"ACT on Your IDEAS!" | Bob Proctor (@bobproctorLIVE) | Top 10 Rules

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when you get a real good idea you should act on it if you hold yourself back because of fear your life actually comes to a stop because nothing gets better than it is the success that I've enjoyed is because of the mentors or the coaches I've had I would do exactly what they tell me need motivation watch a top ten with believe nation what's that belief nation it's Evan this channel is designed to be a part of your daily success routine and help you believe in your Michael Jordan level talent so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and chill in today's lesson to a man who went from not finishing school and being broke to becoming a master of the law of attraction and being featured in a hit film the secret he's Bob Proctor and here's my take on his top ten Rose success vol 3 okay let's kick it off with rule number one act on your ideas hello there I'm welcome do you know almost everyone has a great idea and they're going to execute the great idea I have all kinds of people come to me I've got a great idea I'd like to share with you what they do is they want me to execute their idea why don't they execute their idea when you get a real good idea you should act on it people have ideas starting a business I've started a number of different businesses question is where to start you start where you are and you start with what you've got that's all you need when you start where you are and with what you've got and you bring your mind to focus on that idea you will attract everything to you that you need you are taught see key first is Kingdom in its righteousness and all these things will be given to us see when you learn to focus on something you get on a frequency and when you're in that frequency you start to attract whatever you want you may not have any money you may not have the resources that you need to execute to build it into something big that doesn't matter all the resources that you need to do anything you want to do is already here but you've got to get in touch with them you've got to get in harmony with them and boom you'll rush them into your life you'll attract the money the people the thoughts the things everything you need you'll attract to you so where do you start you always start where you are and you start with what you've got don't be looking at what you don't have think of what you do have fall in love with your idea and get it rolling rule number two believe you tell yourself a lie often enough you're gonna start to believe it and way around 1900 William James said believe and your belief will create the fact it's got to be believed you've got to believe it and if there's no belief it ain't going to happen see when you believe it you're encased in the idea you fuse with the idea and that makes all kinds of things happen when you believe it there's no quitting you never quit it doesn't matter what happens you don't quit quitting is never an option I the people that quit they never really bought into the idea in the first place see you've got it you you get it on three levels the second you think of something you've got it intellectually when you get emotionally involved you've got it on a spiritual or emotional level well then that expresses itself through the body body's just an instrument of your mind and so when you're really buying into it you literally fuse with it Neville said you fuse with it and this causes all kinds of things to happen you're dealing with electronics you're dealing with energy like the second you think something that's all you need see you live on frequencies you think on frequencies your phone operates on frequencies and it's like magic and you're you're in Romania is right I'm in Toronto yes if I've got your number on my phone I could take a picture something hit it like that you've got it in Romania simultaneous with me sending it because when you get into the mind there isn't any time or space it's just immediate yeah well though you're living on frequencies now when you think of something what you've done is you've flipped your brain onto a higher frequency the very fact you can see it is all the proof you need to know you could get it what you have to do is raise your level of consciousness to that frequency and then you will attract whatever is on that frequency all the good you need to manifest the idea rule number three overcome fear overcoming fear is one of the greatest moves a person can make first of all we have to ask yourself what causes fear fears caused by ignorance not knowing and if we're gonna go and do anything new if we're gonna break out of a paradigm if we're gonna change habit patterns we're wandering into an area we've never been and you know fear stops most people you'll find people afraid to talk to a stranger you'll find individuals afraid to stand up and ask the question in front of other people you'll find salespeople afraid to make a sales call afraid to ask for the order stop and think of how confining that is a person is putting themself into a small cell but it's in their own mind the doors aren't locked they can open and you can walk away to freedom if you learn to overcome fear when you face fear it leaves you face the thing you fear and it'll leave you that's really the secret of it in fact if you hold yourself back because of fear your life actually comes to a stop because nothing gets better than it is you've got to be courageous now Crete just people aren't without fear courageous people are the ones that face their fear I think Eddie Rickenbacker pointed that out the great pilot don't let fear stop you make up your mind you're gonna step out and do it stop and think of the number of people that are in jobs that they don't like and they're afraid to leave or people in relationships that are destructive and they're afraid to leave this is a terrible way to live and it's not necessary it's just caused by ignorance and when we step out and do something we gain in their awareness we develop an understanding and like that the fear is gone make up your mind that fear is not going to stop you from doing the thing you really want to do step out and do it today rule number four visualize and when I was 26 I had a man that sat down with me and he said why don't you change the way you're living it never entered my mind that I could and looking back and thinking about it I think there's all kinds of people wandering