4 Mind-Blowing Activities to Access Higher States of Consciousness | Vishen Lakhiani

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Accessing altered states. Anyone looking to open doors, or accessing higher states of consciousness. Try this while taking psilocybin mushrooms, lions mane, ashwagandha, niacin, magnesium etc... Maybe add a relaxing tea to counter the energizing effects of mushrooms. Let me know how it goes.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cbiekschance 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
science can now measure how our brains reflect and mirror each other so it's not just the poetry of love that we can think about it's the fact that there's a neuroscience of love which is as real as what Shakespeare wrote about when he spoke about two people coming together really really really intimately [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you copy hi everyone okay cafe wasn't kidding I need everyone to move forward you're not going to be listening to a lecture you're gonna be going through an immersive experience accessing altered states this will involve some I gazing some touching some body movements and we cannot have gaps in between us so climb over a chair you can reach the person behind you and give them a lift if you've been working out at 10x and we have empty chairs right over here and feel free to free to keep the edges empty I want to get people as close to me as possible so let me tell you what we're gonna be covering today today you're gonna learn why in the Western world we get tricked into seeing the world from a particular lens and that is the lens of the physical world that everything that is real is that which we can touch but in indigenous cultures of the world they don't just function in the physical world they have practices and rituals that help them go deep into the world of spirit of mind of soul for example I once went to spend a week with the actual people in ecuadorian amazon and there we sat with shamans who would give us ayahuasca and we would go on these incredible trips in our head and medicine like that can awaken you to this whole different parallel universe that often the Western mind isn't aware fully exists but these worlds are as real to us as the physical world close your eyes for a moment bring back a memory of someone you truly loved it could be a pet it could be a loved one just think of someone you truly loved think about the memory of that person the last hug or kiss that that person gave you the person isn't here you're not physically seeing that person but the memory the feelings those are real human beings do not just exist in a physical world we have dualistic beings we exist in flesh but also in consciousness however while we know this most of us don't understand how dualistic we are how much of our lives actually are pure consciousness and what you're gonna learn today is you're gonna go on a incred Jurnee we're not just gonna touch on meditation you're gonna learn about altered states you may open your eyes now for example lucid dreaming can you awaken in your dream and be in a dream world that is even more rich than the physical world that means in this dream world if you sip a cup of hot chocolate it is so real so delicious it is tastier and better than any other hot chocolate you've ever tried in the physical world and you'll remember it just like in the physical world but get this guys zero calories that is lucid dreaming but we're gonna go beyond that we're gonna talk about arousal how many of you here have ever had sex if you have you know that when you are making love to someone often when there's a deep connection you are in an altered state you you feel different you you are experiencing the world in a different way we create so many taboos around sex but if you look at the great spiritual teach us like for example Abraham Hicks Esther Hicks in her Abraham Hicks books wrote that the number one experience that souls want when they enter the human body is the sexual experience because it's the closest that a soul has to realizing it's a soul we're gonna talk about ecstasy then we're gonna go even further and we're gonna talk about what if consciousness was so real that our consciousness can leave a physical body this is sometimes referred to as out-of-body experiences or astral projection so we're gonna cover some pretty deep topics now here's the thing though these topics are real but in the Western world we often diminish them with the words woowoo so I know and I've had conversations with people here in this audience and they're like you know I never bothered to come to mind loudly before because I thought the stuff is so whoa and I'm an engineer and I can't be around this but the thing is the world is changing I just spoke at Google recently and we spoke about meditation and deep connection and the space between human beings I was just on the Microsoft podcast II official podcast for Microsoft employees and they wanted to interview me on crystals think about that now I know nothing about crystals right but it was interesting that that was one of the questions I got so why is it that so many of us are resistant to these ideas well there's a philosophical concept by Ken Wilber call the pre transfollow see now Ken Wilber says this I'm gonna try to explain it without flip charts we live in an era of rationality the