Failover Clustering within Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V | TSR

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alright alright alright it is 7 o'clock we're back at it at the server room I'm gonna give it a minute before we start is officially 7 o'clock Eastern Standard Time I'm gonna try to keep the livestream super simple here I'm gonna try to keep the livestream super simple for you guys straightforward right now is 701 and we're just gonna get right into it so hopefully you guys are able to hear me if you have the power to chat with me shoot me a quick text at the chat section at the live chat say hey bernardo i hear you you're good you're good to go awesome awesome awesome awesome cool so like i said before i'm gonna try to keep it short and simple for you guys less talking more demonstration the reason why is because it's late I mean New York time right now want to go home I want to go see my son real quick so let's get into it real quick alright so switch it over here I'm gonna fullscreen this bad boy for you guys and today is all about failover clustering within Windows Server 2000 19 hyper-v so basically we are creating a failover cluster for our hyper-v infrastructure now on the last stream that we did together on the I think last week right we did we took advantage of FreeNAS which you know changing the name to true Nass right and we created an ice cozy storage device the reason why did that was because that I scuzzy storage device I'm actually using it for the failover clustering this is where I'm going to be storing my virtual machines ok so let's get into it now my environment is super simple I'm using a hyper-v manager I have two machines you can have as many machines as you want but for this example I'm only using two machines vhosts oh one the host Oh two during the video I mean during the live stream I'm gonna refer to both of them as oh one oh two okay now these are both the machines all 1 and O 2 both machines are running Windows Server 2000 19 version 1809 build 1776 3 I just want to show you guys when I'm running and both machines are actually joined to my active directory right o 1 and O 2 my part of active directory okay so I'm on both machines okay so for failover clustering to work correctly each machine I save you have five machines for this live stream ammonia doing - just to keep it nice and short but let's say you have five machines you have to do each machine the same way now don't get me wrong you don't have to do it manually I go to each machine if you're smart you're taking advantage of Microsoft Windows em in center yeah w AC and you can push out all those services and all the features that way one console push it out to all the machines right on both machines all one alone - I am opening up server manager right once server manager is up and running I am going to actually click on manage right go to add rows and again I'm doing it both machines right 0 1 0 2 is a mirror and I'm from here on our add roles and features wizard I'm going to click on next click next again next again I guarantee you a lot of guys to him this is this is how you really do the videos yeah it is next next next next right just a bunch of necks now the option that I'm need to do here is hyper-v right you need hyper-v installed into these machines because when you install or create virtual machines on a hyper-v right and let's say oh one goes down old 2 will take over that virtual machine that's the whole concept of failover customer so I'm going to select hyper-v on both machines you're going to get this add all the features click Next Next again I am going for my virtual switch for this lab environment I only have one virtual switch but for best practice most likely you want to have at least two right you have one Ethernet that is your management and your second Ethernet would be you traffic for your virtual machines okay but for this I am only have one NIC so I'm going to select that click on next if you want to do migration within your in from if you want to do some migration within your infrastructure definitely do it I'm gonna click Next here you are able to change the default location just change it to fit your environment then click Next and then install it's gonna start installing now I had to do a couple of things for this to work and I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you what I did plus explain it with a nice little graph of how my lab is set up because it's it's really really crazy because I definitely have a true nested virtualization environment like seriously so for all one at o2 for me to successfully install hyper-v within these two machines I had to run the family I had to run set the M processor and I had to expose the virtualization to both of these machines you're probably saying to yourself why Bernardo and the reason why is because of this this is how my setup is okay I have a sure right have a sure sure right now I created a virtual machine that virtual machine I call the V be vital whatever whatever name you want this machine right here has Windows Server 2013 I install hyper-v manager on this box within this box I created two instance two virtual machines for my example is oh one and o2 right all wanna go to and all 100 - I want to install hyper-v right inside these two machines now to do that I actually have to use these two commands to expose the processor to those virtual machines so I could take advantage install hyper-v correctly right straight right then once I expose that CPU once I expose this CPU right into these two virtual machines that allows me to actually install hyper-v on old one and OH - and then I'm able to create virtual machines other instances is