AC/DC - Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution (Official Video)
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Channel: acdcVEVO
Views: 20,096,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rock and roll ain't noise pollution, ac dc rock and roll ain't noise pollution, ac dc, acdc, rock and roll, rock n roll ain't noise pollution, rock n roll ain't noise pollution ac dc, ac dc rock n roll ain't noise pollution, ac dc noise pollution, noise pollution, ac dc rock and roll, rock and roll ain't noise pollution ac dc, rock, ac dc rock n roll train, motorhead, motley crue, official acdc, official music video, hard rock, classic rock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2013
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My guitar teacher loved these dudes. This was back when I was going through a phase of "all popular music is bad." He was like, "dude. Dude. You should listen to AC/DC or you're stupid." Straightened me out right quick.
One of my all time favorite rock songs.