Hubspot VS ActiveCampaign - Which Should You Choose?

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okay so today we're going to be looking at active campaign verse hubspot now first up there's quite a lot of differences here activecampaign is primarily built as an email marketing system it allows you to send emails out to a list a broadcast a one-off blast out email allows you to automate email sequences and have things trigger and stop and track goals and things and it also has a pretty basic crm built in to the software now the crm it's uh it's enough for most small businesses but if you are looking for more of a robust crm then it's it's going to have some shortcomings and i don't strongly recommend the crm i recommend it for people that have less than say about five sales people on their team tends to be a pretty good crm for them and for one where you don't want to manage a lot of the crm activity and stuff in active campaign um we just want to basically track the the primary stuff and have it as kind of a data store of information you can check if you are looking for more of a robust serum i do recommend pipedrive over the active campaign built-in serum there's a whole range of feat of reasons for that i have a video specifically on that now that's active campaign in a nutshell hubspot on the other hand has the ability to do to be a contact manager has the ability to do conversations activecampaign has that as well although both of these i'm not the greatest fan of has the ability to do marketing so you can manage your landing pages website pages blog pages social media channels files and templates lead capture systems planning and strategy calendars has the deal crm so you can manage your pipelines in here you can assign tasks to people upload documents schedule meetings i've just added a call scheduler to this you've got playbooks and quotes and all this sort of stuff so but and and of course you've got the automations and reports now hubspot does a lot and it does the email and the deals and the activity the contact activity pretty well um you know i can't fault it on a lot of these sort of tracking like if you're looking for something that just wants to track contact activity and has a really good feed of data in here then hubspot's great for that it's in fact it's actually better than activecampaign for their contact tracking and for organizing contacts however activecampaign is better for the automation side of things uh hubspot's automation is not only very expensive but it's uh it lacks pretty much all the main features that active campaign has active campaigns automation is amazing what you can do with active campaign automation will just blow your mind with hubspot it's more of a baby automation that's you know you can do some basic automation things but it's not it's not complex you can't build up big logic trees and stuff like that it's got very limited automation functions so i don't usually use automations at all for hubspot i prefer to use activecampaign for that then if we're looking at the service for like tickets support tickets and things yes it has that feature uh yes it's okay it's not great um the deals feature that's that's pretty good actually the deals pipelines and things that you've got in hubspot it's a pretty decent system that they've got here creating deals test deal adding them to pipelines and and that sort of stuff appointment scheduled stages it's linking them to contacts so here's our deal we've got the deal activity we've got all the sort of stuff here it's pretty much the same as the contacts view that we've got but this time they're using it for deals so a few things change um it's okay i i like this just about as much as i like active campaigns crm function this one deals function uh if you are looking for a crm i wouldn't recommend either of these i'd recommend pipedrive that's kind of the ducks nuts as we say in australia the best of the best uh crm in the marketplace is pipedrive the best of the best automations in the marketplace is activecampaign and the best sort of tracking for contacts and tracking the activities and all that it it's up there hubspot i wouldn't say it's the best of the best but it's certainly up there if you want everything all in one place hubspot would be the place to go however i'm not a fan of that um in my experience apps that have everything all in one place and try to do everything all at once tend to be very bad at everything well not bad but they tend to be fairly poor at doing everything you know it's it's the old joke of a jack of of all trades master of none is essentially what that comes down to and really they're in my opinion they're never gonna be amazing at everything because it just costs too much for them to develop it and unless they get a massive user base and hubspot does have a pretty good user base um but unless they get a massive user base that can support that massive development they're never going to get there for all these areas because even if i do get a massive customer base all those customers they're pulling in all different directions because they want the system to work in 20 000 different ways and the developers that you know they just overrun with of feature requests and all that sort of stuff so in my experience it's best to use an app that's good at doing something really really well and then integrate that up to something to another app that's good at doing that other thing really really well so a good integration would be say activecampaign for the automation side of things to airtable because airtable's fantastic at storing and sorting and filtering data so i use activecampaign now just to do email automations i mean airtable is really my