P6 Primavera Scheduling for Beginners - How-To Video

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all right hello welcome back um we are doing a video today on oracle p6 professional project management uh back in the day this software used to be called sure track oracle bought them out years ago and uh for old school construction guys sure track was the way to go and uh it still is but we call it p6 now so um wanted to go over just a little bit about uh the software and just so you're familiar with it more of an introductory video than anything um i'll have some other videos obviously that will show how to um you know create jobs and activities and relationships and all kinds of good stuff so uh to start off with if you've already downloaded it and hopefully you have then you're at this point where okay where do i get started one thing with p6 and i've never quite understood this through the years is when you install it it doesn't put a icon on your desktop so i'm going to switch over to my screen here and we can go down to the windows and i just simply type in p6 okay now when you do that you'll notice it pulls up a couple of other p6 options here that you do not want to choose on or select so one of them is pre p6 professional standalone database migration tool another is a visualization tool another one is a visualizer so there's a couple options that we don't want what we do want is the one that says p6 professional 21 uh and this one says uh 64. so this is like a you know difference between 32 and 64 which most computers are all 64s now so anyway um what we're going to do is we're just going to click on it to open it and um it should pull you to a page where you need to actually load in your information and so your username and password and you can type that little guy in there and open up p6 now when this opens this is what i always do i'll go down here to my to the menu here at the bottom my little pop-up menu and i'm going to right-click on p6 and then of course mine is already pinned but yours may say pin to taskbar and that's what you'll want to do so that that guy is always there even when you close it out so that you don't have to go through the windows search thing every time okay just a little helpful hint because it's just so much easier that way all right um so here is the main frame here is what it looks like when you open it up um not sure why i use mainframe right there but anyway this is the this is the page that it looks like when you open up p6 now a couple of things i'm always like want to slide this down just a little bit um so you've got three parts to this screen over on the left you kind of have your your layout these are all the different jobs that are that are actually already loaded on p6 and we'll talk about that in a minute and this is where new jobs will be or new projects or however you want to define that over to the right is actually going to be the calendar which is going to show up the bars and the bar chart area um and you'll see this here in a minute and then the bottom is just a way for us to um detail some things okay and all this stuff i'll be going through just to kind of step by step to make sure uh we're on the same page so just for starters this is you know professional 21 p6 which hopefully that's what you have loaded up at the top you have file edit view enterprise tools you notice project is grayed out okay i can't if i click on it nothing happens um so we're going to have to actually uh click on enterprise here in just a minute and do some stuff but before that i just kind of want to run over a few more things up at the top you have a print uh icon you know you got some standard things like that if you want to go back and forth between gantt chart and um i'm trying to think what the other one is off top my head uh i guess this network maybe uh or the chart view you can just toggle those back and forth up here and again once i actually have a schedule in here we'll be able to do that um and then there's some other stuff and i'm just gonna be honest i'm not going to take time doing it because we don't have a schedule it just kind of makes sense when we have something there so what i want to do um is create a folder that i can kind of keep my stuff in you'll notice there's all kinds of stuff that's already there why it's already there just to be right straightforward with you i have no idea so i like to minimize it because it's just i don't know i i guess oracle put it there as maybe templates or just sample activities um i don't care anything about it so i'm just going to minimize so that everything is sort of out of the way okay so what i am going to do is i want to create uh create a folder here that i can like work in and put my work in and kind of keep things organized okay so um underneath enterprise i've got uh emc engineering and construction since we're kind of construction based on this we're going to look at the enc okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go up to enterprise i'm going to click on enterprise project structure okay that's going to open up a dialog box and you'll notice all these little pyramid looking diamond shapes that are here okay these are pretty much all the stuff we just closed out you got energy manufacturing production development energy manufacturing production development development corporate i.t that kind of thing okay so we don't i'm just going to minimize this so it looks kind of like what i'm looking at here all right so what we want to do is is i'm going to click on enterprise over here and i'm going to click on add okay and um so what this is i'm just going to type in a word scheduling tell you what i'm going to do at capital letters scheduling okay and then the scheduling name i'm just going to put schedules how about that or schedule projects huh he's even a better one scheduling projects okay so once that's there um um i'm good with that i'm just going to hit uh because you'll notice it's over here already um tell you what i'm going before i do that