rational mind is what is building the world today in many ways or so it appears from Silicon Valley to Wall Street it is about the rational mind and as we enter this era of the rational mind rationalists look back at other subcultures in the human experience or pre rational cultures and consider them obsolete so the rational mind Wall Street banker might look at the indigenous shaman in the Amazon rainforest who paced prays to the spirit gods and meditates and prays before he kills an animal and say you know I understand that that's your culture that's cool but there is no science behind that so the rational mind looks at pre rational ideas and considers them obsolete now in many cases this is actually good in many cases this is actually good because a lot of these pre rational ideas are insanely dumb if you open the religious books of the world today there's a lot of love and there's a lot of goodness in them but there's also a lot of obsolete ideas they are pre rational ideas for example that suggests that if you're gay you are somehow wrong in the eyes of God there are pre rational ideas that suggest that we are born a sinner all of this is nonsense of course because it disconnects people it actually takes away from the true essence of our soul which is unity which is connectedness so the rational mind is not wrong here to look at pre rational ideas and say this a lot of this stuff it's it's kind of magical thinking but at the same time they are there's a new emergent era in human culture and that is called transfer and trans rational is the era we are going into now trans rational says yes okay the magical thinking that was cool 2000 years ago that they are spiritual ideas that are powerful that we need to look at and these spiritual ideas are increasingly being studied by science so what are trans rational ideas so pre rational is Moses parted the Red Sea pre rationale is that if I do a particular dance I can make it rain rational is Silicon Valley rational is the microchip rational is Wall Street trans rational is the new emergent field we are going into and that's the field where we talk about spirit we talk about lucid dreaming we talk about meditation we talk about mindfulness we talk about the human minds ability to heal itself with the placebo effect all of these are being studied by science ten years ago when I started teaching meditation I was embarrassed to tell my friends today forty-four percent of Fortune 100 companies are offering meditation classes to their employees ten years ago I couldn't talk about lucid dreaming today when you go to a big Silicon Valley's conference like summit series they are lucid dreaming instructors at the conference this is the realm of trance rational this is the realm where Ray Dalio the number one hedge fund manager in the world says that his superpower to make billions of dollars comes from meditation transnational is the realm where where tom bill you the founder of the billion dollar company quest nutrition does nutrition bus and the YouTube show impact Theory when I asked him where do your ideas come from because you've created a billion dollar company he says while it comes through a process I call think it Asian and I said what is that and he goes while I meditate and I think that's trans rational now the purely rational mind can because you exist at this level you are unaware of the level above you trans rational you're unaware and but you know the level below you magical thinking or pre rational so the rational mind the people who use words such as this is to whoo-whoo now this is to kumbaya they're actually merging because they cannot see the difference they merge both so they assume that lucid dreaming and meditation and astral projection are the same as the belief that Moses parted the Red Sea or that you were born a sinner or that gay people are wrong because some dude in the sky said so 2000 years ago that is called a pre trance policy it's a philosophical idea that explains why some people are afraid to embrace these concepts but when you understand the policy you start to see how what we're gonna talk about is actually really really really rational in fact it is the ultimate truth and this physical world is the one that is actually an illusion are you guys ready for this okay so firstly don't make the pre transfollow see and feel free to Google that if you want to understand more of what that is about so we're going to talk about an exploration of altered states Steven Kotler who runs the flow Genome Project in Silicon Valley says we live in a mono phasic society but eastern and indigenous cultures are polyphasic in other words they don't just exist in the single waking state they exist in multiple states for example the actual people of the Amazon they communicate in their dreams so they literally use dream communication to talk across vast distances in the Amazon and what happens is at 4 a.m. every day the tribe wakes up they come and they drink a particular tea together and as they wake up at 4 a.m. and they drink tea together they discuss their dreams they talk about what they saw in their dreams they talk about the messages that they heard and it's astonishing because a couple a couple of decades ago a friend of mine Ling twist started seeing an actual face in her dream and she would see this like Amazonian man with red marks on his face and he would come to