DOROTHY STRATTEN Sad Murder House - PLAYBOY's Most Loved Playmate

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[Music] well good morning my friends your old pal Jordan the lion you probably notice I'm wearing my traitors world sunglasses so you probably are guessing that today is a special patreon vlog and you would be right today I'm going to be doing my vlog for Jennifer sis on and Jennifer had asked me the other day will I ever do a vlog on Clara bow or Dorothy stratten well today's your day today we are gonna go see the house that Dorothy stratten and her husband Paul shared and where Dorothy's 20 year old life was ended days with Jordan the line begins now there's the jaw stir taking Jost her out for his morning walk there's the stuff that Crenshaw cowboy in August of 1979 the Playmate of the Month would be a woman known professionally as Dorothy stratten in 1980 she would be named Playmate of the Year and by August of 1980 she would be murdered by her husband Paul Schneider Dorothy stratten was originally born Dorothy hog stratton in Canada and Dorothy's home life was a little bit tumultuous her father left when she was young at the age of three and then she would eventually have a stepfather who would become abusive and her mother would take the her and her sister and younger brother to go off and live on their own and so Dorothy would eventually basically become the caretaker for her younger brother and sister and never had any interest from boys she was very plain-looking and eventually would get a job at the Dairy Queen in her town and would be noticed there by a man named Paul Schneider now Paul Schneider is what a lot of people would consider to be a small-time hustler even some would have called him a pimp and said that he found an interest in Dorothy and saw a way to exploit her saw a meal ticket out of her and would go on to show her a ton of attention and basically attempt to in most descriptions brainwash her into believing that she couldn't do anything without him now Paul originally met Dorothy when she was underage and one of the first things that he would do is he would gain her trust give her almost a fatherly figure that she had longed for that male figure in her life and then he would start sleeping with her and talk her into doing a nude photo shoot to which he himself would forge her mother's signature and the consent forms Paul Schneider and actually seen an ad from Playboy magazine looking for their 25th anniversary centerfold and he contacted a photographer made a deal with them to take these nude photos of Dorothea they sent them off in the very next day after playboy received them they contacted Dorothea and flew her out to Hollywood now Dorothy was sweet this young innocent and naive and Paul exploited that he made her believe that her destiny was to do playboy it was to do this so when she came out she ended up meeting with you Hefner signing a contract and they considered having her as the 25th anniversary playmate originally but once they met her and realized how kind of naive and green she was they thought maybe it was a little bit too much attention or maybe too much responsibility for her and they would eventually make her the Playmate of the Month for August of 1979 now Paul sensing that his his power over Dorothy might be leaving he talks her into marrying him and then he comes and joins her in Los Angeles now he immediately starts going to the Playboy Mansion with her and starts forcing himself upon people schmoozing dropping names and basically making everyone feel uncomfortable Hugh Hefner said many interviews that Paul just stuck out like a sore thumb and the only reason that anyone really ever tolerated him was because they liked Dorothy so much now Paul would not only use his newfound meal ticket to gain access to celebrities in the hopes of getting them to invest in his schemes and his ideas but he would also use Dorothy's money see when Dorothy signed with Playboy she was given some money for the initial shoot that then a few Heffner also gave her a job at the Playboy Club and through this job she would wear an outfit where it had cuffs on the arms and it would have a necktie like a bow tie and Paul would actually use this idea to invent the Chippendales he was the originator of the Chippendales the male dancing revue and was actually nudged out by someone who had more money and invested in that company just basically forced him out you now eventually Paul's overbearing this would lead Dorothy to kind of fall for another man she would be filming a movie with John Ritter directed by Peter Bogdanovich and Peter Bogdanovich after meeting Dorothy at the Playboy Mansion cast her in this movie I was originally supposed to be a bit part but he liked her so much that he increased the part too much much more now someone actually accused Peter of increasing her part basically to keep her on set and to kind of coercing her to fall in love with him but she would end up doing that anyway at the age of 20 years old and she was basically getting tired of Paul when she met Paul she was like I said she was so naive and young she really didn't know what she wanted out of life and as she was experiencing life and seeing him take advantage of her booking her on signing events without her knowledge various things and then just blowing through money even to the fact or the point where her financial adviser put him on a on an allowance of what he could get out of her Paul would basically abuse this to no end and Dorothy would start going through the motion of serving him with a separation now everyone involved this said at this point Paul basically started to lose his