Pineapple Quilt

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[Music] the fish tickets couple chicken Falcone fell Chicka Chicka Boom Chicka wagon filled the Chicka Chicka Boom G milk what a selfish dick approaching [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't say these old ladies aren't fun oh my gosh so I put the outfit on dnews is [Laughter] the tutti-frutti lady tutti fruitti or that Chiquita banana lady is she good I can't believe you got into it so this is how it went I tried on the outfit and it didn't sit I called Teresa and I said you got to do me a big favor Teresa and she said I said yeah it's worth a lot I said will you wear a costume for me I didn't really say what it was you know and she'd come brawl come with a strapless bra and heels and red lipstick she said oh I'll just get into it she did did she [Music] [Applause] no she's Carmen Miranda that and honor of what is our quilt today there's a real reason for that you've got it how could you tell and I just want you to know there are only two four five at sprouts that's really good all right so are you gonna hold your you then stain your outfit you should she can't okay Oh Thank You Carmen oh it's a good thing that's not me but now I need to have a helper ah Marie could you show the quilts huh and maybe doors since you guys are in the front row you get to fondle my quilts ah the pineapple did you know that's really a historic quilt it is just so much fun because you think about those sea captain's out there you know they were out there just sailing across the ocean and they go to Hawaii and they pick some pineapples and they go back to their home in Pennsylvania and just to let everybody in their neighborhood know that they were back in town the sea captains would take that pineapple and just impale it on their front fence ah a symbol of hospitality get it symbol of hospitality ah very interesting huh I know I think it's really fun but anyhow the pineapple was made around the 1870s right after the log cabin it's kind of similar to a log cabin technique and I have an antique quilt do you want to see it okay now I'm gonna endorse you guys are so responsive I love you okay so remember this is old very old one two three Wow something seeing it up I can see that the the blocks for the borders seem to have been made after the center what do you think maybe it just wasn't big enough but it's really old it's got lots of great fabrics in it but you can see the pattern there very little strips probably one and a half inches wide note that there's no border on it no border and it's interesting because the quilt maker took two layers put them together and she did a blanket stitch around the outside edge can you see that yes so you can show that whoa and let's see move back step back okay stand on my spot move the iron look at the camera smile it looks easy up here there's a lot to remember oh my gosh but anyhow traditionally just like the log cabin quilts they often put a red right in the very center that symbolic of the heart so the heart and hospitality how good can you get that's really fun you want to show the back it is just tied and you can hardly even see the little ties whoa pretty worn huh well if you were over a hundred years old you probably wouldn't look so good either look so good either I know I agree all right oh you want to pass it to Teresa and give her oh she's back could you give her her glasses so she can see I liked your other outfit better well we had our students and our teachers help us make our quilts so you can start right in the cover of your pattern yes and you're gonna love it [Music] Wow isn't that pretty Gail did this one Gail did this one and you two could have one just like it if you would like look at that so basically it has a black background the background is black and there are really like four different shades and if you look and let's just call these the light chain so are the medium shades like the yellow and the greener opposite and then the pink and the purple are opposite see the four patch in the center the four patch is the secret to our pineapple yeah that's what makes it really good really fun and then Gail put a rainbow border with all of the leftovers around the outside edge is it beautiful or what he's picking off the all of the pieces and Linda and her husband did the quilting on it okay what's the name of the group Theresa beech peach peach pie quilting peach pie quilting is that cute it's a cute name for long arm quilting yes and she's got the label will you show that again Doris ah thank you that's just a leftover and it's very gated thread and look at the back doesn't that say tropical tropical pineapple it's beautiful all right and it's rather planned don't you think it's rather planned and let's keep that handy because we might be showing that again all right so look on the page too and there is one block of Gail's quilt I like what we did we put mark collar in this pattern okay the second one Teresa did she called it mango salsa yes and mango salsa and that was actually the name of the Jelly Roll now listen to what she did she just said I don't wanna look through my scraps and gather up she took a jelly roll she took a two-and-a-half-inch jelly roll and she trimmed back all of those two and a half inch strips to one and a half inches how about that oh it's a strip tease okay well they are all did you get that it's because Moda called two and a half inch strips a jelly roll and Island boutiques has called these strip tease oh we like that one huh strip tease but that's what she did and there's all those colors and actually she said it wasn't wasn't hard at all notice that it has a light background you can truly see the pineapple in this one can't you the pineapple and what's fun is that all she did was put off of the four patch in the center she just took any of the colors it was from medium to dark just a total mix-up so you don't have to keep anything straight yay really good you don't have to keep keep it straight and then the border really picks up the same fabrics that are in the blocks these are 12 blocks degree by 4 it's a nice size huh okay so good now turn the page peep okay this one is mine you know that I have the log home up and Julian and I'm always thinking of more traditional more