Active Directory Migration from Windows Server 2012 R2 to Windows Server 2019 Step by step

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- zoom to my channel and this is Active Directory migration from Windows Server 2012 r2 to Windows Server 2019 in step by step so in this video we are going to focus on Active Directory migration from Windows Server 2012 machine to 2019 and along with that - director we are also going to take care for the migration of DNS server because at our DNS server role is a part of Active Directory server so we are going to migrate Active Directory and DNS both in this video from Windows Server 2012 r2 to Windows Server 2019 so let's get in and see what we have in this demo environment so today's in this damn environment I have basically four virtual machines so our first virtual machine is been took in 12 DC 0 1 which is at 2 directly and DNS server so you can see this is running on Windows Server 2012 r2 and our IP address of domain controller is 1 9 2 1 6 8 0 dot 251 this is our existing domain server which is running on Windows Server 2012 and this is our domain name victim for soul top look dot LAN let's verify this so this is you can see win to k-12 r2 and Active Directory and DNS role is running on this machine and if I go to local server you can see window k12 DC 0 1 my domain name and IP address of this machine and this is running on window vmware infrastructure as a virtual machine so this is good so basically this is our you can say metro directory and UNICEF so if if we can like before migration you have to make sure you have to react in such a is healthy and everything is looking good so just to verify things I'm going to click on tools and ectrodactyly users and computers to verify what we have in our existing infrastructure so you can see this is my domain name victory emphasis all dot LAN so if I go to change domain basically change domain controller you can see we have only one domain controller which is DC 0 1 so if I go to domain controllers you can see window k12 DC 0 1 which is our global catalog server and single domain controller in this infrastructure so currently we have one domain controller is running on Windows Server 2012 Standard r2 a standard so and if I go to here in my India we have 100 you called group servers users so we have few demo users account here's like users you don't want to use a 0 5 and we have to work position also and if I go to my DNS so we can see what we have in DNS so you can see this is also acting as my DNS server if I expand our chain 4 so dot LAN you can see all these information are there my and also we have one reverse look up zone which is here one nine two one six eight dot zero and also you can verify the a deist health from PC that command so you have to make sure everything is good and and I know you are not going to find any error or any warning if you have any alert warning error on this DC that command you need to go and fix those errors before migrating the active directory for Windows Server 2012 to 2019 and I will also recommend to have a proper backup of your existing domain infrastructure so if anything goes wrong during the migration you have option to go back in the previous state where you're actually actory when you started that directory migration from 2012 to 2018 so here you can see everything is passed so my DC health is looking good and also we can go to like query fsmo to verify our after summer rolls all five of summer roll is it healthy or not so gotta wait for a few seconds there you can see now all the five-roll are currently building by wind 2k12 DC 0 1 so this is good and you can also go and verify like domain for site services so these things you have to make sure you're basically Active Directory infrastructure is healthy before migration and you have no issue with anything like DNS ad or any other issue related to Active Directory infrastructure so once you verify everything is good then you can go ahead for the migrated actual migration for the Active Directory so our next machine which I have here is my 2019 so a which we are going to have so this is a brand new machine which I haven't so I have not done any configuration or anything on this machine so this machine is going to be configured this way like hostname IP address and it's going to be our domain 2 and DNS server and it's going to join in we are betrayed us all doorway so here is my machine you can see so I've just install as it all like no IP address' nothing is configured on this machine so we are going to configure this machine together so from start so a part of this I have to wash your machines which is Windows 10 basically Windows 10 flying machines so first machine 10 CL 0 1 and both machine in joining my domain so if I go here when 10 CL 0 1 you can say this machine join in my domain victim Fazal dot lan and if I go on command prompt and I type who am I so you can see I'm waiting for souls uses 0-1 and say me if I go and if I try and set come on here you can see which slogan serve I am currently using so Logan's always been to k-12 this is the one which is my current Active Directory server so this is good and same if I verify from this machine so Who am I use a zero to and if I go to set command you can see I've I have logged in with the logins always went to k12 DC 0 1 so if I go here the inaccurately infrastructure you can see both machine in joining my domain so this is good so basically this is our infrastructure 3 machines are ready in production working in production and we are going to promote this server as a domain controller then we are going to decommission the whole server which is at old activity and dns server which is going to k12 DC 0 and so in this video we are going to promote do the attractive migration from 2 2012 to 2019 and then we are going to decommission the old Windows Server 2012 machine also so we have we are going to finally have only one domain controller which is going to run on Windows Server 2019 so let's get in so I'm going to configure my 2019 server in this way so let's go there and first thing I'm going to rename this machine basically we can go ahead and configure IP address first so I'm going to disable ipv6 so here I'm going to use one nine two one six one six eight 0.1 52 and