i'm going to just kind of click off this just to kind of prove the schedule projects and then i'm going to highlight it again okay click back on it so it's blue and then you see these little black arrows here i actually want to like move this thing up to the front of the class mainly because i want this to be at the top so i can see it every time all right and then all i'm going to do is hit close so now i'm going to minimize that one too and now the very top one up there is my scheduling scheduling projects okay so what i want to do underneath scheduling as long as it's highlighted i can come over here and hit the little plus over on the far right uh you'll see this row everything is grayed out and that's because we're not in a project right now or anything and then of course you got the x which is delete we don't want to do that so i'm going to hit the plus and when i do that it's going to create a folder underneath this scheduling enterprise that i did and it's going to um put you know basically default is new project okay so we want to we want to change that um so it says select eps select enterprise project structure level scheduling projects that's fine because that's where i want it to be hit next now we want to switch the name okay i'm going to say i don't know let's just say beginning beginning schedule how about that project name we're going to call it uh test one okay um project then i'm hitting next on all this by the way so now it says project start and end dates well just depending on when you're watching this video obviously this may be dated but let's just say i want to start this on monday february 28th okay and i'm going to hit select must finish by i'm going to leave that open okay some projects have a drop dead finish date some projects just do the start date okay it just it just depends on what you're actually using and then i'm going to hit next all this is fine i'm actually just going to hit finish at this point okay so now i've got this thing over here it says beginning schedule and test one so now that we have that we can go up and actually start putting some activities in okay so you'll notice now earlier bremer project was grayed out and now it is not okay so if i click on project there's a couple things you can do you can do activities resource assignments or wbs wbs is work breakdown structure and that is a way you can organize uh activities inside your schedule uh we're not gonna cover that right now but uh maybe later we can do something with that but um so i wanna do is click on activities because we want to sort of start that process now when you click on activities you'll notice up at the top you've got a couple of tabs uh added activities okay if i click on projects it's going to bring me back to this page where you know we entered in this information but now i want to do activities so see here's all this all these folders and then you see beginning schedule test one click on activities now it says beginning schedule test one so now it's you know laying everything out for me uh i can move this to you know show show more or less of the words you know i mean that whatever you want to do with that um but anyway so what we want to do is actually put some activities down okay so i'm going to hit um over on the far right here the little plus sign again kind of like what we did when we added the the the actual activity folder now um or the project folder now we're going to do that to to add activities so i'm going to hit plus and now it says a1000 new activity and immediately this little dialog box pops open okay inside the dialog box you have activity id a1000 activity name new activity so i'm just going to say uh ntp which is notice to proceed now leave it at four digit numbers that's the best way of doing this and i'll show you why here in a minute um so we're just going to leave it a 1000 i'm going to do ntp which is notice to proceed okay so it's like a moment in time this is great because i can turn this into a milestone i'll show you that um so now i can hit next if i want to but all this stuff is um uh it's really not needed like when i get to activity type um this one i will change to a start milestone but everything else we do will be a task dependent so kind of the default so really when you get done typing the activity you can hit finish okay and it'll go matter of fact i'm going to do that and show you how i can go back and change the activity type okay so right now like i said i really wanted to be finished milestone i'm going to leave it as task depend dependent and i'll show you how to fix that in a minute so now i'm just going to go through this i don't really need all this stuff but this is where you can add in things like high labor units high non-labor i mean it's just a lot of stuff uh yes i would like to configure relationships now actually no not right now um anyway so then hit finish and then all it did is it it added it okay now notice to proceed is a milestone because it is a piece of paper it is a moment in time okay it is like the owner says okay we're ready for you to start building we're going to give you the notice to proceed to the gc and say you may start building it's kind of like the approval right because as a general contractor you're not just going to be like oh i'm just going to start building whatever i want no you got to wait for that okay so it's either email fax you know who knows pony express however they get it to you it's a notice to proceed it is a milestone it is not hours long it is not days long it is a moment in time so we want to change that notice to proceed to an actual milestone so since it's highlighted i can come right down here to task dependent and i can click on start milestone and it'll turn it to a little diamond which is just a moment in time so next next activity i'm going to click plus this one now you see where it automatically numbers at 10 10 okay so it's giving me essentially like nine spots in between each of these right a 1001 through a 1009 okay so nine possible