Create S Curve Without Resources from Primavera P6 | By activity weightage calculation and Resources

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welcome viewers to soft Academy a project control and Engineering software Academy today I am going to discuss with you about how can we create an s-curve or histogram in Primavera and Excel I will export all the data into Excel and I will create also as curve there but in that case we will create an S curve if we don't have available resources so without resources if we if we don't have any resources or can we create an S curve the question is that can we create any S curve or histogram without S curve the answer is that you cannot create without any value any S curve you need some value so how can you get that value if you don't have available hours in your project how can you get the hours of your project can you create an S curve on the base of duration the answer is that it's wrong you cannot create any S curve on the basis of duration because the duration is lies on x-axis the duration is based on the time so the timeline in S curve is the bottom x axis so the timeline in the bottom is x-axis and on y-axis you need some value some percent that may be on unit are cost if you don't have any cost you cannot create an S curve if you don't have any unit you cannot create but in this video I will tell you if you don't have any resources if you don't have any resources or cost in your project how will you create an S curve a lot of students ask this question I will just copy a project have I have already created I don't want to lose my hours and my material or my cost resources there I will paste with the same name so I can get the same data so the project cannot be deleted this is a project of 273 days we don't know anything any hours so I have created a sheet for the for the persons who don't know about uh weightages will view this one so this is EPC contract I have created some weightages this is different for different projects so you will sit with the technical team and you will decide that each Milestone or each state how much percent are there so far General I have set 3.5 percent engineering I have set six percent procurement 23 63.5 percent for construction and it's four percent so you can change the value I have attached the sheet in the link I have been given in the description of this video so you can change any value for example if I change 4.5 percent so it will be go above then 100 I have created a formula so I have created a weights also weights is equal to percent 3.566 the same as it is so the other one I have created some estimated labor units so how I have created the estimated labor units so these are total estimated labor units so this is our total budget of this project 13 million 548 000 this is our total budget of the project I have created for 30 I have taken 30 of its labor so mostly there is 18 to 25 to 30 percent labor cost of the project so I have just taken 3.5 dollars per hour of a labor so I have credit the labor hours here so it is 1.1 million man hours here so maybe this is less we can change it to seven or five five dollar per hour so it's according to your area so how much labor hours are there so you can change it to any value I can say four five so this is a maximum average so we have created some estimated labor hours here so also we have created some weights here so these two values you needed to create the S curve I will go here in Primavera P6 and I will go here in the WBS here WBS you will go here in the columns and customize column you will add estimate weights from here so as estimate weights is in general you will go here and estimate V8s and you will drag out there apply okay so when you apply okay so you will see the estimate weight there so in your case it will be like one one one one throughout so I have just added all my WBS stage two values so I have all values clear now I will put all my weights there 100 this one now general 3.5 I will put the same like this this one and now 6 and procurement is always higher because procurement values we take from construction so the construction and procurement combinedly make it a complete construction process so we are here final four so we have all values here 100 total estimate weights so these are total values so what we will do we will go here on the top down estimation we will go here in the activities and I will right click here the total budget cost I will just go here and I will just refresh this one you can see here by the total cost is equal to zero so resource assignment there is no resource assignment now what I will do from General to the bottom of the project I will select add here and now up to the bottom of the project closeout I will display from filter all resources it will show all resources I will select and assign man our resource so man our resource it's a just general resource so all the source will be same we just have hours so we will assign man hours to all my activities so if we select this one the man hour have been assigned no man hour have been assigned I will right click here columns I will go here in the budgeted units so in the units budgeted units I can go ahead directly and I can also drag here by 2D units labor units and after the next of budget total cost Because by the total cost is zero because my man hour cost is zero hour so we have it's 19 260 hours right there we need these hours one 0.0 million I will copy this one twos go here top down estimation from here we have estimate labor if we have non-labor we will select non-labor if we have Labor we will select this one and from here it's showing the current value I will select the resource man over this one and now I have just assigned this one as estimated units and apply when we apply this one so it's not just showing for the point value apply this one invalid not a valid work part-time unit so I will just remove the commas apply so when we apply are you sure you want to apply I will say yes okay so estimated new units are this one as it's written here apply okay then close now so you can see here when you go here at WBS level 2 so you can see here all the units have been calculated here so you can see easily here I will show you the later on I will verify this weights in