Active Directory Configuration on VM in Hyper-V Windows Server 2019

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hi and welcome to this video where i'm going to be showing you guys a little bit more of hyper-v so in our last hyper-v video uh we've brought up this server i went ahead and also brought up this windows 10 uh pc just to have a second computer because today what we're going to be doing is we are going to be joining these two computers to a network through the virtual switch in hyper-v and then we are actually going to be going ahead in this video and creating a domain so we're going to be installing active directory on our server and i'll be showing you how to join this windows 10 pc to that domain this way in other videos when we start doing powershell remoting or powershell with active directory we will already have the environment set up so let's go ahead and let's get started here so by default when we installed hyper-v we actually removed the network when we set up the server but by default there is a default switch that's created and this is actually the switch that we're going to be using today so first things first is we're going to need to go and right click on our server and click on settings and then in settings here i'm just going to try to make this a little bit bigger just so you guys can see it here maybe one moment here there you go all right so in here we're going to go into network adapter and where it says virtual switch we are going to go ahead and connect that to the default switch and then we're going to go ahead and click on apply and we're going to do that for our windows 10 machine at the same time so let's go ahead and let's do that here so now that they're both connected uh to the switch what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to go on to our server first so let's go ahead and let's do that here and let's just put that into a full screen so what we need to do now is we need to first set a static ip address for the server this way it just doesn't change ip addresses and it's always easier and recommended setting for setting it up as a domain controller with active directory so let's go ahead and let's click on local server here and we are going to see that the ipv4 is assigned by dhcp so we're actually just going to click on this ethernet here and then we're going to right click on the ethernet and we're going to click on properties and just double click on this internet protocol version 4. and then we are going to be using um our own ip address here so for me when i did an ipconfig on my local computer here we could actually see that we do have a ethernet adapter and we could see that it does have the address of so let's go ahead and this is going to be our default gateway and then we also have our subnet mask here so let's go back here and we're just going to sign this server the address of 172 172.23 dot 33 and we are going to do dot 42 and then the subnet mask here is going to be 255.255.240. and then our default gateway is going to be this and then for our dns server we are actually just going to go ahead and assign it to which is basically saying it it's going to be itself so let's go ahead and let's click ok and click ok so now we are now ready to install and configure active directory as we can see we are belonging to a work group my computer name is rts 2019 this is basically just my initials server 2019 so let's go ahead and let's click on manage up here and we're going to click on add roles and features and then we're going to go ahead and click next and make sure that you have role based or feature based installation selected click on next and then we're going to wanting to install it on our computer here we're just going to click on next and then we are going to see here that we have a bunch of roles to pick from we are going to pick active directory domain services and then always make sure to include management tools if applicable and we're going to click add features and then click on next and for features you can just leave as it is and then we're going to click on next here again and then we are going to select to restart the destination server automatically if required and then click on yes and then we're going to go ahead and click on install now this is going to go ahead and install this sometimes can take a few minutes so we'll come back when it is complete all right so it is all done here so we're going to go ahead and click on close and then we're going to see here that we do have a post if you click on the flag up here you're going to have a post deployment configuration and we are going to click on promote this server to a domain controller and then in here we are going to click add a new forest because we're creating a brand new active directory domain and forest here and we're going to pick a root domain name now this could be anything you want it just have to has to have at least a dot and then an ending to it so we're going to pick jacked dot ca because we do live in canada and this is the jacked programmer channel so actually let's go ahead and let's just do here and we're going to click on next and then here we pick the forest and domain functional levels we're going to leave them as the default of windows server 2016 and then we are going to specify domain controller capabilities we are going to leave it as the default with the dns server and global catalog and then here it's going to be type the directory services restore password always make sure that you do remember this password this is an extremely important password to remember in case you ever need to log in to this domain controller as a local administrator so we're going to go ahead and just put that password in there and then we are just going to click on next and then for dns delegation options uh for this we are we can just not uh we don't have to put a check in this box we can just go ahead and click on next now it's going to verify