Method to Eliminate Out of Sequence Activities

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hello everyone and welcome to my channel this is my third video for the topic of Auto sequence activities in my first two videos I try to explain what are Auto sequence activities and what are the reasons that give rise to this out of SQL activities in this video we'll see how we eliminate this out of sequence activities so as you see on the screen that to remove out of sequence activities we have to encounter four cases in our first case is that our producers are and successor both are in progress and their link will finish to start so it's obvious that in this case destinations to our relationship to be modified to start to start and the second case is that our predecessor not started and a successor is in progress and they are linked with Ministry start or start with sort so in this case it is modified to finish to finish in our third case is that our predecessor in progress and successor is completed so and they are linked with signature start of little finish so it's obvious that this links to be modified to start to start and the fourth and final case is that our predecessor is not distorted and successor is completed so it's obvious that in this case successor does not need processor so by any link they are linked with uh it should be it need to be removed now we'll see this in private itself you see that this is one of my cooperated program and this program lets before checking this program uh we see in my previous video that how can we check other sequence activities so the the easiest way is to check the log so before checking the log of any updated program I recommend to before checking the log you run the program so let's run the program press F9 and when you press F9 just press schedule okay and then press F9 again and then you can see your log before viewing before select this option you have to make sure that you have to click the check the log file so that the whatever the schedule calculations there is safe already saved so uh we already link it we already click it so just we go and click the view log when we open the view log this gives you the report should only report and you can see that the error in the error they are out of sequence activities which is 697 and our program containing 6700 activities and out of this around 697 activities are Auto sequence so imagine that we are if we have if we need to remove this six ninety seven activities manually one by one but thanks there's Excel which help us a lot to remove this order sequence very easily and fasten in Excel itself so before going this one just keep right remember that we have around 697 equities which are Auto sequence so we go here again and just go in file and export in export just select the spreadsheet option and after all press next and then press Equity relationships okay no need for other options just select your relationships and you can select next and then you have to select the program if you have several program open then select the program which you are working on we have only one program open so just select the program and go next and then I already make one template for DOT or sequence activities I just show you what are this in this template you need to you need predecessor successor relationship type with register and successful activity status and their names so just keep just other other I feel you don't need it so no need to make your file heavy and uh unwanted data there so just this data is enough for us just press OK and then go next and then you already defined the location where you want to save the file and then press next as you see that our export is was successful let's open this exported file now this all file is open this is a relationship we exported see all these relationships are exported now before starting operation I recommend you to just make a copy of this file so in this any in case anything goes up or wrong you have the backup file so just press shift control and mouse left button and then just drag and drop it will copy you it will copy the sheet itself so this is our major main file which we exported from the program just click it here and then just click here and then double click and then just make the column bit to suit your requirement it's no need for all this data everything okay so now our file is open and now just select the row number two and press the filter okay now our first case is that both predecessor and successor activities are in progress so from this filter select the predecessor in progress and select a successor in progress and their link with finish this thoughts okay so these are the links which you have to need to modify so just go on the First Data press shift control right arrow ends left it will select all the data there press Ctrl C and just leave few rows for the reference and then press Ctrl V okay now you see here this is finished start now just select press Escape press shift Ctrl down arrow and then press alter and column if press altar column you just select the visible color visible rows only okay and then you just finish to start we have to change to start to start so just press SS and then press Ctrl enter it will copy all the relationships so this all relationship are now modified so these relationships are changed and now we need to remove the old relationship so just go at the bottom press Ctrl down arrow and then this is the relationship which finish the start we need to be deleted so just press this Ctrl shift control down arrow it will go to end of the end of the data and then just press d either smaller capital is not issue okay press G and then Ctrl enter okay and then video again and then remove all the filters in progress remove it then just remove it and then remove it okay now our second case is that now let's start for the second case our second case is that our predecessor in uh not started so we just select producer not to start it and our successor is in progress okay and the link with which relationship finishes thought what is thought to start so we just remove this finish to finish okay and they are linked with nature start I start to start okay and then just go here press shift Ctrl right arrow and then down arrow then press Ctrl C and then just come at the end control enter down just leave few rows for a reference and press Ctrl V this data need to be deleted this relationship will need to be deleted finish restart and restart the store so just select on the first cell and then press save control down arrow and then press Ctrl D and Ctrl enter so this in this this d means that this relationship need to be deleted and from this start to solve and finish to start we have to change to finish to finish okay so just select here press shift control down arrow alter column and then just press f f Ctrl enter okay so this relationship are modified now so we're just going to remove remove all the filters our second case is solve now we have to go to the third case whatever third case a third case is that predecessor in progress okay and successor completed and Link with finish the start of Mr finish so just remove the start we start from here okay then