my gate phase one nine two one my subnet masks I'm going to set to fifty one as my primary domain filter and this is going to be my secondary domain controller or itself because this is domain country so secondary DNS we can configure and third I'm going to give my Gateway to get the internet for this machine so this is good now we are good and now I'm just going to make sure I'm able to reach to my current domain controller so we can go ahead and join this machine domain so to verify this command prompt and 192 168 0.25 1 which is my current domain controller I'm able to ping it so communication is good now we can go ahead and join this machine in domain I'm going to rename this into k-19 DC 0 R I'm going to put in domain so it in 4 so dot land so now let's put user Eric credential to join this machine in domain so welcome to victim face all dot domain so this is good so now I'm going to reboot this machine so since this machine is rebooted rebooting I'm going to verify the DNS address on my current domain controller and going to change the DNS setting and ipv4 so I'm going to make it like 52 and the third DNS which I'm going to configure to get my internet to this machine so this is good so like board domain controller having both DNS server old and new IP address as a DNS primary as in the country so this is good now this machine is rebooted window k-19 and adjoining domain also we can see it's join so now I'm going to log in as a victim for sole administrator so victim for so administrator because we want to have administrative access to this machine to get it started with a domain promotion and else so now you can see this machine is going to be joining in domain so we have a capital account here and default view which is computer so this is good and now you can go here and verify this machine join in domain and if I go on CMD and run set you can see what is my logon survived into k12 DC 0 1 so this is good and if I type Who am I you can see I am victim for sole administrator so this is good so we got that mr. div access on this machine so now I'm going to like we have configured IP address name and join in domain and now we are going to promote this aware that to directly in DNS server so I'm going to do it so click on manage and add or learn features so click Next and this is going to be a role based institution because we are going to install Active Directory so click Next and this is our server name when to get nineteen DC 0 1 so click Next we have to select Active Directory use our domain services click Next and leave the features as it is so finally we are going to click on install so it's going to in select edit to domain services and few management tools also so we are good with that so now these roles and features are going to be installed on this machine so once these role roles are installed on this machine we can go ahead and promote this server as a domain controller so then we can go ahead and verify once the domain this machine is promoted as the domain controller this computer object is going to move from here to domain controllers oh you basically so we'll see that so it's going to take few seconds for the microwave for the installation of these roles so now this is done we got the option to promote this away as a domain controller so I am going to click on this so now we are going to add a domain controller existing domain so this is good the domain name is already taken and user account is already taken with tencel administrator so we are good just click on next it's no it's going to verify the things and now we have a DSM password so I'm going to put my DSM password directory service or each term or password here then I click Next and click Next or DNS delegation and you can see we have one domain control so we are going to find this domain control if you have like multiple domain controls you can select from where you want to replicate it so I'm going to select this particular domain controller click Next and now it's going to ask where you want to save the Active Directory database file log file and this one so I'm going with the default option which is C Windows so click Next and now it's going to prepare you for this the schema and domain preparation so going to click Next and this is the script what it's going to do if you want to verify a script you can see this is a PowerShell escape which is going to import ad a DDS deployment module and then it's going to run these commands like where it's going to save the database files and solution DNS is true also it's going to install the DNS as well and what is the sysvol path and all these information and force - true is going to be basically reboot this machine post installation completes so this is good now we can go ahead and click Next and now it's going to run some pre checks if everything goes well then we are good to go ahead and run the installation so you can say all the previous search bar successfully click install to begin installation so I'm going to click on install button to run the in solution so now you can see upgrading forest so it's going to take some time to get the installation done for and permission for this machine as a domain controller and DNS server and once both Active Directory and DNS role is good to go the machine is automatically going to restart and then we are able to see this machine as a domain controller so you can see now it's replicating some extra directories schema options and now if a love first is you can see this machine from here from computers went okay 19 DC zero one has been moved to domain controller so we can verify this is now promoted as a domain controller and as a global catalog TC type so this is good and now you can see it's rebooting so this is one good thing so it's automatically going to reboot so we have to make sure now all the word domain like these servers which is a client machine basically having correct dns to point to the our new server so I'm going to change the DNS settings here to point to new DC domain controller so I'm going to make it to because any eventually we have put decommission our whole server so I have made changes mark Adina survey as our new server so this is good and same I am going to do for this machine as well so I have changed the Deena setting