Abigail: Timing (Women of the Bible)

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[Music] okay so before we begin I want to I want to show you a little video to get us going in honor of Mother's Day and the title of this video is I'm sorry mom I'm sorry mom for all the endless piles of laundry arms up [Music] I'm sorry we're not giving you one moment for everything sorry mom for all those times that I came home late for treating you like an ATM machine for breaking your heart over and over by thinking I knew better parenting is the hardest thing I've ever done but I've learned how to do it from you thank you for teaching me that giving of myself is the strongest way to live is that allowing my kids to fail will teach them the greatest lesson thank you for teaching me that I can go one more day that parenting is the greatest honor in the world thank you Thank You Josie some of yourselves in there mom sitting on the couch late look out the window my mother was sitting in the living room in the dark when I got home out to curfew try that one and a little girl who slammed the door now for me that would end a little differently I wouldn't sit there leaning my head that would end a little differently all right it's just culture this culture okay now so forth uh that's faster mentioned during the month of May each Sunday message will come out of the lives of women of the Bible from the women in the house so last Sunday pastor Kim introduced us to a woman named nympho and the church that met in her house this morning we're going to look into the life of Abigail and he cleans the asses that the first eight verses I'm sorry gentlemen I think I'm gonna be out of New Living Translation I believe and he cleans yeah sees the third chapter the first eight verses it talks about being a time for everything there being a time for everything and the second half of that verse in verse seven see is a time to be silent and a time to speak I want you to hold on to that thought proverbs 25 and 15 says through patience a ruler can be persuaded and a gentle tongue can break a bone now I've highlighted these two scriptures because my message today is about timing timing is as cliche is everything you I'm sure you've heard it we've probably said it a million times timing is everything but what that statement me is that it matters when a certain thing is said or done now I wouldn't say timing is everything but timing is a big thing tiny doesn't work along though because every man needs a wood and a high right okay it's not only important to know when to speak but also what is saying and how is saying and this is what we're going to look at this morning in the story of Abigail and how her time he went dealing with Mae ball and Dave it was very crucial so our text is going to come out of 1st Samuel of 25th chapter Abigail was a was married to a wealthy businessman named neighbor okay the Bible describes Abigail as a sensitive and a beautiful woman so when you see that beauty and brains are in the house this morning all right but the Bible describes nave all as thoroughly mean in all his dealings so what we have here is two starkly different demeanors this is also a man that is mostly known or recognized in Scripture but by the name by the meaning of his name everybody knows that neighbor's name means fool or foolish now here's a side note to our parents you have to be very very thoughtful of what name you give or call your child because they may very well live up to that name just as a ball did now if you think about that this is our very first act of responsibility to our child before you buy put a diaper on them before you feet this is our very first act what you gonna call that child for the rest of their lives very first act responsibility so for whatever reason whatever reason these parents came up with this name this child lifts up fully and completely to this name and is name affected this child's life all right in 1st Samuel 25 4 through 8 David was in the wilderness of mine and he heard that the wealthy name ball was having his sheep shearer and he sent 10 of his men with a message to neighbor okay would you to kind of keep in mind these numbers here for a few minutes he sent ten of his men with a message tune a ball and the message began like this and prosperity to you your family and everything you own while your servants were among us in the fields we didn't harm them and nothing was ever stolen from them so would you please be kind and give us any provisions you might have on hand now that's a pretty good greeting when you want to ask somebody for something you listener family into the house and cattle with all this but poor David had no idea that he was asking a really mean man to be kind all right neighbors response was true to form okay did not compliment David sentiment at all he insulted David just who do you think he is who do you think you are called him an hour long and then he refused to give him food so name ball is acting out of his name after all of that he forgot he didn't give him any food so two men left with this message David sent ten men with this message to Nate ball to me and left with that message one went back to David and a servant of neigh balls repeated this very same message to Abigail all right so one an Eightball servant was listening and he went and he repeated that verbatim I want you to read that he repeated that message Batum to Abigail now I believe David fully expected for those men to come back with food because it doesn't take one man to deliver a message but it does take more than one man to bring back a lot of food for all the Davis mean okay so David felt like I'm being kind I'm gonna do this right and I'm sitting up me and to get this done all right so when these me and returned with the message they received from neighbor Davis reply was get your swords get your swords that what Davis reply David didn't ask any question on that did you say it like this how did you say it how would you why don't you put did you say did you use my exact words David after hearing that his reply was get your swords you okay thank you send ten men with one message to get food for 600 million all right that didn't work out now David's ego is bruised he's been insulted and he's probably still hungry so he's working out of a lot here all right he said ten men in peace and now 400 were returning to Kiel you see what Nate ball got started here okay he's now 400 or returning and ready to kill now neighbors selfish decision that now has endangered Abigail the entire household is what put abigail in the middle of a foolish man and a man about to do something foolish this is where Abigail comes into the picture okay Abigail would not have even known if this one servant didn't respect her enough to even go and say anything to her a lot of good points in this he respect her now this servant knew who he was servant he knew the difference between knave all the Abigail he's seen both of them operate okay he was loyal to Nate ball but he knew this is crises Nate ball is doing something that's gonna get us killed I need to go talk to the sensibleness that's gonna do something about this if you read that passage it says you have to do something Abigail you have to do something Abigail can you believe it Abigail you have to do something so he takes this message that he heard he didn't go try to say uh naval serve um you probably shouldn't have done that sir he didn't know what he was dealing with an Eightball he knew that was going to be fruitless he