inside these two machines trippy right but that's my setup okay that's the reason why I had to actually run these two commands here okay awesome cool alright so once everything is done installation is completed your going to reboot your machine it's gonna start to processing itself it's gonna say working on updates you know whatever percentage don't turn off the machine and then eventually you're gonna get here you know control-alt-delete log it into your machine and then BAM now here I'm going to click start and the reason why I'm clicking start and going assign Windows administrative tools and I'm going to click on hyper-v manager is because I want to make sure they're running I don't want to receive any error that kind of sucks you install the hyper-v manager and all of a sudden when you open it up you're getting all kinds of MMC error can load up right or plug-in is not loading that's sucky so make sure your hyper-v manner make sure your hyper-v manager is up and running with no error okay now next and then we need to do is click on start I'm gonna open up server manager because we need to install another feature now to roll a feature within both machines one for 301 and OH - so once server manager is up and running again you're gonna click on manage and/or manage you're gonna go add roles and features and the same process click Next Next Next again and we're not going to install a role we're going to install hyper-v so you probably say it's yourself or no so why didn't you do it in the very beginning this is true but I like to break everything down for you guys to show you what I have done little by little step by step alright and we're gonna click Next because I don't need to add any server roles we definitely need to add a feature and the feature that we need to install it be what come on guys all together failover clustering so we're going to click on failover clustering and when we pick failover clustering so if you guys didn't see it we actually picking this guy right here this is the guy that we're picking oh all right so when you when you pick that guy it's gonna give you this nice little dialog box because we need to install all the cluster management tools as well as the Windows PowerShell module of PowerShell so we definitely click on add features click on next here I'm going to install once you install it's gonna want you to reboot the machine so close everything up close this dialog box close the server manager click on your Start menu click on the power button click on restart and again the same process don't get me wrong you are able to still hyper-v as well as fellow we're clustering at the same time but I like to break everything down for you guys right just if I have any problems this is how I fix it and this is how I did it ok so once everything is done it reboots log back into your machine once you log back into your machine click on start open up your Windows Administrative Tools which I did right here open up right here open up Windows Administrative Tools and what we need to do is locate your failover cluster manager now when you open this guy up it does not matter which one you do all one an old soon okay I'm gonna configure everything on all one because in reality oh one would be the first one that would be your primary right and o2 would be your secondary if you do o3 3rd 450 cetera et cetera so I'm gonna actually configure everything on all one so I'm going to load up the failover cluster manager on one I'm not gonna touch ultimate okay as long as also has hyper-v manager as well as the failover cluster manager installed into it technically you're done with that machine your primary your primary machine that's gonna be hosting or housing or whatever you want to say your virtual machines that's the one that you need to configure your failover cluster so you could close this up and what we are going to do is we are going to right-click on failover cluster manager right and we are going to pick on validate configuration and you're gonna get the nice little wizard which is this guy right here alright you're gonna click on next here and we're gonna click on browse and within brows make sure that it says your active directory because I'm gonna I've been all 102 and I'm gonna check the name now if everything is working within your environment you're part of Active Directory your machine should lowercase become uppercase and underlined that means that it found them with an Active Directory and you're good to go so you're gonna click OK once you click OK you're going to see very verifying server settings and eventually once that disappear you're gonna see both select the service here with a full qualified domain name click on next stare boom now this is really up to you you could do recommend it run all the tests I just wanted a for this example I wanted to show you guys run only test I selected and then click on next I just want to show you what actually is being run I think the only thing I did not do was the storage space direct but once you click on next is gonna run its its reports its process and click on next it's gonna start running it boom actually on the next page this is a nice little confirmation to what you know what's gonna happen and then once you click Next then it's gonna start running and validating all the all the stuff on those two machines to make sure they're kosher right to be used within your cluster so once everything is completed you're going to get this I had a couple of warnings which is ok you're still able to go in and continue configuring you are able to click on view reports now if I click on View reports it's gonna take you to here and then just go over it now I caught a couple of Network warnings