database system and then i might add a crm on top of that which might be pipedrive as a crm because pipedrive is fantastic at doing crm and then if i want to do texting and calling and that sort of stuff i'll add just call on for the texting and calling um so you can see i've sort of taken the best of the best apps and then i've meshed them together using integromat most of the time to make sure that they're all talking to each other and data's being sent to and from each other without any delays and all that sort of stuff now you might say well look hubspot can do all that why wouldn't i just use hubspot for it well you can but if you've had a look at hubspot pricing and you'll see why one of the reasons why i recommend meshing together apps is because it's much much much much much cheaper i'll spot pricing we um let me show it on this account i will there we go okay so here's our hubspot starter 60 bucks a month um active campaign starter is like 20 bucks a month plus then just calls like 20 bucks a month and then pipe drive i think it's around 20 a month and then integra mats like 10 a month so if you add all those together then yes this would be better but uh the tools that you get with this are not going to be what you get with this so if you want all the tools marketing automation which is really what active campaign does then you're looking at something more like thirteen hundred dollars a month australian so a thousand ish dollars a month us just to get this marketing automation part um and you can get that with active campaign for twenty dollars a month so you know save yourself thirteen hundred twelve hundred dollars right there then if you're looking at getting the um you know other things like email frequency you can do that an active campaign single sign-on comes with active campaign um adaptive testing you can do split testing an active campaign uh revenue attribution you could just event google ads you know this one here really 4 000 per month and this is just a marketing side of things so if you wanted to add a crm onto your hubspot account then here you've got the basic crm which is pipedrive basic essentially and then here you've got the professional crm which is 600 or 500 a month for that so you have to add the marketing to this so now you're at say whatever 1500 u.s a month and now you can have your deal tasks and stages and um connect these deals to email sequences well look you can just do that for 100 bucks a month using activecampaign pipedrive and integromat you don't have to pay 1500 a month for hubspot uh and then you've got customer service which is things like your um ticketing live chat etc well you can just get a couple of apps that do those for 10 20 a month and you don't have to pay 400 a month if you want to get the all the features that come with most of those apps so yeah hubspot's great um but it's extremely expensive and it's really built for enterprise level clients it's not built for the small mom-and-pop uh businesses that most people are and uh and it's built for enterprises that you know they don't really care that it's gonna cost five grand a month because they're going to be able to get five grand a month of value out of it and they're also going to have a dedicated hubspot or multiple dedicated hubspot users that are going to be building out this system and really understand hubspot which you need to be able to do to get the most out of that five thousand dollar a month commitment or if it's just a mom and pop sort of uh team hubspot is just going to be really really confusing really really expensive and uh well it's just not going to be worth it for you i'm sorry it sounds great but it you know it's in my opinion it's not worth it in the slightest i much prefer having these apps that do really well at one thing and then piecing them together an active campaign does really well at the automations and that's really where it excels hubble spots automations yeah it it it i wouldn't say it's the second best i'd say it's pretty low down there on the run compared to the other systems that are out there for automations so if you're going to choose one or the other if you're looking at it for email marketing automations etc active campaign 100 hubspot doesn't even come close uh particularly when you take pricing into consideration but if you if you're an enterprise level client you've got money to to burn uh you don't really care how much it costs you just want it all in one place all in one system so that there's no sort of headaches and hubspot worries about all the headaches the integration headaches um then hubspot is really the one for you so that's that's in a nutshell what i would recommend so most of my clients 95 99 percent of my clients they use active campaign because that's a really cheap customizable highly feature-rich system uh that is really robust is fantastic customer support never had any issues with them for that and it's it's really affordable for what most people need it for and it has just what you need in it doesn't have all these sort of fruits that you know cost a lot in the monthly uh subscription and you're probably never going to use 90 of what you're paying for with hubspot hi i'm mitch bayless and if you're looking for someone to help you with your business automation then click the button below to schedule your free call today and if you found this video useful remember to click like and also subscribe to our channel for more videos
Channel: Mitch Baylis - Business Automation
Views: 809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: email marketing, business automation
Id: X1jbb-MCzgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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