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Banana Ba-ba-banana-right? Is it like Filipino banana? It's the same banana Filipino, European, whatever - No No, you have tiny bananas Gelo: What?! It's not true Gelo: We're average Hi guys! Today we're trying something new We have with us two of the most beautiful ladies and influencers in Abu Dhabi And today, they're going to try Filipino food So let's get started (intro song) Hi, my name is Dana aka @dee4dana on Instagram I'm a fashion blogger based in Abu Dhabi Hi guys, my name is Suzanna And I'm a fitness trainer based in Abu Dhabi too Never - I did, many times Gelo: So what's your favorite ones? So, as I've told you earlier, I have three favorites I think you would love them Number one is Lumpia, that's like similar to spring rolls Probably you've tried something like that - Of course Sticky rice Did you try that? Is it like fried rice? No, it's sticky with like coconut milk, sugar - a lot of sugar I've never tried And third thing is Adobo It's like a dish that you'd die for But I don't know how to explain or what is it I just know it's good Okay - Okay, bread looks good What is this? Bread and Cheese Whiz Cheese Whiz? Is it 'Wheez?' - Cheese Whiz Cheese Louise Oh, wow The bread looks good The bread - isn't this Filipino bread? The bread is called Pandesal Okay This is one of the most famous breakfast food in the Philippines Wow Oh wow, it's hot It's hot This is really good This is REALLY good So this is, for me, five Adnan would love this Oh my god, we have something similar in Serbia These are like similar to our noodles Noodles? Oh noodles - sorry, donuts I'm like, 'which noodles?' I love the bread, but the cheese is like The bread, it's amazing. I love it The cheese, let me try I feel like this cheese is for sandwich - Okay, I don't want to get full from the bread but 5 5, right? - Yeah I would say bread is 5. The cheese it's like good Nothing different - I'm not a big fan of the cheese Same Yeah, it's like I would definitely put it in my sandwich Me too Gelo: So the next food we'll bring you is from one of the most famous fast food chains Fried chicken Jolly? Jollibee? Gelo: Yes, Jollibee Anything fried chicken? - I've never tried it, but I want to try it so bad Is there fried chicken at the end of the day? I'm happy - Dana, I wanted for so long to try this Is this your cheat day by the way? This is my like, yeah, cheat day This is like Dana's thing, fried food Oh my god, yes Yes I'm supposed to have lunch after this with Hisham, but poor Hisham - Oh my god Ah, this is sharing? Okay I'm joking She wanted it only for herself Ta da It looks so good My type of food. Fried food What is this? - What is this? Yobi: Rice, that's rice This is rice? Should we try rice? Yobi: And gravy So I just take the whole piece of chicken? Gelo: Yeah, yeah sure And then I pour Gelo: You don't have to finish everything Ah Why? Why? How do you do this (eating with a spoon)? Gelo: Ah wait, no no I don't know Gelo: They're not used to using spoons I don't know how to use a spoon Can I have a knife? Guys, I love the chicken, I love the rice I'm worried, I don't want to try the sauce Dana, we have to have a dance, a good food dance - Exactly Like this? I really like the chicken - Me too More of this chicken And the gravy it's really nice Gelo: Is it weird when you taste it with the gravy? How does it taste like? For me, it's really nice with the gravy I didn't try nothing like this with a gravy, honestly I like it Again, total is 5 for me - 5 The same. 5, 5, 5 I thought Jellybee, Jollibee Not Jellybee, Jellybees are jelly beans Oh my god, what is that again? Gelo: Okay, so the next food is again from Jollibee. Don't worry, this will be the last one from Jollibee Gelo: It will be the Yum Burger and their Jolly Spaghetti Like real spaghetti? Gelo: Yeah, like real spaghetti - And, how did you say? Yummy burger? Gelo: It's called Yum Burger. It's one of their signature burger Gelo: In Jollibee Oh, okay. Let's do that Ah, this is cute. It's like a McDonald I love it Yobi: Most of the kids love it Kids, right? Yobi: Yes Okay, cheers Cheers Okay - Looks good This is yum It's so nice Mayo Everything I love This is good Is this chicken or beef? I think it's beef Okay Yobi: It's beef It's beef, right? It tastes like both actually Look at this I told you it's mayo Go shawty, it's your birthday It's someone's birthday today Yeah Happy birthday We look like we're fighting over this spaghetti Okay It's going to look so messy. Oh my god, I'm sorry guys These are so good I love them Really good Gelo: So how's this spaghetti different from the regular ones? It's sweet Oh right, there is some sweetness Gelo: Yeah, because Filipinos always love to make their food sweet Because you guys are so sweet It's really nice, I love this. I love both. I would give 5 for this 5 and 5 I'll give 5 to this (Yum Burger). This one (Jolly Spaghetti) 