Accuquilt September "Pineapple Block"

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[Music] oh good morning you know what I think Friday to have this is really fun don't you oh my gosh after such a great week and we get to have all these surprises and they're all stacked up here whoo you ready to tear the first one is going to be really fun this is one of our actual cutters she loves the big old drunkards path die and you get to see her quilt before it's even bound this is kensa corner there's a cute she made two of these and she came over and used our are do drunkards path die this big old guy here and this is the quilt the teenage he made two of them you want to see the back it's really fun on the back that is very very cute she gave me this website that you have and it is a great website there are directions on there they tell you how to cut your on drunkards path pieces and put them together and guess where she bought all the fabric I wonder all solid colors too much fun boy I have been busy not only that but I finished a log cabin quilt over Labor Day cut on the Accu pill cutter thank you in my homestead this is double bed size this is the pattern called the mountains I made it in the mountains up in my sewing room in Julian I cut all of the pieces with the fabric front with my Accu quilt cutter cut all my logs and put them together and it was so much fun and this is the last quilt that has to be folded photographed for the new log-cabin book I'm very excited Jane okay I use the two and a half inch strip cutter now on the two and a half inch you can cut all two and a half inch strips this way and then you take the new log-cabin ruler and you chop up the two and a half inch strips one way but there's also called width of fabric and whatever width the log is the length of the log say it six and a half inches that's six nap inches right you've got a big six and a half inch strip you put it in your two and a half inch strip cutter you fold fold fold you run it through and like magic you get sixteen perfect six and a half inch by two and a half inch logs yeah that it is amazing and guess what it's in the book it's in the book and we have oh as soon as a good back from the printer we're up to Orion proofing it he's got to prove it it's up to him that's up it's alright it's alright insult but anyhow we we are so close to getting it out to press and so on then I expect that you're gonna see it really soon it's gonna be fun alright now this quilt this is roll the drums hey you have been making single blocks since January and I kept on telling you we were going to put it together into a little quilt right a sampler do you have all those blocks done what was that laughs about Nancy I write and Teresa is going to show it that fun it's so cool we recognize the blocks so they were some of them are in the fabulous 40 40 fabulous years book we converted them to a cue quilt every one of these is done in the Accu quilt cutter and look at the border isn't it fun this is all the scraps all of the leftovers it's really really fun really fun and I love it so so you might show the back show the back isn't it pretty so I'm gonna say I got mine done first except I should really say Teresa got mine done first Teresa Teresa is working on putting hers together sue is back from her trip now she'll be putting hers together from her six cube and david has his top all sewn together with the twelfth cube but we didn't get all of them done for today so this is it you guys have to run home and get all of your single blocks done so that next month then we can go ahead and sell the sampler together and I'll show you how to do the border the lattice the whole bit is that a deal okay you promise you're gonna get your box all done cool all right and now for our next surprise oh my gosh we have a guest here you're gonna love her what fun let us see if you know her did you know that in 1945 she was the highest-paid woman in the United States who she is a Brazilian bombshell hmm ma my good Broadway actress film star oh my goodness singer Tony I heard that you love her she is here in the building and now Tony you get to come up with me and just receive her okay are we ready now if not everybody would have her like on your shoulder that is really really wild okay Eric are you ready to hit the music [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that was our friend Carmen Miranda in her fruit at that was whenever I asked when I mentioned their name she liked ran out of the room she did you enjoy that tawny fabulous see we have fun here at Wilton today huh it's all to introduce our all-new a cute quilt block are you ready woo cheer and shout the pineapple the pineapple you guys thick Teresa Carmen Miranda was here you mister oh my goodness there's too much fun too much fun okay well I actually didn't know it was all gonna be on the design wall because that was supposed to be the surprise but anyhow this is the packaging this is an all-new Bob block a b.o.b block and it stands for block on board so you can take Bob out to dinner with you you could take them to class with you Bob Bob loves to go anywhere that you can go and here it is and this is something new it's kind of really exciting and Eric Eric Carmen Miranda was here did you know so you can go and close and look at this is really fun yeah and it's all on one board and it's really skinny and