her dream and ask her for help and she couldn't understand what was going on Lin twist is one of the biggest fundraisers in the world for charitable causes she wrote a book called soul of money one day she described this strange face that was popping into her dreams to a friend and he goes oh those markings that's the to our people so she got connected she flew to visit the Ottawa people and it turned out they had been summoning her these people were using dreams to communicate with a Western woman to bring her into their village now what happened next was pretty pretty damn cool Lin twists founded an organization called Pachamama and together they were able to preserve some 10 million acres of Amazon rainforest land from logging but it started because these are Chihuahua able to project their consciousness into her dream know exactly who the pole the number one fundraiser in the Western world and bring her into their fold how cool is that I was there in fact the the mine valley community raised a quarter million dollars to for for that course so this that's what that's polyphasic they're existing in two worlds the physical world and the dreamworld it says real to them as your cup of coffee is to you so what do we know from a scientific basis right we know that they are different brain wave states that we can measure in a head most of you right now I'm the beta or waking frequency roughly 10% of you statistically would be at the alpha or restful state you're kinda in this restful state if you are frequent meditator maybe it's also genetic maybe you were born with a brain that's less prone to stress maybe you just had a wonderful conversation with a friend maybe someone just gave you a hug you go into this restful peaceful state that's alpha that's the level of restfulness but also creativity now you can slow down your brain further to theta theta is a dreamy state when you're at theta it's hard to keep your head straight so when you're meditating and you start nodding off like that you're dipping into theta theta is interesting data is where ideas come from theta is the realm of psychic ability but there is a state even beyond that and that is Delta Delta is what you're in when you're asleep now what do some of the greatest minds in the world say about these states this is where it gets pretty interesting Thomas Edison was known for his naps right so he created some 2,300 patents in the Western world one of the greatest inventors of all time and Thomas Edison had this this idea where he would get his best ideas from nap so he would sleep with a metal ball in his hand and as he drifted off into sleep his hand would drop the ball would drop it would hit an iron plate below him jolting him out of sleep and in his mind there would be a new idea and Edison what he was doing was really he called it efficient napping I guess but what he was doing was dipping from beta to theta beta to theta he was dipping in here to grab ideas and bring them out to the waking state 2300 patents now was it just Edison well the funny thing is Edison had a famous assistant Nikola Tesla who was born not far from here in fact ten minutes away from where we are is a Tesla Park Nikola Tesla was born a very short distance from here this is what Nikola Tesla had to say about these states he said the mind is sharper and keener in seclusion an uninterrupted solitude no big laboratory is needed in which to think originality thrives and seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to the creative mind be alone that is the secret of invention be alone that is when ideas are born this is why many of the earthly miracles have had their genesis in humble surroundings when Tesla says be alone he's talking about going into yourself listening to that still voice within now Tesla also said this instinct is something which transcends knowledge we have undoubtedly certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truth when logical deduction or any other willful effort of the brain is futile Tesla did not have access to an electroencephalograph machine or EEG machine to measure brain waves but this is what Tesla was doing he was able to access these states in fact one of Tesla's most famous quotes is this my brain is only a receiver in the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge strength and inspiration your brain is only a receiver so what if your brain is like a radio and it can tune into other frequencies this is what we're going to talk about and you're gonna learn a couple of tools how are you guys interested in this awesome so I spent a lot of time going and working with neuroscientist who to hack my brain just like I go to a gym to workout I also go to these like deep highly expensive neural training facilities to train my brain so that I can wilfully go into these different states I go into theta regularly for ideas and I go into Delta Delta as this level I go into Delta to bend reality what is also being observed right now is that people who are able to get to the Delta level tend to be very lucky they tend to be billionaires they tend to be very creative they tend to be lucky it's like the universe has their back and their thoughts become reality fast this is also being studied so I actually am one of five people in the world who do something called Delta training and Delta training is basically where you train your brain to be able to