on both my client machine to point to the new domain controller so this is your and now just wait to get this machine for ready for the login and then we will log in and verify the roles so now this is good yet contorted l and let's login as administrator victim for school administrator and now you can see this machine is also going domain controller so we can basically I start the more like decommissioning the old domain controller so you have to make sure like you have to run leave the old domain controller new domain controller to run few days and once you are good like you know you can verify everything is good know you having no issues with user or domain controller anything like this then you can go ahead and move for the decommission for the old domain controller so we are good so now what I'm going to do I am going to transfer the fsmo role first all their former roles and then we are good to go further decommission of the domain controller older mentor so here I'm going to do net dorm query FS somehow so I'm going to open an aqueduct to use the slang computers I'm just verify we got all the objects here so you can see here we have India we got users we got domain I appreciation and the window everything is good so now we can go ahead and move these roles to new domain control so I'm going to enact directly use the sync ember to right-click and operation masters so we can migrate three roles from here to this machine called into k-19 DC 0 one rate of PDC an association so I'm going to change this role so pressure masks are currently running on d7 2k 90 at 12 BC 0 1 we are going to move on wind ok 19 DC 0 1 so change and are you sure on to transfer operation master roles yes so the operation master role successfully transfer so same I am going to do for PDC successfully transferred and infrastructure as well so now we have successfully transferred three rules so now if I go again and run this FSM on net query fsmo you can see three roles PDC raid and infrastructure has been moved to this went ok 19 DC 0 1 and domain naming master and schema is still left here so we need to move those role also so to move this we need to go to domain and Trust and then here right click and operation master so you can see this is going to be change so I'm going to yes I want to transfer successfully transfer and now if I run this command again so you will see domain naming master is also going to change let's wait for some time to get this reply so you can see now three four rolls has been transferred schema master is only left so to transfer schema schema Road we need to run some command - like his add snap in for the schema master so the command to register this is going to be a reg server 32 so reg SVR 32 and schema mg empty dot DLL so you can see the dealers she registers over in this finally successfully then we can go ahead and launch the MMC from MMC we can go ahead and add snippin and we got here predictive schema master so I'm going to add this click OK now we need to change the domain controller first so we need to connect to the 2012 server so it's connected to 2012 and if I go now in operation master you can see this is connected to 2012 and we are going to have 2012 here also so basically we need to go here and change the domain controller so this is something like you will not be able to perform any changes for schema master hole so this is good and now go to operation masters and you can see this is currently running on DC 0 1 and you want to change it to DC 0 like window k-19 DC 0 1 so good click yes I sure want to transfer role yes so operation master successfully transfer so we can go ahead now and close this and now if I go and run that net dumb query FSM again you can see all the roles has been transferred to DC 0 went ok 19 DC 0 1 so this is good and now we can go ahead and remove this server from a global catalog so old server so I am going to remove it from global catalog server so this has been removed now so now if i refresh this it's going to be DC not a global catalog server so same I am going to verify from 2012 server also so domain contours first this so it's going to take some time to get the changes affected here so I'm going to reboot this machine once and then we can go ahead and remote this server from a domain controller and and finally we are good to go and verify the effect is like we got the new domain controller in a production from the client machine so so when you are planning to do this actual actual migration and decommission the old server you have to make sure you have a proper plan in place like you are going to wait for a few days after promoting new server infrastructure you are going to wait for a few days for the decommissioning the old server and in the meanwhile you have to perform all the tests like you at your client and on a server and like no application is having issue and your physician is good to go with the new domain controller so these things you have to make sure when you are doing such migration and also you have to make sure you have a proper backup in place in case everything anything goes wrong you can go ahead and revert that from backup so now if I go to tools that trajectory uses computers and domain contours we are good so now we are good with this so now we can basically go ahead and perform the decommission from this I like to elect a known DNS role so what I'm going to do like to run dcpromo dot exe so you can see that two directory domain services installation which I relocated in this you can go and run from there so I'm going to run remove roles and features so click Next and what role you want to remove so I'm going to want to remove Active Directory domain services remove features so it's going to remove all the features also which was added for the this actually active domain controller role so now you can see this option remote this domain controller so we have to click here and then it's going to give you the Active Directory domain services configuration wizard and then you have option this apply the credential to perform and if you you don't you are not that mister you can go ahead and do this so this is the force the removal of the domain controller so you can go ahead and click Next and then you can see this domain controller hosting