you know what you can do you can do a fat quarter if you take two fat quarters you can make two blocks oh but we have so many pretty blocks okay see it there's actually letters on it and the letters are going to stay on there and we I have some of them that I did on the board already so can you believe it okay I need to get one more so let me pull this off there oh my gosh now we're all done with all the crazy excitement huh open the box nope okay look I have one oops it needs the rest of it okay let me see one more so I figure that it takes about one hour to make two blogs so you could do it like this whoa what do you think about that one you love it it's really bright so it has a center and a corner and there this the same colors the center in the corner but then with the pineapple from going the center out they're all the same color and then there is a second one that's going off of the center and they're all the white so if you take two fat quarters that's what you get you get two blocks ah or look at this one so this one has a white center and it goes red out from the center sides and white from the diagonal like that and you could put whoop let me see them it should go here I'm point I'm point like that I'm missing the corners I didn't get them done or so you could do it like this ah I see or you can do it like this let me see put this right here and you can take one of these and put this here like this and put this here like this ah all right pretty pretty and going right along Oh Brenda I love this I know is there really fun Brenda saying I pre-cut everything for her good for you you're fast she said 30 minutes each oh you're right because I did two in an hour so that's about right - in an hour I tried to do four in an hour I thought I'm gonna step on the gas here I'm all organized and ready to go over to Justin work okay so we have a number of pineapple quilts that we use our own pattern with and so I just wanted you to see the pineapples they're a little bit different in design I'll show you but I just think you should see multicolored ones now see you'll get all excited the two colors are good but the multi colors are even more fun and you could make one of these quilts with a stack of that quarters that's what you want for this quilt that quarters got it okay so I'm gonna set this down here I have so many fat quarters okay yes and this is our pattern but actually it is so easy to cut it out with the AK equal cutter this is all rotary cut this is not a Q quilt cut and one of our friends did it and you know what she said Oh L there was a lot of wasted fabric with the a Q quilt cutter crumbs from okay you ready okay just remember this is art good isn't that that's really stunning okay so let me show you what the difference is we started out with a four patch right in the middle this was Loretta Smith's we started out with a four patch but other than that everything is the same in a key quilt it's just one square but there's the corners on the outside edge just like a key quilt and that beautiful and the on feathers were quilted in multi colored thread stunning just really stunning beautiful that's really good so Teresa found all of these in our archives aren't we excited okay so now this one this is going to fall we're gonna get ready for fall huh in that beautiful and again it's a four patch right in the middle but you would just do a single square with the Accu quilt cutter and I love the border really really pretty all right that's good you're doing good Carmen and there's a little Nachi table runner you can do it with leftovers so it's just three blocks so if we keep with the theory of a half an hour block and an hour and a half you could have all of these done with the Accu quill cutter if I personally cut all of your fabric for you so the actually the pineapple is a very traditional pattern these are beautiful in the 1880s fabrics a lot of black a lot of red the prints are all the reproduction prints and this is one of my favorite fabrics for the border I love it that's beautiful and now the last one the Accu quilt blocks are only ten inches square ten inches square and I have a feeling these are probably twelve I bet any money it says on the pattern and this one is Eliane isn't it sweet very very sweet and we actually still have fat quarters of Eliane so you could you could make one just like it over the weekend I was thinking if I had an eight-hour day I could make a 16 block well that would be really pretty huh that would be really really cool so anyhow let's see how to cut it now all right so let me clear all my stuff out of here let me move it away I get so excited I just make a big mess and then I have to clean it up okay so and this is so pretty to look at this you would you if you just took one fat quarter of the print you could get all solid white background and cut back quarters one to each to match each one of the prints so you'd know how many bucks you get almost king-size right here isn't that pretty it's really really pretty aha so I'm gonna put it over here but you could get something smaller like this should be good so okay so this is the die and we I thought okay this is too cool this is so cool right here it'd be really cool if I could just take a fat quarter and open it up and I wonder if our powers turned on Eric should be okay so oh God okay a fat quarter it's not oh and I don't check on