the net bios name assigned to the domain so we're just going to wait here and wait for it to load usually takes a little bit here now the net bios name is sometimes limited um i think it's limited to 15 characters here so what i'm actually going to go ahead and do is i'm going to go ahead and just leave it as here and we're just going to click on next we're just going to leave everything as it was and here it's going to recalculate the net bios names now it should just change the jacked so that's perfect well let's click on next here and then just going to specify the locations of our active directory database and our log files and the sysvol folder you could just leave them as the default here and then we are just going to click on next and then it's going to do some prerequisite checks just to make sure that everything looks good on the computer and make sure that it could actually complete the task so let's just go ahead and let's wait for this to finish here so we do see that all the prerequisites have passed successfully and we don't see any problems here a few warnings but these warnings don't really matter for us as we are creating our own dns server at this point in time and let's go ahead and let's click on install here so this is going to go ahead and install all the services this sometimes does take about five to ten minutes i've noticed in the past so we are going to go ahead and come back when this is complete all right so it is all done here and we do get a warning that you're about to be signed out the computer is being restarted because active directory domain services was installed so it's going to go ahead and just restart here so we're just going to wait for it to be restarted this should just take a few moments and then when it does restart here sometimes it does take a little while on the initial restart because it's going to be applying a bunch of settings here so once it starts to reboot you'll see that it will be applying computer settings now normally if you were doing this on a server with a bunch of rams it normally doesn't take too too long since this is a virtual machine sometimes it does take quite a while in my earlier pass bruise it sometimes takes about five to ten minutes again um so we are going to go ahead and just let this start the process so you guys can see what it looks like so this is what you're going to get this sometimes takes about five to ten minutes to pass so we're gonna go ahead and come back once we get the login screen all right so the computer is booted back up now so the server is up and we can actually see that it is signed in to jacked which is our domain here so let's go ahead and let's put in administrator and then put in our password here all right so now it's just booting up so now what we're going to see here when we go into our local server here we're going to see that we do have the computer name of rts 2019 still we have our domain which is actually we can actually see our ip address that we had assigned 172.23.birdiebreed.42 so that is perfect here um so what we can go ahead and do now once we have all this we can actually come in here and we can actually look up for active and then we are going to see that we do have active directory users and computers so if we go ahead and open that up here now we do see our domain here we have computers which we have nothing in here because we have not joined a computer yet to this domain we have domain controller which we could see that we have our server here and then in users we can see that we do have administrator which is our default account that gets created we have a bunch of security groups and a disabled guest user which is fine what we're going to go ahead and do just for this video here we're probably not going to be using this account a whole lot uh in future videos but let's go ahead and let's just create an account here we're just going to create our tests and we're going to create test jacked programmer here and we're going to put the username here uh just so you guys can see that it is pretty customized here we're just going to put youtube video at and the logon name is just jacked backslash youtube video we're going to click on next here and we're going to put that the user does have to change the password on next login and we're just going to put the password as one two three four one two three four and we're gonna click on finish here one two three four does not seem to work here so we're just gonna put test one two three four test one two three four let's use a good password here which is going to meet all the requirements because i believe in server 2016 the active directory default requirements is a complex password so you're going to require at least an uppercase a lowercase end number or a symbol so let's go ahead and let's click on next here so we do have that user now so what we can go ahead and do now is we are going to join our windows 10 computer to this domain so let's go ahead and let's switch to that computer here so we have the windows 10 and we do have it connected uh to the default switch here it does have to be connected to the same network as our server in order to communicate with it so let's go ahead and let's just click on sign in here and it's going to go ahead and sign in so now what we're going to want to do here is if we go to this pc right click on that and click on properties we are going to get into properties and then if you click on advanced system settings here and then we're going to go ahead and click on computer name and then to rename this computer or change its domain or work click on change we're going to go click on change here and we are going to become a member of a domain and we're going to put jacked dot ca oops just jacked sorry about that and it's going to ask for a login name so there we're going to put jacked backslash administrator and then we are going to put in our password there now this might not work again i might have to