Active Directory Migration From Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2016

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hi friends today welcome to my channel and today in this video I am going to show you active active migration from Windows Server 2008 r2 to Windows Server 2016 so here is my environment which I am going to use to migrate Active Directory from 2008 to 2015 so the first machine is win to k8r to DC 0 1 on which I have installed windows over 20 2008 r2 Service Pack 1 and this machine is my domain controller currently functioning as a DNS and Active Directory and DNS server so and my domain name is Victorian for soul comm so let's verify that so here it is if you go here you launch server manager able to see Oh basically you can verify from here we my server name is Vinh 2k8 r2 DC 0 1 dot victim is all calm and my domain name is victor in for soul and just wait for server manager to be open then we can verify the roles which are the install of this machine also you can verify forming your custom customizer server add row you can see roles DNS server and Active Directory domain services as is all of this machine and here you can see the server manager is just opening give few more seconds to open it so if I expand the roles Active Directory and anuses installed on this server so let's verify Active Directory users and computers so the next we have went to Kasich stood DC 0 1 which is basically solved with Windows Server 2016 and I have not done any configuration on this machine just the machine is renamed and I have rebooted after the installation I have renamed this machine has been 2k16 DC 0 and I have rebooted this machine the first machine nothing no basic configuration nothing is done on this machine so we'll promote this server as additional domain control so here you can see we have a few users in Active Directory and we have one workstation here you can see the computer win7 let's drag and drop to world creation so here it's Windows 7 machine and which in my slide we have one Windows 7 client here which is joining my domain with 10 for soul and here you can see I have logged into Windows 7 machine which is joined in my domain my domain name is victim to soul and once if we check just look up you can just verify you can verify the domain name default server is went to k8r to DC 0 1 and IP address for the server so so this is I was actually active server which is functioning so let's do the promote this server 2016 so as a domain controller so what we need to do first we need to go and configure the IP address on this server so double-click on it go to properties and under the ipv4 we have to configure that pages which is one nine two one six eight 1.25 three and default subnet mask and I paid DNS IP T because this server is going to be pas going to act as a DNS server so I am putting the primary preferred DNS IP address for itself and currently DNS server which is an infrastructure which is 1 2 to 5 4 so this is done and now what I want to do I want to join this machine and domain my domain first so let's do that domain name fix to enforce all calm and password for that account it's done restart the machine and login it so before doing this I want to make some type address configured my both like machine and an DNS server as well as so the primary DNS server what I am going to make here if you go you can see we have just putted one IPS which is four to five four so I'm going to make some changes here I want to put my second DNS server also which is Windows Server 2016 which we are going to promote so I am just making sure the IP address will be configured on client for new DNS server before mating making it as a DNS and acted a case over so same I want to configure here on my two data server so it will get the information we have two DNS server and at the time of DC promotion it was single DNS data as well as local LAN connection go to properties and put the DNS address here you can see the for dinner so changes to it 192 168 to 5 for itself the secondary DNS server which is 2 5 3 the Windows Server 2016 machine so we are done with this and now you can see the machine is 2016 machine is rebooted and now what I am going to do I am going to lower log into this as my domain admin account default domain admin account which is with an office or slash administrator this is the same account which is like built-in administrator for my domain if we go here you can see the on a users you can see the built-in administrator which I have logged into my Windows Server 2016 measured this machine 28 machine 2008 machine and I am logged in with the same account online 2016 machine so now we are good to go to install Active Directory tools on 2016 machine just wait for a few seconds to load the server manager here on 2016 we know machine loading the server manager let's wait for a few more seconds so it's loaded and go to manage all the line features and here we have to click on next and then select role-based and feature basis installation because we want to install the active directory role on the server so select active directory domain services add features required features is asking to add then click max max and install so it will basically prepare the binary for Active Directory domain services and then we will get the option to promote this as a domain controller then solution this binaries so you can see the installation is started on our server so this way for few more seconds to get the installation done you can see this installation is initiated almost 50% completed so installation succeed configuration required so promote this survey as a domain controller so click on that and we have three options so I am going to choose the first option add a domain control to existing domain which is a vector alpha SOCOM click Next and here we have to put the credential for that to service restore mode so make sure when you are promoting the service additional domain control you are selected the global catalog and domain naming is a DNS server as well as so put the credential and oops it's something wrong with Granger so click Next and now click Next and from one domain controller click next next and next and it's starting the pre request check this wait for few more seconds to get in your question so now all prequel check path successfully click install to begin the installation of domain controller on the server so now you can see its processing upgrading forest and it will solve the Active Directory roles on DNS both on the servers after the installation it will automatically reboot the