Civil War looking fabrics to hang in my log home it works and so this is the one that I did it's really fun to see how everybody does something different oh thank you you like it it's very very scrappy very very scrappy so you can see I started out with my four patch in the center with the red and the but thank you Vanna red and black and I did that same four patch so I used your ditch for the four patch over and over and then I actually did all different lights and all different darks and it was so much fun to do I had a great time so it's just a mishmash and oh my gosh I'm worrying oh my gosh I'm putting the same fabric in the same block forget it once your clothes done nobody notices that and then I framed it with a black border and more red thank you thank you I really like that okay remember that Civil War to modern and see how different this is and Sue was peeking in the door she said she'd come and talk about it oh and here's the modern with the grey background all of the gray background and she's got 12 blocks as well but it looks smaller in size it doesn't have a border traditionally the traditionally done modern quilts isn't that a sentence think about that any of the modern quilts are simpler gray background not a lot of quilting usually not a border around the outside edge and so once again she did all one background gray and then she made the let me see the four patch the four patches are all different yeah she's got a red and every one the four patches are all different and the corners are all different she just did whatever she wanted that's the best thing huh do whatever you want all right so let's look at the back Oh very modern that that is really as modern as you get and that is so soo with the orange backing see the good thing is you can do it how you want it to go in your home right make it look how you want it to look that's good all right okay paddy is on the road right now hi Patti just in case you're out there i fatty everybody said somebody will tell her that we were greeting her and everybody else that's watching too we welcome you but patty took a layer cake she was really funny she said I'm gonna do it out of a layer cake and I have one back here I'll show you later the layer cake is called my little black dress is that cute my little black dress you ready all right my little black dress very nice very fun to use to do it with a layer cake actually if you cut up your strips cut up layer cakes four strips one and a half inch strips you do not waste a lot and you know how you get such variety in a layer cake that you don't even have to dig in your scrap bag just to get all that variety but she did start out with a polka dot and a black for all of her four patches in the center and she did consistent things she used cornerstones you can see a large scale print for two opposite cornerstones and then black for the opposite corners so it's really a fun fun fun quilt now around the outside edge there's a black border that's 2 and 1/4 inches one and 1/4 inch beige and look at the fussy cut outer border is that adorable okay let patty here I know and little black dress is going into its second reprint because it's so popular it's little black dress too that you can get in January what a long time to wait oh my goodness but you know how it's ok if your fabric ages don't worry I have a whole house full of aging fabrics is this gonna be much better and let's see the back on it let's see very nice oh look it's like like bows on the back isn't that cute that is great you can see the casing on it love it just beautiful and and there's only one more on the on the floor Teresa took all of her scraps and her little leftovers there's always scraps and pieces that you can take and turn into a little table runner isn't that perfect so she rounded the corners we're just picking up all the threads she rounded the corners just to give it a different look and that table runner if you want to remember is on the back cover so I think that's a good show but oh there's one more there's one more thank you ladies so this one Patti also did I saw you looking at this one up here getting close Patti did this oh my gosh probably in 1987 I was either 87 or 89 and she remembered that we were on a vacation in Stone Harbor New Jersey and we do not know why but Loretta Smith who wrote the first pineapple book had just come out here at quilt in a day and she stayed in her bedroom the whole vacation and worked on this quilt can you imagine it was so funny she said Patti now we're talking about it over in the sewing room she said do you remember that quilt I made in New Jersey she said I wonder where that quilt is you're not gonna believe this I said I don't right where it is there's a box in our sewing room that is full of her quilt tops that she was going to get rid of and I Ryan could not bear it he saved all of those quilts she saved he saved all of those quilts there in a box not quilted and each time we get something out and they're still beautiful is that gorgeous and this on this one she really worked this is the block itself you can see the block but it's basically the four patch in the middle she used the same background throughout it's just yardage and then she did medium two mediums opposite each other exactly the same but look at her little she always does those little fussy cuts she always does the prettiest things and she used those in her corners and then her dark she used the same dark on both sides and then another little fussy cut on the corners I think she coined the word fussy cut fussy cut and when I have to work with her she makes me Unseld more than I get to sew but the border is a stripe of course and it is mitered in the corners if you can see that how lovely it is but I'm so surprised that she didn't keep it it's so patty kind of greens and purples she hasn't changed oh I think she is changing now so honestly it was just recently quilted I'm not gonna give it back to her what do you think I don't think so either I think I should keep it that's what she gets for getting rid of it too much fun well Finders Keepers that's right well there are some rulers that we have at quilt in the day that you honestly have to have to make this quilt and I've taught in many classes and honestly there's a lot of rulers out there I