Accuquilt October "Tutti Fruiti Quilts"

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[Music] [Applause] we're all here I have my big sign up that says clap cheer and they do it good morning welcome we have a great a cue quilt class to do today but look at the pineapples remember we did pineapples last month and they're all done and sewn and aren't they cute they love them now Mary Jo did a special digest for us it's a pineapple she actually quilted the pineapple right in the top right one and then I love all the circles that she doesn't that cool I know and I want to know by show of hands how many of you got your pineapples finished you got the blue one done yeah I took two of your blocks Brenda and I put them there but anyhow we really enjoyed I had a great time so today we are actually going to finish that quilt that we started oh my gosh was it February or March our sampler quilt and I'm so curious how many of you been making your blocks each month a couple of you this is good well I figure if you didn't even make the blocks we're going to show you great border treatment that you can use on any clothes does that sound good oh cool well we called the quilt tutti fruiti because I looked at all the finished quilts and I go oh my gosh they're so bright and fun and chewy we should call it tutti frutti quilts is that a good name so we have everything stacked here you know that we've been doing all the different sizes of cubes and Sue gets to do it first so she gathered just got her top sewn together and remember she was using cube six you remember that cube six cool and show them over here they have to connect noise is it pretty so basically she put her nine blocks together and she said that they were all different sizes because I made one Theresa made one maybe David they won Tsume most I don't want to know what size mine was okay you use okay let's talk about you used cube six but we really did four patches across not only three in this one three patches across and so - and so your blocks really are not six inches square but they're what size 9 9 inches 9 ideally nice Eric we need a microphone me I'm the only one I'm the only one oh great I'm special but I can't say say that word or will be cut off here talk right here here's nothing special and to do this really cool border around the outside edge you used which cube more than one half square triangle time no I groan good okay so this is for half square triangles that are 2 and 1/4 inch finished size and it's dye number five five one four seven yeah I feel like I need to pull this off and hand this to people should I do that Eric no he says no don't do this okay you did good I'm really excited it's beautiful so she said she's gonna get it on probably quilted with her credit cards her checkbook real suit your checkbook okay that's good that was oh yes I think nearly all of them we chose separate eyes the one that I'm about to show you you could use the one that's in the six six cube okay ray see mine you saw it already you're gonna have to look again because it's the order I use the eight cube and these are the blocks that I made and my blocks ended up being 12 inches square okay you can make noise because you saw people thank you thank you thank you I had to do the red white and blue but around the outside edge this is really fun what sue just told you see the size of the block and the lattice can you see right right across from it I made patches in squares and they were like two four patch see they they all ended up being a one two three four pieces so that they lined up with my blocks and they were three and a half inch finish size this is the one that I used and this is dying number five five zero zero nine half square triangles finished at three inches okay so that would make sense of my block was 12 three six nine 12 that makes sense yes that would make sense and so whenever I put them together they're all going to line up that's what I think but anyhow it has a special corner on it so you can see the way it goes around the corner and you can finish it off with an extra outside border so the blocks were three and a half the lattice was three and a half the corner stones were three and a half works pretty good huh I really like it and those were the blocks that you've had the patterns for so I'm working on this I'm hoping to put it into a book for a cue quilt and that's I am inviting you to get your quilts all finished so your quilt could go in the book because if you get your quilt in the book and you walk into any quilt shop in the country you become an instant celebrity and that is the truth okay I don't think you've seen teresa's yet this is awesome this is really 2d fruity oh my gosh okay so the same as Eleanor unfortunately they don't line up but I really wanted to do the border I really wanted to do the border and mine did not line up because that was not a die then I could use it they either were too small or too big so I say I'll make it work so what I did I did the lattice is smaller it is that same side as Eleanor but they don't line up its act alike like Sue and Eleanor okay what's what cube did you use for your block my q9c youtube 99 and these and the size of your blocks is 1313 that's crazy I know it's because we're making putting more patches in the block then what originally they called for remember we did that in the very first lesson but if you weren't here you didn't you didn't figure out what we're doing but it looks good do you like it okay I know one of the first time what fun it looks fun yeah show the back the back looks really fun that is that is really fun who did your quilting Mary Jo did the quilting Mary Jo did the spoke thing Mary Jo ramble yeah that's really pretty okay so we did three of them and now we have David's and David's on the camera are you going to lock it down oh wait a minute hold the phone oops I don't need this here you need it I keep forgetting that okay so after we started all of this we had our guys then a cue quilt introduced the ten cube it's new the ten cube the ten cube that's all new so and we're gonna start working with that one too but isn't it pretty teen inches blonde the border is still in progress but I'll let you know how it's