Active Directory Migration From Windows Server 2003 To Server 2012

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hello friends welcome to my channel today I am going to show you active data migration and this demo I am going to migrate my Active Directory domain services from Windows Server 2003 machine do Windows Server 2012 r2 machine let's have some idea about my demo environment currently my Active Directory domain services is running on Windows Server 2003 machine the hostname of that machine is wind 2 k 3 DC 0 1 and the operating system is Windows Server 2003 I have assigned the IP address all to my domain control is 1 9 to 1 6 8 1.25 4 and my domain name is Victor info soul calm I am going to migrate Active Directory domain services from this server to new server that is Windows Server 2012 r2 and the hostname for this server is pin to k12 R 2 DC 0 0 1 and operating system in Windows Server 2012 r2 I have assigned IP address to this machine when one 92168 1.25 3 and the machine have 4gb RAM and I am going to migrate this server and factor-alpha soul as a domain controller so this is my current domain controller you can verify the hostname is going to get 3 this is 0-1 as I told you and the system type is domain controller if you go to server manager you can verify I have installed at director domain services and DNS services on this server my domain name is vector and facade I am going to migrate this server to my new server that is Windows Server 2012 r2 machine and the hostname is going to k12 r2 0 1 and the IP address that I told you in slide and currently the server in a war group workgroup there was you can verify the service is not a member of any domain and you can verify the RAM 4gb and the operating system Windows Server 2012 r2 standard I have also won Windows 7 client machine to verify my domain contour and domain services you can verify currently this machine is logged in in domain vector in facade and the login server is went together DC 0 and that is my Windows Server 2003 based domain controller so in the migration we had to perform many tasks as I have mentioned all the tasks and step by step so we will follow the step by step migration step for Windows Server 2003 to 2012 r2 first we need to install Windows Server 2003 support tools on my old domain controller so I am going to log in my domain control Here I am on my domain controller I have mounted Windows Server 2003 installation media and my DVD Drive I am going to open that and I am going to click on support tools and I am going to run Seop tools dot MSI this is a simple installation like next next next finished so I am going to install the support tool for Windows Server why I am installing this tool because without installing these tools I cannot perform actually sub task that is related to Active Directory like if you type here to check that like the check the actual active FMS role you can not do so I'm going to type net down query ifs the more it will give netdom it will give you masses netdom is not recognized as a sternal Lord internal comma so I am going to install this you can see the solution is completed successfully so now I am going to do second step that is check there after summer roll for the domain now I am going to run the same command that is not previously recognized I am going to open command from from windows tools and command from now I am going to type net it will show you the all five roles that is holded by currently went to k3 DC 0 1 that is my Windows Server 2003 domain controller where I am working right now so in the next step check the replication status or acted active services so I am going to check same by tapping grep admin space so ramps hit enter actually I have only one domain controller in my infrastructure so I am getting this result after swearing this command if you have a multiple domain controller in Active Directory so you will get the other result with the respective successful or unsuccessful commands or status now on next step we are going to rise the domain function level to Windows Server 2003 I am going to open administrator tools ad to type D users and computers and I am going to verify my current domain function level that is set to Windows Server 2000 native so I am going to rise it Windows Server 2003 and it's it's over some information masses and I click on yes you can see functional level has been write successfully so you can verify once again you have said to currently domain function level Windows Server 2003 we have done successfully and on the next step we have to rise forest function level to Windows Server 2003 so I am going to do so I am going to open admits administrator tools Active Directory domain and trusts and now I am going to click on aqueduct a domain and trust rise for this function level it is currently set on Windows Server 2000 so I am going to rise in Windows Server 2003 click its warning masses or information masses you can say and from slow level has been rising cessful li so once again verify it it's saying current forest functional level is Windows over to perfectly fine so on the next step I am going to join my Windows Server 2012 machine to domain and restart it so I'm on Windows Server 2012 machine and going to join this machine in domain type in my domain name presenter sometime it's did not recognize traitor and my password welcome to the vector visual domain so looks good I am going to restart my server so server he started I am going to login to the server now with the Active Directory administrator account and I am going to type my domain name and my administrator account that is asthma stator and going to password for that and now you can verify I am login with the administrator account of the Victorian fasold that I am using on my Windows Server 2003 machine as well as and now you can verify I have Logan with the administrator account and the login domain is Victarion Fazal and my login service went to cater