4 I'm not really used to a lot of sweet on like - Ah, on the food? Food, yeah I like that combo. I like when they put - But it's really good, actually. That's why I gave it a 4 only because I'm not used to having sweet or sugar Yeah I'm telling you we're going to wash dishes at the end Gelo: So we gave you some barbecue sticks, and that's how you'll eat it So one stick for each of us? Yobi: Yeah But don't you use sticks like a - What is this? Why am I worried? I feel like there's a surprise inside Is this sweet? Gelo: That's the sauce Dana, why are you scared? I don't know, I don't trust Angelo Oh What is this? Oh, it's like meatballs Gelo: So it's called Squid Balls Squid Balls? Ah, so it's not meat It's squid? - It's seafood Ah, you don't like seafood? No, I told him She's not a fan of sauces Dana is like looking at me like She's like, 'what are you eating?' How's it? I feel like it's 3 or 4 I mean, I like it but - Not your favorite Not my favorite I think I would give this 3 I think 3 I do like squid but I feel like it's too much - For you, okay Yeah, for me But it's cool Dave: Yeah, typically when we eat it in the streets they usually fry it Gelo: It's deep fried In front of you? Dave: Yeah, in front of us. Then, we're the ones who will actually pick it out ourselves Oh Gelo: So we get our sticks and then after he fries it, he puts it on a container and then we're the ones who's going to pick it - Choose the pieces Gelo: Yeah Oh, oh oh These are Lumpias? Sweet Lumpias? Gelo: And the next food, it's called Turon Turon? Gelo: Turon Spring Rolls but Sweet Spring Rolls Yobi: There's a twist, yeah Gelo: Just try it I'm going to find shrimps inside the sweets - No seafood Of the Turomb Not Turomb, it's Turon Turon Turon What is this? Is this chicken? No Dana, it's sweet how can it be chicken? I wouldn't know Banana Ba-ba-banana-right? Is it like Filipino banana? It's the same banana Filipino, European, whatever - No No, you have tiny bananas Gelo: What? It's not true I'm sorry guys Cut Gelo: I have a question for you Suzanna: Have you ever tasted Filipino banana? Why do you know it's small? Cut I really loved it, but for me, without the topping She likes bananas I love it but without the topping - Me too I feel like the taste of the syrup on top it's kind of strong Yobi: It's brown sugar, actually Ahh - But for me, because it's crunchy and it's sweet already, I don't want to put any extra topping So, I would actually rate it 5 without the topping. But with this sauce or sugar, I'm going to make it 4 For me, I don't like the topping but I like everything else. So, let's vote 4 Dave: To be honest, that's not a topping. Turon is actually fried in brown sugar Dave: It was deep-fried in sugar Yobi: And it's not the typical banana, that's called the Saba (sweet plantain) Yobi: It's like a local banana in the Philippines Gelo: Next food - Bread? Gelo: It's called Puto Are you swearing at me, man? Shame on you. Guys, don't listen to him Is this a muffin? It's a mini muffin Gelo: I'm not joking. It's called Puto Is this ginger? - Stop saying that This is nice This is really nice I like this For us Arabs, like if you give it to my aunt, she will give me a cup of tea with it and she will actually eat it With this? - Yeah Like a dessert? - No, I feel like having a cup of tea with it. It's something that we do But this was so nice, actually It's light, it's not heavy It's really nice - It's like a combination between muffin and bread And there is sweet and cheese, right? Sweet and salty - It's not too sweet, it's not too, yeah Gelo: So how would you rate the food? 5, this one, 5. I rate this 5, actually I said 10, but it's okay. It's 5 Yeah, 5 for me too I think this is like really close to the bread that we ate in the beginning - Yeah This was a really nice surprise I like it - Yeah What's this, Falafel? Angelo? Yeah, Falafel. Filipino falafel I like the name What's the name? This is a very cute name. Silvanas Silvanas. It's like Spanish Gelo: Yeah, it's like Spanish It's not Puto Silvanas. I like the name already, so Dave: So we have three different kinds I'm going to have the cookies and cream - No, you don't. You're going to have matcha You're wearing pink/purple - And you're wearing green so Okay, we can share. We can share I'll try to break it - Okay, break it. Let's try it together Angelo Okay, we got it This looks nice Surprise This looks like it has ice cream inside That we can talk about This is really good Dance. 