finished next month yeah but it is amazing so actually I was I was away for a while and you how long do you think it took you to do the block blocks it was only a couple of days I was amazed because I said there is no way I can make this quilt in a couple of days I did here the blocks down but then of course I had million other things to do in between so I didn't get to the border so in little bits and pieces ah I see more directions coming yes okay so the idea was she struggled to get the same border together that Sue and I did and it just was given her fits and so she's decided that she would replicate the geese cuz there's those geese here lots of geese and so she just started doing the game and negative positive and negative and then what's really cool you don't have to worry about making it fit around the outside edge because you just put border they're a solid border but it does fit it's the same side as your lattice in the same same sizes are gays right here so it will line up see like you have six keys so what about us what size is your lattice ah yeah yeah it's I think it's three I think it's three three and liquor god stones would be three mm-hmm yeah so it's since it's still in progress we'll figure that out for you next month how's that sound it sounds really fun so these are just some really good ideas okay now okay we did six cube eight inch cube nine ten cube and now all David came and now we have David with the twelve cube you ready well and what size are the blocks eighteen inches all intention of finishing but I got stuck yesterday so I made a hundred and seventy pig kits and another hundred and twenty of the Dresden Plate so I didn't get to finish but mine is down on the farm my trying do you have it okay there we go so mine is gonna turn out to be queen-size it's huge and I used dye number five five three nine seven and it's a four and a half finished triangle so if you can use your imaginations you're gonna go home last night make all of them David I was but then I decided sleep was important he said he said he said as he went out the door he was not gonna be the only one that didn't get his borders on he was not gonna be the only one right but then I saw my bed and I said I'd rather sleep but anywho so that's what it's gonna look like so you'll see it next yeah next time I'll get it finished we'll have it ready five five three nine seven and you know with one bore row in the top and down the sides make it four by four I wonder if it would fit the size of a king-sized top it would yeah when that'd be cool but a lot of times things are just large and graphic you know and then they look good so it's it's still the same blocks Nicole oh my gosh that's the end of all the quilts now do you want to see how to do it yeah good and now I got to figure out what to do with a mic now that I don't need it Eric gets it okay there you go Eric cool and we still have one more for you okay so sue said all of these stacks of half square triangles look a little overwhelming but not really not really it's a lot of fun okay so if you look let's see I want you to look on the 12-inch sampler page which is page three and maybe Mike will could come back up sue so if you follow the yardage my lattice can you see my quilt can I it come back up and there are three yardage charts in here all except David's is not here he was too far out okay so let's just look at the yardage and it's just for the finishing and the lattice is three and a half you can cut it three and a half by twelve and a half if in fact your blocks are twelve at half but cut it whatever it is three and a half and the cornerstones are also three and a half you can cut those with your three and a half inch strip cutter goes really cool and then there's corners for that corner this is a corner block right here it uses three background squares those are three and a half okay and just moving down then you also need to have pieces for all of these P Square that are four by nine and this is where you get your scraps right scraps all of these little border pieces are four by nine and for every print you need a background rectangle good you with me okay so then go into the color scraps you need to have sixteen three and a half inch four cornerstones and also 4 by 9 for all of these pieces so that's what I have here I have a whole bunch of them and I'd like to say we but I didn't it's not we Teresa did it all she cut all these for me so how many layers are we supposed to be able to cut at one time six okay so if I'm going to put these right sides together what I found out is that I like to do three print try to do a different color as many I basically did yellow red blue and green so if we can do six layers why don't you pull at least three different ones in every stack that you do is that make sense yeah and then I just take the background fabric put them right sides together get them all stacked up and trying to find which is the right side and the wrong side that is the craziest part yep and sometimes I always think why don't I turn them all right side up before I cut them that would be far too easy to do okay so now that I made a total mess here after I was completely organized then I have pair and I'm just gonna put them on darks side up this is my die again and I believe it says for you it's three three zero five five zero zero nine these are three inch finish size F square triangles so I'm going to line them up so there's just like a quarter of an inch around the outside edge try to keep it on the same green that's one pair two pairs and three pairs good and sue said like it seems overwhelming when you see these stacks I love to do half square triangles I could do it all day long I'm telling you I could I could do it all day long okay so now we're just gonna push it through and our go big and then when you take it off remember and wish it good luck what's what did we make up this little saying press and turn whatever and slide it off yep that's good that's good just take this get rid of that mmm we think four twelve beautiful ones that I don't have to square up okay so this is the really cool thing and I like systems right I am looking at page and nothing no page cutting the scrappy half square triangles