set the ip on this computer as well but let's just see if this works it will most likely timeout at this point i'm pretty sure all right so we do have an error here so what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to check our ip settings so we're going to open the network adapters here we're going to right click on the ethernet we're going to click on properties here and then we're going to go to our ipv4 settings and make sure that we are on the same network so we're going to put 172 172.23 dot 33 and we're going to put dot 52 here and the subnet mask we're going to put the same as our server and then the default gateway we're going to put and then for our dns server we are going to put our domain controller ip address which is 172 dot 23 dot 32 dot 33 dot 42 and we're going to click on ok here click on ok now what we should be able to do is we should be able to click on ok here and we should be able to connect to it so we're going to change it to here and then we're going to put backslash administrator and then put in our password and then we do have the welcome to the domain we're going to click on ok here it's going to say that we need to restart to apply the changes we're just going to click ok and then close and we're just going to restart now so this is going to restart our pc here but if we actually just quickly flash back over to our server here and we go into the computer object and we just refresh that here we can actually see our windows 10 pc here so we can actually see that the computer has joined the domain successfully which we did see that on the computer as well so it's actually just getting some updates here so i'm just going to come back once this is all done and we are going to be able to see that we are able to log in using our youtube account i'll see you then all right so the computer has rebooted now so we're going to see that we do get our option for user here but we can actually select other user here and we can actually see that we do get the ability to sign into our domain jacked here so let's go ahead and let's put that youtube video account which i believe it was let me just double check here as i don't actually remember the username already yes it was youtube video here so let's go ahead and let's sign into youtube video and let's put in the password that i had put there and then we do get the user does have to change its password before signing in which is awesome that's what we said that we wanted so let's go ahead and let's put in a new password here all right password has been changed so here we do get to sign in remotely you need the right to sign in to remote desktop services by default the members of the remote desktop users have this right if the group you're in does not have the right or the right has been removed from this from the remote desktop user group you need to be granted this manually so what we're going to go ahead and do actually is we're going to go back on our server here and we are just going to go ahead and refresh this here and we are going to add this here into our remote desktop users here and now if we go ahead and log into this account here once again so if we go other user go ahead and let's actually disconnect here so i'm just going to go ahead and actually um oh perfect so let's go ahead and let's go into this youtube video account again with the new password okay so it might not have pushed through my accesses just yet for this user here so let's go ahead and let's log in with the administrator account here and let's just make sure that we could log in with the user at least from our domain and it might be a setting on this computer as well that i might have forgot to enable the remote desktop options for regular users here but by logging in with a domain administrator account that should work here and it'll work for the purpose of this video of just showing you how to connect the computers together i'm just going to wait for it to log in here all right so it is logged in here and now if we go into this pc and we go into properties we will be able to see that the full device name is so we know that it is logged in properly into the domain which is awesome and here we could go ahead and allow remote connections to this computer here and let's go ahead and let's add the youtube video account here and if we go ahead and we just log out of this account here and we can go ahead and most likely log in to this account now there we are there's our just our test jacked programmer here and we are connecting so oftentimes especially because we're working with all hyper-v machines we aren't working with a physical connection the computer is always connecting through a remote session if this was a physical network and you had set up a domain controller you wouldn't run into so many problems like what i just did here but that's how you would overcome them is you give them access to the remote computer and then they will be able to access it so in our next videos we're going to be using this active directory domain and forest and these two computers to do some powershell remoting i'm actually going to go ahead and create some more servers before the powershell remoting video just to be able to give you guys some good solid examples on powershell remoting but this is how you set up a server to communicate with a cl end user computer and set up the active directory forest and everything that's related to it creating a user getting the user to log in if you guys have any questions feel free to leave a comment in the comment section and maybe i can create another video um going a little bit more elaborate on those questions please like and subscribe and i will see you on my next video you
Channel: JackedProgrammer
Views: 1,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyper-v, active directory, windows server
Id: E4dVVbvC2KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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