can hardly read but this one I can read we have a six inch square of ruler let me see how many of you have one oh good oh you guys are good okay and then you need a nine and a half inch do you have a nine and a half inch okay I'm watching I'm gonna get you okay and then the last size is a 12 and a half oh yeah oh yeah easy to read that's good all right okay you guys you can stay you're allowed to stay I'm really happy that you're here okay so I want you to look at the yardage chart I think that Marilyn opened it and said oh wow but let me tell you do you know that we get these calls almost every day that says I want to make a king size I want the yardage and I'm going who would ever want to make a king size but there's the yardage just in case you might have to get out your your magnifying glass to read that yardage but it is in this book from your table runner to your lap to a twin oh my gosh and there's two sides laps twin queen and king how about that that good excellent oh cool so how about let's just pretend that we're going to make Hawaii oh that's not very much yardage but anyhow I was thinking that we would look at a 12-block lap robe because Orion did you know that you can get a 12-block lap robe out of these carefully selected colors and carefully cut into one and a half inch strips oh where can you get it I know where this really cool quilt up doesn't that look cool there's two little ones there's your one and a half your little little four patch in the center is two and a half inch strips your corners are four inch strips cut into four inch squares is that cool very cool very cool is there an item number there's a price on it it's $35 for $35 I would pay anybody to cut my one and a half inch strips it is item number seven zero zero five deco alright so but the background is not included so you can go you can go either you can go white like what Teresa did if you like the white better or you can go black like y'all did ah so you got your choice is that good but we did and we did I cut out what's this i Theresa country I always feel like a nurse up here say we did this we did this but anyhow Theresa cut me on some background one and a half inch strips and she cut it in that hat are you impressed that hat that she had on is really hard to keep but I said oh my gosh the one thing that I didn't really like is cutting my strips show you on a cue quilt method in just a minute but anyhow since Teresa cut them okay so then you can layer cut these right these are all one and a half inch strips and that is what size the strips for the pineapple are so I'm going okay I'm just gonna do it this way all right they're all lined up and actually if you can cut four layers at one time four layers is enough for each round in the block oh wait she took away some stuff don't take it all away oh okay okay will you put it up there okay give me this okay okay that's okay I'm so sorry here Teresa I know you got the sign clean up Al's messy table or al should throw it over her shoulder huh okay so this so this is what it is so it starts with a four patch right in the center which I'll show you and then the round one is the background and then round two is the print then it goes around three background round four print okay you with me five six seven eight so why not if you have to have this on four sides of the four patch why not cut four strips at one time and that's enough for one block got it got it okay so look what you can do the first background that you need and let me look at my book let me look it to my book and make sure it says that okay one in a pinch oh gosh can you get forward I'm still gimpy I'm sorry okay so one and a half I got one and a half inch strips right just ask Teresa Teresa will cut all of your one and a half inch strips and so on Martha so I'm just gonna square off square off the end right get rid of that okay so now first we need four inch okay four inch and then I'm gonna stack that all up and then we need to have six inch right six it says six it says six this is this is for the center right four inch 6 inch and then the next size I need is four and a half [Music] right the only news you know what you should follow the numbers in your pattern four and a half and then you need five and a half five and a half five and a half and I should have brought more strips but I was going to cut them for you five and a half yes so if you just can stack them up see how many strips you need how many pieces you need and just do it by layering and cutting won't that go easier for you so you don't have to struggle so much five and a half and the last one was for six and a half okay well I don't have enough for six but I'm gonna cut later okay six and a half I thought I did good okay so I'm just gonna set this here like this so that I have all my pieces in order okay that was background that was this was one two three four one two three four oh we need a fifth one out there okay so now we're gonna look at our prints you want to see our prints so Martha and Theresa actually did a gradation of your fabrics isn't that beautiful and Theresa sort of these for me we have four colors in our four patch okay we have four colors remember I said we had the yellow and the green we're the medium and the pink and the purple were like our dark so Theresa stacked one of each right in here see oh yeah does that work yeah yeah I think so too I think so too that makes it really good so the very first round this is what you need this is what you need and you need to have right here I'm looking right here at four five six and seven it just keeps on going bigger and bigger and bigger right so you can just go ahead say we were going to make 12 blocks so that's four one block at four oops and then this is for the second block at four four inches yeah so you can just keep on going well this is the first round and then the second round is five the second round is 5 right five the next round is six I'm this is where I am page seven I'm making around and it goes four five six and the last one is seven so see if you just go ahead and layer cut it won't be so painful for you ha I think I have enough to do at least one block here huh see how I can do it okay so now I did it so I I'm keeping it neat Theresa and then there's even more if you want to make it all