Steel Ball VS Crash Cymbal Sounds Like

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steel marble versus Metal symbol ah that makes my ears bleed let's try a larger [Music] marble okay that I think I'm obliged to try a double-side one 60 mm marble versus steel symbol brace yourselves okay that doesn't work so well here's wood here's metal on the world tour with the mar machine I would prefer this nicer wooden sound instead of this metal marble sound so let's see if we can fix that here's my idea if we put a drumstick like this and we make sure that it can pivot up and down like this what if the marble hits the stick and the stick hits the symbol let's fix this pivoting action [Music] we have 7 to eight new backers from last week that are supporting this project through patreon and YouTube memberships thanks everyone for supporting we're so close to 500 so perhaps we can reach that Milestone next this is pivoting really nicely now so first I need to make some kind of hit pad for the drumstick where the marble can hit so here's the print and it's a really simp simple idea just with a hole and I can lock this position down with some screws so I'm angling the hit pad towards me and the marble will jump out on the table I think that [Music] worked let's improve this this stop screw that stops the drumstick there to make the marble bounce that didn't work well so let's just remove that so now the stop for the drumstick is when it hits the sball but now we have an ugly mechanical sound here listen so I'm putting some dab of Super Glue and a piece of foam perfect but now we have this sound of the marble hitting the pad but what happen if we put something much softer here oh wow that's a super clean hit so let's put some foam on the pad [Music] oh that's so clean moving the symbol for different sound let's listen to the symbol with the real microphones moving the symbol different sound that sounds amazing we want a little bell [Music] action I never like the bell sound so much from right symbol but this sounds clean [Music] so with the ride symbol this sound of the drumstick is so hard to get here's a steel marble on the symbol here's a wooden marble on the symbol and here's the drumstick I'm going to try two different ways of playing hard and soft nodes so the first way I'm going to try is to drop bigger and bigger marbles onto this 12 mm marble 16 mm [Music] marble now I'm going to move the drop points and drop the marbles directly on the [Music] symbol so different size marbles would definitely work but let's check the second alternative using the spring tension to create soft and hard hits let's start with the absolute highest spring tension setting one hardest spring [Music] tension setting two three 17 lowest spring tension highest volume my mom told me I should play guitar in every video so so say thanks to my mom [Music] let's try something really fun let's cut this open and let's try to add some weight to it by adding a steel ball core I got both sides hollowed out so now the marble can sit inside and we can put them together as a Pokemon with a marble inside look at this drumstick this is soft compared to the hard one and one of the reasons that I like this idea was that we could use one and the same steel marble to get like different sounds if we put them on different drumsticks I just reminded myself that we actually perhaps can for effect use a a rubbered marble here's the sound without the [Music] Rubber and here's a sound with a rubber so that's much more like like that drumstick perhaps the more straightforward way is to use different kinds of marbles if I really want different kinds of sounds small rubber ball big rubber [Music] ball that's such a great sound okay what have I learned from doing this research well we have a lot of different ways of manipulating the sound the marble does all these different options have a lot of consequences design wise the differ size marbles would require more channels but fewer parts we haven't even discussed the high hat and I think the high I did a quick test it sound pretty good with the marble that sounds very like this doesn't it sounds exactly the same H here has not been happy when he saw this idea comment and tell them why do you don't like it so the champion of the people why don't you like this we want to see marbles fall on the instruments right simple as that we don't want drumsticks playing anything why not it's a marble machine my gut instinct is like I want to see marbles right there dropping on the why make it more difficult than it has to be right I've been excited about it this and he's just like not cool it's just not I'm so used to seeing the marbles drop straight on the instruments if you believe in this I give you the benefit of the doubt but yeah my gut instinct is marbles on instruments okay of course the best part is no part if we can delete delete delete this it's great but uh it's also not true that the best sound is bad sound so and no matter how I tried I couldn't get the right symbol to musical without this but what about the compromise hus with all the instruments where the marbles can play directly we play directly like the haat like that that sounds great nice but for this and I think also the crash symbol that actually sounds good yeah so we have marbles on the instrument wherever it's possible but this sound I can't make that sound without a drumstick so would you be willing to com to say drumsticks where it's definitely necessary and nowhere else yeah it depends on the hit songs are going to write afterwards if this equals better music okay now so then hes what about the base because on the base the marvs are not hitting the strings anymore do you think that's also boring boringer so you think look cool is more important than sound good n not more important but don't forget it's a crucial part of it you want to Dazzle the world right of course yeah there we go simple as that what do you think I'm trying to do here but I don't know if yeah if this solution is that much better that it needs to be uh drumstick instead of marbles hting symbols wow nice it is fun to see the marbles jump on the THS yeah that's the playful thing of it all okay yeah that's where you Mesmerize all the kids and people like me doesn't understand everything if you listen to this sound and then this do with your ears what what do you feel yeah the drumstick is obviously better yeah yeah but when a whole machine is playing a song and you're Blown Away by the functionality of the machine I don't know if anyone's going to be oh did you hear the [Laughter] symbol I mean you know that all the drummers out there will agree with me now yeah of course well I can take it what what do you think about this I I feel the the fun level is just plummeting all the added stuff declines the level of fun in my eyes if you're going to make Daft Punk floor fillers you don't need this because it's just you great it's something with their earlier machines I I I've heard them in the room they sound horrible but it was good enough I hate good enough do you want a machine or not no but I I have said now that I I am committed to delete delete delete and so what you want is a simpler option because we just don't have these parts yeah for me it's the magic with the marbles dropping on the instruments yeah that's the that's like that's that's the whole thing with the marble machine right it's a very good point on us I think it's fun though to make the machine sound good yeah because all the mechanical instruments I've seen no offense to all the other mechanical instruments most of them suck yeah and I I kind of want to make a mechanical music instruments that is mechanical no electricity and sound musical that's kind of the hill I want to die on Y and I've heard for almost 10 years now like the frustration with it not sound sounding good need to cheat and fix in the computer I know you don't like that no so so I can hear in the room when I dropped a steel ball here we're back at Marvel machine 1 we're back at Marvel machine 1 and and then when I do this I'm like M okay it's music you see what you have done now you have convinced me and perhaps the whole comment section as well what does the audience think I don't give a about the audience actually there we go see you next week thank you I me I do I do love them but I don't I just don't give a about what I think for my [Laughter] machine thanks for watching
Channel: Wintergatan
Views: 116,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wintergatan, marble machine x, Marble Machine, marble run, diy, Martin molin, fusion 360, music instrument, making, woodworking, 3D Print, wintergatan wednesdays
Id: urfP4xrpn9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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