DNS services as well so proceed with removal so this is also going to remove the this dns services DNS server role and click Next and this is asking for the new password for local administrator account because when this machine is demoted as a domain controller it's going to have a local administrator account so this is good so click Next and what this is going to do remove Active Directory domain services from this computer and when process complete this computer is they going to be a member of the domain so it's going to be a normal computer in this so we are good with that so click demote so you can say starting the demotion of this domain controller so role so soon you are going to find this machine is going to be moved from domain controller to computers what the demotion is completed so we have to wait for some time now you can see stopping services KDC and removing all the app everything so successful successfully demoted activate your domain country domain controller so we are good with this and it's automatically going to reboot so we have to wait for some time here to get this machine rebooted so now you can see it's getting reboot if I go here and you can see this machine wind took in 12 p c0 one has been removed from domain address and it's going to be placed under computers so you can see it's placed on now in computers as it looks normal machines so now we are good to log in this machine again so I'm going to log in and just make sure Active Directory and DNS is removed if it's not removed you have to manually honest all the roles so now if I go here you will see the promote this server as a domain controller is going to so so you can go here on remove roles and features click Next and now we can go ahead and remove a directory roles and features and also we can check the windows DNS server click Next and leave everything default and restart the destination card also automatically if required so this is going to be required reboot so actually active domains I'd say and DNS is going to remove and also these management tools are going to remove so this is good so now the server has been demoted from the domain controller but that roles like Active Directory and eNOS is still installed so we are cleaning of the machine and removing that trajectory and DNS role from this machine and now this machine is going to be calm without domain controller and and without Active Directory and DNS roles so now this is going to be a you can say a blank or normal machine without a correctly and eNOS installed so now I'm going to hit ctrl to Dell and log into this machine again and wait for the server manager to pop up so removal succeeded at reduction in us and now you can see we don't have acted IT and DNS role anymore on this machine so now we can go ahead and change the DNS settings for this machine as well I'm going to make it to like remove this from here and we are going to have our primary DC now which is one five two and our alternative readiness is our going to be our gateway server so this is good and same I'm going to do on my domain controller as well which is new domain controller so I'm going to change the IP address for DNS settings so we don't have this machine anymore or network 51 so I am going to remove it and 170 127 to back addresses also I am going to remove so this has been removed and now we are good I guess I'm going to take one reboot for this machine and now we can finally go ahead and shut down this old machine and verify everything is good and I'm going to reboot this 2019 DC once and then we are going to reboot the client machines and we are going to verify what the logon server and others information in climb machine so so if I go here and put set you can see the logins away stills was showing two thousand and went ok 12 DC 0 1 because we have not rebooted this machine after changing the like I'm demoting the the server so we are going to do that now so I'm just going to make sure our wind took a 19 DC 0 1 is up and running and then we are going to reboot the client machine says early to verify that so the old domain controller has been like shut down demoted and shut down and that machine is no more on a network so this is good so now 2019 DC is rebooted I'm going to login again and now we are good to go ahead and reboot our client machines as well so I'm going to reboot these machines one by one when 1000 won and win tells here 0 to 1 just verify everything is going to be good on these machines so just runs let them try it once again to verify everything is good with after summer rolls so all is ephemeral is we took on wind to k-19 DC 0 1 so which is good so now our both machine is rebooted client machine so I'm going to login to CL 0 1 which is win 10 CL 0 1 client machine on and I'm going to verify the logon server so I'm going to open CMD and then set so now you can see the lock on server has been changed to win 2k 19 DC 0 1 which is our current domain controller so this is good and let's verify same on our second domain can second client machine which is win 1000 - so I'm going to verify on this machine now so CMD and then set so when do k-19 this is 0-1 this is good and Who am I which emphasis all uses 0-2 and if I do an S look up you can see the default saga is our current domain controller which is bent ok 19 DC 0 1 so this is good so this is all about Active Directory migration from Windows Server 2012 r2 to Windows Server 2019 so thank you for watching and please subscribe me for more videos and if you have any query any question related to this video you can always post them in my given me mail Addie's thank you once again bye bye
Channel: Labs Hands On
Views: 60,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How, how to, server 2019, server 2019 hyper-v, server 2019 ad, server 2019 azure, server 2019 upgrade, server 2019 updates, server 2019 cluster, server 2019 containers, ad migration from 2012 to 2019, ad migration from 2012 to 2016, ad migration from one domain to another, AD Migration, Active Directory Migration, ad migration tool, ad migration 2008 r2 to 2019, ad migration 2012 to 2019, quest ad migration, server 2019 domain controller
Id: 1bF1mR2gPAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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