create ripples and time and space and influence reality so I do that and I want to show you like a little bit of what that looks like this is me at one of the neuro training facilities so these machines actually exist now this type of training is not cheap it's bloody expensive neuroscientists are working with you and that's a 3d printed helmet that's influencing the brain but what I'm gonna try to teach you here are some ways you can access these states on your own so the first thing to understand is meditation what happens when we meditate and what exactly is meditation so I want to share with you a secret meditation is often often often like misunderstood in the Western world because we think it's about clearing your mind focusing on your breath getting very peaceful and that's true that's getting into alpha that's relaxation but you can go way deeper you can be able to go into deeper levels of meditation to source ideas to source inspiration so for example when I wrote the code of the extraordinary mind it took me a long time to get chapter 1 ready it took me almost three years to finish chapter 1 chapter 9 of the book which was called Livio quest I wrote an eight hours flap the original chapter nine was something I wasn't happy with I had five days to submit my book to my editor and I woke up one day before Christmas and I realized gosh I freakin hate chapter nine and all of a sudden I feel this idea form in my head and I sat down for eight hours and we typed and rewrote the entire chapter nine from scratch the book went to print in two years later a documentary filmmaker came to me and said hey I want to make a documentary about you ideas and they picked chapter 9 chapter 9 of that book became the live your quest documentary which got nominated for an Emmy Award but it was all written and conceived in eight hours now what was going on there I had inadvertently tapped into certain altered states to download the information these states are accessible to all of us what consciousness ability one person might have we all have because we're all made of the same stuff the only difference is we might be unaware that it's within us or we might have believes that block it so there's been a ton of research in meditation recently and what the research is showing us is still to be determined because look at this right you'll notice that publication count on scientific studies for meditation this is from the book Alcatraz is exponential and a lot of this these publications are happening only in the last 10 years so when people say you know meditation is fluff or or I don't get meditation it's only because we are entering a really new era when I say we're entering the the trance rational era of humanity this is what I mean look at that exponential curve and it's gonna continue rising 2030 and Beyond at that point I believe we'll be looking beyond just meditation but at lucid dreaming astral projection all of these other beautiful ability so we're gonna go do an exploration now on altered states and we're gonna start with relaxation now when you go into relaxation what's happening is you are reducing your brainwave frequency from beta to alpha alpha is the frequency of relaxation studies show that when you get to alpha many remarkable things happen your body seems to heal itself stress disappears anxiety reduces and so there are incredible beneficial effects on the body there are some now at this point 14,000 studies 14,000 studies that show that meditation can have hugely beneficial impact on health but there's more when you get to these alpha states you are also a source of creativity you can think you take to use Tom bill use word you can ask the question and listen to your heart and see what emerges now what I'd like to do now is play for you a sound that simulates the alpha frequency so the Alpha frequency again is around 7 to 14 cycles per second that's how your brain is beating and this is what it looks like if you could listen to your own head now we can go slower so we can go from where we are now to the realm of data data is where intuition comes in theta is where Tesla and Edison it's what they spoke about this is what the data frequency sounds like this is what your brain sounds like when it dips into theta notice it's about half the speed okay that we won't play with data now rather we're gonna go in you know what actually let's let's play with theta okay so we're gonna keep the sequence frequency playing and I'm gonna guide you into a really really really deep meditative experience now are you guys ready now if you fall asleep does that mean you fail no fine just you know do whatever your body tells you there is no failure here only judgment I will judge you if I see you fall asleep in front of my presentation so what's gonna happen is I'm gonna guide you using a guided meditation protocol from hosts from the late Jose Silva the meditation pioneer who died in 1999 we're gonna dim the lights we're gonna have the data frequency playing can we lower the frequency of it okay now this and as you listen to this learn it because it's very powerful and this is a head to toe relaxation we're gonna slowly by slowly have you focused on your parts of your body and guide yourself into an ultra deep meditation and when you get to ultra deep when you get to that final level I'm going to give you a space to ask yourself anything you want to