and the reason why I caught I caught a network warning is because it was a DNS problem within my side all right for you you probably don't get any any warnings at all you might get all successive set success right cool now next thing that we need to do from here within la con su right I'm gonna go back here and we're gonna right-click on that guy so we are validated at configuration everything was good everything was kosher success awesome next name we need to do is create our cluster so click on click on this little guy right here click on quick cluster you're gonna go you're gonna get the create cluster wizard take your time read click on next and the same approach the same thing that we did with validating right we need to hit browse make sure that it's pointing to your active directory you're gonna type in the two virtual machines for me it was all 102 I'm gonna check names it's gonna you know capitalize both servers with on the line that means it's there within Active Directory awesome click OK it's gonna start verifying the server settings once it's done boom you get both machines again with full qualified domain names excellent click on next now this is the this is the fun part this is where you get creative I think this is always the hardest part for us admins naming stuff it takes me forever to name stuff because you want it to make sense right so I kept it or I named it as the host cluster that's pretty simple right once you give your cluster name you also want to provide an IP address now the way that I pick my IP address would be the Farley is that my old one is actually dot 1502 is dot 51 and I say hey let's keep it you know you know let's keep it sequential right nice in order 52 so 50 51 52 if I have more machines it would be Oh 150 Oh - 51 52 53 54 whatever etc and whatever the next number will be my cluster so that's that's the way that I did my IP addresses so once you do that once you ensure once you enter your IP address I'm going to click on next it's going to give you a nice little confirmation or what's gonna happen click on next again and you're going to see that when you're creating your new cluster is actually gonna is going to add it inside your active directory and that's a cool thing so I'm gonna show you guys that boom so I have a 102 which which you know which was already there at the beginning right because I showed you and during the you know during the time that we created our cluster it added our cluster within acted three sweet that's sweet that's a good thing now once you do that you get a nice little summary right once it's done nice little summary you are able to click on View reports and when you view the report when you click on that button it gives you a nice little detail of what would happen you know I started beginning the configuration and it validated the cluster stage searching to main and etc et-cetera Center go over the report make sure you don't have any errors lucky I didn't have any errors with him you know creating the cluster so it went with no problem which was awesome that's always a good thing right there you go back hit finish and you're done not really not really done done done not yet so from here we are going to open up our cluster right open it up and the first thing that we need to do is go to nodes I like to go to nodes just to make sure all the machines that I added inside the cluster the status is green and it's up that is always a good thing right you want to make sure that all your hosts now you add it within your cluster or up and running there's no problems there's no errors right now the next thing that we need to do is go to storage and we finish storage I'm going to open it up boom I'm going to click on disk and within discs I am going to click on add disk and it sees the cluster disk which is on the host two which is the hundred gigs that we actually configured on the last stream on the last live stream of the last server room episode or show whatever you want to call this we created a nice cozy storage device using FreeNAS or trueness which is going to be their new name we created 100 gigs and we attached it to all 102 remember o 1 and O 2 are the two same machines that I use on the last server room and that's the hundred gigs right there so we are going to definitely select it it's gonna start creating that this one has been successfully configured that's all so soon as start creating the dis resource and there goes is available beautiful so we are going to select it when you select that you're going to see right here and I'm going to right-click on that available storage or that cluster dis one I don't know why I'm doing this I do weird things when I do live streams and videos with you guys and I catch myself doing these crazy things it's just weird so we're gonna right-click when I cluster dis one and we want to pick add two clusters share the volume this is what we want to pick so I'll click on that it's gonna start doing this thing behind the scenes once it's done you're going to see at the very bottom it's going to change okay now the next thing we need to do is we need to right-click on our cluster our cluster node and once we right-click we want to go into more action and within more actions we want to configure it cluster quad room settings it's gonna start is gonna give you this nice little progress bar and it's gonna pump is gonna show you the configure cluster Quadron wizard once you get this definitely what you're gonna do is click on next right and see if you guys guys able to see it awesome you know click on next you have a bunch of options I'm gonna leave it as the default which is use default quad room configuration I'm gonna click on next and nice little