Shelley Winters House & Terrible Tacos Villa Corona!

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here we go again you were staring at me hi what do you look I've been up for two minutes this is insane you wild man you wild turkey whoo the next time you see this I'll be wearing it man I don't really like to support bootleggers that much but man this was just such a cool shirt I'm so glad I bought it that guy is ready to rock that guy is ready to go to the park isn't he he wants to go play with kuhmo his new buddy at the park do that again you want to go see Cuomo right here at the dog park kicking it off for another great day on days with Jordan the lion daily vlogs got a notification that we've sold some shirts thanks guys that is so awesome um I appreciate everybody the bought one shoot I can't wait to buy one I haven't even bought one yet when I want to say oh I have a Burger King commercial audition today I'm not really that hopeful but it involves me dressing up as Burger King and the Burger King you have a King king and doing basketball drills like spinning balls and dribbling and stuff so I got to go home and practice because I don't know if a got me wearing gloves and all that stuff and I can spin a ball on my finger but not where you can just keep you going so and I have to go and do a little practicing and go for that audition tonight so how do I hear all the dogs have congregated in like one little shady spot of the park nowhere in any of the play area all over here were like the quote unquote dog parents would hang out they've all just decided to hang out over here so and Ja isn't playing with anybody early all a little blue jay and you just swat a fly these two troublemakers and these two troublemakers get off me I don't think my love of basketball alone is gonna get me through this commercial audition today of having to spin a ball on my finger at dribbling I'm pretty good at the dribbling part but to spin the ball on my finger two three seconds max so I've been practicing that I actually keep a basketball in my car at all times because if I hit bad traffic or something I like to pull over if I find a park and shoot baskets so I went out to the car at the dog park grab my basketball on side of the picnic table and was spinning it trying to get it to stay on my fingers but I think I should probably practice a little bit more and also maybe I should watching YouTube and see if I can pick up some pointers like I said I only got like an hour two hours before and this is a Burger King commercial and it's sagged so it'd be a national commercial it'd be pretty good money and pretty good for my career so maybe I'll make you guys watch me practice probably the best one now my technique usually is to start like that and spin it and try and like catch it on my finger like that but at the park I was Crocs I'm like kind of spinning it and then really quickly put my finger under it like that because then you get a little bit more of a spin on it well I said I'm not very good but hopefully when I have a chance to do it in there I'll nail it now some people can actually get it going they can get it going pretty good on their finger and think I might hit it like that and like somehow get it get it to keep spinning on I can't do that if they asked me to do that this is not gonna happen so I'm not a pro you know on camera it's probably gonna look cooler if you just see like that one finger holding it like a Globetrotter would or something but they're not gonna get that out of me I'll be lucky I'm you're lucky to keep it going longer than two or three seconds that's pretty good there's gotta be a trick I mean watch them YouTube well I'm out to head out to my audition and wish me luck guys by the time you're seeing this al-'ardi be over so it won't matter but it's uh it's about thirty minutes to get there it's in Beverly Hills and hoping it's worth it the place on the corner is where Schwab's drugstore was way back in the day Wow this used to be a parking lot it's still a parking lot but they're not looks like they're finally doing something with this place if you're wondering what you're looking at and you're going Jordan it just looks like a big building that they're working on well a you'd be right it is just a big building they're working on but he used to be Jerry's famous deli and it's where I worked for three years and really taught me how to not want to have a have a job working for someone else if I get it all help it because I actually would have been the old entrance where I used to walk into work they used to have a thought of in the kitchen area right through that door and then right here would have actually been the the old dining area and it's nothing spectacular but I'll show you where I'll just walk around show you the front of it because like I said I spent three years of my life slaving away here it's crazy I mean it's completely unrecognizable they've completely redone the front they've redone everything but uh yeah I was my auditions actually a block away from here and I thought well since I'm over here I'll show you guys but Jerry's deli it looks like because last time I was here it was still intact and actually right here under this awning that's where the that's where the main entrance was they had like a little area right here people pull up and they'd walk right in there and that was being mainly different so nothing really to see but uh that's where I worked for three and a half years now something that's actually gone from over here I'm gonna take you and show you anyway just because it used to be a landmark here so weird to think about I mean it's been nine years ten years now since I've worked over there but when you work somewhere six days a week I worked here six days a week also like five or six hour shifts it's just it's just weird to be back in your old stomping grounds like a strange now right here this parking area right here it goes down to pretty much right here where this little dump strands okay if you've ever seen the movie la story when he goes on the date to that hot dog stand called tale of the pup that's at here it actually sat like right in this space where there's nothing no car here it is being used for the scene in LA story and then it was also used in ruthless people starring Judge Reinhold where he makes the call about the ransom to Danny DeVito I'm moving my mom and I loved when I was a kid but this is where it was and when they