ask and here's how you're gonna do it you're gonna speak to your heart this is a Sonia Choquette technique you guys remember Sonia from yesterday yes so you're gonna ask so you're gonna ask a question should I work on this book and then you're gonna respond with my heart and my heart says whatever comes up and my heart says and whatever comes up and my heart says you're gonna do it ten times okay that's Sonia's technique so you might also say should I take this job should I be with this person should I move to this country anything where the complexity of your decision is so deep you're pure logical mind can't work it out so we're gonna guide you the data and then you're gonna think of the question in fact let's think of the question now think of your question now you're gonna come back to the question and you're gonna ask the word and my heart says ten times okay and I'll guide you through this now at this point if you're free to get into a comfortable position close your eyes and listen to my voice we're gonna start by having you concentrate your sense of awareness on your scalp the skin that covers your head I want you to imagine as if you can detect a fine vibration a tingling sensation a feeling of warmth caused by your blood circulation an easy way to bring your awareness to your scalp is to imagine as if someone has placed a warm moist washcloth on your head feel that tingly sensation on your scalp now completely release and relax all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your head and place it in a deep state of relaxation that will grow deeper as we continue now concentrate your sense of awareness on your forehead the skin that covers your forehead you will detect a fine vibration a tingling sensation a feeling of warmth caused by circulation now release and completely relax all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your head and place it in a deep state of relaxation that will grow deeper as we continue now concentrate your sense of awareness on your eyelids and the tissues surrounding your eyes you will detect affine vibration a tingling sensation a feeling of warmth caused by circulation now release and completely relax all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your head and place it in a deep state of relaxation that will grow deeper as we continue concentrate your sense of awareness on your face the skin covering your cheeks you will detect a fine vibration a tingling sensation of feeling of warmth caused by circulation now release and completely relax all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your head and place it in a deep state of relaxation that will grow deeper as we continue concentrate on the outer portion of your throat the skin covering your throat area you will detect defined vibration a tingling sensation a feeling of warmth caused by circulation now release and completely relax all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your body and place it in a deep state of relaxation that will grow deeper as we continue concentrate within the throat area relax all tensions and ligament pressures from this part of your body and place it in a deep state of relaxation going deeper and deeper every time concentrate in your shoulders feel your clothing in contact with your body feel the skin and the vibration of the skin covering this part of your body relax all tensions and ligament pressures and place your shoulders in a deep set of relaxation going deeper and deeper every time concentrate on your chest feel your clothing in contact with this part of your body feel the skin and the vibration of your skin covering your chest relax all tensions and ligament pressures and place your chest in a deep state of relaxation going deeper and deeper every time concentrate within the chest area relax all organs relax all glands relax all tissues including the cells themselves and cause them to function in a rhythmic healthy manner concentrate on your abdomen feel the clothing in contact with this part of your body feel the skin and the vibration of your skin covering your abdomen relax all tensions and ligament pressures and place your abdomen in a deep state of relaxation going deeper and deeper every time concentrate within the abdominal area relax all organs relax all glands relax all tissues including the cells themselves and cause them to function in a rhythmic healthy manner concentrate on your thighs feel your clothing in contact with this part of your body feel the skin and the vibration of your skin covering your thighs relax all tensions and ligament pressures and place your thighs in the deep state of relaxation going deeper and deeper every time since the vibrations at the bones within the guys by now these vibrations should be easily detectable concentrate on your knees feel the skin in the vibration of your skin covering the knees relax all tensions and ligament pressures and place your knees in a deep state of relaxation going deeper and deeper every time concentrate on your calves feel the skin and the vibration of the skin covering your camps relax all tensions and ligament pressures and place these parts of your body in a deep state of relaxation going deeper and deeper every time to enter a deeper healthier level of mind concentrate on your toes enter a deeper healthier level of mind to enter a deeper healthy level of mind concentrate on the