AC/DC - Touch Too Much (Official Video)
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Channel: acdcVEVO
Views: 40,565,133
Rating: 4.8704634 out of 5
Keywords: ac dc touch too much, ac dc, touch too much ac dc, touch too much, acdc, acdc touch too much, ac dc bon scott, ac dc too much touch, bon scott, ac/dc touch too much, ac/dc, touch to much, a touch too much ac dc, ac dc touch too much live, touch too much ac dc lyrics, highway to hell, motorhead, poison, hells bells, shoot to thrill, ac dc highway to hell, rock, hard rock, AC/DC, Epic, Pop, Touch Too Much
Id: JGftIcp2SC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2013
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Bon Scott will always be the better frontman, IMO
I just love that line.
This is a fucking tune. I prefer this over Highway to Hell.
While I heard this before, this song will always be embedded with GTAIV in my mind.