ActiveCampaign - The Best CRM For Small Businesses In 2020

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what's up guys matt toyshell here leads for locals and in this video i want to walk you through why i believe uh active campaigns crm is the absolute best crm for a small to medium sized business it's super easy to use and some of the stuff you can do with it is insanely powerful and you know i've used infusionsoft salesforce hubspot and just to me it's too complicated uh it literally took me like 10-15 minutes to learn how to use the crm it's so easy and so some of the other ones are just way too complicated for for what i was looking for anyways so if you're looking for a really powerful but simple to use crm active campaign is definitely where it's at so i'm going to break this down for you show you a couple of really powerful automations that we integrate with the crm to help us convert more of our leads get more people on the phone and just a very easy way to keep track of where your leads are at in the sales process who you need to be following up with taking notes set up tasks all that stuff man it's really cool so if this is something that you want to try i actually have a two week free trial to active campaign in the description if you go through that link i would greatly appreciate it does help support my channel if you find this helpful uh go through my link i would really appreciate that okay but anyways uh let's dive into this uh we'll start with the crm and then i want to show you a couple of the automations that i have in place to help us actually convert more leads get more people on the phone depending on what stage they're in uh in inside of the crm and that's what i love about this too is it integrates with all of your emails your automatic text messages and just really powerful automations that you can create with this so you are going to need the pro plan uh it's 70 a month if you're doing a month-to-month uh plan with them for me that's like super cheap for a crm email text some of the automations that you can do it's just awesome because i know that's a a lot of other crms can be really really expensive but for me 70 bucks a month it's like nothing guys but anyways when you log in click on the dollar sign here click on uh it's called deals that's where your crm is and what you're looking at here is a pipeline and you can actually create multiple different pipelines depending on how like how many different types of leads that you're generating maybe different products that that they're being offered so you know if you want to separate your your leads in any way you can actually create multiple different pipelines here we only have one right now but it's really easy to add another pipeline like this just click add pipeline name it you can also have a sales team get access to your crm as well it's really cool they get their own login details they can log in get access to their leads and and follow up with people and call people leave notes everything move people from one stage to another so if you have a sales team this is a really powerful crm for them it's really easy to add them but yeah anyways that's how you would add a new pipeline which basically looks like this these are the different stages you can actually if you click the settings button you can rename these and basically you just want to rename them whatever state like every stage of your sales process you want to have in here right so you can keep track of what part of the sales process all of your leads are in so you can just rename it here you can change the colors if you want if you're more uh if you're more visual so yeah you can you can edit those and you can also add more stages too i think we have like seven or eight over here you just you know drag this over you can see the other ones but you just name it add a different color add boom you're good to go you just added a new stage now let me show you how easy it is guys to move a lead from one stage to another to literally you click drag and move them over that is it right now not only is it uh just very visually uh it's just like a at a glance you can see kind of uh where everybody's at in your business so it's very visually appealing but um it's also just really easy to use right so you can drag them over and there's some there's also some really cool automations which i'm going to show you here in a minute that depending on where you're moving people like what stage you're moving people you can create automations inside of activecampaign uh based on what stage you're in i'll give you i'll give you a perfect example and this guys this works so well for getting more people on your phone consuming more of your content whatever it is that you're trying to get them to do this works awesome okay so for example these leads right here you can see uh not reached and followed we have 18 leads right now that have not been uh reached right we've been trying to contact them but they haven't been reached yet so what i have set up is an automation that if the lead is in this stage they haven't been contacted within seven days they're going to get an automatic text and email basically saying hey we're trying to we've been trying to get in touch with you haven't been able to reach you regarding your real estate deal we're still interested in giving you funding yada yada and then we'll send we actually use a bitly link for the text but we're basically uh both in the email and the text we're sending them to an appointment page to try and get them to book an appointment um you know because obviously we've been trying to reach them maybe they've just been busy so we want to give them an option to book an appointment guys people click on that stuff all the time it works super well and those are the types of things that are going to allow you to get more of your leads on the phone convert more of your leads is by automatically staying in front of them because you know we've generated hundreds of leads so like manually doing all this stuff it can be uh you know pretty time consuming right and and really hard to