3, 2, 1 This is so good, right? - This is really good It's like a biscuit, with some like What is it? It feels like it's ice cream Cream It's delicious This one is delicious This one It's actually not bad What is the difference? I don't know. But this one feels like there's pistachio - Pistachio, right? It has pistachio? So good This is really good Delicious Delicious So my favorite is cookies and cream, then the pistachio, then this is my least favorite Yeah. For me, first the pistachio because cookies and cream is like, I already tried so many things cookies and cream - But it's different It is, it is definitely - Totally different I would give pistachio and cookies and cream 5. And this, I would give it overall 5 Overall, 5 5. and I love it. I feel like it's so refreshing when you eat it, right? I can even add some ice cream on top - Yeah I wouldn't mind. It would actually taste so good Silvanas is delicious Gelo: So the last one is a dessert Gelo: It's called Halo Halo Okay, ohh This is haram? Gelo: No, Halo Halo Halo Halo Yobi: Halo Halo mean mixed Hala hala Halo Halo means mixed? All: Yeah So we should eat like - And do you know what's Hala Hala? Like Welcome. Hala Ahh This one's Halo Halo, hala hala come to me Dana's teaching Arabic today Yes, I learned a few Filipino words Dave: The reason why you call it Halo Halo is because, before you eat it, you need to mix it first Yobi: We mix it like this I'm giving you the honor to do that - Me? I will make a mess It's like milkshake with juice, fruits and some ice It is Halo Halo What is that green stuff? Yobi: That's gulaman Gulaman Yobi: Yeah, it's like a jelly Okay I couldn't do more. Is this okay - You did your touch here Let me dig in, I want some mango or something I love this Brain freeze Oh my god, this is good - This is so good It's really nice and refreshing. I would have it while I'm in the beach - Summer But only in the beach, and that's it But it's summer Because it's again too sweet for me. I'm not going to lie This is not sweet at all - No, for me it's too sweet. Maybe the mango is what was sweet when I had some But it's so refreshing, actually Like, I can imagine that I'm sitting in the beach and I'm having it I can have it every day I wouldn't mind to have the burger every day, and the bread And what was that again? The small muffin You guys, this is so good All: Ahh, Puto I don't like the name, let's change it I would rate this 4 Hey, stop it Today, she's losing control. What's going on? - Cheat day Cheat day, guys. Bring the food back, bring it. I want to see Suzanna eating the burger, everything I love this. I love it I love seeing Suzanna like this, by the way I swear, this is so good Gelo: And usually we serve this during the summer in the Philippines So, this is the time? It's so good. It's so refreshing and I don't feel like this is too sweet. I feel like there's much more ice than anything else Maybe the piece, the part I took - Yeah It feels like it's, you know like a candy when you were a child eating those like jelly beans or gummy bears And with ice. Like the perfect combo Yobi: And sometimes they put ice cream on it What? Dave: Ice cream on top Next time we're going to have Shawarma together You guys, this is so good Enough is enough, Suzanna You're going to regret this Gelo: So now, out of all of the food that you've tasted, which one would you recommend - To my audience? Yeah, to your audience To my followers First of all, the bread is amazing. I really want to go now and buy two bags because Adnan, my baby, he loves bread Every day in the morning, with cheese. I usually make it with cooked cheese or something for him. It's really good. I would actually have it every day, I don't mind So that's your favorite? Gelo: It's called Pandesal And of course the burger I think we Arabs love burger more than anything and coffee But the burger was really really good I know your point which is it's a bit like McDonald's burger but it's not the same No no no, it's not The mayo is different, the beef is different It tastes something between beef and chicken, but it's beef. That's why it's very unique And the swear word, Puto Swearing word, Puto Mini muffin, or I don't know what it's called but it's really light and yummy for me So, those are your favorite So, number 1 is bread - The bread. Because I can have it like as a snack with coffee Oh yeah, that's true. And it's hot I would say my favorite, what is the name? Gelo: Halo Halo Halo halo It was my favorite, bread definitely, and that Puto Also Puto? So, ice cream, not the ice cream - We actually forgot about something that we actually like Gelo: Silvanas Silvanas What is - oh, Silvanas So we loved all bread and all sweets It's really tasty, Filipino food. It's really tasty So I really like everything, I would actually recommend - Not only the, only the squid we didn't like I didn't try it because I don't eat seafood That's why I'm like (doubtful) Thank you guys for inviting us - Thank you so much. I can't wait to watch the episode Watch the episode guys And eat Filipino food, okay? Call Angelo Halo Halo Bye!
Channel: THE SKWAD
Views: 950,042
Rating: 4.9461455 out of 5
Keywords: influencer, review, filipino food, funny, blogger, try, jollibee, abu dhabi
Id: ps_futMHK_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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