the iron too so if you take a fat quarter when you open it up it's already folded in force and that's the magic number that you need to do this you need four of each one of your pieces and it's really cool because they are all lettered this is what's so fun it just goes a and H a is the center you only need one but these are the corners and you do need four so and then it just it has the whole alphabet how easy is that it's really quite easy to do I said okay I'm just gonna go crazy and put my fat quarter I'm not even going to do anything with it and wouldn't you know that the fat quarter was just about a half inch too short darn and so I look I'm like okay well look at all the space left in here if we didn't leave that space it would fit but anyhow this is what I did so we decided Brenda and I did this we worked so we decided if we would take this fat quarter which is folded for layers and just cover and let's think of this as thirds one two three okay cover two thirds and we decided this would be the good two thirds to cover right so let's do this and Theresa put little lines on it to help us and I'm going to lay it so that he do you see the little lines if you cover this one right here so that you're on the straight of grain and I like the fold on this side and I'll tell you why I do not know when you cut for layers for all of them and then all of a sudden you can only find three of them where does it go it's like somebody came in ate one little piece trust me so I'm just going to leave the fold so it's on this side okay this is good and you need to have this really big mat that you just cover and I'm just going to cover this part right here because there's nothing down at the bottom right okay so I'm just gonna get it started to do and just kind of let this hang out right and while that's going through I have to show you Brenda did for me I did it too so yeah so Tony did it Tony did it and did Brenda give everybody little envelopes oh look at this well they're in alphabetical order they're in alphabetical order you want to keep them so that you don't get all messed up is that cool all right so now I don't think this is locked in place oh yes okay so Brenda went out shopping she went to Staples is this cool is this too cute oh my gosh so okay directions also it has like a little space you could put a so if you get serious about this this would be pretty handy huh that this is to just put each individual piece inside okay so I'm gonna get some help let me see surrender you gonna come help me Theresa left Carmen left huh somebody's gonna help me okay so so look there's nothing stuck on the back okay so come behind me so I can still see me okay you know what I have used the shorter map panty thank you for asking and I actually had them on the table and it could it's just a little it's everything's just a little too short so I use the long one for the two thirds but now when I do the one-third I'm going to just do this okay okay so there you get to be the envelope man okay so don't look at this isn't that nice I am NOT going to lose any of these but I found out that keeping these folds is very important because you never know when one of these pieces is going to disappear so this is this is the waste you pretty cool and actually the only thing is that's the waste is all these little pieces because if you open this up you see how you can use any of these pieces that you might lose it's good good okay so this is what I'm going to have you do this is a okay how do we know this is a okay so now I highly recommend you get your envelopes ready that is a and this is H these are the corners okay yeah h/h and just drop them in there okay so this is F and there are two F's on this board to F and go why did you find out why Brenda well you need them this is you need four but you need to F you need eight they tricked us okay this is e this is e okay this is B which is what we need right around B let me see you didn't know you're gonna be a star up here okay okay so now relax okay well now we we did two-thirds of it right but I don't know what's so funny so now we have we did two thirds of we covered two thirds and now we do have just one-third left right right so this is gonna fit if that's right it fits and so I'm just going to use the line and have the fold I'm gonna have the fold on one side use the line that Theresa drew and just like penny suggested I'm going to take a smaller mat because why waste the big map right and so cover that and now when I do this I'm going to have all of them cut right right what do you think this is like kindergarten we know our alphabet right Tony this is good and what's really fun when you only have one of the mats and one of the stack of fabric you can just kind of almost pull this out right so now for each block you need four of everything except for a right you only need one yes right and H you do need four so actually if you have four layers you'll get eight of those and I thought okay well I'm going to have four s I only need to use one of them I have three left over I'm gonna make a nine patch when I'm all done wouldn't that be fun okay so remember hold onto your mat twist it yeah peel this off look at these guys whoops one came up save the folded stuff you never know it's just a miracle to me what happens okay so this is F another F another F two stacks of F's and that's true it's not a mistake