soles of your feet enter a deeper healthier level of mind to enter a deeper healthier level of mine concentrate on the heels of your feet enter a deeper healthier level of mine now cause your feet to feel as though they do not belong to your body feel your feet as though they do not belong to your body your feet feel as though they do not belong to your body your feet ankles calves and knees feel as though they do not belong to your body your feet ankles calves knees thighs waist shoulders arms and hands feel as though they do not belong to your body you are now at a deeper healthier level of mind deeper than before you are now at deep data level of mine ready to tap into intuitive intelligence to help you make better decisions in life at this point I want you to bring back to mind the question that you had for your soul the question that you had for your heart mentally ask your heart this question do so now you will now tap into your heart to bring forth an intuitive response tell yourself mentally and my heart says and then embrace whatever thought comes to mind again for the second time and my heart says what further clarity of thought comes to mind and my heart says and my heart says and my heart says simply listen your mind will retain and remember the information being received here today and my heart says and my heart says and my heart says and my heart says and my heart says I will give you a moment to digest the answer to mentally make a note of that answer I will now bring you out of this day so you can come back to the waking state or to a light alpha state and to be able to journal or write down whatever message you received I'm going to count gently from one to five at the count of five you will be wide awake feeling fine and in perfect health feeling amazing feeling better than before one two three coming out gently now for five eyes open wide awake feeling fine and in perfect health feeling better than before please lower the sound now take a moment write down whatever message you received feel free to type it in your phone or on your journal and while we're doing this let's get a mic in the room great would anybody like to share my Khurana please choose your victim so share about the experience or the message whatever you want to share okay so I'm I'm a bit shocked how fast I go into those stage because I mean meditate for like five years but now I'm just like I got into a very scary space where I like hole shake it's going fast and staying that state he said I'm getting more comfortable with and did you get a message or did you get any insight yeah is it something you'd like to share I can show that yeah so I've been feeling I have to go to Costa Rica for a while and I feel like I need to accept that tapping into that is safe and I'm ready for it mm-hmm so it's almost like I felt first I saw a flower I like a red flower opening and I'm s self felt okay go there go down to the source go deep and then it's safe it's ice cream there is no question I just have to do it awesome yeah anybody else would like to share you ready to catch the mic well that woke you up off and I'm just the receiver thank you for receiving I appreciate it would you like to stand and face the audience yes I'd love to hello well actually I was I was going through a lot of process of thinking what to do next after mine Valley University and one thing that was really really really sitting in front of me is I love personal development I love mine Valley and one thing that I thought that was in my head is going to kuala lumpur walk with mine valley so i've been asking is it something that is true to myself and says it felt like light was opening up and something told me like yes do it and like every every crumble off of resistance or not being certain just floated away and I feel calm I feel feel white like white light just shed upon me just went through me and like a river just cleanse me thank you that's awesome now if I ever interview you and it doesn't work out I'm gonna feel like such an ass next Charlie so yeah so mine was really interesting I had basically asked about like next steps because I've been in a lot of transition phases and what's really interesting is it actually connected back to what a shaman had said to me at a fester maica and he had essentially said like oh your path is bringing people to the places they don't want to go and I was like no that's really uncomfortable I would prefer not like I can't do much what people think about me and what's interesting is in the time since then I've moved into suicide prevention work and a lot of work in the death space space as well as engineering hope and so recently I've been like oh but like hope is sort of nicer and it's you know like people want that more corporations will pay for that more and so it was questions around that and it was just really solidly around like you don't have to choose like you can bring that dark going to those dark places into everywhere because at the core of what you want to teach is being able to go to places that people are scared to but it was really interesting to me how much it connected actually back to a fester Mika that's beautiful so thank you Charlie please give all our shares a round of applause so so is there evidence that this works let's talk to the rational mind right so firstly intuition feels like guessing it's the first thought that comes