scrappy you can do sixteen blocks with all scrappy if you just you know just sew it just do it just go for it and there's actually enough if you do just twelve remember how Gayle had that cool rainbow border around the outside edge the real ittle rainbow border around the outside edge so lots of fun wanna so I want to so I want to so I want to make my four patch but you guys already know how to make a four patch right how are you doing Orion you're good look at this is this cool look like a weapon huh yeah this is a little pincushion this is the copy of the pincushions from the 1800s beware there are imitations out there these are not originals but anyhow it has a little clamp on it and you can just and so it was just really all was it's just you put it right on the edge of your table and you clamp it right beside your treadle right put it beside your Traddles stick all of your pins in there and it's ready oh do you know how they can get it look on the Internet I found it I bought this some time ago mine is nearly ancient but anyhow you can just look on the internet and purchase it that's not old okay so we're gonna start and make our four patch centers all right we need two and a half inch strips if you're going to do four colors like our black background you can have the four different colors for your four patch when I made mine and it was just all scrappy I used yardage only I used two strips of red and two strips of black and so you can see each one whatever you want to start with in the center you can make a different so I need to put them out two and a half inches let me tell you the measurement on this is very important and so I think if I were you I would use a scant quarter okay when I sew I so with three point five and my quarter inch foot when I put my needle down and I saw it three point five it is a perfect quarter of an inch well because you lose a lot on your fold can you imagine on these blocks how much you lose how much you lose on your fold so let me move that over so I would recommend that you move your needle slightly to the right like a 4.0 and you really need to measure it first and I'm just gonna do partway down one okay Teresa I'm gonna have you set the seam and open it oh wow that's really skinny don't look at that over iron whoa that was really bad you want to see it you guys you have to see this because it'll make you feel so good you ready are you on it that is bad that is really bad that's okay fine we'll square it up in a minute okay we'll just square it huh Oh Ryan that'll be very valuable someday people will look on the Internet do you know that Sue has a whole collection of my mistakes think how cool that is we should show that on the back of the quilt people would pay for that don't you think absolutely it's like a blooper that people would say oh my gosh I must have been drinking before I came that's all I can say unbelievable okay so anyhow if you can so two and a half inch strips sew them straight with a 4.0 stitch width if you can do that all right and so this is very simple actually okay so now now when it's pressed you can't even see it can you okay so I'm gonna put the seam on this one down and this one I'm going to put it right sides together with the seam going up because we're going to do that magical swirling trick okay this is why I did it because you have to be consistent oh look at that that is really good see I want it at four and a half inches and I got it at four and a half inches okay do you see where it says major your which should be four and a half inches circle that okay you got to find your seam allowance you got to get that good okay that is very funny but anyhow okay so now all I'm gonna do is just cut these into two and a half inch sections so how many for a lap how many okay how many for twin 24 lots of them Han 24 and king-size 49 too many man you're not kidding too many that's why I said it's a really nice quilt it's beautiful but it is time-consuming okay so if you want to spend the rest of your life making a king-size pineapple quilt that's okay by me you'll have a good time just think of the scraps you can use up okay so you're making four patch and my machine just does not sound good at all not only isn't my stitch with good with good but probably Oh sewing good okay I know it's the batik it it's the batik it's the hand I kind of plunking I thought my needle was tall but it's not okay rainbow did it but it's beautiful okay so watch see I've laid it wrong side up the swirling to the right down to the left up open the center mushy good mush it good okay and now press it Theresa and show it from the right side oh it's lovely absolutely lovely see look at the right side nobody will ever know it is beautiful huh do not tell my secrets Orion you will have time enough when you write my memoirs you can tell tell everybody about me I want I wanna know if I get to get a good review alright now this is how we make them all exactly the same to start with okay turn the page we're on page 10 and it says trimming for patch to four inches square okay this is the key to the whole block four inches square so I'm using my six by six you put two inches you frame your block at two inches okay see two inches right here if they are made oversized and now you trim them up so see if you screw up it doesn't matter until now okay so just cut one side oh I don't have any invisible on it it's so hard see this is my secret Orion doesn't allow me to have invisible my ruler because it's it glares on the TV okay did you see that I can go tearing it around and now once again I'm going to put two inches I'm framing two inches and it's four inches here that's what's important so now your little block is four inches okay and take this and get rid of it and it's perfect and nobody will ever know but I always do laughs if if later years people try to tell you that the quilt was made by Eleanor burns I do want you to check the color of thread used if it's red thread it will be very valuable okay so now we're going on okay we've got this little we've got our little four patch and what size is it okay so we're just gonna take our background which was the first pieces that we caught they were four inches yes right okay now I I like to sew with my block wrong side up and my strips right side up and I was