right okay it's right in the middle go in the middle and look at the bottom illustration because when you're putting these together into these little patches that you're going to make you have so they all lock together you have two patches that the seams are pressed toward the dark and two patches that are pressed toward the light or the background and so right now is the easiest way to keep this straight you have I have four I have four stacked up right so why don't I just leave two of them dark on top and why don't I just take the other two and turn them over so that now the light is on the top that a good idea it's like a light bulb went on I got I know I'm busy counting all of these forget that I just don't want to do all of that counting so now you have equal numbers of each one of these in your stacks and so whenever you're putting them all together it works really good okay Theresa do we have a so straight we really need a so straight uh we forgot we forgot a so straight do we have one in the drawer huh she's gone it's in paducah oh my gosh we were in Paducah oh man it was crazy we were in Paducah we were in Livermore in the nursery all these different kinds of things how about what she brings that on you you need to have 32 rectangles thirty two rectangles 32 rectangles time spores how many that'll be your number you have to make how many 168 mmm 168 but it would be really good if you just may took one of them and set it aside for your corners so what I did was a yellow and the corners are shown just a little back practically on the back page and go in and they're also cut exactly the same I cut four of those together and then I showed them together with the background so that's a lot that's a lot of cutting that you can do really fast huh yes okay so Theresa where are they you need a stiletto okay I'm finding everything you need a stiletto you need a seam ripper definitely and little pair of scissors and that works really good I've got a quarter inch seam okay she's coming she's coming my pink box and home on my bed okay so let's let's talk about what you're doing here okay so go where Eric can see what you're doing okay this is called this so straight and you just adhere this to the your sewing table and these are three M pieces of tape they're double stick tape 3m and I'm telling you I'm so excited I fought for this stuff because it is so strong and I think Orion was a little leery but just recently Theresa yeah I know we'll have to pick him off the floor when we're done just recently Orion said Theresa use that tape it's really good now it's got very excited okay she's right Barbara is excited if you keep these if you take your sew straight off of your machine you can just cover them with that little piece again and just store them but if you get junk on this like thread buzz dirt if you actually take it to the sink and wash it with soap and water they will adhere again and I just I just did it I said oh I'm gonna practice this okay okay so now the bold line that goes right down through the center lines up with the straight line on my throat plate and then right beside it Oh see now it's stuck before I really got it stuck okay I'm going to just put it right at the end of my cover for my bobbin I'm not going to put it on top of my bum but I'm going to line up the needle from the needle down this line down to this solid line on here and then you can just really tape it down and then whenever you whoops I've got to get it closer I'm sorry I actually have to actually cover the bobbin case I forgot and I'm just gonna go clear up there because then whenever you want to change your bobbin you can just flip this part back and change it and then drop it back down okay finally I think I'm good so how about if we just take and do you have an iron Theresa would you come over here and kind of arrange my mess yes okay so I'm just going to take the stack that has the dark on top I have a jumper scrap in there because it's so easy for the machine to just jump in there and I want you to turn on your iron so obviously I found out that I like to just do all of my darks together literally press them and then stack them together because you know what is so easy to get confused in life I just get so messed up now it's just unbelievable okay so Theresa these are all for you to set your seam with the dark on top open and press toward the dark okay they're all go towards the dark and then we're going to put them together and then I came with another really cool thing so now I'm gonna do all of the ones with the light on top yes this makes sense I swear you know yes what is where oh my mother taught me a really good swear word my mother was very sweet but she did swear to I guess like mother like daughter whatever okay but it wasn't a really bad swear word yeah it's good thing because sometimes it comes out while the grandchildren are around okay so now I have all of the ones with my background on the top yep oh sure I mean I'll do it on white it'll be really good I have dog ears and you see see this arrow says align it edge of feed dogs this is your this is your needle okay I'm putting this okay this essentially what you can do is you can start lining it up and basically you want to stitch right from here to the tip down here can you see that okay so now I put my I thought I did where to put my jumper scrap oh I threw it away okay Theresa these are toward the background keep it yes keep it keep it separate all right I found out okay so now when I get this ready to go through there's the arrow right here and appoints right to the needle this line is the seam allowance it can you see it good okay so when you get started I really recommend that you put the jumper scrap and just kind of pull the jumper scrap so the machine the pieces don't go right into the machine Shane gets hungry and he loves those little hands okay do you see down here see this is still lined up with that line okay that's good so the thing now I'm just going to keep my stiletto here because basically the whole time you're stitching you want that tip to line up with this line so how many of you have is so straight Oh a lot of you cool honestly I thought I was a good seller until I started using this