mind he started to obsess over threatening Dorothy threatening anyone involved with Dorothy buying guns planning on killing people hiding out in the bushes of Peter Bogdanovich's estate to try and kill him and through all of this Hugh Hefner would basically be credited as being the person that would introduce Peter Bogdanovich to Dorothy stratten now Paul feeling Dorothy slip away uses more of her money and invest in ain SNM torture / sex device a machine that you could strap someone into and would try and market this unsuccessfully however he did keep one he did keep one and he would keep it in the house that we're going to be seeing here very shortly now at this time Paul and Dorothy were actually still living together though Dorothy had moved out from this house but at the time that they were living here they were actually sharing it with another couple so eventually Paul would be now banned and turned away at the gates of the Playboy Mansion and this would also drive him insane Dorothy realizes that she has to do something and so without anyone's knowledge without Peter Bogdanovich's knowledge she decides to have one last meeting with Paul and end it with Paul and serve him with divorce papers now there's a very good movie called star 80 about this whole episode and Eric Roberts plays Paul Snider and I think he gives one of the most accurate depictions I could have imagined so if you are curious as to what Paul would have been like give that movie a watch Dorothy would leave her home that she was sharing with Peter Bogdanovich with her younger sister and would drop her younger sister off and then come over to this house and meet with Paul Schneider for the very last time now like I said by all accounts Paul was extremely attached saw Dorothy as almost a meal ticket or his his connection to the celebrity life and that connection was now falling away you can watch video online of old footage from the Playboy Mansion parties where he's trying to hold her hand and she's pulling her hand away she just doesn't want to be seated next to him doesn't want to talk to him and decided to come in August of 1980 at the age of 20 years old and say goodbye to Paul now right here across from the house is the 10 freeway and it said that when the gunshots went off because of the freeway no one in the neighborhood heard it so Paul Schneider made a appointment with Dorothy and asked his two roommates to leave while he talked sense into Dorothy and talked her into not leaving him the two roommates went off to have lunch and would be the ones that would find the bodies when they came back Dorothy arrived at this house right here that she shared with Paul to get the last of her things and to say goodbye and hopefully without incident the reports were that Paul started crying and begging and then threatened threatened to kill her pulled out a shotgun and strapped her into the sexual device that he had invented [Applause] put a gun to her cheek and pulled the trigger his handprints were found on her body he then turned the gun around and shot himself and landed on the gun when the roommates came back they found the bodies here and called the police Hugh Hefner was notified and then Hugh Hefner called Peter Bogdanovich now since then the friends Hugh Hefner and Peter Bogdanovich this actually caused their friendship to end Peter Bogdanovich would eventually two or three years later write a book blaming Hugh Hefner and the fact that Dorothy felt trapped working for Hugh Hefner and didn't like him and didn't want that life for her being involved with Paul and everything that went on and Hugh Hefner would end up having a stroke and would blame the book and him not responding to those allegations over years as being the reason why so he would then come out and say that he believed that that Peter Bogdanovich wasn't owning up any responsibility to his part in it and was also accusing him of C after Dorothy died Peter Bogdanovich kept in touch with Dorothy's family and Dorothy's younger sister he would eventually when she turned 20 years old Peter Bogdanovich married Dorothy's younger sister who he had comforted for years after the death and Hugh Hefner had accused him of that and so their friendship has never repaired Peter Bogdanovich and Dorothy's younger sister were married for 13 years before being divorced and it sadly all ended here at the age of 20 years old now these are a couple of the crazy things that happened afterward one of the things that happened my mom told me was that because Dorothy was still married to Paul Paul's family inherited all of Dorothy's assets I believe now I'm gonna try my best not to trespass but over here on this side if you look up the little sidewalk way there's a window back there and supposedly that window that would be located right over here was the room that it happened in after Paul Schneider killed Dorothy stratten as she was strapped to that contraption he abused and raped her corpse before killing himself when his roommates doctor Kushner came back he saw the door closed and thought that they maybe had made up or I don't know he saw the door closed he had tried to call him there had been no answer so he opened the door and saw them both covered in ants and both were dead and Dorothy was strapped to that contraption unbelievable it said the hugh hefner paid for the cemetery plot and the burial and the tombstone for Dorothy stratten and Hugh Hefner himself would also say that no one that he's ever seen in Playboy was more alluring and had what Dorothy stratten had there have been two movies to my knowledge made about this story one was Jamie Lee Curtis portraying Dorothy stratten and the