the planet there's all kinds of athletes that are not getting the results they want and they don't know they can change them right only one person can see there's only one person in the whole universe that can change Bob and that's Bob yeah there's only one person can change Dave in that state now we get inspired by other people we get help from other people but we've got to do it ourselves and he gave me thinking for rich and he said if you do exactly what I tell you you can have anything you want well I didn't believe that but he was so adamant about I believed he believed and so I started to listen to him and I set a goal I wanted some money I wanted 25,000 hours no this was in 1961 so it was more money than it is today but I didn't even know anyone with $25,000 he said listen write it on a card keep reading the book keep doing what I tell you so I started to hear people talking about earning money and there was one guy said there's good money cleaning floors you should you should clean floors well I wasn't proud I'd clean floors and he said but you should do it for yourself now for somebody else so he told me where I could buy a use for him in some buckets and mops but I had to borrow a thousand dollars well I was at the point where nobody wanted to touch it with money and I often say I wouldn't have lend it to me right as I wouldn't pay it back not that I didn't want to I just couldn't but I found a guy he lent me the thousand dollars when you borrow sue me because I have a question I know you when you borrow that thousand because you owed people money already you had explained that to people you know you were just finding yourself but did you have a different feeling about when you borrowed this thousand that quite possibly you were actually gonna be able to just to pay this back this time you know something if I hadn't had that feeling I wouldn't have got the money I got it from a guy I knew his name al Kuiper he was running and I didn't know him he had a trust company was like a bank on Danforth Avenue in Toronto and I went in I read a book where it says go to one bank of him with Kevin go to another one well I ended up sitting in his office and he said what do you want this money for son and I told him I was gonna build a cleaning company it was gonna be big I had a dream and I had to explain it alternate he said I think you'll do it i'ma lend you the money faith but I knew when I was doing this I had a picture I had a dream you see yep and within a year I was earning a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars a year i had my building up to fifteen thousand dollars a month working for myself less than five years we're working at Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland Atlanta and London England I had my own company opening offices all over the place rule number five know what you want why most people don't get what they want out of life is it well they don't know what they want that's right you see I got this and then I gotta roll nightingale's condensed narration of this on a long playing record and I'd listened that record over and over and over again one day I was in the business in the cleaning business I had sales people and I had them listen to this record every morning we listen to this record and one day I said you know I'd love to meet him and I didn't know who or a light yo was he was a voice on a record that was it I didn't even know where he lived and a young guy that worked with me he said no you wouldn't he's if you wanted to meet him you'd go and meet him I thought damn he's right so I phoned and I got an appointment with him now at the time he was the most listened to man in the history of the broadcasting industry he was a radio broadcaster and not an easy guy to get to but I got to meet with for an hour I flew to Chicago I spent an hour with them and when I was leaving I said Earl what's the big deal you know I mean what's it all about he says there's no big deal he said it's it's very simply says simply decide what you love to do and then dedicate your life to it he's the problem with most people they don't know what they love to do they never take the time to sit and ask them what they're doing is trying I think I can get her and good money here I could do it good you know it's Rick and the earn some money it's not what they love to do well I was sitting there you know I had offices all over the place I had a lot of people I was earning a lot of money and I I got excited because I knew exactly what I want to do I'm gonna do what he was doing and I made up my mind sitting in his office that be somewhere around 1965 that I was going to go back and I was gonna work with him and in 1968 I moved to Chicago I left my own company I moved to Chicago when they started to work with him rule number six be more patient here patience is a virtue I suppose it probably is but I think patience real patience is an expression of deep understanding to see everything happens when it's supposed to happen everything in this universe happens by law we set targets and we need things to happen we need something to come or someone to do something and frequently we get frustrated because it isn't happening when we think it should happen our problem is we're not thinking we believe we're in charge we are not in charge we are in charge of building the idea and holding the idea everything else happens automatically all ideas have a gestation or an incubation period I'm told when we plant a carrot in the area of the world that I live it takes approximately seven days for that carrot to grow and manifest in form when the seed for the babies planted it takes approximately 280 days and we're usually patient we will wait to 280 days why because we know it's going to take approximately 280 days well just because we don't know how long it's going to take doesn't mean that it isn't operating by the same everything operates by law so if we cane and understanding that all the ideas in our mind will ultimately move into form that's what Andrew Carnegie taught Napoleon Hill Carnegie was Hill's mentor he said any idea that's held in the mind that's emphasized that's either feared or revered but begin it wants to close itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available you might want to listen to that two or three times burn it into your mind gain an understanding of it and you will know that whatever you're working on takes a period of time no one knows what the gestation period is for