ACR New AI Masking Feature -Amazing Update

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all right welcome back to adobe camera raw and if you're wondering why we're taking a look at adobe camera raw today which is a little bit unusual for this channel it's because we have a new update and we don't just have a new update we have a major update so if you have paid attention to adobe lightroom classic you will know they've added a new masking feature and because adobe lightroom classics develop module and adobe camera raw are the exact same program we have that new feature inside of this program so today i'm going to show you two things that are new inside of adobe camera raw one is going to be done first it's really quick it's just a new option that we have and then i'm gonna dive in and show you the new masking feature which features artificial intelligence selections inside of the program [Music] all right the first one is really easy what we're going to do is we're going to slide over here to these two circles and this is our presets notice presets key is shift p i'm going to go ahead and click on that and basically the new addition is that we have new presets we're not going to go over the new presets but let's just say you wanted to see the new presets you can just open one up hover over them and you will see what the new presets look like just go ahead back up here and click on the editing program now this first adjustment and i've just randomly picked these images so i have not tested them out so i don't know how they're going to work i have used the new masking feature inside of lightroom and it works excellently what is this new masking feature well first of all it's located right up here by this little circle where the brush used to be there isn't a adjustment brush on this menu anymore that's because it has been replaced with the masking feature now the brush is still available it is still the letter k the way you're going to get to it is either you can click and hold and bring up the options the other way to bring up the new masking feature is to simply just come over here and click on that when it comes up you're going to get these options one is create new mask up here at the top and then we have select subject and select sky these are our artificial intelligence selections method these were stolen from photoshop they work excellently in the program i can tell you we once again have the old brush we have linear gradient still radial gradient and we have selection by color range and luminance range everything right in here so all these different ways in which you can make a selection because look sometimes one selection method works a whole lot better than another so we have all these the first one we're going to do is select subject all we need to do is click on it and automatically make a selection now i have this changed by default you're going to see the selection in this overlay and it's most likely going to be red i have switched that just to show people that it could be a different color so this is the color overlay method what we see in the overlay is the selection you can see it messed up here it needs to add here add here and then it would be a pretty nice selection so just because it makes a selection in most of the time i will tell you it makes almost a perfect selection but we have a lot of values here that are bleeding in from one area to another so it looks like it missed them but that's no big deal because we can add or subtract to the selection now the way the selection is made is by using a mask so we can see the mask up here and what i'll do is i'll switch to the mask mode which is white on black in photoshop we use mask for adjustment layers white shows the adjustment black hides the adjustment in a selective adjustment the area that you apply white to it's going to show your adjustment now your adjustment is just whatever you dial in over here it can also be a preset as well black it's going to hide it you can also use gray so if you use 50 gray it would show 50 of the adjustments so you can see right here it's done something like that where it hasn't made a perfect selection we wanted to add or subtract to a selection and i'll go back out to the main window so we can see this we're going to switch back to color overlay actually i'll just show you the different overlay methods we've got color overlay these are all just different ways to show you the selection they all do the same thing they just look different all right so we've got color on black and white in the background image on black and white image on black image on white and the black and white which is basically we're viewing this mask up here and we'll just go back to color overlay we want to add to the mask we're going to come up here to this button where it says add to mask click that and then you're going to make a selection by the method that you want to use to add we could use any of these but in this case i want to use the brush because i want to do this manually so i'll click brush i will adjust my brush size and then i can go over here and i can add to this selection by applying this so i'm going to move my flow up so i do this at 100 and we'll make this a little bit smaller now look i'm not going to sit in here for these tutorials to make perfect selections it's not the point i just want to kind of go in here and show you how they work you need to get this little area now i also want to subtract because i want to remove this area over here so i'm going to come and hit subtract use the brush the same method and paint that out and then we have our selection now you'll notice i'll move it down here so you can see it when you use the subtract inside of your brush there's a minus and when you do the brush one which i can select over here and you come down notice that brush is a plus because i was adding in that brush and i was subtracting in this brush we can come over at any time this is a non-destructive workflow and if i need to go back because i missed something i just need to click on the plus or the minus brush and then go in and i can edit my mask now one suggestion would be when you're making your mask make sure you don't have anything dial in over here because if it's dialed in it's gonna show you the adjustment in the beginning you just want to see your mask to make sure it's perfect so if you had an area like here or there's a little bleed over and it's not perfect that you have the ability to go into there and fix that mask and then once you are ready you come over here and dial in an adjustment when you start dialing in the adjustment the mask disappears and you see your adjustment so i can come over here and i can lighten up this individual and make this how i want it to look so this is how we use select subject inside of the new masking option so let's go ahead and take a look at this one of this cityscape and the reason i picked this is because we have tall buildings short buildings and look to use the linear gradient which would be the old way i'm going to click on linear gradient and then make a linear gradient