Windows Server 2016 - Install Hyper-V Server, Virtual Switch, VMs (How to Step by Step Tutorial)

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hi so in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to install hyper-v go through setting up a virtual switch and also creating VMS so first I'm going to talk about the hardware that I'm installing this on and I understand in the corporate environment you're going to have probably a 32 or 64 core physical machine so in my case this is a lab machine of mine so I just have a AMD 6 core and 24 gigs and I plan on using 2 to 4 gigs per VM that I create so the hardware itself has two Ethernet cards one for the host and one for the VM so each of these are Gigabit Ethernet cards and this particular one that I've highlighted here is for the host machine while this will be reserved for the virtual switch where all of the VM traffic will go through so this one will be the core of the virtual switch created under hyper-v as far as describes it's very likely in the corporate world you're going to have ass and in my case I have a local 2 terabyte hard drive and also a SSD drive that is half a gig so I'll be storing most of my 40 gigs 260 gig VMs in this SSD drive while some of the backups or some of the little used VM the hard drive itself so that is the hardware that I am going to install this on so I'm just going to go right ahead and bring up server manager and start installing hyper-v so first I am going to click on add roles and features and what I'm going to do is click Next and select role-based or feature-based installation I've selected the current server that I am on and just checking off the hyper-v so when I check off the hyper-v here in the server roles it'll bring up some prerequisites so I am going to add those features and once I add those features I'm going to click Next and next again and next so this here is prompting me to reserve one of the ethernet cards for a virtual switch I am actually going to do that later in the hyper-v manager so I am just going to click Next so the screen here is prompting me for live migration which is the migrating of the VMS from server to server on your hyper-v cluster and I am not supporting this currently so I am just going to click Next so this is prompting me to place the virtual hard disk and also the configuration files I actually do have a pre defined location for that which is on my SSD drive so I'm going to go to the e Drive and I have my virtual hard disk here I'm going to put in that folder and also my config files here and once that is the point I'm going to click Next and now I'm simply going to confirm and click install and this will take about five to ten minutes to install so I'm going to pause the video here and wait for the installation to complete now the installation completed in about two minutes and as you can see it prompts needs and requires a restart so I'm going to go ahead and restart my server here so my servers boot back up so now I can configure my hyper-v manager so I'm going to go into tools under server manager here and go to hyper-v manager and the first thing I'm going to have to do is set up my virtual switch so I am going to highlight the computer or server click on virtual switch and I'm going to select external so what I'm creating over here is going to be a virtual switch that is in parallel with my host machine so when I create this virtual switch and assign it to my VMs what's going to happen is those VMs will be able to reach the same DHCP as if it was on the same network as my host so I am gonna select create virtual switch here selecting external and I am going to type in here hyper-v external virtual switch and this is the controller that I want to choose so this is the controller that I have reserved for the VMS while this one the PCIe is actually the controller for my host machine and so I am going to select apply and click yes and this will take just a couple of seconds here while it creates the virtual switch and so I am going to click OK and now I am ready to create my virtual machines but before I do that I want to show you what that creates so if I go into my network and I open up the network sharing and I choose change adapter settings you'll notice it created the virtual switch here and again this is going to be the basically the network card which is this physical network card here and this physical network card is not going to have an IP because the individual virtual machines that I create pointing to this virtual switch will have the IP addresses and I will demonstrate that after I create the VMS so let's go back to virtual hyper-v manager and I'm going to right click on my server say new virtual machine and go through this wizard here and I will just name it Cobra and that will be my default location where I have all my virtual machines and I am going to select so I'm just going to select generation one here and click Next and I will be giving this for gigs 96 you know requesting to use dynamic memory meaning that it will only reserve memory that is actually occupied or bit or in use not the full chunk upfront and the connection here is my virtual switch and again this will create the network adapter within the VM that will go through my physical drive my physical network card and I am going to say 40 gigs here or 60 gigs and again that is exactly what I want so I'm going to say next and I do want to point it to a bootable CD ROM their browse to that which is on my II drive my D Drive here under I I so root I'm going to select a outdated version of Windows 2016 technical preview run click Next and this will