Klaviyo vs ActiveCampaign for eCommerce

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clever versus active campaign which one is better [Music] hi this is andrew from email marketing NYC and in today's video i'll explain you which platform is better for you clavier or active campaign the first question is what kind of business do you have is it ecommerce is it service business if you are ecommerce store owner clavier is the right choice for you and this video will be oriented only for e-commerce business owners and I will show you the difference between clivia are an active campaign I'm official reseller for active campaign and I am like I strongly strongly recommend this tool to everybody who like to all my customers however I do not recommend this for e-commerce business owner big active campaign is very powerful but not for e-commerce clivia is they focus they all their attentions only on e-commerce business owners and Clive is good only for e-commerce store owners if you want to use clever something else it's useless today I'll show you 12 parts where I compare Apple to Apple active campaign and Clio and you will decide which one is better but as I said before you will see the Clio is much better and more powerful tool for e-commerce so let's start [Music] so first let's see activecampaign dashboard and how it looks and what it provides so first this is the veget where it shows you what you need to complete then how many active subscribers you have contact contact trend if it's rising or like a felling following down there's some news about the active campaign in general then campaigns you send or you have in draft the top contact like interaction or you can use the score to see what the Kitab contact then you have you can see it manage templates from your dashboard then manage tasks if you have deals active campaign works as the CRM as well then you have different pipelines pipelines is part of the CRM then interaction rate interaction trend and automation everything looks good and for some of you it might be very helpful or not helpful at all because I'm not sure what you can get from this for e-commerce I mean for me the active context number is important interaction rate is important interaction trend and maybe a contact run okay so now let's check Claire your dashboard and what what information can you get from there so here we see total store revenue so this is what we made in the last three days then we can see the percentage we made from emails in general also as a business owner let's say you have a team or maybe you're you working by yourself you can see how much you making from your email efforts and you can write the way say like if it's working or not should you focus on emails or not then that number this number split into two two categories flows which is automatic emails like an active campaign automatic renewals and also campaigns so in this case we are making 14% from flows from automatic emails which you need to setup only once and it will be will work 24/7 for you with no extra effort and campaigns this is what you send manually as a broadcast so then you go deeper and you can see all automations all automation and how much money each automation brings to us so let's say as you can see repeat customers bring $0 and we can focus on this automation and see what's why why is that or as you can see exiting 10 makes most of the money so we can see what we are doing here great so we can improve other automation and then we can see on campaigns how much money we made per each campaign so as you can see like from the first look you can see that clivia dashboard is more powerful for e-commerce and active campaign because active campaign gives you a very overall general view which might not be very helpful for you as a business owner but another side clever provide the most important numbers you need to see so basically as a business owner you you might check only this those numbers and that's it nothing else this is the most important numbers for you [Music] active campaign campaigns versus clever campaigns so here we have a liked I me maybe not now but in general active campaign and clavier campaign builders are very user friendly it's drag-and-drop the main main differentiation between those that clivia provides dynamic product feed to your emails so I'll show you example so this email example where we have dynamic dynamic block which shows shows product which person checked on your store but they did not buy it and they did not add it their card so it's called in in commerce world it called browser abandonment so you just want to follow up with them retarget and tell them hey you were checking this product would you like to buy it or here's reminder maybe you forgot to buy it or here's extra discount and just encourage them to buy so this code is it works dynamically and you can see how it looks like preview right here so this is dynamic and for every for everybody it will look different in active campaign unfortunately you will not able to do that but in addition to that let's review how the builders work on active campaign and on Clive as well so let's go to active campaign campaigns and let's do manage templates and there you will have a bunch of different templates pre-built templates let's do new one let's do doesn't matter like test same thing let's do on the active campaign let's go emails template create template it's very similar it's very similar let's do basic let's do one column test template then go here this is how it looks same thing here they looked a little bit different but the functionality in in general is the same so text you have text image you have the same thing in a climate active campaign split this is maybe small thing but in you have two columns this is very hard to do in active campaign like like split you have on active campaign it's possible to do here and on the active campaign in Clive it's a little bit more user friendly button same thing as but button button header you don't have this on active campaigns basically this is like menu for email if you