other was Mariel Hemingway portraying Dorothy stratten but like I said Eric Roberts gives an amazing performance as Paul Schneider I just can't even imagine taking someone's life like that but you claimed to have loved being that obsessed over someone that you couldn't say goodbye so unfortunate jennipher system I hope you enjoyed and a side note is that the Red Hot Chili Peppers song Californication was written about Dorothy story now this is pretty cool actually noticed this in the neighborhood a little bit ago as I was walking by they have all these plants here and they've named a lot of them various things or whatever there they are but a couple of them have like famous names like this ones named Elizabeth Taylor this one's named Medellin pink promise apricot candy this one's called touch of class there were a couple of funny ones like there was a Betty White one somewhere this one's named Henry Fonda I love stuff like that pretty cool all that back back one is named Paul McCartney bewitched over the moon great century Oh Princess of Monaco gentle giant back there Gina Lollobrigida there's Betty White I have actually known about this story for a very long time my mom is a very big fan of the movie star 80 so I know if she's going to enjoy seeing this one and Eric Roberts is one of her favorite actors because of this movie I can't recommend it enough it was made and I believe 1983 now I actually told John Wong I'm gonna be kind of close to his neighborhood today and he said he might be home by the time I'm over here so I'm gonna text him and see if he's home and if so we'll pop over and say hi to him oh that is great look at that and we're getting to see it happen Oh Janis Joplin all right so I'm gonna meet up with John over here at over at Venice grind see if we can find him don't you love the name of that place oh nice oh that's sandlot right there oh heck yeah that was Benny the jet right there it gets over here by the grand vie market or in the Grandview market well I'm looking for him I do love all the old signs up there that old 76 sign rail 76 I think I might be in the wrong place I think it might be next door well let's go look oh you know what I was in the wrong place still a pretty cool place though I think he's over here I see another coffee sign cool vintage store oh yeah by the way I was supposed to do a vintage vintage store tomorrow for the vlog but the guy who owns it actually sent me a message and asked me if we could do it next week he's a little busy so the the best store that I found in Los Angeles you'll get that next week instead here we go there he is well we're back over here at the market John's uh John wants to have some lunch here [Music] John was telling me that he performs over here in this corner sometimes and that this whole market gets really packed I've actually never come over and seeing them do any of those shows but he also said he helped move this piano in taking the opportunity to play a little or wait for food oh yeah this stuff is so good all right we're done eating and I'm uh I'm actually gonna head over and meet John over at his place he's got a few things he wants to show me and he accidentally he bought a memory card that doesn't work for his camera so he's gonna give it to me I just drove past this and I had to show you guys look at that some prints art and then I know my mom will appreciate seeing this one gregg allman she loves gregg allman this is kind of crazy we were wondering like why some of the footage that John had filmed wouldn't work and what I noticed is he has the same camera I do except he has the t1 I and I have the t7 I so this is the very first generation of my camera it's kind of cool to see actually all right John and I live about 10 miles away from each other and the GPS says it's going to be a 55 minute drive yikes you know there are so many taco trucks in this town it's hard to know which ones could possibly be good you can't even they can't even really develop a reputation because they're just so many of them now sun's out buns out that sign says join us for the festival of the chariots it's a Harry Krishna event the license plate says Russ tea Wow when Dorothy had finally had her last straw she would tell friends that Paul was actually obsessively calling her between 10 and 20 times every day he stopped me in the middle of a walk I think he's decided he needs to go to Tailwaggers did you decide you need to go to Tailwaggers well good evening my friends I've wanted to do this vlog for quite a while and I've actually been putting it off because well obviously it was just a really sad one a 20 year old girl and her life ended by a obsessed boyfriend husband just someone who wouldn't let go and so a sad to know all the things that had happened there and then to go see it but um I think everybody should know about it so there we go story of Dorothy stratten have a great night everyone I'll see you all tomorrow good bye [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 168,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daze With Jordan The Lion, jordan the lion, daily, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, hollywood, los angeles, travel, travel vlogger, daily vlogger, adam the woo, justin scarred, randomland, casey neistat, old hollywood, history, tourism, scandals, golden age, hugh hefner, peter bogdonavich, cinema, film, filming locations, abandoned, adventures, forgotten, jacob the carpetbagger, blonde, starlet, Star 80, tourist, Dorothy stratten, Playboy, Playmate, death, murder, husband
Id: 5D5lZdnHyOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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