Actress Who Jumped From The Hollywood Sign PEG ENTWHISTLE

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well good morning D with Jordan the lion I already had somebody tapping on the back of my chair tap tap tap there he went well guys it's finally not raining so I finally might get to do that Vlog that I wanted to do for you for a while well it's a little bit muddier today than I expected it to be so I'm going to postpone our Vlog plus that'll give me a chance to go home and learn the camera and get it all set up but uh looking at the Hollywood sign it gave me an idea of what I'm going to do today after we leave the park since I pass by this every time I go to the park I figure Now's the Time To tell you the story and one of the main crime scenes of our story is right there the AG in the Hollywood sign oh this place is packed I mean you can't even find parking here today I got lucky well every tourist known to man is out here today you can tell you can probably hear him all guys I hope you got to watch my video from yesterday how cool is that watched a whole movie with Quinton tarantina right next to us and some of the fans of the show came out approached me in line we're like super excited to meet me and what I told him was I said this that night is the reason that I really wanted to Vlog is because nobody would believe some of the stories and the things that I live through if I didn't um Vlog them now because I could tell you oh I sat next to Tarantino the movie but I was able to put it on film and I love that stuff he's found some buddies all he wants is to be chased now he's actually being social he showed up and he immediately ran to a pack of dogs and now he's not you know what's weird though this is totally off topic but it's something that um Trisha told me and I I couldn't believe this she said that um she posted a picture of herself on Instagram eating a donut and she wears glasses the company that manufactures her glasses found that picture and started using it to promote their sungl or to promote their glasses on their website and apparently because she posted it to Instagram they can just do that so they took her picture posted their logo for the glasses and everything on it and they basically told her hey thanks for thanks for uh wearing our glasses we'll give you 40% off when you come in and we're just going to use your image from your Instagram um and not pay you I guess for somebody like me who uses photos in their their Vlogs and stuff that's kind of cool but as a as an actor it's not cool at all so like I said the tale of our story today involves the Hollywood sign and what we're going to do today is we're going to go to the house of pent whistle pent whistle was the actress who more notably is known for jumping off the Hollywood Sign to her death she jumped off the H there's a little bit more to the story than you might imagine because many people think that's all she was truly she was a very gifted actress and I'm going to tell you about it when we get there this is the one cra crappy thing about coming to this park is that well especially on the holidays everybody that's here in town has found on some sort of website that this is where you can get a good picture of the Hollywood Sign so they all bring their dogs out here and then what they do is they start socializing and they don't watch their dogs at all so in the 15 minutes I've been here there's already been three yying dogs because one a dog has three times the size has been chasing it scaring it um two of the dogs ran out into the street while the owners were standing there screwing around on their phone not paying attention and uh and then John and I just had to move all the way over here because there's a gigantic like sheep hurting dog that won't let him take a step every step he takes that the dog jumps on top like over top of him and he just he literally is afraid to take a step and the lady who owns the dog of course is sitting over there goofing off talking about Beyonce or whatever it is that she's talking about so I physically had to pick up jaw bring him all the way over here and then her dog followed us the whole way she still didn't do anything so finally I just yelled at her dog go home and I hear the lady finally finally says Mama come back over here M Jesus that's if you're going to have a dog you have to watch the dog you have to I always have my eye on jaw he's literally right behind me right now I always know where he's at be responsible folks in 1932 very little known actress named Peg an whistle walked from here a mile and a half up the road to the Hollywood Sign climbed to the top and jumped off and here's her story Peg an whistle was actually born lilan an whistle and she was actually born in England the age of 8 years old her father uh decided to move the whole family to New York City shortly after Pig's mother died 6 years later he was walking home from work and he was hit uh while walking across the street by a hit- and run driver her brothers were then sent to California to live with their Uncle Harold in this house and pig stayed New York and began her career in Broadway she actually was in 10 Broadway Productions most of them were flops but she was actually pretty good and received good reviews for it one of which and the first of which being Hamlin um in 1927 Pegman a man named Robert Keith and she married Robert Keith the problem was she had the uh wedding enn olded pretty quickly because she found out that Robert Keith was actually married before her and she didn't want that and he had also fathered a child and she didn't want that as well so she had it an old and began working on a goal to move to Los Angeles and she did she eventually moved out here not into this house but she moved into the Hollywood Athletic Club uh where I showed you guys Rella Losi once lived and uh Charlie Chaplain she moved in there and was shortly thereafter uh put in a few Productions plays out here which is what she was known for she was mainly a Broadway actress and actually Betty Davis cited Peg an whistle as uh being one of the influences on Broadway that made her want to become an actress Peg had moved out here she was signed to RKO and put in the movie 13th women unfortunately most of her parts were cut and the