want then social links you have on both platform as I said tax image button social links then social link table you do not have that on active campaign table honestly some it's very hard to create something with three columns or war on active campaign so they align correctly because I don't know why but the adjustment is it's weird sorry not my conditional let's do duplicate look so I'll do this way you see it's already off duplicate so one is insert third one you see it's like so it's it's like very hard to figure out to it I'm not sure how why is it did that so it's sometimes I have to play a lot with that to make it look right and I do not like it personally in class you just like if you want extra column you just add and with if you want to do like 10% or something you it's it's very easy done and rolls you just add here easier text if you want that text or you add images so it's very easy to do so the table thing does not exist in active campaign let's do product the product feed it is the most powerful tool in active in clever because you do not need to update your email constantly let's say if you do automation it can be just dynamic let's say if you have five products and that fifths of four five product and one of those products sold out it will not show those in people's email because it dynamically updates so you just select feet of products you want to show me you want to show just t-shirts right t-shirts if you sell red and blue t-shirts or maybe you want to show jeans if you sell jeans so basically this is very customizable you can uncheck I mean there's a lot of features you can use you can use specific products from your catalog I do not recommend do this because this is static the product if it is dynamic and on YouTube I have video how to create product feature in clivia okay so the next thing product horizontal line we have the spacer we have the drop shadow we I don't think we have that but it's not big thing and then saved blocks we have on both saved blocks also add columns this is also very powerful because on active campaigns again you do not have this so here you have different kind of splits okay so video by the way you have video here where you can insert video but honestly when you insert link let's do YouTube any kind of video it looks like a video but honestly it's a snapshot of the video so let's do this video and I'll show what I mean okay so one person clicks on this image it will be redirected to YouTube if it will not play in this email so this is just letting you know very own RSS feed can be done here as well as as well as in Clara but it has to be done through product product feed if I'm not if I'm not more yeah it can be done I know I know it can be done in person but I have not sure how you do it I believe through product feed and HTML blog you do not have HTML blog here so if you want to add something you you do text and then you do source and this is your HTML block which you can use so as a separate block you don't have it okay so this is difference between Clara and active campaign in terms of campaign builders or email builders [Music] active campaign versus clever integration so as is active campaign and clavia they have a lot of different tools that you can integrate to them you can integrate directly or you can integrate through tool like zapier so there's not not such a big difference but active campaign is has many much more integrations because it's the active campaign as I said before is tool for other businesses as well not only in ecommerce Clavius focuses only on ecommerce and as you can see all - they integrate with our e-commerce oriented so like after ships mile io amazon.com big commerce tasks and everything else so this is the main like main difference between integration but honestly anything you want both software have open IPI so if you need something custom you can easily your developer can easily do [Music] part for both platforms integrate with major platforms like Shopify magenta magenta WooCommerce Bay commerce however how that integration works inside of accounts is different because on active campaign if you go to specific contact and I will tell you about like a contacts profile later but if you go to specific contact there's not much information it there's not much information and the information you can see only the latest purchase they made which not very helpful on the right side yeah I'll talk about it later but the idea is on clivia you can see all activities recent past historic transaction activities what side they visited what page they visited what products they purchase when they purchased what they added to their cart what they abandoned and all those data on active campaign side it's it's very limited and in terms of transaction you can see only the latest one [Music] active campaign versus clever Upton here we have a tie because active campaign and Clara has powerful opt-in because active campaign and Clara has similar obtains which up to enforce which you can embed to your site then you can use as a pop-up then slide in yeah so like all those options are very similar on both platform and here you cannot say this something worse better or and not like other [Music] Bart's ex Clara analytics was active campaign reports on active campaign which you can see it's strictly like all information it's about your emails or our deals in pipelines so I'll show you let's go to reports on active campaign site and let's see what we can so we have all emails we send we have open we have click and let's go to specific email and what we can see we can call open clicks forward unsubscribe bounce and remedy revenue and also like as you can see it shows revenue generated in the last seven days which is good indicator like for you but let's say if you know that you want to track only five days not seven days inactive campaign its default value on clivia platform you can modify that that number of days then you have like clicks what link to click then Geo GE all location geo then social replies if any unsubscribes email client pain performance and the