you need you need it okay and an e give me an E and a G a G okay G and the last one is a C yep and that's the C okay now we're we're done with the blue ah the blue is a very good price do we put something in all of them yeah oh that's good so the way these are all folded up you don't even have to refold you could press if you wanted that would be fun I'm just going to put it now we have to go all through it all over again so now while Tony and I do this does anybody have any questions huh somebody want to ask well what I used it for Brian was the pieces that I needed for the pineapple that I lost I found one of them this is what I found I found one that I use twice okay we're going back to a going back to a tree see you want to help them can you help me H here's H right here can you hold come and hold two so we can get these done he goes in the H the H bag all right the e bag e-s-a the and B mm-hmm so when you're done with these little envelopes you should have four of your dark color and four of your light color right right except what you're gonna have extra of A's and those are for this is this is like shreds you can't even use this for jumper scraps okay so I did I did two thirds right I did this and this so I still have one third and so let us just lay it on here and see oh it's so cool get it all lined up you might get I have just a smidgen of salvaged but it's good cover it up oops smaller one right smaller one okay so Theresa you want to push this through and give all the pieces to Tony and while she does that I'm going to show you how well done the packaging is so when you look on the outside of the package all of those pieces for the die are all lined up and all the letters very nice and then here is one of the quilts this would be the first one that I moved my blocks away the one in the far left and these blocks are all the same they're all the same and they start with the red center and they end with the corner of red okay and then when you open it up it's like oh my gosh look at this the reason that I didn't write anything for you is because I felt like the directions were so good you can follow them and also I gave you that paper so you could take notes Brenda said they can write stuff down on their paper and so that's what it's supposed to do but see it has all of the pieces lined up here you're all done all done oh the a thank you thank you very very useful that was fast huh we did that live yeah clean me all up I really like that okay so you're going to just follow that and then down here it shows you what they look like there's two different ways there's this one when they're all the same and on the outside everyone there's two of them two opposite ones and they're on the package oh my gosh that was exciting now do you want to see how to sew it okay I want to see if my little iron is hot okay so this is what I do there is so much pressing in here and so I I don't want to jump up and run to my iron across the room every time so I set up a little iron right beside me and I just really love it I just slide over our user like a TV tray and I absolutely love the gray mat and the little iron and they're all at great prices that quilt in a day if you don't have a little iron like this and a gray mat they're wonderful so I'm just to have my stiletto look turning on my machine is a very good idea yep that's plugged in I have my stiletto and a little pair of scissors that's about all you need for it and you can use your cutting gizmo to cut them apart tada it's coming up press the button and this is one thing that's totally making me crazy my foot pedal slides everywhere and so theresa promised me she would get me a mat okay velcro I did not know that I know okay so does your foot keep on getting away from you it goes a lot better if you can keep your foot in one place and just okay let's see let's see if I do better okay okay all right I'm looking and I have my letters on my envelope okay so what we have to start out with would be hey okay a and this is all those little pieces in there and so what I'm going to do is put one of the background and one of the blue I love your little blocks they're really really fun okay so a and they honestly helped me remember where I am so now I need to have I feel like I'm pardoning yeah I'm gonna do too and I'm done and that I have everything out of so if this is why my B is blue is blue right if this is blue my B is white okay and so this is what you love you pick up the piece and you've just flipped it right sides together and you go oh my gosh it lines up on both ends look at that ah and my stiletto is totally perfect for using okay I like to use a jumper scrap my jumper scrap is really important on me so that's one and then I'm just gonna follow with just the alternate honestly you cannot make a mistake oh thank you Oh Ryan you didn't sell that did you you know remember how this table used to have a little board here we were looking for it they sold it and also I have to remind Oh Ryan that he did promise me that I could have one of these tables and Julian didn't he he did yes I remember okay so you see I just cut my jumper scrap and I'm just gonna keep it try to keep it going so now this is blue on the opposite side is white so see how simple you do white four times and you try to put it right sides together these white on white prints are going to be the death of me but