critics just lamb based the production shortly thereafter she was dropped couldn't afford her apartment and had to come live here with Harold in 1932 suffering many setbacks pegga decided that she was going to go ahead and she was going to move back to New York City unfortunately she just couldn't secure enough money for a train ticket and she fell into even more depression she was living here with Uncle Harold and told him one night she was going to go for a walk up to the far Pharmacy and the pharmacy was right up there where the uh Invasion of the Body Snatchers scene was filmed that I took you guys to and the same Pharmacy right there that she was going to was where the uh the antique store was that I took you to that time and you can see from here the Hollywood Sign what she ended up doing was she ended up walking from here all the way to the top of the Hollywood sign and there was a service ladder up there attached to the age she climbed to the top of the H took off all of her clothes threw them off the H threw a purse off the H and inside her purse was a suicide note the next morning a hiker was out hiking through the Hollywood Land Hills at that time it wasn't Hollywood Hills it was the Hollywood land sign he was up there hiking founder clothes found her purse opened it up found the letter and then anonymously took the purse and the clothes and belongings over to the Hollywood Police Department and left him on the front steps the Hollywood Police Department really didn't know where to start because the suicide note was signed simply PE so what they did was they published it in the newspaper hoping that somebody that might be missing um a loved one might see that might recognized the handwriting or the PE and eventually Harold saw that and came [Music] forward at the age of 24 years old Pagan whistle ended her life inside her purse was a suicide note and it said I have I'm afraid I'm a coward I'm sorry I should have done this a long time ago and saved myself a lot of pain signed PE she was 24 years old her body was cremated and buried in Glendale Ohio such a tragic loss because throughout time she'll always only be known as the woman who jumped off the Hollywood Sign because she was a nobody Act actress which is not the case she was an established Broadway actress and she was somebody who had a future and somebody who from all accounts of the footage that was remaining she did a really good job in 13 women and uh it it was just unfortunate they happened to edit so much of her Parts out and subsequently ended her life man vernwood I have been looking for a week for the bubble mailers that I need to mail out your record and I can't find it so I going to have to improvise with what I bought today so I can get it out into the mail I'm sorry but I'll pack it safe I just I usually use one particular thing and none 99 Cent Stores have them I don't know why crazy one thing that I did think was kind of odd and kind of interesting enough to include in this was that when I told you that Peg an whistle had been married for a short time to a man named Robert Keith and that she actually ended that marriage because she found out that he had been married before and had a son the son's name was Brian Keith and Brian Keith went on to be on the TV show Family Affair he also ended up killing himself as did his daughter Daisy I just thought that was kind of an interesting little part of the story that I wanted to include all right if I owe you guys mail we're on our way to do it now via the jaw Express well the express has to take a pit stop never seen the Museum of death with a line waiting outside so weird that is so weird I wonder what the deal is there I mean that was like easily 30 people waiting to get in that place never has anybody outside that's just like a walk right in place I don't know it's weird of course I'm so glad I just walked all the way down here to find out they're taking an extra day off that was a completely wasted trip this is just one of those days I'm going home and locking the door I'm done guys I'll see you tomorrow there's actually a guy up here he's like a looks like he's about 18 or 19 and he's kind of entrepreneurial I kind of give him a little bit of credit cuz I think he's homeless but what he's doing is he's went to the um souvenir shop around here where you can buy like generic La hats for five bucks each he bought them has a bunch of markers and he's like adding on and designing more stuff onto them and trying to sell them so when I go by I'm going to show you there he is good job man it's a great idea when I was editing the video I noticed that that uh the guy who was drawing on the hats actually has the the Chris Paul shoes that I really want they were like two versions ago like two years ago and he was actually wearing the ones that I really still want um I don't know maybe holiday money or something maybe I'll buy them but they're probably only like 50 bucks now but I just thought that was funny as I was editing I'm like he's got the the Cool Chris Pauls well there's a local Legend Angelina's car angelene was in like one movie in the 80s and uh and then she just got a bunch of billboards around town for years and when I moved here well there she is when I moved here she was uh she would buy her own Billboards and it would just say hire Angeline and there she was there she is right I ordered some pad tie and uh it should be ready do you guys see this they actually have a uh an Asian Elvis statue in there for when they used to do karaoke All the Time see if my food's ready here oh gosh this Patti is good so good so good in a couple days I'm not going to be able to have anything like this so enjoying it now Vlog over guys till tomorrow
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 138,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peg entwhistle, Hollywoodland, Hollywoodland sign, Thirteen women, death, suicide, los angeles, hollywood, travel, tourist, scandal, old hollywood, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, filming locations, tourism, scandals, forgotten, lifestyle, history, golden age, tourist attractions, losangeles, cinema
Id: iFAMm08qliY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2016
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