last thing in in terms of campaign reporting you can see all stats and honestly this is useful for like e-commerce owners but there is something like revenue is not tracked and I'm not sure why it's not dragged because like in fiver for example it's by default there's no way not to track your revenue so this is only one thing but everything else is in this reports is amazing which you can also can export and like provide it to your manager or boss or maybe just use it use it for yourself next you have automation automation reports same thing very similar to campaign reporting work where you can see an interaction rate open rate click-through rate and all other information then you have something called cold reports this is where you set up some kind of goals and see how many people started automation and how many people can like reach your goal this is very logical you have to come up with those goals it's not something easy easily you can do it you can create easily but you have to think it through how you will use those goals then contact reports which like contact trends and deal reports is like overview if you use pipeline as a CRM system how many do you want and how many deals you close how many you can contact and how many you lost this is not useful for for e-commerce so let let's go now to Clio and now we go to analytics here you can create as many as you want tiles and by default you have business over you campaign overview email or with you let's do campaign overview so and here you can easily set like 30 days and you can do by days by week so average weekly open rate average we click-through rate and by the ways each tile you can add it add it the way you want and the way if let's say you if you mor graph person you can do graph if you're a number person you can do number and as you can see like the reporting is much much much better that to business or you believe this is where I like I like to do to see which product sells the most this year or last 30 days and I can easily spot the where am product and let's say I want to cross cross sell that product for somebody who did not buy purchase then flow or users is like automation in clavo automation in Clio sorry automation inactive pain but in Clive it's called flow so you can see total revenue in the last 30 days total received emails average daily open rate which is 30 percent which is like very high zero daily place order and you can see the difference between those flows which generates the most money yeah and all of that so as you can see if we compare Apple to Apple activecampaign reporting versus Clara analytics cloud analytics is more powerful for full and more granule and you can customize it for your business you can create those styles all and like create custom reports for your company or just used by like default because I clavia knows what they invoice you need and you just check those numbers on monthly basis or quarterly basis to see how your store performs [Music] so now let's talk about coupons so there's like one thing you can send one off coupon one off coupon to your entire list let's say call it New Year 2019 and everybody who uses they will get 10% off another thing is to use and let's say that coupon expires January 1st so you should not worry about that coupon but for example if you use in automations you do not want to change often that coupon and also you do not want to keep it static because somebody can share it on public website and you might lose revenue because they will use it and reuse that coupon or an or and over again because it's very common now even I do sometimes type in some store name and say coupon codes and I will find a bunch of different coupon codes on the website so in automation what you can do you can do dynamic code in clavia it's very easy to do you just click on the coupon code you type in you add coupon you type in coupon no name prefix what you want like fixed amount percentage off I do want to on entire order select products like the collection then do you want never expire or you want this to expire after they receive it and beauty of this this feature that you put the code not coupon code code clivia code in your email and it generates new code for each subscriber so if you shoot 50 pounds it generate 50 50 coupons but those coupons will be unique to that subscriber Enclave on activecampaign it's not possible unless you use a tool called revenue conduit with Robin you can do it with proper setup you can do it oh they renamed it Union if ik now it's called and rising and ramacandra it is not very cheap so so 100 orders is $20 per month 500 or 100 loads per month and if you have a high volume orders it will cost you more much more okay so this is difference between dynamic coupon inclined and active campaign [Music] part 8 now let's talk about active campaign automation and clivia flows in general it's automatic email or responder which will be triggered on specific activities so let's say somebody purchased something or they subscribe to your newsletter list or they obtained the exit intent pop-up so based on those trigger different autoresponders will be triggered so in active campaign and includes both platform very similar they are visual flow but like automation builders where you drag and drop which is easy to understand first it might be a little bit hard but like you can use to it and if you play enough with that you will be able to figure out so both builders are easy to understand but active active campaign have one tool which called automation Maps which is more powerful than client because climate doesn't have it it's like bigger picture of your automation and how they integrate it so as you can see you click on automation Maps you click active and you can use not active as well but those are all automation in this account and let's say I click on this one it's bad example as you can see now so from this automation you can see all possible ways where people can go and if you want to see like what happened next after this automation you can click here and you can see where people are