conformation next again and bam right it's pretty pretty simple and next thing to do is we are going to go to roles we frame the role with some assume if you guys to give you guys could see a little better so I just basically select it roll rolls rolls rolls yeah we're gonna right click on that and we want to go to virtual machines and do a new virtual machine so this is the same approach that we normally do within hyper-v manager you're creating you know you're creating a virtual machine but the only difference is is that you're going to get an extra dialog box and within that dialog box now it allows you to pick where you want to install the virtual machine alright for me I'm gonna install it all one because that's my primary machine where I want to house these virtual machines and anything happens to all 102 will kick in alright so we're gonna select that press ok and then you get the normal no virtual machine wizard that we you know normally see if we are inside hyper-v manager so super easy I'm a goldish I'm gonna do this real fast with you guys because I don't you know it right it's like click Next here make sure you give it a name make sure you store it somewhere the this is the name that I provide it and the II was actually the drive of the I scuzzy drive that we created together ok that a drive is the I scuzzy drive ok click on next pick your generation then click on next again provide memory to it click Next a blush a connection to it click Next again provide saw you know give it a size a size for your virtual hard disk and then click Next I'm going to click Next here because I'm not going to install an operating system and you get a nice little summary and then just click finish and then it's gonna start configuring discussive controller and give you a nice little summary and click finish now I caught a couple of warnings on that last shot right here I did catch a couple warnings and the reason why I don't know why I caught a warning you say that this part II is not is not a path to store in the cluster or to stores that can be added to the cluster which is ok I am able to select the cluster share that I add it within the cluster man and developer cluster manager but I wanted to use the e drive because the e drive is the I scuzzy that I created with you guys that is what I want to use ok this is our virtual machine virtual machine is off and what I'm going to show you guys is pretty cool so you you are actually able to go to nodes and within nodes I say let's right click on all one and within oh one we are going to go to more actions and within more actions we're going to stop the cluster service so what's what's gonna happen is during reticle e right the way that this setups supposed to work right is if all one goes down if oh one is where all your virtual machines are at all one goes down all soon has to take over those virtual machines so when you go back inside Rose BAM what do you see BTN HD host Oh one and the owner is now V host Oh - isn't that sweet now let's say you go back in let's say there was a failure hard drive that was a hard drive that felt on own one you got it back on them up and running you got you know you got that machine back up and running you're able to go back in here right click on oh one go back to more actions and do start cluster services when you start doing that the server's gonna you know the status is gonna say joining and eventually is gonna change to up now you would think that Oh - we'll release those virtual machines back - all one no if you go back in two rows it still stuck - OH - but you are allowed to right-click on this guy I'm sorry right click on this guy and then from here you're able to click on more and with it more you have two options lie migration quick migration we're gonna do quick migration select we're gonna pick select node and then boom you know I oh one is there it's up I'm gonna select it we're gonna press so I'm gonna click actually I'm gonna click ok and then once we click OK the status is gonna change and now the owner for this server is now o1 a sweetrun cool now I actually turn the I you know I mountain and I soul to this virtual machine and I started running it as you guys can see right here it's waiting for me to install the operating system so what I did I right click donate went to move went to live migration I did select node I did select no they prompt me I was like okay I want which imma call it I want o to to be migrated I want this machine to be migrated to o2 and I started the state started the status changed to live migrating so I started migrating it over while it was up and running now this is really cool I was really impatient because it was taking so long for this to migrate it was such a small little machine to migrate over eventually it did migrate over it kind of sucks when you're doing when you're doing everything within a virtual environment because it's like you want that speed like on like a real physical machine but when you do everything in virtual environment it's like really slow but it took it took some time eventually this guy is gonna migrate over to old two and it takes on the ship and that's it that's it that's that's it man that is that is how we do it see today's livestream was super short straight to the point a reason why I'm going straight to the point is because I want to go see my son I love spending time with you guys but all right so you got 24 people on nine likes I appreciate the love I want to know how you guys are doing man tough times I'm gonna end I'm gonna end the server room I in this show at 7:30 I'm gonna give four more minutes just to talk to you guys read a couple of your your comments and I just wanna I just wanna make sure