simply start the installation here so once I right click and say connect and turn on the virtual machine here it will go into basically the post boot up mode as it normally would in the files so I'm not going to go through all of this I am just going to install the operating system then show you the network card and the configuration of the network card within this and as you can see I am simply going to click install now and I will simply fast forward here as you can see this is actually let me show you the virtual hard disk the 60 gig drive that a little detect here so as you can see it lets me choose the operating system that's from my eye so I'm just going to simply click Next I'm going to have a desktop for my preview accept it and here you'll notice this is the 60 gig hard drive that I've created and I'm simply going to click Next and it's simply going to start copying and installing the file so I'm going to pause here and I'm going to wait until this installs and then show you exactly how to configure the network card itself and the network connections from the VM from within the VM I'll show you the network connections and network adapter configuration just as if it was a physical machine so I'm going to pause here and wait until this finishes installing so let me just configure this really quickly after its installed the initial files and it's logging in and send the control of delete so now this is like any physical machine you're going to set up RDP on here and I'm going to give it an IP address on the same network segment as my host so everything here is loading initially now and this network prompt comes up so the network adapter is active I'm going to say no make it uh not discoverable and I am going to open this up well what I really want to do here is open up the network so notice I am simply going to now go into the change adapter settings and you'll notice I have a Ethernet adapter here click on properties IP address and I can assign it the IP addresses that is in the same network segment that's my host eighty-eight so I'm just going to start you know what I am going to start with 150 here and have the same network gateway and the same DNS server that I have on my host click ok here so now I could actually go on the internet and also let me set up my remote desktop here so if I go open up the properties here oops wrong I don't go under remote allow connections look apply and if now this is my host machine I'm going to open up the Terminal Services client naturally that is the wrong one and Microsoft services client open that up and if I type in the IP address 192 168 and we ate 150 you'll notice on prompted to connect and my initial connection is simply administrator and that is actually the machine name the default machine name that was assigned so now I am just already peed into my VM here and what you'll notice from IBM hi let's see if I could okay so my internet explorer is actually not activated let me log out here so let me log out actually let me simply restart my virtual machine so notice in the background here via the hyper-v manager my virtual machines restarting but as you can see now everything is already set up and I'm able to remote desktop to my VM and the VM itself is able to get on to the Internet and let me demonstrate that so you notice when I set up my virtual switch having a tie to the remote having a tie to the VM here and I am simply logging in so as you can see this is precisely why I am glad I've put everything on an SSD Drive okay so I have I do not have my Microsoft edge activated let me try to pull up Internet Explorer so I'm going to have to enable my internet explorer so let me go ahead and do that or my Microsoft edge I'm going to do set polled MSE now of course all of this is unrelated to the hyper-v manager now that I have the VM up and the network adapter is obviously working but I do want to demonstrate that the internet does work so this is the rights that I actually have to enable and I'll have to log out for this so now that I have it enabled t1 or just shut down logging out and I'm going to log back in and demonstrate for you that this can actually go on the Internet I'm going to now go into Microsoft edge and again this is an outdated version of the Windows 2016 that I've been sold so as you can see it already went on to the Internet and if I go to google you'll notice it will bring up Google here and what I want to do here is also already pee in one more time so this is the so this is the VM via hyper-v manager I am going to go in and bring up my remote desktop again and connect right to the VM and as you can see now I'm connect it to that VM and that's really it that's really what I wanted to show it was a little bit longer than I thought to to actually demonstrate the creation of a VM but I really did want to do an end-to-end or complete end to Hana here and there you go that's really it and I hope this helps and please subscribe if this was helpful and thank you for watching
Channel: CodeCowboyOrg
Views: 380,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hyper-V, HyperV, Windows 10 HyperV, Windows Server 2016 HyperV, Hyper V, Windows 10 Hyper-V, Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V, Hyper, VMs, Virtual Machines, Windows Server 2016, 2016, HyperV on Windows Server 2016, HyperV on Windows 10, Hyper-V on Win 2016, Hyper-V on Win10, Hyper V Manager, HyperV Manager, Hyper-V Manager, Tutorial, Learn, VM, VM Windows 2016, VM Windows 10, Install, Configure, Installation
Id: wGZrhKhj0Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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