wouldn't work because well why it's not the best selection because where it gets the sky it has a nice gradation it's going to ruin it on the buildings because it's going to be applying it here and not here just something we don't want so let's undo that so let's go ahead and check out the new select sky so now when i check select sky you will notice so you can see that photoshop has made a great selection of our sky i'm actually going to check that by coming in here and going on black and white so you can see it is picking up or adding a little bit over to that it looks like it's using a bleed now remember if i want to paint that out i can easily come here and add or subtract to a selection but for right now we'll just go back to the color overlay and now i can make those adjustments so if i want to brighten up my sky i can brighten it up if i wanted to add some color i could add some color to my sky anything that i would want to do i can make that adjustment now here's a really cool option so what we're going to do is we're going to go up and create a new mask so we're going to click the plus create a new mask once again we're going to do the same thing we're going to hit select sky so we're going to make the exact same selection but in this case i don't want to adjust the sky but there's no like foreground selection so what we're going to do is take this mask 2 in inverted so you can see right over here there's an invert button i can click invert and it inverts the selection to the buildings now i can come over here to the buildings and make adjustments to the buildings not the sky really cool new feature so we use select sky and then an invert to make the opposite selection in the program so if you ever need to select the buildings and not the sky what you want to do is select the sky invert it and then that should be your selection just like anything else you can add or subtract to any selection or mask that you have in the program let's come on over here to this colorful image and look i picked this for a very specific reason obviously it's got colors in it so now if we come over to this image notice we've got select by color range so i can click color range and it's going to give us a new mask but it hasn't applied it yet because i need to tell it what color to get so let's go ahead and get orange now there's two ways to do this one i can make a point sample where i just bring this little eyedropper i click and it's going to make a selection based on that point and you can see it did a pretty good job let's look at that and the mask overlay view so this is the area it picked however it did pick up this color in this color over here so those are things that i don't want so if i want to subtract from that i can grab my brush at a hundred percent and i could paint those out say hey no no no i don't want you to make the selections right here now the second way you do this i'll just come up here and reset this so we remove that we're going to click on color range and i'm going to go ahead and color range you can also in some cases like here we get a dark shadow red and a light shadow that you need to pick more than a point symbol so you can click and drag and select an area so if it has like different shades of blue in the image this is a good option to make a selection because it's going to analyze the dark and that other area over there you can come in here i think black and white is a really easy way to check to see what your selection is in this case we know we don't want any of this area selected so i would come in here and subtract from that selection and adjust that you will also notice that in color range we have the ability to refine so i can come in here and refine that selection by sliding this slider if i go to the right it's going to add to it if i go to the left it's going to subtract so let's see what it would have done on the orange if i click color range and then i click the orange remember it's selected too much i can come in here and i can change that until we get a more accurate selection now it didn't do a perfect job because this has some shadows just like i told you sometimes you need to make a selection of a specific area but overall color selection does work very well so let's go ahead and undo this and we're going to come back to this image and this time i'm going to make a selection using luminance value and you're going to see sometimes this can work and sometimes this can't work but we'll go ahead and do it on this we'll just clear this out so we're back to where we were i'm going to click on luminance range and i'm going to add a new mask and in this case i'm just going to pick an area like that and remember it's doing it on brightness not color notice these brightness values over here are similar to this but this is a different brightness value than over here you can add and subtract to this and in this case we have a little bit different type of luminance selection the selector is picking an area in between this right here so this is our area that we're selecting we can slide this slider so it picks a different area and makes a different selection we can also make it narrower or wider and we can do it on either side of that so you do have a lot of control over the area that you would select so if i went into this image and i wanted to select just his shirt i could come and make a new mask or reset that and i'll make a luminance range selector could select his shirt picking up all this area i can adjust this to change it but in this case it's picking up this area this area this area this area this wouldn't be the ideal mask situation like this but it is an option and every once in a while selecting by luminance range can be very helpful the last thing is i'm just going to quickly cover the other selections for those of you who are new and maybe never have seen linear gradient and radial gradient radial gradient we'll use here you're going to come over here you're going to select radial gradient in this case i'm going to switch it back to color overlay so we can see and you're going to draw a radial gradient and you can control how this looks you can also rotate it and then move it and so now i've created like an area that i want to adjust and then when i come in here i can make that adjustment by using this radial gradient so that is one option you can come and click pick on this image i want to use that linear gradient and let's say i wanted to lighten or darken an area so i can come in here and select it like that remember the mask is the area that we're going to be adjusting and slide this over and now when i make that adjustment it's using a linear gradient to affect this area but not this area well that is how you use the new masking tool inside of adobe camera all if you have any comments or questions you can leave those below and 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Channel: John Whitehead Images
Views: 837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 04N_ashftgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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