Activity % Complete Based on Activity Steps - Primavera P6 SETTINGS Explained

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hey guys it's michael talking about p6 settings and i've got another setting for you because there's a million of them in p6 today we're talking about the setting related to steps and it's a project level setting let's go let me show you okay so on the project screen if you highlight your project and head over to the calculations tab you'll see all sorts of different settings i will cover them all but not in this video but in this video we're going to cover this one here it's called activity percent complete based on activity steps all right what does that setting do i'm going to explain it to you first off let's check it on for this project and notice we get a little pop up here it says all of the physical percent complete values will be recalculated from steps are you sure so fair warning if you're just turning this on in the middle of a project that has all sorts of progress and whatnot this may cause you some problems it may overwrite any physical percent complete values you have in there so practice this on a dummy project um and probably don't turn it on mid project so we're going to say yes for this project and let's dive into the project and have a look i really hate projects like this two activities but i'm going to do it this time because i want to illustrate what's happening so what i've done is i've got two activities and i've set them both to be physical percent complete here on the the general tab and when you do that that means that on the status tab in the physical pers in this percent complete area it says physical percent complete physical percent complete is the best option for statusing construction type projects okay now with that setting related to activity steps we can have the physical percent complete value be calculated based on these steps so what are steps well steps are not activities but they are it's almost like a laundry list a checklist of things that you need to do to mark this activity complete so it's like sub-activities if you want but they're not quite sub-activities because they don't have all of the same options that an activity has you can't order them you can't put durations on them you can't say they this step starts on a certain date finishes on a certain date you don't have that flexibility but you can say i need to check off these three things in order to be done activity a and i'm going to show you there's a little bit more to this as well by default we don't see all of the columns here so if i right click with my mouse on say step name i'll get this customized step columns and i'll open that up and i'll add in these additional columns there's only three extra ones i want to put them all there okay and i'm going to move i'm going to adjust them that way a little bit okay so what i can do is i can use these columns to weight the steps and what that lets me do is control with this setting when i click the first step what is the percent complete that the activity is so i can weight them in order to get that percent complete so all i need to do is edit these step weight values here this column i can't edit step weight percent but i can do like this let's say the first one is two the next one is three and the last one is one so when i'm done the first step it's 33 complete and i add 50 after that one's done and then i add the last 16 and a half percent okay so with this option checked on let's see what happens as i status this activity so let's first go and mark it as started because it needs to be an in progress activity for this to work and then now i can say mark completed the first step and again i'll just flip back to the status tab we'll see 33 complete there in the physical percent complete column and just to see for fun let's do another one we checked that one done and now it goes up to 83.3 so that's what this setting does it lets those steps drive the physical percent complete field so that can be really nice in a lot of situations you don't have to use steps on your project but there are definitely times where we have big activities that might need to be broken down into some smaller activities and this setting lets you work with that to drive your status now what if i don't have steps on the activity what happens then well here's activity b and there are no steps on this activity at all so you are okay to just mark this thing started and come in and put in your own physical percent complete so if there are no steps nothing happens you just status the normal way steps can be really handy i advise them in some situations just as long as you understand that they are not like sub activities there you have it that explains that setting drive percent complete based on activity steps for your project i hope you got something out of this if you love this video make sure you click subscribe on our youtube channel or check out one of our other p6 setting videos i'm michael happy planning
Channel: Plan Academy Inc.
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Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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