server now it's upgrading domain waiting for DNS to be installation to be finished so step-by-step it will automatically do the all the things which is required to promote this so whereas a different domain controller and then it will restart the server second group policy console to be installed so configuring the local computer to host Active Directory domain services replicating schema directory partition so the server was this service was successfully configured as Active Directory domain services so it will automatically reboot the server now you can see the server is rebooting so just wait for control Tudela screen login asking for 2016 is over then we will start the configuring things like transferring after summer roll and configuring the server 2016 server to work as a primary at redacted domain controller infrastructure on n domain of victim force allcom so it contorted Dell log into this now let's verify that for summer roll here so to verify there for summer roll type net Dom query FS Emma it will give you the list of fsmo role where it does hosted so we have all the five fsmo role is running on Windows Server 2008 r2 machine so transfer the roles we have to go to tools Active Directory users and computer and there we can move three roles so right click on domain name and click on operation masters then change roles so it will transfer the role from operation master to 2008 machine to target machine is 2016 DC 0 1 so good the operation master role was done successfully transfer same for PDC we have to follow and for infrastructure as well as so change it so now you can see the three roles has been transferred successfully so just recheck the query and now you can see the three role has been transferred and to transfer the domain naming master we have to go to Active Directory domain and Trust and there we have a option right-click and we have option cancel this so operation master click on it and then change so you can see the operation master is successfully transfer now if you run this we are able to see or the only schema master role is left on 2008 server so to move schema role we have to first register the DNA did DLL file so the command to register is reg SV are 32 and command e SC H mm GMT dot DLL it inter so you can see the resistive for this file has been succeeded so go ahead and close now type M MMC to launch the MMC console then here we have added a move snapping at the aqueduct schema here and click add a click ok button so now you have option right click here and operation master and change the operation master role so to do this we have to connect to another domain controller here first so go and connect connect the mm say 2016 domain controller so so let's clink with 2016 domain controller and then you have to go here and our patient master then you can transfer the role for this so yes I want to transfer the operation master successfully transfer click close and now you can verify the various of all roles so just region the query once again then query so now you can see the all five role has been transferred to 2016 server and now we are good to go to D D mode this server fun come in controller so let's do that to remote this just go ahead and close this and type the and now if you go to a command machine first verify the nslookup lookup now you can see the it's showing the 2008 our machine and if we demoed this machine from like DC form or dot exe if you go here type the IP address for 2016 machine you can see it's perfectly resolving the I appeared on the DNS name for this and Anna's lookup is also working for 2016 machine so good to know that now I am going to do more this machine click Next and you will get the option like global catalog server this is a global catalog server so the first thing we have to remove this server from Google global catalog to do this go to activity users and computers under the domain controllers we have through 12 and 8 are to machine you can see its global catalog so double click on it or go to properties and uncheck the global catalog for me and click OK and now run DC romo now it will not give you a warning for the domain guna and don't never check this option delete the domain because this was so because we have transferred the all role we have need to be a victim for sole common production so just one now select this option click Next and now we have to set the local advocating credential for this machine so it's checking for delegation and DNS delegation need to be remove the not so configure the local administrator account for this machine click Next and click Next now you can see this is starting stopping at the net login service and it will uninstall the Active Directory domain controller from this machine and and it will restart this of automatically I won so everything is so completing completing removal of Active Directory domain services and and now you can see stern and it will reboot the servers you get its logging off shutting down who is controller Dell and logged in with the domain account for not to just check the machine is a part of the main and now if you go to 2016 server and just verify the domain controller so we have only one domain cutter which is going to case 16 and if you double click on it you can verify the operating system as well as 2016 is standard and the server is a global catalog as well as and the 2008 machine now you can see that it's part of like domain computers so we have checked successfully we have removed that too directly and DNS role from this server and just verify one more thing to check the nslookup new server is getting so now anis look up is resolve resolving the IP address for like our new domain which is a new domain controller which is 2016 servers so this is all about migrating the total Active Directory and DNS role from 2008 to 2016 server so thank you for watching and please subscribe me for more videos and if you have any question any query related to this please post on my give Almain that is thank you once again bye bye
Channel: Labs Hands On
Views: 100,851
Rating: 4.8472033 out of 5
Keywords: How to, active directory migration, active directory domain migration, active directory migration from 2003 to 2016, quest active directory migration, active directory migration services, active directory migration steps, active directory migration tool, active directory migration tool step by step, active directory migration tool download, active directory migration from 2003 to 2012 step by step
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2017
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