ended up closing down and shutting down everything they actually put it into storage because it was so historico significant but this is la story tale of a pub kind of a wide shot of Jerry's deli I mean I walked I was a delivery driver here because they used to deliver to a lot of Records like record labels and studios and stuff like that and I was always pretty personable so I would deliver to those people and I can get him to like me pretty well so we had a bunch of pickup trucks that we all drove and I used to park right here this last spot I liked actually would be the front of my truck would be right here where this telephone poles were and I'd Park there every single day and every single day walk in about entrance right there all right just fed the meter and got an hour and 10 minutes you guys before when I worked over here at Jerry's deli of it that's when I knew Shelley Winters and then I used to walk over to her house every day or quite a few days after work and I'd go hang out with her and have her teach me stuff and just hang out we're right in between there so after we leave here from the audition I'm just going to take you over and show you Shelley's house we used to hang out a lot there man it was she was a funny lady we won't be able to see where her bedroom was because she actually some reason put herself in the back of the house and her window just kind of looked at nothing like a wall but we'll go there anyway because Jerry's deli is in a block east of where I am now and she's a block west so would it be a fun trip auditions done I did surprisingly well lots of ball handling stills basically do basically it was do a minute worth of throwing the ball background dribbling like game time dribbling just casually spinning the ball just whatever you could do so we're done and we're heading to Shelly's house thanks for having me audition castaway we're out of here I was walking by this and I just looked down an alley and saw this can you see that artwork in there that Warhol inspired art the can is like the tomato soup can spraying out and it's kind of the image from the wall and it says brains awesome so we're leaving we're edition and we're heading to Shelly's house now here's a crazy thing when I worked there at Jerry's deli one day they ran out of buns or something and they set me over to this rafts right here this grocery store while I'm in the checkout line Diana Ross is standing right next to me I swear to God Diana Ross was right behind me in line now we're gonna make this right and Shelli live down here at the very end of the street Shelly winters my pal but this was Shelly's house this is where I come and hang him and hang out with her all the time and this this dirt area you can see over this that used to be a beautiful yard and that's where she would have her birthday parties when I knew her no it's crazy about this is that yeah I mean I've been here so many times her mom and dad lived on the second floor because in the heyday of Shelly's career she was so busy and she'd had a daughter she wanted her parents closer that they could help take care of her daughter and and that Shelley's front door straight through there I went in there many times now what's crazy about this it's a duplex she told me that this whole street used to be nothing but duplexes and now if you look around like she said it's all like high-rise apartments but so one of the weird things that she told me is when you when you walk in the front door and you make a left that takes you into the living room and then if you make another left you're right here in this area right here now right there Shelly always had a piano like an upright piano and she had a table with a phone on it and one day we were coming out here to go get something to eat and it's so surreal being here because I can't even tell you like where those stairs are she used to have a wheelchair ramp because she got pneumonia and when she was in the hospital for pneumonia she we had it for like over a month and she lost the ability to walk so so a lot of the times she wouldn't walk or just didn't want to walk and we would push around a wheelchair but in this front room one day we were coming out to go eat and she points to the phone and she goes did I ever tell you that Elvis used to sit there and use that phone I go what she said yeah did you read my book I said yeah I read your book she said well there then you know she said that when Elvis was dating Natalie Wood I was the chaperone I've been making I knew Natalie would pretty well my knew him both and and I told Natalie Wood's mom because her mom was really overprotective that that I would be the chaperone so we one day Elvis came over here with all of his boys and he sat on that phone rang up ran up my phone bill call talking to his mom in Mississippi and he was playing me out piano and she goes and then I look out the window and he's got all of his boys out here fertilizing my lawn so my whole lawn smelled like fertilizer for the next week and a half so that was one of those weird stories that she would tell me and I think her doctor I think she I think her doctor ended up buying her her home but uh yeah so weird to see this it is so weird to see this for me still looks pretty much the same she was always absolutely convinced that when she died this place would just abs would be bulldozed she thought her daughter would sell it and it would just be completely bulldozed and from what I understood somebody I talked to said that her daughter or that her doctor bought this and he apparently has kept it pretty close to the way it was when she lived here now in the time that I knew her the 2 to 3 years that I knew her I was never I had never been up in the upstairs I never saw that but her house the inside it was pretty modest there was nothing really flashy about it it was I mean she just wasn't that kind of person she just didn't really care about belongings so this was Shelly's house here's the long-haired picture of me with Shelley at her birthday party and Martin Landau beside us a good friend of hers who also won an Oscar for Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood it said that's where her birthday parties always were in fact one of her birthday parties I have a really weird memory from she had only in the back of the gate like back way back in the back there she had the buffet set up for her party and I'm over there getting some food and right through the back