select the first data shift control right arrow and then download or something wrong this one shift control right arrow and then down arrow okay and then press Ctrl C and then just go come here press Ctrl down arrow down arrow and then just leave few rows and Ctrl V okay this data this relationship will need to be delete press the con first cell shift control down arrow and press capital D and then Ctrl enter okay and then go on the first say this is this relationship we need to modify so this means to start and finish to finish just press Ctrl shift down arrow and then alter column and if you need to be start to start to press s s and Ctrl enter okay if you remove this relationship now here you see that not all the data are filled only the selected or visible data or change so this is one of the short shortcut of the axle then remove all the filters now our three sales three cases are solved as you see that we have solved our three cases the four case is related to related of the relationship so deleting is a very crucial items so we cannot delete anything blindly so I recommend you to do this one by one in primary itself so let's export our file back in the apply Vera before exporting remove this filter okay and then just press Ctrl down arrow the empty space we just put it this is we just put for reference and to differentiate the data old and new so this is our new data down and up is the old all data so just remove this down delete this cell then again Ctrl down arrow it will bring you the headline just select this one and then delete the empty cells and then again cut down to the whole Arrow this empty cells you have to remove okay and then finish no more one thing more you have to delete this sheet also because we just copy this sheet as a in case something goes wrong so we have backup so this is no more required just delete be careful don't delete this user data this is very important and this driver needed so now our file is same and we modify the relationship and just save its control as save and delete and close it and then we need to import this file back to parametera for exporting back the file into private I just opened the log again to show you how many activities Auto sequence activities we have so as we see before that we have around 697 out of sequence electricity you can see again and then just close and then we go file import this press select spreadsheet next then you have to select the location where you save your file you select the file from here and then just open then go next activate relationship next import to you have to select the program which need to be imported just select program go next then press finish it will takes few seconds just press finish and now you can see that it's import result please note that successfully the process don't complete successfully just ignore this error because there's something we do not fully import all the data so just ignore this one and then we have to go and run the program again press F9 okay then just run it just our completion rate is 26 May after I remove this Auto sequence if you run the program again it will give you 23rd May means after removing this all of all auto security activities it saves you three days so let's check the log again press F9 again and view log if you go to view log you can see that before we have 697 and now we have 54 at it is remaining out of sequence okay so means this or this 54 activities are those for which successor completed and producer is not started so in this case we need to remove all this relationship one by one by one so I am I'm preparing and recommending to do it manually one by one because if you remove this Auto sequence delete this all relationship so maybe some equities you have another error that they don't have any success of so do you have to assign and check one by one all activities and assign some proper uh Delete the old uh and assign some proper uh registration so that there's no reason there's no errors for the activities for without successor and at the same time you eliminate this error also so we will do this one by one just select the first security okay see I just select this one copy okay if you have 54 now and out of 50 we have 54 out of sequence just press Ctrl F and Ctrl V and let's go here you see that where this is completed and this activity is successive when a vanity top is not even started so you go to vanity top and you see that this activity is completed so just go here and remove this completed wait now in this case if you delete this one it will not affect because already it has two more successors so if you remove one successor which is unnecessary or so it will not affect anything so just remove this one and press schedule again and then check the log again it was 54 before now I expect it's 53 c53 so in this way you have to go one by one for all activities and remove all the and delete all the relationship I just do one more for the illustration purpose press Ctrl F and Ctrl V and then find next see this is Success has completed and producer is not started they have three links one one is progress one is completed one not started so we just go to this note to start it and this is already have three successors so one is completed so we just remove this completed one and then other two not started so now relationship are modified press run again schedule and then check the log again you know same it become Now 52 before 54 53 and 52 in this say case you have to go one by one to all this relationship and check it if sometime you need to assign some new relationship and the competitive one you have to remove and assign you so it will take some half an hour or some time like this to do you one by one but it is better and it will give you from some other further errors if you do one by one manually it will give you it will help you and protect you from some further errors so I recommended you so do it manually one by one and in this case you see before we have around 700 out of sequence activities uh and we delete we remove it very fast from with the help of Excel and a few 54 or 50 remaining which we have to do manually one by one and I show you one or two relationship how can we eliminate this one so I hope that it will help you and to remove how we can remove outer sequence activities very fast with the help of excel in the from the prime era and uh and I thank you for for your time and if you like this video please like share and subscribe and my channel and see you soon for the new video thank you very much till next time till next time thank you very much and see you again bye thank you
Channel: Project Management & Control - by ASIF
Views: 1,124
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Keywords: out of sequence activities, out of sequence activities in primavera p6, track out of sequence activities in primavera, out of sequence, out of sequence activities in p6, out of sequence work, solve out of sequence activities, trace out of sequence activities in primavera, sequence activities, sequence, sequence activities pmp, out of sequence activities in p6 and
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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