watching Teresa she actually did it the opposite way so I'm just going to make one block so you can do it how you want but anyhow those little four inch pieces go on either side use your stiletto try to sew straight yes that's part of this game you know okay I am putting a four-inch background on both sides of my perfect four patch yay perfect I am careful okay so now let's look on the other side alright there's background on both sides turn it like this set the seam and press toward the background that's what you see on eleven perfect okay so I'm actually done with this now the four-inch and now I need to have my six inch and this is going to tell you right there okay turn the page beep beep you know what's kind of cool you can't see the right or the wrong side so who knows okay turn the page and now it says we're adding the third background to the four patch I like mine wrong side up and that's what it shows this is right side up so you just slide it over see those little arrows poor Merritt has to make all those little arrows perfect just for you guys I thought so he didn't come in just for you guys no I don't think so Merritt if you're watching don't listen to us we're just silly ladies we're having fun and this would be the opportunity don't you think Merritt does a beautiful job on our artwork and he works really hard to get all those pictures perfect for you I think that's very very special but I have to tell you you all may be no merit but when he came to work at today he had hair any any more a suit is that funny Maggie and now he's weathered he has a wife three children no hair and wears jeans that's art that's our good that's our artist exactly what he should be all right so this is the very center look I framed it with the background do you see that on the bottom of page 12 you're going to do that with all of your Center squares okay you do that with all of your Center squares just take it and press it over and there oh did you say this is the scary part Barbara Oh Gary oh no there's a ruler there oh there's a ruler there okay so I want you to notice that you put your block square okay and I did put it on my little turnable you could use your bigger one and I'm going to still continue to use my 6x6 and there are two and a half inch measurements see where it goes two and then two and a half can you see that all right two and a half two and a half okay so this is what the tricky part is you line up first of all the diagonal line down through the center and then you find two and a half and you put two and a half right on the tips no quarter-inch okay I didn't say a quarter inch away see I put it right there on the tips okay there and there this is two and a half two and a half straight line all right that's not scary Barbara yes it is don't worry comment Teresa will help you [Laughter] actually Carmen will did you know ok so look I cut these off see I cut those off do you want to see it without the ruler all look see right out there nothing there no seam allowance I'm just gonna flip it around okay take my six by six again put my diagonal line down through the middle and put my my tips right there good and I'm going to cut again and what did you know that in 1945 that was the year that I was born Carmen Miranda was the highest-paid woman in the United States for her dancing don't tell him Teresa you know how much she made a week she made $5,000 a week in 1945 that good she was called the Brazilian bombshell okay I'm gonna take that get rid of it okay and now look at that is that cute doesn't that look like a pineapple already no you don't think okay so now we're going to go to round that was round one right background and now we turn the page and you just take it slow we're going to add 2 medium to round 2 hey Diana I do know how to do this but I don't want to do it too fast for you okay this is what I like to do I like to put turn this wrong side up I'll put it just kind of like the book okay and so now we see this piece is for the first print do you remember what size it was yeah who said that narrow you're good mara okay so look this is purple that's purple right this is yellow that's yellow-green that's kind of green it's kind of green it's green and then we need to have pink ah okay okay that's easy huh okay so I the reason that I like to turn my block wrong side up is because I want to Center this on this piece of fabric you just pick it up and slide it over and you will see that you have little tips hanging out okay just they're really little okay so I'm gonna just slide that over and you see how Mary threw that nice little tip I'm a little shy somebody must have been goofing around whenever I did that anyhow you've got that right I'm there and I lined up the green I have it underneath I still have my scant quarter of an inch and I also can see so that I don't flip out on my sees there are nothing worse than flipping out okay that is one side if you were assembly line you would keep on sewing right assembly assembly assembly but I'm not assembly so now I'm going to turn it here go back to here I have my yellow on the opposite side okay slip it under there line it up Center it let little tips hang out yeah okay little tips all right yep I sewed I chopped off my tip I tried to do it okay I'm just chopping right off my tip and I'll show you as soon as we're done okay okay okay and let us look at the picture okay see see go go show them my tips Oh Ryan chopped you see they're chopped off no no there's some good things about this okay so now I have purple purple purple and I have pink pink right pink pink this is easy right I'm chopping on my tips again cheese you never know what I'm gonna do here chop them off huh we're doing good are we doing good you know what um once you get into this it's getting the center right and then you can just go with it you get it's it's just very repetitive and you can do it okay let your tips hang out okay centered on there Theresa are you ready I hope your daughter see you dressed as Carmen Miranda Theresa ha yeah course and you know that whenever Carmen passed she did they did bury her back in Brazil that 1/2 million people followed her to her grave is that amazing they just loved her so that's cool huh all right so that's what it looks like oh look look close we cut off the tips