DC 0 1 and the mind machine domain is vectoring for soul so on next I am going to install active data domain services role from the server manager I am on Server 2012 machine go to click on manage advil and features and I am going to click on next default settings no need to change anything next and you can verify the server name and the IP address click Next from this from the server role I am going to select Active Directory domain server yes I want to add required feature that suppose that to direct management these things so I am going to click on add features click Next click Next Next and I am going to click on install button it's saying in starting installation now installation is started on the server name once the installation finished we need to push it for the next step that promote the server to a domain controller and we need to restart the server so once installation cause Phineas we will perform these tasks you can say installation succeed and configuration required so I am going to do my next step promote this server to a domain controller and let's take me to news art and I am going to select a domain controller to existing domain my domination vector alpha so that is automatic KD so so click on next and here we need to type the directory service restore more password so once this gets finished let's highlight to put the password so I am going to type my password click Next and deenis officer no problem click Next and replication from any domain controller I have only one domain controller no problem we can go with the any domain controller option actually and this is the database folder log volume ins is following folder no need to change click Next and I am going to click by default next and these are the setting that has to be affected on my domain control that I am going to create so click on next Herts running the pre required check for verify my server is eligible to install the domain contour and DNS role on it other is it gives you the error message so just wait and hope everything goes fine so you can see all pre required check pass successfully so it's highlighted the installation button I am going to click on install button and now then solution process for the Active Directory domain services and the DNS both are running you can see upgrading forest so we need to wait for few minutes is depending on the database size of the other active directory and the speed of the aqueduct is over so certain stalling the group management to policy objects so it will take few minutes replicating schema now system is going to restart in few second the machine is restarting so server is started I am going to login my server putting my password and now you can verify Active Directory and DNS is installed on this computer and as it's a member of the it's an attribute and not a member of the male victim so it's a domain controller right now if we go to click on change it's saying the domain controllers cannot move so we have performed these - and now promote this away and restarted we have done this so I am going on next class that is transfer all FS on the role to new server on Windows Server 2012 as previously all the roles are handled by our server so I am going to migrate all the roles from that server to this server by step by step so I am going on command prompt and just to check my roles status I'm going to type net down query FS Emma so let's give you the idea which roles are was running on the old server and which roles are running on current server so actually we don't have any roles hold by the server you can verify all the five floors I'll hold it by my old servers why I'm going to migrate this roles one by one I am going to open my Administrative Tools and add two Directory users and computers I am going to click right button on my domain name and click on Operation masters and here you can verify operation master role is when 2 K 3 DC 1 I am going to change this and it's confirming our easier one to transfer operation master yes you can verify operation master role has been transfer successful so I am also going to change PDC role yes you can verify roles transfer successfully and for the infrastructure master I as well as so we did for the three roles we can verify by Ray on the same command and you can verify three rows has been chilled now I am going to change my domain naming master role so I am going to click on add to that domain and Trust and I am going to click on my to directory domain and Trust and operation master role I'm going to change this one from my old so go to new phone obviously you want to transfer the role yes I want to change my role and you can verify now it's chance to my new server so I can close and for the verification we can run the same part and last one is we need to change the schema master row so I am going to open my command prompt one more command prompt as admin account and I am going to type my command R as SVR 32 M G M T dot DL AB dot DL DL a register server is schema master success so good to go and you can verify we have only one master role on our also word that is a schema master so I am going to change that as well as after suggesting this file I am going to open my MMC console and click on files a during of snap in I am going to select my attitude at a schema click Add ok and here you can see click on add to that a schema right click and operation master I am going to this change before changing this you can verify at the both location the current a schema master and the a personal hold by both are same so I am going to connect my current server that is by using the chain that you like to domain controller I am going to select my new domain controller and click OK so now if I go to change my operation master you can verify the new server name is highlighted below I am going to change our you see I want to change operation a say yes operation master role is changed successfully so we can close these things don't want to