts went to the same place like they were like so oh sorry oh there um so i'm making an aiming ridicule yeah all right oh my god this is so much fun i'm so excited about this all right let's get this going huh now i think yeah i think that's where i was at so uh right ah yeah bond james bond i don't know about you but i feel great [Music] i wish these were belt bags [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so now that i have this device i'm so happy with it but i don't i have this issue right because guns are just made to destroy and i would like to know if i could use this device to do some useful work and i think i have a couple of ideas first one is i think i can turn on this switch which i'm about to try right now here we go turning on the light switch three two one [Music] yeah i got it [Laughter] ah something else got to do find something else got a mess on the table maybe this can clear it up [Applause] okay pesky papers on the conference table before a phone call we can take care of that [Applause] yeah okay you guys ready for this meeting excellent [Music]
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 834,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, tested one day builds, one day builds, adam savage one day build, adam savage tested, dart, d dart pro, d dart pro blaster, foam dart, suction darts, nerf, nerf mod, nerf blaster, adam savage nerf, nerf build, toy blaster build, adam savage nerf mod, adam savage nerf gun, one day build adam savage, one day build nerf, adam savage nerf blaster, dart blaster gun, dart blaster mods
Id: 9LVFVTMleio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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