yeah yep we cut off the tips okay so now we are going to trim I can still use my six inch ruler I'm gonna put my ruler okay now you're gone okay what are we trimming it to I'm going to keep on sliding it up yep and you're going to see how the 3-inch line lines up can you see the 3-inch line so you have that why the four-patch is important and do you see how it comes right here to the edge here right here to the edge here okay so that's your that hold it down trim up whoo I need my turnable but I did it huh that would have been good for the turnable okay so I did one side okay okay yeah you know how hard it is to work with family members yes you think I look perfectly calm and relaxed up here no I am fine I'm having fun okay see three inches you see that three inches so pardon me it's the same on both sides one two you see how it's just lining up here it's just lining up okay Barbara are you still sweaty okay so this was round one this is round two now what do you think what are we going to add now background and background let's look at the book see if it tells us background Round three what size are the strips four and a half inches that's a good pattern you have there four and a half inches okay look one two three and four all right one two three and four put it back put it wrong side up if you would like then just that arrow there's that little flippy arrow oh no merit forgot oh my gosh we're gonna have to write rewrite the book slide it on little tips hanging out cutting off there are no tips no tips that's good huh all right how are we doing I'm I want to look at my watch but I'm afraid to so then you just keep on going 10:56 okay we don't want to miss our lunch you know what honestly and so this one you know and you can go right around in a circle if you want right you're going to add four blacks to the sides right so if you're only going to make one block you can just keep on going right around in the circle I might as well the pineapple is not quite ripe yet however that would be really good you guys are all gonna have your mouth watering all think about pineapple all right so I'm putting what round is this three round three and I'm just adding this black to all sides your illustrations are done with white but it's exactly the same okay Teresa get ready what's Teresa gonna do you know press to the dark side you know what was really fun about Carmen she met President Roosevelt this was the 30s and the 40s you met President Roosevelt and he felt that she was really valuable to the United States because she was from Brazil he encouraged her because it was like the good neighbor policy you know we had somebody from a different country and you could just really show okay now there is it's just really slight in this scene but don't worry that's okay and I'll show you what I mean because I think this this happens to you and it's really gonna be hard to tell but I'm Ryan you can go really close there can you see how there's about 1/16 of an inch don't worry don't worry okay now Teresa is going to set the scene open press and that was round four so what are we gonna square it to that was round three okay we're on round four we're on round four let me see if I can still fit this on here barely barely and there's a new ruler that you have to switch to yeah we could you could bring me the larger one look at the picture no it's still the six inch you can still do it look okay oh it says to use the nine and a half okay yes it would be really tight the book is right use the nine and a half nine and a half okay so what are we to do you notice how it's going up a half inch each time three and a half inch and what is it supposed to be on the outside three and a half there and you swing your turnable around there and you turn this and now you put on the right on the outside edge seven okay here is seven seven three and a half is right three and a half here going down along there seven is here and trim it's so cute it's like a little pineapple is that very cute so you get the idea you get the idea okay you just keep on going make sure you're on the right page you just keep on going huh all the pieces are right until you get two okay round eight and Theresa took my block away Oh round eight oh she didn't take it I have it okay no I wanted to finish one turn I just spilled all my pieces okay so magic look at that round eight whoa is that fast I'm good that's all I can tell you Carmen Moran it's your heart out huh okay so these are four inch squares cut in half on one diagonal isn't this interesting look at this same colors let your tips hang out on the outside edges DC it's exactly the same four inches square cut on one diagonal and that's the page adding the corners yeah we're good and so you know you can just so you can show that around so them on there because I think I have one that's all even faster Wow I did good I did good yep so there it's on there and now you would think that we're gonna square this block to twelve and a half but it's really only twelve okay will you make note of that it's really only twelve and so if we take what would be half of twelve six six now we have to go to the big ruler okay DC six six you can't go wrong put it on a big Turner ball trim two sides swing it around and now you actually have to turn the ruler turn the ruler so that we can put six again last two sides six twelve six twelve one two very pretty that pretty it's very pretty it's very beautiful and actually when Gayle laid hers out you want to just show on the wall there the one thing there are not a lot of different ways that you can turn these blocks they are not like the log cabin where you can just keep on turning them and having a lot of fun with it but if you look at that okay so basically Gayle kept the same color in the top right yes you took the same color and the top right go back and look on page two she kept like purple in the top right corner over and over again okay she did purple over and over again and I want to show you how you press the seam so you can lock them together you want to lock them okay so from the wrong side yeah if you would pick all of that up for me Theresa that would be perfect okay from the wrong side you press your seams away from the dark away from the dark but on the medium so they lock you take and you press