gate this is right after the Robert Blake trial Robert Blake walked in like there must be a little gate or a hinge or something over there and he walked right in the back way and walked in kind of like sheepishly kind of like surveying how people were gonna judge him and I was pretty creeped out he had white hair like his you know when he was when you used to when everybody would see pictures of him he actually dyed his hair it wasn't black it was white but um yeah he came walking in and all these celebrity friends of hers just acted like he had never done anything wrong Oh Robert how's everything going so great to see you did you see so-and-so's here and so-and-so so it's a weird memory I have I think that was her 84th birthday or 83rd 83rd birthday party the side and the back area this is kind of this would have been the entrance that I was telling you guys Robert Blake came in he must be used that door right there because those are Shelly's are those were Shelly's garage and that was the back of her house actually you see that window right there there's one right over here behind that umbrella as well those were her bedroom windows rest in peace Shelly winters thanks for everything well this book is pretty interesting to me because I've never been a person that's made a big deal about my birthday and in because of that I've never really had a big birthday or anything you know outside of my family nobody really ever remembers my birthday is coming around nobody ever makes a big deal about it or anything and well one of the years I think it was the it must have been the first year that I knew Shelly a day or two before her birthday she asked me if I was going to come by on a Tuesday and I said actually I'm coming by Monday because Tuesday is my birthday and I might want to go do something I just don't know yet and Shelley because she had had pneumonia and she's been the hospital she got dementia so sometimes you could tell her stuff and she'd just forget it or sometimes she would tell you something and then a minute later or actually she would say she would tell you a sentence about five seconds to go by and then she's looking and she tell you the same exact sentence again so I never thought anything of it and then the day of my birthday I was actually working and she called my work she called Jerry's deli and she asked to speak to me and they said you got a call I got on the phone she goes hey are you coming over to my house today and I said um yeah I can I can do that because sadly I had no plans I like I said I don't I don't I'm not gonna go out of my way to make plans for myself on my own birthday and since nobody else had done anything I just didn't really care anymore I was pretty much over she said well I wanted you to come over cuz I'm bored today and that turned out to be a lie because when I got over there as soon as I walked in she got a big grin on her face and she said happy birthday kid I love you and I was like thank you and she said I got you something and she handed me this book along with this book she also gave me a card but what she did was when she handed me the book she said open it up to page 50 bubble blah blah blah whatever page it was now I think I probably have put the card in here to kind of outline where it was but she said you know she knew that I loved old she knew that I loved film noir and we shared that kind of stuff in common so this was just like to me it was such a big deal that anybody would even think to to do that for me and especially because when people found out that I was friends with Shelley they were always really surprised because some people knew her like in the 70s when she was kind of rude and kind of mean in New York City and so people were just like how does she like you like she's very mean and selfish and whatever and I just she wasn't that way with me let me find the page here it is so as page 214 and when I got to page 214 it was a picture of her and John Garfield in a movie you can see that here the movies caught he ran all the way Shelley Winters and she had written that for me happy 23rd and many more from your friend Shelley she never signed her last name when it was for me oh it's just Shelley and then what really made my day like she had a hard time writing by that time and she still insisted she had an assistant she still insisted that she write it for me so Jordan happy year and happy birthday your friend Shelley Winters July 30th 2004 and that was the birthday car that she got me and that cool and she put something in there for me too and a great year so there you have it somebody that a lot of people considered to be a jaded superstar who didn't care about anybody else she took a liking to a 23 year old delivery boy with a pony tail really didn't know what he wanted to do with his life and saw a lot of potential and gave me a lot of hope for what I was gonna do in the future and another one of my favorite things that I've always had I actually found this 8 by 10 and that pile of stuff I told you guys in her closet and there was only one normally she would never let me take anything if it was the only one but I just said I love that picture so much and she said you can have it and I was going through a bunch of her personal photos and that was a picture of her when she was in Italy when she was first married to her husband Vittorio Gassman and I saw that picture and I just loved it and I said can I have that and she said you can have it so she signed that one to me and it said for Jordyn my friend in need you came late but in time she'll she really was such an awesome friend she was a Leo Alma Leo and I'm just I've always had a belief in astrological signs to get along and the ones that are don't get along they never get along so her and I always got along great vlog over
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 106,327
Rating: 4.9318056 out of 5
Keywords: tacos villa corona, anthony bourdain, no reservations, shelley winters, audition, bourdain, jordan the lion, travel, daze with jordan the lion, los angeles, filming locations, tourism, vlog, vlogging, lifestyle, old hollywood, adventures, vlogger, film, history, daily vlogger, golden age, hollywood, daily vlog, forgotten, cinema, my trip, celebrity houses, celebrity homes, tourist, dailyvlogger, travel vlogger, travelvlogger, travel vlog
Id: pPATzFyGtNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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