keep track of so that's why you want to automate as much as you can so we have it set up seven days they're in this stage they get an automatic email and text with that appointment calendar and it works guys it works really well so those are the the types of things that you can do and i'll show you how to do that in a minute but um let's go let's go deep dive a little bit more into the actual crm you can also add your own deals here because these deals right here these leads are automatically added to the crm depending on what list they're added to here inside of activecampaign now we're using zapier for that i'm not going to get i'm not going to deep dive into into that portion of it i just wanted to show you guys what's possible with the crm and how easy it is to use but just know that all that stuff is really easy to do but these these leads are automatically added to the crm but let's say you wanted to add one yourself you can actually click add a deal here name it whatever it is you know maybe new real estate funding lead whatever you can choose the pipeline depending on how many different pipelines you have or different products that you're selling what stage they're in uh maybe you already talked to them so maybe you put them in an interested stage or application or whatever uh you can also assign them to a certain sales person if you want totally up to you and you can put some notes in here about a conversation that you had whatever then you put their contact information add deal boom it automatically adds it to to that stage okay so but uh let's actually uh click inside the account here inside the lead so this these are some of the things that you can start to do here you can change the deal owner if you want if you want to switch it over to maybe like one sales person hasn't been able to reach them or maybe they haven't been calling them like again this is a great way to hold your your sales team accountable too you can change the uh who whoever owns the deal okay also you can add tasks this is really powerful right here for keeping track of who you need to follow up with like that was a big issue i was having with clients is people would call leads like once or twice and then that was it right because when you're generating hundreds of leads it's hard to keep track of uh manually right so you want to be auto you want to automatically be able to and at a quick glance to just look at who who do i need to contact today who am i following up with today so you call your new leads but then all of the tasks that you have set for that particular day i'll show you how to see that in a second but these tasks really help you keep track of who you need to be following up with who have you not gotten in touch with or who have who submitted an application maybe a week ago that you want to follow up with see how it's going right whatever it is right so you can whatever that is you put that as your title and then you can change your due date here let's say we want to contact this lead again in two days right uh we show more options we can also send a reminder but honestly when you i'm going to show you like when you log in you can see all of your tasks for that particular day so that none of your leads are falling through the cracks guys i can't tell you how powerful this is and how essential this is to have if you're generating lots of leads you want to make sure that you're staying in front of these people and keeping track of that so your task would show up right here also here's their contact information at a glance you can also see what kind of activity this particular lead has had you can also add notes which i highly recommend even if you don't get in touch with them this is a great way again to hold your your sales team accountable too if you have them uh is basically like you know well i think today is july 21st i tried to reach did not was not was unable to contact follow up in three days whatever or maybe you want to remember certain parts of the conversation so that you can revisit those on the next phone call adding notes is a great way to do it okay so you just literally type it at it boom you're good to go and it's saved okay you can also change the stage that people are in right from here you can change their pipeline like maybe you have different products that you're offering and you have multiple pipelines and they change their mind or maybe they're a better fit for a different product you can change the pipeline right here you can also change this to one or lost whatever it just depends on how much you want to keep track of and then the other really cool thing too is if we click on their name right here so basically what we have for this particular client is a pre-qual we run a facebook lead ad campaign where we collect name email and phone number so that we can put them into our pipeline inside of active campaign or different automations to get them to take the next step of the funnel which is uh to fill out a pre-qualification survey where we are asking them like six ques it's six questions about their real estate deal and they're doing uh funding for real estate deals here right so that's this is where like if you click their name uh their general details that you'll see the answers to those pre-qualification questions now there's a couple of extra steps that you need to take in order to make this happen you'd have to click list create the custom fields and then we use zapier to actually bring this data from the questionnaire into activecampaign not going into that right now i just want to show you guys the crm but i'm just showing you once you have those set up you can easily access the answers to those questions if you do anything like that okay also has their contact information there recent activity okay so all that good stuff so let's head back over to deals because we're in contacts right now but that's an easy way to get a quick glance at their profile okay one last thing that i i really want to show you guys with the crm is again to show you uh just at a glance like hey who am i following up with today right so we click