okay now are we good yeah you should have a straight seam okay so that is toward the background okay now show you what I did next so there's just a couple left too so I'll just move this over so then I go oh my gosh I can't even remember light and dark so it got really smart to have one more stack of these one more staff of these yep this is what I want to show you got smart these seams are pressed toward the light right I clipped them together with a light clip and these seams are pressed toward the dark so I dark clip I know it's elementary but all these little things really help you they do it's just it's just crazy okay turn the page beep we're doing good and then this is really funny so I'm looking at my picture I'm now where it says making thirty-two four patches thirty-two four patches do you have a pencil for me yeah just told me something okay see these little arrows the little arrows push to the way the seams are supposed to be pressed that's what the arrows mean that's the way the seam is supposed to be pressed and then last night I'm half awake and I go I can't remember what those arrows mean so I run okay that's pressed into the dark so put a big D there that's pressing toward the light I put a big L do you believe that I was really tired yeah input so now that's dark that's light that's dark that's like that help you to then forget what the arrows mean that's a whole other translation huh okay okay so now I'm gonna make my little block that I want this is what I want to make right here I wanna make 32 of these guys 32 oh my gosh and that's like a little pair okay so the first thing I need to have I need to have from the dark stack oh darn we'll just do what the color is there okay so that shows a yellow and then across it caddy corner is a blue right let's do that famous blue because look we got a lot of this one whoa okay so now am i doing it right one two and that was the dark now I'm gonna get my things back my dark and now I need my light and I need a red okay good light red right that right and then caddy corner light towards green what would you want to do the stripe okay like that that good so that's all the light and now don't fail to put your little clip back so you remember oh I know Ryan is getting a little nervous about me because he talked like this to me yesterday okay the big drumroll okay we're going to flip this one this way and we're gonna flip this one this way right and we're gonna look at it oh my gosh Oh seam goes up underneath seam goes down next one seam goes up seam goes down that looks good so it's gonna lock and we put the one that is going up on top because you know that whenever you sew across that it will shove into the underneath one so it locks together so all these little things are just to help you sew them together really quick so they everything lines up and looks just perfect aren't you excited oh thank you I'm getting worried that I'm allergic to fabric dust that is not good I cough a lot around fabric I don't want to say that my fabric has been aging and that's what's making me cough okay so now we've got you're gonna do a whole bunch of these how many of these yeah you're gonna do a lot okay I didn't mean to have that thread so long in between but that's what I just did right okay says open them up doo doo doo doo doo open them up that's good that looked good oh yes look Eric can go as close as he wants and then it just says flip them together right sides together and line them up and once again we're gonna do our swirling so this seam on the top is gonna go up and this underneath is gonna go down good are you with me good so remember this is just an adorable little border that if you didn't get your blocks done you can do anything but you're gonna see what you can do okay so this seemed those up and it's going to lock it's going up so it gets shoved into the underneath one so you guys think this is just like falling off a roof huh that easy huh okay so this is basically one that's done okay I didn't have then set my right button okay so now we're gonna do our swirling our famous swirling and I can tell you that I thought everybody in the world could swirl but then they just asked me again okay first thing you have to cut this little loop that was nice because it was nice and big it move your finger clear up to just the seam in the the scene okay and then just take your still that or your seam ripper and pick out those three threads right there turn it around oops I'm gonna say something - I'll tell you the next step well okay turn it around take your stiletto or your seam ripper take off your glasses so you can see them geez it's hard for me to see them okay so I I kind of picked it up right think so now you lay them wrong side up and this is the swirling I think about clockwise I always start at 12 o'clock and down two three o'clock over to six o'clock and up at night and that pope's pops that center open so you just go like that wish it wish it and then you press it on the wrong side and then you turn it over and you press it on the right side ah that good okay so now all right we've got one done and now we turn the page now we're going to start assembling these and they are going to continue to lock together are you terribly excited okay okay so now we're gonna have one here and I wouldn't want to do this one because this is exactly the same right that wouldn't be a good one and well let's see I was testing the directions quite a few of them are the same how about that I wish that they weren't so close looking but anyhow they're good right so now we're going to take them and flip them right sides together and we're gonna go oh my gosh we have to sew this seam and look at that it locks together but something different this time the seam is going down and underneath it's going up but that is right you check your picture mirror it drew great pictures so just get it all lined up and again you would be assembly line sewing pairs oh it's time you actually so eight of these for a side do we have our next our next show ready okay so this is coming so now because it's going down and you see I'm using my stiletto just hold this flat do that really good and then you have to go here and roll that back and look