coming from and where they're going to so this is like I love it and I wish glad we have this feature because it gives you like overall roll pictures ok they obtain here is they go here and then what they move there so it's easier to spot issues and overlaps because sometimes your subscribe will will start to receive or emails from both automation and you do not know that inactive campaign you can spot it on clay vou it is harder to do so this is all the main difference however on another side like what what's up more profitable future on a travel site if you go to flows create flow test create flow let's do something on automation on active campaign create new automations let's to start from scratch now you have list segment metric state properties those are all possible triggers which are equals to 4 triggers on active campaign side you have much many more triggers like subscribe to list subscribe subscribe form basic honestly all those features are possible in clave as well but those are subcategories of trayers so you have trigger which is main trigger and you have subcategory so for example matrix cracked this is metric and let's say placed order and here we have make a purchase or we can say checkout started is again it's under [Music] matrix and here it's a as a different trigger ok so let's do place order and here let's do make a purchase and you select integration I'm not sure why you do this because maybe you have multiple store at at start then the next option what you want to do send email do some conditional split wait delay and everything like all other options also you can update contact information and CRM CRM is not important for is this kind of video so here we we have something similar we can send email we can update properties we can have time delay or we can have conditional splett or triggers with two basically in general those both of those automation builders are similar and another thing I wish clever have but they do not what the active campaign has is to start an automation or an other automation so basically they're struck where your context goes to this there's this action and this action can trigger the another automation or it can stop another automation or it can both start some automation and and other automation so I believe it's very I mean it's I do not believe I know it's very powerful option in active campaign which Eclair doesn't have [Music] Bart nine active campaign versus Claire italics Claire does not have tags so if you used to Ted tags klaviyo does not have this feature you cannot add any kind of tags to Clio however you can what you can use is custom fit a custom fields the same way as you can use in active campaigns so many people are complaining about that how are all information integrated from your store to active campaign sorry from your ecommerce platform with Clio that you can pull any kind of information for example as I showed you before sorry I required different kind of video previously so for example if you want to use New York 2019 coupon code inactive campaign if you want to segment those people you need to create a tag and apply to those people who use a new year 2019 a coupon code in clivia that information is given so you just create segments and select that information and now you have a list of people who use that call so you do not need tags you just need to think a little bit different with Clio in terms of information you have because people think Claire like tags not having tags is bad thing but I believe it's good thing because on active campaigns sometimes I check people's account and they have like I don't know a 150 different tags and they probably 80% of them of 80 percent of tag they don't know why they need them or what they are stands for [Music] okay now let's talk about subscriber profile in active campaign in class let's go first to active come with active campaign and pick one subscriber let's do okay so let's do this person I just want to compare Apple to Apple so I use the same account which I am helping to migrate from active campaign to Columbia and I'll show you account are like profile for the same contact on the most platform on climate however you will not see activities in terms of website activities and website activities because people did not receive any kind of emails from Clio yet because we are still in migration process so this is the person so as you can see here we have I hided but you have like first name last name email phone number and the address and below you have all the information and on the right side you have recent activities and recent activities those are includes campaigned we emails we send compare campaign the open email links they clicked on which automations they completed or entered and you can filter by those activities and also as you can see a badminton court and all information there as well and you can see it the product they abandoned okay on the left side you can see you're not able to filter you can hide some kind of like hide hide empty fields and you can see all information from there and by the way this all information would probably was created by revenue countries because it's great Romina conduit creates a lot of different extra fields and this is last product but as you can see as this is work around which arrived when you can't do it created for active campaign because it this feature was not part of active campaign in the past and as you can see last product last products so you are able to see only the last product they purchased and here you can see all information for the that customer and here you have you have a task note and email tasks notes it's not important because if this is more important for CRM unless you use active campaign as a customer relation tool as well so you can add some notes let's say if they complain or something and here's the status of each order let's see the same thing on but on the Clio so no Clara you have the product Alisa is the feed of all actions and you can filter by whole action let's say checkout started or product product or dirt or or you