another file so you can see here all the new labor units are appearing here now what I will do I I can show the spreadsheet and I can show also the S curve can you see the S curve that S curve pattern so this is our project S curve or this one is a labor units so you can see the total labor units are 1 million so it's between that one so you can just print out this one also also you can see the its usage profile also you can print out this this one so you can go here print preview for the print preview setting I will also show you print previous setting for the option you will go option you will select the profile and remove all others apply okay so you can see here only the curve you can show also you can set its timeline from here the timeline you can see the project earliest and latest apply okay so you can see the curve is more accurate also if you want to change that one into its margin also you can change its margin also you can decrease the margin also any value to you can decrease the value up to 0.17 here you can see I have just changed the margin of this one also you can add here header footer and a lot of things you can do also you can change its time scale and from time scale if you want to do that one in weekly so from there you will change the your your time scale into weekly month week and when you select this one and now you will print preview this one and you can also see it based on weekly basis so this is how we will just print out our man hours in Primavera P6 now I will show you how can do that one in Excel also I will go here in the tools report wizard I will create a new report time distributed data I will go for the WBS next columns we will add column here and you column with the name of units Baseline Baseline labor units here because I need a total apply okay I need group and sort group and sort up to level 2 because we need only up to level two novel no need any filter next we don't need a period total data show data only time scale we will set for monthly because we need only monthly a link have been given in the description you can see I have also and explained that one in another video time interval field you will add cumulative units by trade labor units also the time interval basic labor Baseline project labor units apply okay next next and now we will run report or we need delimited text file in in the desktop save now we need to commas okay next when we okay press OK you will see the file have been opened so this is the file we have created now I will just make a copy of this one copy by making copy create a copy we will rename this one rename to rename to working WBS and now I have created the names cumulative Baseline project so these are all our units like the same you can see procurement I have written in the front of that one so that are the monthly basis that are their cumulatives so these are its totals so I will do something here I will apply a formula is equal to this one value divided by this one apply a dollar sign here so the value will be fixed here this one copy this one live person here I'll need two percent value apply throughout the project and I just don't need Milestone here and I just don't need project Handover here the remaining I all needed so here are a lot of zeros showing here I will just remove that zeros apply here if condition if this value is equal to 0 then 0 rather this one so copy this one apply so only the values which have any value will be shown here so these are our total percent you can you see 3.5 percent 623 and 63 percent can you see this one so you can so you can compare this value of 63.54 with the sheet which we have created prior estimated weights so these R values are the same what we have previously decided now I will select these all values and go here insert and insert recommended charts in recommended charts I will select the line chart and now I will just click on this one and move the chart to the new sheet and here I will create a new chart here and I will say it as curve and I will just on the top I will write the name of S curve and these are all values are showing I will just change the chart type combo because the combination of a lot of charts before that one I will just remove some selected data and I will remove the cumulative the remaining only the cumulative for the project I will remain the same and other cumulative I will unhide this one hide this one I'll press ok now I will select the data is equal to okay now I will change the chart type combo for the cumulative I will change it to Mark and other one into extract the remaining into state this one into stacked this one into stacked and now I will change that one also to scan re also I will add here the scenery also so this is you can see here the curve have been drawn here so this is up to 100 value I will just change that one value to not 120 it's up to 100 because the percent can be only to 100 so up to 100 also there are minor values also showing major value also showing so this is our monthly based Manpower S curve histogram we have created from primavilla to excel also so if you don't have any man our resources in your project so you can create them from your estimated weights whichever you have also discussed here so the sheet have been attached this both sheet and curve and Sheet have been attached for your reference you can create them thanks for watching softy dummy if you have any content suggestion you can write in the comments also you can contact us with our WhatsApp number that have been given at the end of this video also you can visit our site see you in the next video we will meet in the next
Channel: SoftEdemy
Views: 6,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Create S Curve Without Resources from Primavera P6, Assign Resources by Weights and create S Curve, By activity weightage calculation and Resources, weight factor in primavera p6, weightage in primavera p6, activity weightage calculation, activity weightage in primavera, s curve from primavera to excel, s curve in excel, how to make s-curve without cost or resources in primavera p6, without Resource, assign resource by weights, Top down estimation, P6 S Curve
Id: rTmqQrzdmpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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