anyhow then you just do that one and then you just say okay well that's blue I'm just gonna do blue right beside it so stack it up keep it going and like I said I tried to do four because I thought I would cut took my time down with four I didn't do real well it still was pretty much it was still pretty much a half an hour okay so now I you have to stop and press at this point okay so isn't this better with your little iron so handy that you don't jump up and run and this is does have steam in it I do like steam and something I think is very important you set the seam on this before you flip it open set the scene because it is it does have a little tendency to stretch okay so that's the - right this is not confusing right you're not confused okay and then you can sew okay so you put it back down and now we have the two other sides just look at the other two that you've done and then you just keep on going that's all that I could say and now at this point I wish I had fast-forward video Eric so they could just show all of these little pieces going around here but I'll show you I'll show you a couple of them okay 100 Ryan you could do a commercial that would be great but wait not yet I'm gonna just I'm gonna finish with be just a minute I'm nearly done with be okay lift up okay get it under there and slip this one through I want to show you what B looks like when it's on all four sides okay so then get your little scrap oh don't go close on that little seam Eric that one doesn't look so good and see I think if you have more going along here you would save time okay so I open that out and then just take this one flip it right sides together so David are you enjoying this I can imagine I can imagine what the people in the planer thinking he gets to fly Southwest I love Southwest I love their philosophy be nice to everybody do whatever you can to help I love to read the Southwest magazine that's my entertainment brings tears to my eyes honestly it does they always have all of these those stories that the southwestern employees that people write about the southwestern toys and sending it okay slide it over cut it apart you could use your there it is cute like that little iron set the seam open press into it other side open and press into it and the second ones coming on okay and now what do you think B is done C is next okay okay so now let's see what's in C for tiny little stacks you know what they are right and so now whatever this is pointing out whatever the center color is we're going to put it on this side the center is pointing that away right and so we just did Ballu and now our we just did white so now we're going to line it all up and do blue on all four sides okay over ayah now you can do your commercial and I'll be all done oh you're just gonna oh you're not gonna do it live cheater [Laughter] okay so I'm gonna show you well until it comes up there's no way that you can make a mistake here right so if you have this piece that's not gonna fit right no it doesn't fit so you have to like turn well that wasn't right oh that fits and so you just go ahead and turn it in this program for a television commercial introducing the new 10 inch cubes by aqui quilts so you can they're available today the mix-and-match 10 inch cube you can make 72 blocks with the cube and then when you put them together with the companion sets the angles in the corners you can do over 200 blocks so inside the the 10 inch blocks you have eight go dyes and they're all in these little pockets two cutting mats a DVD and booklet and they are available now they fit the go cutter and the go big thank you so much and back to the program so now we have six cube eight nine ten and twelve yes oh no we're gonna have to we're gonna have to add more to all of those patterns we've been doing Oh No so anyhow on Teresa did you make some of those blocks Oh uh-huh do you have it right there sure okay so I have am i working on see yep she's empty that's one way that but look you all you have to do where you are this is a that's B that's C that's not that hard right so you can just keep it going okay and the white goes up and over and it's hardest to start oh look at this no I'm not gonna brag Brenda but look I had tips is my baby luck is my quarter inch foot but you know what not to say that you don't have to do a little fudging or whatever as you look okay so I'm just going to add a it is really hard the back looks as bright as the front on this white on white it's really something okay so you can see each one of these pieces just line up and I'm going to show you one from the back okay let's just grab one right here we'll grab two yeah Eric gets to go close good and that looked pretty beautiful and just in the back side good Oh No Orion took my machine away ah I have one more lesson I need to have yes okay you bring it back okay so how are you doing any questions you want to ask me okay so I'm just kind of joking with Brenda see on this one see it's not exact it's not absolutely perfect there but all I'm gonna do is just do a little fudge I'm not going to stress over it just put it right sides together and line it up like this and whenever a little bit is hanging out and I just make a straight line and just sew it right across there sometimes you have to give a little tug on it and my stiletto is so useful okay and so we're gonna look at the right side so the most