the two outside seams in okay I press the two outside seams one two okay on the medium I press the two outside seams in that works okay now so whenever you put them when you lay them like this and you put your purple here the purple is on the right corner and when you flip these right sides together then you see this was the medium this seam is going down this is the dark this seam is going up and so they lock yeah they're very nice isn't that very nice and that is it's just gonna happen on the same corners too okay so very nice it works good so um Patty's actually is set a little bit different and turned to Patty's the my little black dress look at Patty's and that she turned her blocks and you can see that she turned her yeah she turned her blocks back and forth we're doing good okay now oh you're doing good so no okay I'm gonna just start with this one I'm just gonna start with my black I gotta get these one and a half inch strips cut really fast huh Martha and Theresa it won't go home with me darn it so I just want to this is the first time that I did this and I got so excited a cue quilt has a one and a half inch strip cutter did you know that yeah you knew that okay so with this MP arm look at this this is one and a half inches one and a half inches and what I did was cut a black and I could have put like six layers on here this is I cut it seven and a half inches wide and there is two fold okay there is the fold along there and I'm just gonna line up one edge we're just gonna trim a little bit off okay so you could have three of these on top of each other and that would be really cool six layers you need your mat yeah okay I want to see where's my a cute girl you're getting excited back there hello are you getting excited huh you have that die alright so just start cutting whoo it's a long die I always thought that oh I didn't need to have this four strips but look what happens I mean you put it on the fold okay slide oh look at that [Music] is that good isn't that amazing you kind of you kind of could have cut one to five you could have cut five times three you could have done fifteen strips all at once that was pretty good Oh oh my goodness but you know what else look at this you see straight straight there's no dogleg like that you know how that goes but that's really fun okay so that's fun with the strips and that's extra and you can just you know okay take the black strip so you know how to cut that and now comes the little black dress oh it's so cute you have to wait till January but look at this this is what my sister patty now's the time to get Patty's quilt out I'm gonna get Patty's quilt okay so we've got values of light we've got light here we've got medium here medium and we've got dark clear down below and every every one of your layer cakes also has that and see this is what this is what she did she took her lights cool okay so I'm gonna use since this is so big I'm gonna take a couple lights you can go up to six layers but I have an evening class so I can't cut it all right now right so I'm just gonna put some lights on one half lights on one half and put some mediums on the other half you know what patty almost did not finish this quilt she just said she didn't like it nice bring it in here we'll finish it we'll finish it okay so now you can do some mediums on the other end put them in there all right is this cool very cool very cool I was doing this and I said oh my gosh this is just so much fun they're really good to me at Accu quilts wonder why wonder why okay so let's just slide it off so anyhow oh I didn't slide off so good but look at all the one and a half inch strips you got yeah great yes and so now what I think we need to take the oh yes you cut it look how nice I cut it earlier okay so Theresa will you take the machine and put it down for me okay I'm nearly done Oh Ryan are you with me were you amazed okay I just want to show you how fun it is to cut so I was going oh my gosh there's gonna be so much waste here but you know what so go back to page seven go back to page seven seven seven seven okay the first time I'm cutting my medium right this is my medium and so the first number was what number in that little chart for okay how big or how big our layer cakes ten-four and what's it's now six do we need a six we're not wasting a thing okay what else do we need five okay well got five and what's the other piece did you waste anything no yeah that was going really good wasn't it it was gone yes yes yes yes but it's gonna be a really little piece okay so the last one is only seven-and-a-half all only seven oh my gosh now I wasted a whole half-inch darn it yeah but that's the waste all the border actually actually there there is a chunk that you can use for your board or to whenever you cut you know when you cut a 10-inch you have a little piece sitting at the side this one this is what I was getting pieces like this which you can piece together for your border but anyhow isn't that fun I know I think it's really fun actually that's the wrong piece I cut I got so excited that's the one I cut up this is the one that's the six-inch it's bigger than two inches oh oh I did cut this at for two and a half I did cut it at two and a half yeah you can take your you can take and cut your two and a half inch centers you can get your four inch corners out of your layer cake oh my goodness it was just too much fun I had a great time doing quite fine my help you do too thank you what's that great thank you okay so we have a double nine patch and this is Aiko's what do you think cute I think it's really cute she told me yesterday that she really loved it too is going to use it often it's really cute and she wants you to notice I think the corners on her quilt are adorable so she just carried out that theme and and made it kind of looks looks like a piece of bamboo right there huh oh that's really really fun it's very nice I like it too very old-fashioned looking oh you yeah yeah did I say their pattern wrong oh I'm sorry double four patch this was last month's block if you weren't here double four patch okay and I'm not sure which one okay this is Linda's here with the it's really pretty with the green the lime green going through there and it looks like you made every single patch the same huh that makes it easy