all you guys are a healthy your family is okay I know it's tough times a lot of us are not at all you know in office working we're working at home we're restricted to do a lot of things I would like to hear from you guys make sure that you guys are healthy and safe and you know cuz your health comes first right so I'm gonna read some of the chats so I could say hi to you guys and I'm definitely gonna kill your names so I sometimes forget to say my own name so I apologize for that so uh we got Rhys I think reset first awesome always good to be number one Marty says while I was just checking I'll be 10 HD channel and saw he's about to go live need oh thank you for joining Marty appreciate the love appreciate that you stopped by cool thank you for letting me know that I'm loud and clear andrew from UK hey andrew from UK house how you doing how's the health how's everything I appreciate the love I love you guys you know what have you guys BTN HD will not be here we got Henry thank you you're welcome I appreciate thank you we got HUBO or Hernandez hi Hernandez Alexandra hello love you too love you guys Stephan Zhang I'm not I'm saying some of the names horrible each video is cool gives you a few give you a view from a new person fresh into it's a sex someone who has experience has never ever talking down some blogs to I appreciate that and you I try to give you guys my point of view and again I'm actually testing this stuff out for you guys I'm not you know I'm not getting these articles online and then following the article and then just giving you it or like I'm doing these videos and then if I catch any problems I don't tell you guys that's not how I roll if I if I find an article online and I start playing around with that article like let's say for example how to install FreeNAS and I start installing it and I start getting problems hey I'm gonna tell you guys this is what I got and this is how I fixed it I know I don't want to you know mask anything or sugarcoat anything for you guys if I have problems or I receive an error this is the error this is what I did this is how I got it this is how I fix the problem this is the workaround because every one of us is always gonna have problems or have that particular error and it's good to know how to fix it right if I get the error and I fix it and you guys are you able to fix it like that you guys are the superheroes at your 9 to 5 job right try to make you guys heroes Sandra Wow Sandra from the Bahamas awesome Trev said how do you control both simultaneously can you explain yes Marty you're correct so the way I do my videos as well as my live stream so rather than doing everything live with you guys because going live is always iffy right so what I do is I take screenshot of every single thing that I do this PowerPoint deck was about a hundred and forty five slides that's a screenshot for everything I do if i right-click screenshot right if I go to run screenshot if I type in something on the run command screenshot screenshot for every single thing I do for you guys I give you a behind the scenes of what I did if I receive an ever screenshot I start doing my research on that error I fix it when I'm fixing it within my I start taking screenshots so when I show you guys I said okay I receive this error this is how I fix it so the PowerPoint decks get really long and really big sometimes all you guys are doing safe alright surprise 731 we're gonna end it right here I'm just reading some of the comments so hopefully all you guys thank you big all right thank you for pronouncing it correctly for me quad um Corrin look I'm horrible and saying stuff and if you guys have been with me since the beginning you should know that already you should automatically know I I mess up words a lot all right I'm sorry for that I have to apologize I am NOT the best English speaking person in the world but I tried my best to give you guys the best and I just have to say I'm sorry you know and I do appreciate that you guys try to correct me and I learned from you guys and hopefully you guys learn from me Thank You Pig are ya fail over Halen over clustering is all about if you have multiple machines housing must say virtual machine so you have a hyper-v the hyper-v has a bunch of virtual machines you have other machines into a cluster if your primary server the house all those virtual machine goes down the second one the second one and the line up will take over those virtual machines and continue running them until you fix the primary server that's what a failover clustering is all about alright it's 7:30 - I am Adi here guys I appreciate the love please stay safe be well if you don't need to be outside stay indoors if you have more questions come back to the live stream leave it at the comment section I will answer your questions and I catch you guys on the next one thank you so much for joining me and how do you and I always figure out how to end this thing is it this by I'm just joking love you guys peace out stay safe I think is this playing oh I'm done no no Amalia later guys
Channel: BTNHD
Views: 16,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows server 2019 hyper-v, hyper-v failover cluster, failover clustering server 2019, failover clustering, failover clustering in windows server, how to create hyper-v failover, failover clustering for hyper-v, failover clustering 2019, hyper-v, hyper-v server 2019, hyper-v windows server 2019, hyper-v clustering step-by-step, implementing failover clustering with windows server 2019 hyper-v, hyper-v cluster, how to create hyperv cluster, Server 2019 hyper-v
Id: QfGnLHPbpwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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