spots whereas you know down the road if i'm like oh crap i need to add some kind of activity between these two i've got nine spots to do it in okay so it just kind of buys you a little buffer there for that so just i mean these numbers don't i mean they could mean something really important but at the end of the day they're just numbers they're just ways of of creating an id for each activity okay so you got a 1010 uh new activity let's just gonna i'm just going to put sog which is slab on grade uh and again i'm just going to hit finish because i don't need to do anything else with it i'm going to come up here i'm going to sit uh hit plus again new activity oh this one's a 10 20. perfect that's what i want new activity um i don't know let's just keep these all real simple i'm just going to call it uh well maybe i better do foundation know that we already had that yeah framing let's just leave it there go with your gut uh and i'm just going to hit finish okay now a couple things you can change in the box or you can just come up and change this is the duration okay slab on grade let's just say that's gonna take i don't know four days let's just change that to four uh framing um you know depending on the help and uh covid and who knows what else right um you know we can add that you know and that's another thing i mean just kind of chasing a rabbit down a hole for a second you know back in the day he had to worry about loss of rain days had to worry about um you know delivery issues and you know maybe not quite so much but long lead time items that kind of thing nowadays it's like you know there could be jobs that could have you know 50 people that are positively coveted and they're sitting at home well it's kind of hard to get stuff done if they're sitting at home on a quarantine um and then with um shipping and you know half of the material may be sitting on a boat out in the water somewhere and we're just having a hard time with you know delivery and uh um you know getting materials in and all that stuff so you know there's just a lot of other things that can happen so uh scheduling can definitely be uh interesting nowadays okay so after framing uh i'm just going to say rough ends you know i need to i'm going to hit cancel let me try that again uh i need to go to activity name not activity number ruffians um i'm gonna leave that at five and then uh let's just call this one um let's see rough ends let's just call it uh finish trim hit finish uh plus another one let's just call this um exterior trim how about that and then i'm just going to put a few of these down just mainly so you can get the idea um uh let's just say paint you notice everything is right in a row here um we're gonna change that in just a minute let's see paint i'm just going to say landscaping keep that there i'm going to do one more and we're going to call this punch list okay so this again this is just to give you an idea of what's going on now i'm going to go back through here uh finish trim i don't know let's just be let's just say seven for that um paint might only be three days uh landscaping i don't know let's just do eight punch lists i'm gonna leave that at five okay so now we've got this schedule over to the right and all there are these little boxes all in a row okay there's no relationships at all um one thing i'm looking at too is this this calendar up on the top is set for like quarters okay so we don't uh want to i'm going to right click up on it i'm going to hit time scale and down here i've got some options it says show primary dates type calendar date interval says quarter month i don't want quarter month you can go all the way down to days and hours if you wanted to um let's see i think i'm just going to say week day one kind of thing let's see every month and week maybe let's see what that does yeah i like that actually no i don't that's just showing the week okay so i'm going to right click again i'm going to change that to i want weak oh i can move this there we go um i'm just gonna say weekday one what does that look like yeah that's it that's the ticket okay so now on my screen you'll see how it's kind of really compressed in these two months right here so i can come up here and see where that hourglass shows up you can click hold and then stretch like drag to the left or the right all while holding your mouse button down and i can stretch the schedule out you know however i want it i'm just going to be honest with you it's easier to stretch it out just a little bit to make these relationships um now let's see here so what we want to do is is put these relationships in okay um so notice to proceed once that begin or once that starts i can do my slab on grade okay a couple of ways of doing relationships for me personally the easiest way is to come up here let's see if i can't somehow make the schedule bigger because i want you to see this i just clicked on the wrong thing there it is um let's see can i zoom that nope when i zoom it it does that weird thing okay well you'll have to just watch what i'm doing all right so behind notice to proceed if i if i move my mouse over you notice there's like a bazillion different little arrows and stuff that's pulling up you'll see one that's got this black kind of dagger looking arrow on it okay i'm going to click hold and now i'm going to pull and when i do when i pull to these other activities see how that blue arrow pops up i just want to go to that first one slab on grade okay and now it disappeared for some reason so i'm gonna hit schedule schedule all let's see um one of these we'll let you see relationships let's see where is it relationship lines maybe i didn't do one oh maybe i know it's not to proceed okay so after slab on grade i can start framing so i'm going to put that there um then after framing i can start rough ends i'm just going to do this real simple after roughings i can do finish now notice how nothing's moving i can go up to this little clock up here and see where it says schedule i can click on that and then i'm