at it and whenever you slide that in there they also lock and just hold it down okay and you're going to do assembly line sewing but the swirling is now going to be counterclockwise okay because remember I said the seam went down the seam went down ah so don't worry you can still swirl it all you got to do is do it clockwise and counterclockwise just to make sure you're listening and you were okay so now I've got my glasses off I cut the little threads there actually don't have any little threads okay pull that out turn it over whoo this is kind of exciting because it's red on red and just not see I'm just picking out in the seam and whenever you lay them flat go 12 o'clock to the left this is 3 o'clock around 6 o'clock around and up and that also pops open into this little ah so now they're all going to lay really flat the whole way across so you've got every seam you've done the swirling and it lays perfect good ok and so now you can look at this alright so now we did a special project yeah that and the special project is coming we've sewn all of our blocks together we had to do a little narrow quilt okay so you can start and put this one up you put it up my my pro tater cuffs not so good okay so make sure ya go over enough so that Erica know do it lengthwise I think okay is that good where she is Eric are over to the left more yeah you have to move over you have to go over to the side yeah keep it moving over so we just found three stray blocks they were all 12 and a half inches the lattice is cut three and a half inches and the corner stones are also three and a half inches and you take that up and look at this okay you so eight of these together or like do you want to call them for because we put four together right one two three huh and four wait a minute yeah one two three four so there's eight right they are okay now they're gonna go hopefully you're gonna keep your fingers crossed and you're gonna go oh this is getting very exciting very exciting are they going to fit actually I think I would have started trying to find out before I was all done I thought okay I don't want to get clear up to this point and then laid that up there and see if it fits that looks good huh and I have a little piece just for the top I thought that that three and three are supposed to fit yeah actually pull it over for the yeah yeah yeah pull it over because you have the corner we have a corner okay I'll just hand her a corner real quick but then I'll show you how to make it yeah I know it's gonna fit yeah it doesn't look like it is but it really is gonna fit okay can I write and that's up a little bit I yeah I I showed them while you were you you can cut them but yeah but what I need now is my little package that shows the corners okay so go to the corners this is the very next page to make the little corners and if you want to make all four the same but you know what just now we found out that if we put yellow if we did all four yellows and then we put yellow right in that corner maybe we should had a multiple color so that one happened huh doesn't matter just need four corners of that we are certain okay and this right you could do that you could do that that would be fine okay so one two three so these are all three and a half inch squares right they're all three and a half inches and they're gonna lock together - is this too exciting do you see what I think I think this is the coolest border don't you agree okay the flippy arrow one two and so now we're going to just sew on the background we we've seen some other borders that were they have little different corners so what people are all creative come up with all these cool little things okay so you're going to make four just like this okay and then clip them apart every two and then all you have to do is open them up like this flip them right sides together this time you're going to do the top seam up and the underneath seam down just like we normally do on swirling and just get it all lined up and sew it so when you sew your borders you sew the sides first and then you press your seams toward the lattice and you have some brief sewing together blocks on there but mostly your seams are pressed toward the lattice cuz it's gonna fit better not so many seams to fight okay one corner so what do you think you love it very very cute yeah oh yeah used to plaid piece oh I know there's plaid and they're stripe and there's polka dot and all of that so it is a great way of using up all of your scraps and just cutting them so they fit okay one side the seams stitches are out you see I'm not getting them cut okay 1 2 3 turn 12 o'clock 3 o'clock 6 o'clock 9 o'clock open up mush and put them in place my press ah this is getting exciting so then in the last page it just shows that of course you work with this one and you're going to flip it right sides together and I would pin at the top and at the bottom see if you have to do any stretching or such being all along there and I would so with all of these seams on the top so you get them all sewn correctly yeah so they don't Bunch or anything and then when you open it up your seam will be pressed toward the lattice and you do the two sides first and press them towards the lattice and then you press toward the corner when you do this so if this seems press this way on this and this way on the corner it's going to lock together when you you put those on the two on the ends at the top and the bottom and put another border on send it out to the long arm quilter cheer and dance oh I love it I love it I'm so happy isn't that a cute little project though so I thought this would be really good for those of you that didn't get all your blocks done and you don't have time but you can still do something with it so it's it's pretty easy to think it through and put it together ah so have a good time just get that sampler done and remember to share it with us because I want samples for that book [Applause]
Channel: Quilt in a Day
Views: 9,609
Rating: 4.814815 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, eleanor burns, quilt in a day, accuquilt, sewing, fabric, thread
Id: SxoaD94uq4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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