important part is the front side the front side okay Teresa do you want to show so I'm just gonna look at this that's real this would be really different I wonder what this is going to look like okay so when I got up early this morning and started sewing this somebody came in and ate my F I don't know who did it but now this was what I wanted to show you this was the folds the fold fabric that I took out of my red and so I need an F and this why I'm so glad I did not throw these away and I just always figure out okay which is the best way to put it here is F and so I'm actually going to cut two just in case that person ate two at the same time so when I cover it I'm just let this hangover on the end because I don't want to cut anything into that I might need that I've completely covered the ass and now even with this one took everything you put the six inch mat you could put the little six inch mat on Thank You Madeline okay see just to cover this part of it I hope so I hope so Brenda okay so you want to keep up see this little line okay so I 1/2 the line we give each other give each template or shape an extra quarter of an inch so it's on that side and it's over here it is here there's even more there okay and so I'm just going to cover it and then see if you put it through this way because there's no mat on it you can just really move that right through there pretty fast so you're not waiting forever then when you get up to this one then it starts cutting yes I'm nearly done okay so oh my goodness look there's more I could use this one and so now I'm going to see wherever this little guy went I am clear out to F and it's just exactly the same step that you keep on going around here okay this is F and Theresa can you get G and H out of my box I don't want to put glue on here okay okay so this is f this is how big it is and aren't you glad you didn't have to watch me do everyone okay I just want 4G 4G and I need it in white yep let's see G so it's gonna go right there and right there yeah okay so do you want to show this and I'll just tell the next step okay okay H I need the same color for the corners as the center square so I need to have white yeah okay so now I'm on H and so you can RG and so you just kind of like and swing it around like so and get all these corners done and so you can open it those a lot faster now right just swing it swing it swing it pretty pieces together okay so what I wanted to show you well although I might as well just finish this this doesn't take quite as long it's like now I have dead space just like talking ask me a question say something speechless it's RIT it is it's just a lot of repetition but it's really easy everything matches perfectly and if you you know love something like this I could see spending quite a bit of time just putting in little envelopes and then finally whenever they were all done then you could just sit and cut and I said oh my gosh an hour for just two how am I ever going to do that and so I just picked out a time that I thought I had an hour and just sat down and and did it and it's the blocks that I've done have gone pretty well you know not much time okay now G and now we need H hmm h HH okay same color ah look at this four corners four corners like that that good and then you just go right around I'm going to let you sit down here Theresa and so those four on good okay so now go ahead and sit down and sew those on and what I found out whenever I was going to first I was going to do this little arrangement right here I thought oh that would be really cute alternate let's see so this one would go here the opposite and so the only places that you really have to worry about matching are on these corners so I realized if I press I figure out where what blocks are going to go there and I just did pressed one corner one way under and then this corner out so if they're opposite then when you put these together these seams lock and that worked really good just pressing the seams in opposite directions the Accu quilt pattern does not tell you this so yours your paper and write your notes okay so to pressure corners in opposite directions and then I sewed them I just line them up and sewed them down and whenever I was done sewing pieces together instead of pressing to one side I chose to lay my blocks flat and open that seam and that way that there wasn't anything that was so bulky and so it worked really good yes so seams in opposite directions at the corners press the seams open when they're sewn together oh and she did a Theresa did it so now and I love I love Brenda's I love the two different colors huh okay let me see harmony yeah she gave us that okay and so you can see when this is all pressed out that you probably don't need to square those little corners up they'll a really good you did a good job good job and I'm gonna look at my little tips tips you're so good that looks good that looks good and on the back side alright thank you so is that fun I really enjoy doing my pineapple it's great fun and I'm gonna find an hour almost every day so I can just keep on growing this quilt it's gonna be fun
Channel: Quilt in a Day
Views: 18,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quilting, eleanor burns, quilt in a day, accuquilt, fabric, sewing
Id: miYW7GZ5WtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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