just going to come over here to the right uh menu area and i'm going to hit schedule and it will schedule it out so now it's saying okay when slot and grade is done then framing can start when framing is done roughing can start roughing it done y'all see what's going on then um you'll notice up at the top we got this black bar going all the way across okay if we fall that over the duration of this job right now is 26 days okay so that's sort of like your project management remember that's like a start to start and then finish to finish kind of activity so there's that now let's say i want finish trim to follow exterior trim okay i can click on finish trim and i can come down here to the bottom you got general you got status resources and then you've got these two at the end predecessors and successors okay so successors means what comes after it predecessors means what comes before it so when i click on predecessors it shows rough-ins so it's saying rough-ins comes before finished trim cool huh so now i can type in successors okay well which one do i want well i'm going to assign one and i want uh what is exterior trim to come after that so i'm going to hit double click it and you notice how it pops it up it automatically kind of did that for me and see how it's over here and that cool so now i can go um let's see i can go down one i just hit the down arrow so now i'm on um exterior trim my successor for exterior trim okay i'm going to click on assign is going to be paint so i'm going to double click on see i did two there that's okay i double click on paint and hit x now you'll notice there's two okay so i don't want landscaping so i'm going to hit remove and are you sure you want to remove it yes i do okay so now paint is next so now i can hit the schedule hit schedule again and it'll pop this up here okay so you can either do it by getting a little black jagged down arrow click hold down them the left button come over and stick it behind on the front of landscape and see how it once i mouse over the front of landscaping it puts that blue arrow and then just let go okay or there again you can come down here to predecessors and successors and do it that way i'll be honest i like doing it this way now when you get a bunch of activities it's going to be complicated you're going to have to really pay attention to what you're hitting and you may have to go back to predecessors and successors to see if there's an error like you might have accidentally made a relationship kind of like what i did just a minute ago so a couple different things that you may have to do i'm going to move that in there and then at the end i'm going to hit schedule again and now let's see let me move this arrow over now my schedule has opened up a little bit so now my duration is 47 days um now let's just say um finish trim and rough ends let's do a uh kind of like a lag uh in between those um you know because i'm basically saying that um roughings and finish trim can start the finished trim needs to give rough ends like you know five or six days or something before they can uh you know actually start and uh and get going so what i'm going to do then i want to change that um that time on this so exterior trim uh i want that to to be a different relationship so i'm going to click on exterior trim and down here it says it's uh oh wait not exterior trim finish trim so finish trim has a finish to start relationship with exterior trim i want it to be a different relationship so down here at the bottom i can click on relationships and say start to start with a lag of let's say five days and then i'm going to kind of hit enter on that now it didn't really change anything but it shows it here so now i can hit schedule and it's going to schedule again and now it's bumping it down here now i still want the paint to start after the finished trim and after exterior trim so i'm still what i'm going to do is pull relationship now over here to paint hit schedule now and not that it's really going to change but there's that um so now you can kind of see how that arrow comes off the front finished trim to the front of exterior trim and you can see how they're kind of both going at the same time where all these other activities are right one behind each other okay so anyway that's just a real quick and easy show of this um i'll have some other videos that kind of help with that as well but um there it is so uh what we did is we created that one folder of scheduling which is kind of your enterprise and then we created the beginning folder which is this one and then you know like if i'm wanting to create another folder i can come over here and say uh hit pause and hit the plus sign um this one um is we want it under schedule project so that's good this one i could put i don't know let's just say mod 1-5 okay and i'm going to do the same thing here i'm just going to call it same thing because who cares mod 1-5 and then hit next um start by i'm going to switch it to the 28 select and then hit finish and bazaam it pops it down here okay so now i got two of them but if i hit activities see it's just showing this one but now i can come down here mod five click on it hit the plus sign and now i've got activities down here and bam i'm starting another project okay so anyway just some ideas there of what what you can do with that um so if you have any questions let me know but i hope this helped in kind of giving you uh just a little bit of introductory on p6 um and like i said i'll try to do some more videos here soon and uh maybe give you uh give you some more help here and that kind of thing and maybe detailing some of the activities and the the lag and the relationships just because that's uh that's something you know everybody works with so alrighty if you have any questions just uh let me know otherwise enjoy the video
Channel: Donny Holmes
Views: 58,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dFOappGXY4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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