save and rerun the command once again and now you can verify we have transferred all five roles successfully from holes over tunisia and on the next step we have to verify the active directory object replication on my new server so just as you know and my attitude at tree I have created some object like I have created 100 India and the few servers on the service and the workstation as well it was so I am going to verify manually them so we can verify India oh you and the server's users everything seems good also I am going to verify this by running one command you can use wrap admin so raps so you can see everything God successfully was successful successful so I think the replication happens pretty good so I am going to on my - next - that is remove the Windows Server 2003 machine from a global catalog server so I am going to do so and opening my actor dead tree site and services also we can verify from here if I go on domain controller Road you can verify that my also is also global catalog server if I go here and choose properties and just here and remove these things so it will take the same effect we change the same from here also at to data domain and services and going on my holes over entity asserting properties and uncheck this so both are the same thing actually so now I can verify here also it's changed from the goebel global catalog server to DC domain controller so we have done this previously and also we have ever defy the replication completed successfully so now I am going to chain my DNS setting for the both servers on my holes over I am going to open my network configurations and properties and I am going to join this to that is a loopback address it means is so for the eight self first so no need to do anything I'm going to close these things hope anything is open here so and I am also going to change my dinner setting and I also revealing this because I'm going to make my second server as it is DC only so seems good and click OK and our next task is run the dcpromo on the Windows Server 2003 domain controller to demote the server I think this is the final step that we need to perform an upgrade of the server so I am going to click command and typing the command dcpromo dot exe so I am going to click on next and this is we don't need to check this because it's not the last domain controller in our domain click next and we need to set a local administrative password because once the machine is demoted from the domain controller and it's a local administrator account the V login so I am going to click on next and the final step remove active active form this our click on next let's see it's reading domain policy from the local machine and it will take few minutes to uninstall the active directory from this server and once the uninstallation gets done we can see actually under the Act reducta users and computers this domain controller is automatically removed from here also one thing we can check under the domain and first actual X domain interest the server automatically deletes so not here site and services we need to go and act to direct site and services the whole domain controller is automatically perform active director site and services as well as so wait for the installation got finished on the Windows Server 2003 domain controller it will take few minutes you can see completing the motion for Active Directory services here you can see Active Directory was removed from this computer so click on finish' machine a to restart after aqueduct turn on installation so I am going to restart this machine so the server is started and it's loading the windows I'm going to hit ctrl enter del and now you can verify this machine is no longer joined in the domain so I am going to login with the local administrator account and the password of the local administrator and now you can verify this server is no more rolling as Active Directory domain controller so you can verify from here also the system type is this is now server that's not a domain controller also on the server manager you can verify a to director role has been removed from here and if you go to new server and tools after that the users computer also you go to site and services to team here we can see we have only one domain controller right now in our infrastructure that is been 2k12 are 2 DC 0 1 so the old server Windows Server 2003 has been removed from the domain controller role and also we can verify from here the holes always no longer available and the site and services and if I go and restart my client computer that is all previously logged in with the wind ok 3 DC 0 1 and if I restart my server me restart my client and then login to domain you can see it's working perfectly with the newer to deck to server I'm going to restart my window sound client machine to verify it's locked and successfully within new r2 ductus over and the window 7 client is restarting so now I am going to log in mice over so I will log in to my client machine with that reduct accuser hello friends now you can verify login domain and logins server has been changed from the holes over to our new server so everything seems good and perfectly we have migrated the Active Directory domain services from Windows Server 2003 to 2012 thank you for watching please subscribe me for more videos thanks once again
Channel: Labs Hands On
Views: 31,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How, to, Microsoft Windows (Operating System), Windows Server 2012 (Operating System), Windows Server 2003 (Operating System), Active Directory (Software), Server (Film Character), Computer, dcpromo, dcpromo.exe, AD DS, Active Directory, Migration, Active Direcctory Migration, Server 2003 Migration, Migration from Server 2003 to 2012 R2, Domain Migration, Active Directory Domain Service, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2003
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2016
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