have all metrics on the right side you can create you can customize this math matrix but you you have two columns 30 days Delta and all time so like what they did in 30 days and what they did in all time so it's like they play six order and they place to order in the last 30 days out of those six the revenue fulfilled ordered by the way this as I said before this metric you can customize this is very powerful tool which active campaign does not have this is machine learning so basically it predicts how many orders that this person will make again so it looks at this person most likely will make at least to order in the future and it predicts that value of this customer will be 42 dollars and then you can feel in part of which lists and segments this person are then contact information than any other information from honestly a highly personal do not use this information and all its like for me it's it's not as important and also there is the other set of information which hide it from here but you can see under each activity and that information you can use to trigger your automation to create your emails so that's why a Clive is more powerful because it was you more detailed information and you can create more custom message for your customer [Music] so now let's talk about clavier verse like clever and active campaign segments in class inactive campaign it's easy to create segments because they have a lot of search features let's do lists you go to lists and you under any less you create segments and let's do new segments and let's do test one and the create segments and and the question is do you want this segment to be unique to that on one list or you want to be to all of your or less so they can check and now you can specify what do you want to do like what conditions you want to do like let's say has clicked has or has not open has not open any campaigns correct or this is good example because let's stop here has not opened any campaign so let's say you want to see people who do not open your emails at all in channel like like maybe in general so this is how you do it but let's say if you'd want to see that people receive emails in the last 30 days but did not open 0 emails in the last 30 days in active campaign it's not possible in in Clarion and as I said before it's it's a segmentation it's more powerful because you do not use tags or you just use like direct information from your store and your site so let's say received email in the last 30 days but and open that zero times so it's like received email at least once in the last and by you see you can between days between 30 day and 45 days so this is how power are like how deep you can go let's say 30 days and then open that email zero times in the last I don't know like again 30 days and now you can see all those people so this kind of segment you're not able to create in active campaign you can just create overall so they all has not opened any campaigns overall let's say you want to say place order ecommerce total revenue has made the purchase and you see like a like it just has one generic thing like the has made the purchase like what kind of person I am here in active campaign you can like oh sorry in class here you can do more place order at least one and you filter by let's say item and now you say like which item you want to filter by so actually a clavius more powerful in tour in terms of segmentation and the segmentation you can use to define what kind of message to send to your customers [Music] and now let's talk about pricing honestly if you need to just to send emails to your customers Clara is losing here because life is more expensive than activecampaign or any other software however if you want to make money with your emails Clara it's a good investment because the return on investment is much higher than any other two so you don't have to look like how much you pay monthly but how much you need to compare how much you're paying and how much you're making versus just what's a monthly subscription if we compare Apple to Apple a Clio is more expensive than activecampaign the first I think it's looks the same but when you have more and more subscriber it it it is a little bit more expensive however if you do proper cleaning less clean less hydrogen and I wrote blog post about that also I posted some videos about like less the hygiene if you keep your less engaged it will be smaller but it will be more active and people will buy more from you so we are done those are 12 parts comparing active campaign and Clio as you can see in the video I created a blog post as well so you can go to email marketing and YC / blog and find that article which called active campaign versus Claudia different name than this video because it's the client versus active campaign doesn't matter so you can search and also if you liked this video and you want to subscribe to Clio please use my affiliation link which is email marketing and why she'd come / Clio I will receive commissions from Claudia because I'm their affiliated partner and if you have any additional questions please leave them below this video also subscribe to our YouTube channel because we're releasing daily Clio tutorials how to use them like other like tips and trick how to like better how to improve your kind of your skills it was angry from email marketing and I see thank you bye
Channel: Flowium - eCommerce Email Marketing
Views: 2,964
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Keywords: klaviyo, ecommerce, klaviyo vs activecampaign, email marketing software, Which autoresponder is the best, email marketing systems, for Email Automation, marketing automation comparison, klaviyo review, Klaviyo and ActiveCampaign Review, active campaign review, newsletter tool for ecommerce, klaviyo email marketing, activecampaign vs klaviyo, activecampaign vs klaviyo ecommerce, ecommerce email marketing, Andriy Boychuk, flowium, activecampaign alternatives, Klaviyo alternatives
Id: baslvr29nIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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