to your head that's usually the right one when you wait or you pause or you question that thought your filter system comes in your beliefs your rituals your culture your self-doubt your self-esteem your pride your ego and that disrupts the purity of that thought for example studies show that people when they're buying a car if they decide like what car they want and they just go and buy it versus if they do a day of research and look at all the attributes of the different cars and their lifestyle and then make a purchase can you guess which one three months later or six months later is more satisfied with their purchase the impulse purchase or the research purchase impulse it's strange but the impulse is often the first one in my case as well my best ideas come during meditation not when I'm in the waking State the more you practice the more you learn discernment to understand an emotion versus an intuitive impulse so it's something that you want to practice but you have the tool that head-to-toe relaxation you do not need my voice guiding you you can mentally I mean you know the parts of your body you can mentally relax yourself you can also listen to the omvana app in fact to make it easy for you guys I'll take that meditation I'll put it on the new on banner app that launches next month you can download it and you can listen to it okay so when you get to that state that's when you ask yourself that question and that technique comes directly from Sonia my heart says my heart says my heart says and every time you ask you get a different refinement of the answer so let's go on so what you just experienced was theta let's talk about Delta Delta is the level that you're in when you sleep and they are techniques to tap into your consciousness at Delta and these are some of the things that you're gonna hear one of our speakers today Charlie Molly lucid dreaming expert speak about but before we go to lucid dreaming I want to give you guys an experience of another form of altered state the feeling that you get in deep human connection so let's welcome on stage Layla [Applause] the clapping and the walk was that kind of disconnected hi Leila okay so Lena would you like to tell the audience what you're gonna take them through we're gonna go into the most powerful tool that we have which is each other as a collective family when we connect with each other we can really harness the potential that lives within us and it's a very simple exercise that unfortunately we got told that staring into each other's eyes is route if I'm looking at you why are you know growing up okay are you going up I do not like someone at the back of the stage oh that's good so what I'm gonna do is later I'm gonna leave you here with the audience to have the exercise okay yeah great so please give a big round of applause to Leila so as I was saying we grow up thinking or believing they're looking into each other's eyes is route that we're intruding in each other's intimacy but actually what we're doing what we're looking into each other's eyes is we're giving our bodies the possibility to sync the possibility to connect the possibility to actually join forces and another amazing thing that happens is that we if we stay there if we stay long enough there three things are going to sink our breath our heart rate and our mental focus because we are focusing only in the eyes of the other person and our body is releasing a lot of chemistry in our bloodstream and in the beginning we feel uncomfortable and if we can stay through the whole process what happens at some point is everything else vanishes and all you are experiencing is the moment of connection and that brings your brain to state that we just learn about which is the theta wave brain in an awakened state it literally gives you the opportunity to access flow State do we want to experience this great so we're gonna do this we need to partner up I think the easiest is those of you who are in the left in the right side you choose the first partner so you will be punished with her take the first but the person that is right next to your left and then the next couple and the next couple so make sure all of you have a partner and then turn towards them and in the sides hopefully you have a panel so let's make sure absolutely everyone has a partner for the exercise yes anybody doesn't have a partner raise your hand okay we have two here yes okay so I would love to have the lights a little bit lower just a little bit if it's possible and let us take a deep breath together inhale deeply and exhale completely close your eyes take still know having a partner okay stand up my love anybody doesn't have a partner okay so we have the drive waiting okay they don't want to be separated yes would you join this beautiful lady over here thank you very much so this uncomfortability that we're feeling right now because we're all waiting for something to happen let's start tapping into this because the feeling of uncomfortability is actually telling us that there is a chemical reaction in our bodies and we want to leverage on us or on that to take to change the mind step right is perfect so close your eyes again and take a deep breath in we're gonna do two more like that and one more like that now bring both of your hands one to your chest and one to your belly and continue taking very deep inhalations an exhalation we sound one more