an idea we only know we can shorten it through concentration through focus and when you understand that who have become more patient and when you're more patient and living in a much more beautiful vibration you'll be a more pleasant person to be around you will enjoy your song patience it's the result of understanding rule number seven tap into your genius if you really analyze your beliefs you'll change them I had a friend one time I I was trying to figure out where do beliefs come from how do you because all religion and all science will tell you you got to believe it William James from Harvard 1900 he said believe in your belief will create the fact so believe this is an interesting word you're gonna believe it and I was having lunch with a mentor one time and he said our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something frequently if we reevaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change it was like bells were going off my head because I was trying to understand belief how do you change your belief well he told me yes through revaluation and so I started to evaluate myself and reevaluate what I was doing it took me nine and a half years but I figured out why I changed and it was the repetition of information thank you you're in sports you know it's repetition yep repetition repetition well but practice doesn't make you perfect perfect breakfast makes you perfect there's a big difference great point and so I found that the part of our mind that controls our behavior is not the part of our mind that gathers information school deals with the part of your mind that gathers information and so we gather all kinds of information and if we can remember it they give us a test we pass the test we get that degree and we're educated that's not education at all that is gathering information education as he'll pointed out comes from the Latin adieu Khomeini is reduced to developer to drug from within we have genius in us we have absolute perfection in us and what we have to do is learn how to tap into that to let it out but we have a part of our mind that controls our behavior and that's where a paradigm is and the paradigm literally controls our behavior I don't care what you're doing if you not altering the paradigm you're not going to improve your results there's so much about ourselves we never learn the part of our mind that controls us is our intellect our subconscious where the paradigm is but we're trained to live through our senses we're trained to go by what we see hear smell taste touch and we've got to understand that we've got this genius within us and if we will consciously gain an awareness and understanding of how to alter the paradigm that's controlling our behavior when we learn that we can start to improve life just like that and there's no end to what we're capable of doing we're conditioned genetically all mums DNA and all dad's DNA becomes our DNA there's two particles of energy come together that's the moment of conception 280 days later we make our debut on the planet then were programmed by our environment because our subconscious mind which is totally deductive it has no ability to reject the subconscious mind is amoral it's like the earth it doesn't care what you plant but it'll return what you planned romaine d'el used a beautiful example on the strangest secret he said you can plant nightshade a deadly poison not 1/16 of an inch away you can plant corn is sweet food will grow with just as great an abundance as the other and that's the way your subjective mind works you put the wrong idea in it will grow put the right idea and it will grow we have the ability to change what's in there we did not program it it was programmed through genetic history where the confluence of a genetic pool that goes back for generations that's at birth and then environmentally and we have the ability to alter all that who liber8 get good Mentors see any success I've had I've had because I've got great mentors and I'm a good student now until I was 26 I was a terrible student when I picked up this book I become a great student I've got thousands of bucks I have an office at home in my home it's got a couple of thousand bucks in it and I built a studio and I've got a couple of thousand bucks in the studio and I love reading but the success that I've enjoyed is because of the mentors or the coaches I've had I would do exactly what they tell me and if I coach somebody today and they don't do exactly what I tell them I don't coach them anymore just like that it's all over it's not ready well they're not there it's not that only that they're not ready but if I'm gonna coach somebody and they're not doing what I tell them I'm wasting my time and and theirs too now if they want to waste their time that's their prerogative I'm not gonna waste my rule number nine practice forgiveness you know forgiving is one of the most freeing concept anybody can ever get involved with most people look at forgiveness as helping the other person somebody hurts you somebody does you're wrong but you're gonna forgive them you're gonna be kind to them it is nothing to do with the other person it has to do with yourself that's really what it has to do see forgiveness is a cleansing concept it's clearing the mind of all negativity clearing the mind of anything that might go wrong it's a very freeing concept if you were to do some harm to me and I forgive you you haven't got anything to do with it it's I'm letting go of something that was bothering me that's negative and I don't want to hold on to that forgiving freeze the one that's doing the forgiving it's a phenomenal concept forgive means to let go of completely abandoned let it go don't hold on to it Joe somebody does you're wrong you have to ask himself ask yourself ever wonder why they would do that there's something bothering them they're not really trying to hurt you it's something that's bothering them let it go just forgive it forgive the idea and I guarantee you you'll feel a lot better and rule number 10 the last one before a very special bonus clip is develop confidence and one of the greatest hang-ups that people have is the belief in themselves they they suffer from something called self-doubt many years ago I read something it was by um Ralph Waldo Emerson it was this essay on self-reliance that's what we want to do we want to rely on self and in that he said there would come a time in every person's education when they realized that envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide so many people look at someone that's doing very well possibly in the same field they're in and envy them do you know what that's saying that's saying I don't know that I have the same mental faculties you've got I'm drawing on the same potential that you're drawing on there is only one mind I don't know that so I'm gonna in view thinking you can do something I'm not able to do the truth is if you can do it I can do it envy is ignorance it's not knowing that and he said imitation is suicide do you know that nothing in this universe would move in the precise order it moves in your absence that's true everything in the universe is essential you take any part away from anything it's not complete and everything in the universe moves in a very precise way so do you see we shouldn't even want to be like anybody else because we are unique we are truly unique there's something like about us said you'll never find in another person were unique and we've got the godlike ability to think now what is self-doubt self-doubt is the opposite of self-confidence confidence comes from understanding like I would imagine you're confident you can drive your car in fact you're so confident that you'll be talking to somebody on the phone you'll get in the car you'll start the car you'll Drive and you'll drive maybe four or five blocks not even be unaware of what you've done it's all done automatic your concentration is on the conversation you're on now when you first got in a car you couldn't do that the car was probably jumping all over the place and you thought you'd never learned how to drive it but you learned how to drive it now you're quite confident you're confident that you can get dressed when you get up in the morning when you're a little boy or a little girl you couldn't do that you had to be taught to do it well you know self confidence comes like all confidence it comes with knowledge and the more you study you the more you understand who you are the more confident you'll become in your ability to do whatever it is you're doing and you'll know that if you like confidence in an area it's because you liked information in that area never doubt yourself and when you do understand that the cause of that doubt is not lying within you it's in wrong thinking it's you not understanding who you are study yourself self study will develop self confidence and self confidence eliminates self doubt now I've got a really special bonus tip from Bob on how to think and grow rich that I think you're gonna really enjoy but before that is time for the three point landing questions time to move from Washington others IDEO to actually taking so here we go question number one what idea do you need to act on today number two how can you believe more in this idea and number three what mentor can you learn from to help you believe more consistently what did you do to learn about yourself you said you went around as many summer I attended seminars I went and listened to different speakers who taught something about the mind I think the answer is in our mind if we'll start studying and trying to understand their mind okay let me get with let me get back to you if I can what did you learn about Bob Procter during that study well I learned that the biggest part of me you'll never see it's non-physical and what you see here in the physical body is nothing but the physical manifestation of the higher side of my personality and of course that's true with you and you know man suits on the camera it's true of everyone and what we have to study I think is how does this non-physical part of my mind work what happens when I think where do thoughts come from how was this chair built somebody had to think thoughts are everywhere and we pull thoughts into our mind and we build pictures or images in our mind ok what we want to understand is that's a non-physical side of ourselves that's doing that if I can build an image of something in my mind I'm quite capable of building a physical replica of it in my world so if I build an image of me as a happy relaxed person I can live like that if I build an image of myself as being prosperous I can become prosperous so if we think rich we will be rich absolutely we are already rich just short of money ok those of us that like to acquire more money and or happiness or whatever we see success those of us to want to reach the goals that we've set for ourselves we do it first by well the first thing you do is sit down and decide what you want if it's money you want how much money lots of money well nobody knows how much lots that is so you've got to be specific ok you write down on a card exactly what you want and you carry that card around and read it often now this is what I learned in this book Think and Grow Rich and it's what I teach in the seminars I'll teach people how to set goals but you decide exactly what you want and then you start now you're gonna have thoughts come to your mind of why you can't get it mm-hmm you have the ability and your conscious mind to reject that idea kick it out of your mind thinking of why you can't do something is never going to do you any good and keep thinking until you start to think of thoughts of how you can do it and the way will be showing to you it comes in the form of images in our mind think of how you can and not why you can't raise your standard Apple at the core its core value is that mm-hmm that people your passion and not one drop of myself work depends on Europe it's suppose to mean if you guys like this video I want to learn from Bob's mentor Earl Nightingale I highly recommend checking out the top 10 we did on him the link is right next to me continue to believe and I'll see you there just one great idea can completely revolutionize your work and as a result your life
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 70,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, bob proctor top 10 rules for success, bob proctor 10 rules, top 10 bob proctor, 10 rules for success, motivation, success, positive thinking, self improvement, personal development, bob proctor motivational, bob proctor paradigm shift, get into the success zone, bob proctor motivation, bob proctor advice, bob proctor interview, bob proctor speech, proctor gallagher institute, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneur motivation, act on your ideas
Id: cG5je70Agec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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