that makes it really easy and it's interesting that you use the dark pink as her background that's really fun and your borders are beautiful too did you do the quilting Linda that's really adorable little flowers it's really cute and then it's like um on the outside border very cute very cute very cute and this one is maryland's okay and the one beside it this is bright it'll shake up your mouth huh that is really fun I like your different colors of side triangles around there and you you didn't put it across the top so it really looks like continues those rows of your four-patch they're very nice yeah let's see doesn't it look fun when you look at it in the mirror in the mirror in the TV I'm getting tired it's nearly lunchtime I'm very excited I'm very excited okay are there quilts in the audience yes okay you want to go around and line up here that's good yes you could take a short cut okay rainy but there's some other Sandy's got one good all right our pad has one all right Linda has 100 her Christmas it's her Christmas tree oh cool all right that is very nice very very nice a wedding this is a wedding gift from rainy very very nice that black is really sharp isn't it different kinds of black very very nice good job well anybody getting married rainy gives wedding gives quilts for wedding gifts oh and this is oh my gosh dormancy Wow look at that that's beautiful that is beautiful higher here let me see if I can hold up one that's very nice call very nice and look at the okay if you hold the top straight across one two three that's very nice good job beautiful you've been stitching a storm how fun so I should have brought my storm at sea over from our Alaskan cruise yeah okay Theresa is gonna bring okay sandy and Marie are you holding one oh she is she waiting for last no look how cute snowman oh my gosh this is so [Music] these are little snowmen are they adorable that is very very cute it really it looks icy doesn't it and it's snowmen on the back and guess where she got the fabric I saw that going through I was thinking that was really cute I can't I can't have it all I share a little bit with you very nice I like your little folder is it a folder board a little narrow boy huh you can really see the zig zag in this one can't use [Music] it was aging you have to age let your fabric age whoops I'm sorry okay Linda I just know you had that Christmas oh look how pretty and she's got little beads sewn that that really adds a lot to it and your quilting is really nice she did it herself oh and we don't have Brenda here but she's teaching a class on quilting and that's very nice she put her little ties out here and it's finished with a blanket stitch and gold thread very nice very very nice little play stripe and this is a really darling binding very very cute okay the wreath and are you excited you're getting ready for Christmas yeah yeah yeah Brenda Sheri very nice very nice all right Pat thank you pretty blue okay here I'm gonna let use pen talk in here she tried to make her smaller well turned out oh look very old-fashioned looking very old-fashioned I like and your blue almost looks Christmasy too she had it in her stash for years and couldn't cut into it but then she decided it was time it was ripe enough very nice good I like your little touch of yellow around the outside to see some of those fabrics that you just love forever and you can't okay Nancy look at the back that is great Halloween oh there's little pumpkins this is very cute oh my gosh that is adorable that is just perfect look how cute that is very nice yay Nancy good job and Kathleen look at your back also everybody's doing Halloween you two live close to each other this is very cute we've had so many cute Halloween she has bats flying on the yellow and these bats are really they're like vampire but bats would be keep hanging out it's really cute and candy corn here this is so fun these are like little bad eyes and the writing says happy something probably happy Halloween something like but it's perfect and your binding is really beautiful I love the binding when you cut it on the bias that's fine it's for a wall I think I have all these perfect walls just this size you know we're like buying this bat fabric and really enjoying the bat fabric but when a group of women are in a room and a bat comes in oh my gosh and he sleeps with me and she sleeps in my log house and during during camp Cedar Glen oh my gosh she saw a bat one night she couldn't even sleep for two nights she's like she put the covers over and through with Teresa's daughters we've had bats coming that a backup in the house and they were screaming and carrying on just see little things oh look how cute sharing that is adorable that is so cute I love this fabric that is really nice and let me see okay she'll use it up wear it out make a do do without very nice very very pretty good job yeah - Christmas present good job and this is the storm is see that we worked on in the cruise on the inland Passage it was really fun because after we got going on the blocks every port we stopped at had at least one quilt shop and in Alaska they specialized in you know critters from the sea and so this was the one that I found that I really liked and added to it but now there's about thirty four others just like this one out there but it's okay I like like it look at the backing pretty good good all right there we wait until the end this one do you remember swirling star Wow look how pretty that is that is beautiful look how fun that is gorgeous higher she didn't get to see it in the back swirling star did we do this this year or last year I'm so confused first one second one third one this year this year April better late than never yeah Marie we're doing good we're doing good all right you want a price oh my gosh Oh oh my gosh it was just so much fun so be nice to each other keep safe and see you the next time [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Quilt in a Day
Views: 116,611
Rating: 4.7354989 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, eleanor burns, quilt in a day, block party, pineapple quilt
Id: 6uK-azsZx0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 13sec (5233 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2013
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