this check mark right here uh let's reduce these all right so these this right here shows you who like all of your upcoming tasks schedule tasks what am i doing today and also overdue tests like there really shouldn't be any overdue tasks but this basically means that they contacted nine people they set a task to do something in the future and that that either hasn't been done or just hasn't been updated it could be either one but this basically says oh you know there's nine tasks here that i need to look into um so basically this this makes sure that none of your leads are falling through the cracks right uh no task assigned so every lead should technically have a task assigned it just depends on your business but yeah basically at a glance you can see if we open this up like these are the these are the contacts uh this is the type of deal it is next actually see this was a month ago to follow up to make sure she applied so they may have done it and just not updated this but um yeah basically it's it's letting you keep track of of all of your tasks who you need to follow up with today and what what kind of conversation you need to have and what type of follow-up it is so yeah that's basically it guys cook this right here we go back to our main screen but uh i i think you'll agree that the like just that alone is really powerful and just so easy to use and and uh you know this literally took me again like 10 minutes to learn how to do that that's why i absolutely love active campaign crm i think it's the best just because it's the easiest to use and because the automations which is what i'm going to show you right now let me pause this because i think this lags a little bit when i do this all right yeah it did lag so uh sorry about that anyways uh so this is an automation that i created and again just to recap so basically what happens is when somebody is in that not reached follow-up stage so we've been trying to contact them we can't get them on the phone if they've been in that stage for seven days right here all right they're going to receive an automatic email and text and this is basically how it works you're going to add a trigger and let me click this one right here because this is the actual trigger uh it's this particular stage whenever somebody is moved from any stage it doesn't matter to not reach follow-up right that's the stage hit save boom that's the trigger we're going to wait seven days which if we hit this plus sign to do that you just hit wait or condition workflow wait wait a specified period of time seven days that's it okay so this uh automation is going to wait seven days so you can actually see we have two people in here right now so uh that are that are it's basically waiting seven days and then it's gonna ask this question does this contact match following conditions and basically it's it's asking is this contact still in this stage to do this part we're gonna hit the plus sign you hit condition to workflow if else and then you set up that condition and basically you would do i believe it's actions no custom let's see i can't i can't remember which one it is now contact details i know it's one of these uh deal details i i don't know why i was just struggling with that deal details anyways uh this deals stage is uh and then you would choose the pipeline so this pipeline and then we would do not reach follow-up okay and then hit add so it's basically asking is this person still on this stage if the answer is yes then they're going to receive an automatic email and text basically saying hey we've been trying to reach you click this link to maybe book an appointment something like that okay if no which would mean that somebody moved them they got in touch with them and moved them to a different stage maybe they're not interested or maybe they are follow-up whatever it's going to end this automation so because obviously we don't want to send an email and text saying we're not we can't get in touch with you or haven't been able to when we literally just spoke to them right that doesn't make any sense so we end the automation right and guys this is so powerful to uh it's just a powerful way to automatically stay in front of your leads that you're not getting in touch with okay it's super powerful and and again the sky's the limit with this it's not just for people you haven't been in touch with maybe you do an automation like this where let's say you move them into a stage where it's application sent right you got on the phone with them they're on board you sent them an application maybe you change this from seven days to 30 minutes and you send them an automatic text and email with a link to a piece of content or to that application page or to a video basically saying hey thank you so much for getting on the phone with me so great to talk with you looking forward to doing business with you whatever right get creative but that's that's why i love activecampaign because you can do things like that very very easily uh completely automated guys and i can't tell you how powerful that stuff is for converting more of your leads uh getting them on the phone and and making them want to do business with you right because the more you're in front of them just the the higher chance you're going to have of actually converting them so anyways guys uh that's a breakdown of the active campaign crm i hope that was helpful if it was please give me a thumbs up it does help uh the video leave a comment below with any questions if there's anything specific maybe that you want to see in addition to what i've shown you leave a comment down below make sure you subscribe come out these videos all the time and if you want to try out activecampaign if you would again please go through my link in the description i would greatly appreciate it it does help my channel okay so uh i hope this was helpful guys and i will talk to you next video take care
Channel: Leads For Locals
Views: 7,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rzipKmI4zaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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