AC/DC - Let Me Put My Love Into You (Official Music Video)
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Channel: acdcVEVO
Views: 2,916,619
Rating: 4.9394565 out of 5
Keywords: let me put my love into you ac dc, ac dc let me put my love into you, let me put my love into you, ac dc, acdc, ac dc put my love into you, acdc let me put my love into you, ac/dc let me put my love into you, let me put my love into you ac dc lyrics, ac dc back in black, acdc let me put my love, ac dc love song, ac dc let me put my love, let my put my love into you ac dc, ac dc back in black album, motorhead, official acdc, classic rock
Id: ehS5qtwA9OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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This was filmed in the 80's but only gets an official release now. It's been floating around on YouTube for about 10 years but usually gets taken down by Sony. It was put on a list of offensive songs during the 80's by a bunch of Karen's who were trying to censor lyrics in music, which even ended up in a highly controversial court case at the time
Very underrated song. Probably my 3rd or 4th favorite on BIB