very deep inhalation exhalation with our last one now very slowly very slowly open your eyes to meet the eyes of the person that is sitting right in front of you leave your hands on your body it will help you through the experience and avoid the temptation to speak to laugh breathe through the uncomfortability understanding that that sensation that needed to run away it's actually the reaction of your body to the chemistry that is starting to shift in you keep on taking very deep inhalations and very deep exhalations so that your breath starts sinking [Music] resist the temptation to speak allow yourself to stay present with this person and close your eyes again go back into your own body and breathe deeply breathe deeply because that helps you move the experience through your entire body breath it's the key to life we broke the first barrier the first moment now we're gonna go a little bit deeper most of you already dropped into presence a fee of you were still uncomfortable and laughing it is a challenge but it's also an opportunity give yourself that opportunity give yourself the permission to go through that uncomfortability when you are ready open your eyes again focusing your entire world into her eyes or his eyes with each inhalation go deeper into her eyes and with each exhalation allow the rest of the world to vanish completely all that is sixth right now it's him or her by giving each other the most precious thing that we have which is our time and our presence you're helping each other shift your narrow chemistry to enter a powerful state what a gift and how immensely simple it is now for those of you that are brave I will invite you to take the Honda you have in your heart and separate it a few centimeters and initiate a movement to place it in the chest of your partner but don't quite place it yet stay there a few centimeters away if you are not comfortable with this you will keep your hand on your chest as a sign that you're not giving consent for touch if you have separated your hand from your chest and is in front of your partner's chest now I want you to divide the awareness between the eye gaze and the feeling of the palm of your hand what is happening there and as you keep gazing as you keep connecting very slowly just like this was the most delicate thing on planet earth you will allow your hand to touch her chest your hand to touch his chest rather what the heart is beating [Applause] you're doing one of the most beautiful and most powerful thing that two human beings can do which is thinking our heart beats synchronizing our life beat keep on breathing deeply almost all of you have dropped into full presence we're going to take two deep breaths to help those of you that are still at the door inhale with me last few seconds without any words without any gesture just with your soul in your heart tell this person thank you thank you for giving me your presence and before we go back into chatter I want to invite you to close your eyes for one more minute before we talk so that we can allow all of these yummy chemistry to sink in our bodies just one more second of silence and presence and breath thank you later please skip later around lacrosse so the interesting neuroscience of what you just experienced is also fascinating when we connect with someone whether it's a close friend or it's a date and all of a sudden we feel those shivers on our hands we feel this deep connection we like oh my god what is this person doing to me what do I feel different in her experience modern neuroscience says that what is actually going on is a phenomenon called brain to brain coupling and what's really going on is that your brain waves your brain patterns are actually reflecting each other they are becoming in sync and so there's now neuroscience for that feeling that you feel when you deeply connect with someone and that's what you experience when Leyla gave you that exercise did it feel good did it feel awkward to some people it might only because it's we are trained to consider things like that awkward right awkwardness is learned behavior but what is really going on there is that in addition to going and taking your own brain waves to a level that you desire our follow-up data you just experience brainwave synchronization with another human being there's so much beauty in that idea that science can now measure how our brains reflect and mirror each other so it's not just the poetry of love that we can think about it's the fact that there's a neuroscience of love which is as real as what Shakespeare wrote about when he spoke about two people coming together really really really intimately you
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 328,570
Rating: 4.8784695 out of 5
Keywords: Brain waves, altered states, spirituality, Lucid dreaming, Rationalism, Meditation, Intuition, Consciousness, Consciousness evolution journey, What is consciousness, Stream of consciousness, Reprogramming the subconscious mind, gratitude meditation, raising consciousness, spiritual awakening, spiritual growth, Personal growth, Mindset, Growth mindset, Spiritual formation, What Is the Point of Spirituality?, What Is the Relationship Between Diet & Spirituality
Id: QTyiBVMZ0ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 32sec (3452 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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