took this message back to the wise and sensible Abigail okay so this is what brought Abigail into the picture okay so Abigail has to deal with Nate balls selfish decision that has endangered the whole household now after the servant told Abigail everything that went down from the message the hearth was sent back to David he told her Werth word the Bible says Abigail wasted no time in verse 18 she quickly gathered the makings of a feast she had it packed on donkeys and sent to the servants verse 19 go on ahead I will follow you shortly here it is but she didn't tell her husband what she was doing all right this is Abigail's common sense picking in this is where timing for Abigail became crucial she acted quickly to appease David and save the lives of her husband her household her servants and herself she didn't tell neighbor what she was doing because it was a time to be silent wasn't betrayal it was a time to be silent so she did not speak to me Paul about that it was a time to be silent with nabarro but it was a time to speak to David all right how many situations have we gotten is wrong with people time we should have said stays silent but we say it too much right and times when we should have spoken up but saying nothing at all so there's something to timing right there's something very important to timing when Abigail reached David first thing she did was she apologized and she accepted the blame what her husband did she apologized and she accepted the blame for what her husband did think about it think about Abigail's demeanor think about the type of woman she was she didn't say you know this would you and you can't do this because we deal with this every day she she now even though she didn't tell him she was still kind of like covering him she's just accepted she knows she knew what he was like and everything she heard she knew was true so she just apologized everything had happened he did it happened and we're so sorry and please forgive so she accepted the responsibility for what happened and she and she apologized for what her husband did she began to speak to David's future kingship okay this is what she did and she planned out the differences between him and a ball basically saying he's being the fool that he is you know please don't act out this way he's being the fool that he is you David on a different path in other words don't respond to this situation this way all right he doesn't know who name ball is so she's trying to get she's trying to bring safety to our house and and clue him in on what we're dealing with here in the most respectful way all right so let's look at our own before we get ourselves in an over-the-top or in a point of no-return conversation with people we have to stop and say wait wait I'm better than this God expects more from me than this responding this way isn't going to add anything good to my life you do have to talk to yourself sometimes your silence shows your strength and not your ability to fight yes sometimes your signs and sometimes that's our biggest biggest war because we want to take up for ourselves if you want to get our point across if we want to be heard but sometimes your silence shows your strength because everybody around you knows that that is something that could have been responded to that could have been dealt with you don't deal with that right you know everything everybody's first go to but sometimes it is your silent ago let's see what God sees the God you know him I know my own tendency I don't need anybody to push me I know my own tendency so you need to stop and think is this gonna add anything good to my life you're spotting this way I was thinking and now you know what I know of a few times and it's probably more but I can I could think I was rolled in my mind of a few times I've had to pull myself back from responding to situations the way I wanted to respond because he either I felt like it was justified I was gonna make me feel better or something because it was the way I was feeling and I said to myself Robin you're better than this not better than the person but you're better than this you better than this behavior that's about to ensue you gotta tell yourself that because lots of we are better than that behavior but situations and put you in a spot in a place to go wait wait wait and you do want it to defend yourself and you do want to speak up but is this what God is warning in a moment and that's one man this is when our Christianity is really called to the carpet because we talk about you and submitting to God all the time but we don't have a certain situation in mind when it comes up right we don't but we've got to think about these things and you've got to force yourself to think about certain things even in situations when it seems like that's the last thing you want to think about you've got to make it the first thing you think about and this is where we miss it there have been times in all of our lives when we've been either encouraged or warned hey just just don't respond right now just just don't respond right now or or don't respond like that or this don't even respond at all let it go there's somewhere in our life that we've been encouraged I want to do that we have and we must be careful when we see that our pride won't let us stand down to the Holy Spirit's timing to dictate now or not now or not at all you've got you've got to know yourself you've got to know yourself and everybody find it as you would a time now we're trying to find out if you got to know what you're dealing with so that we can submit when it's time submit speak up when it's time to speak up pull back Holy Spirit you know cuz we got we have to get to a place where the Holy Spirit is indeed in charge right because he's staffing all the time he's gonna roll all the time because we can't just recognize him when we um we get we get saved from a crash or break I mean we need to recognize what he's saying hey hey don't say that don't say that because you know God sees our future and he sees down the path not just what we're trying to get to but what we're trying to we're taking this locomotive train too too fast he's trying to go wait that's not where you want to go so we've got to let the Holy Spirit be in charge it's going whoa don't don't do that so when the Holy Spirit is telling you to stand down you know it's not you but you need to know you got in submit to it because that it's always going to be the opposite of what you feeling so if you feel like you need to go forth and give it all you got thank God I know this is me notice because I want to do this too bad but what are you saying that's a good gauge it really is so we must be careful when we won't let on our problem let us do that we cannot allow our need to be right I need to speak our mind or even want to look we'd be more important than giving the response that God would approve of we can't let any of those things be more important now you don't know how God is going to offers Ward you when you choose to let his time he leaves you rather than your feelings because our feeling is used to holding the flag and leading the way our feelings are used to being first and it's gonna feel weird when you have some fight in front of line is usually always in the front of the line where you go this gives my answer chin but I'm always here think about kids they're always war breaks to the front line whether they're there there but if the teacher notices and goals let's give such a chance leave I'm always the one lady feeling just always so it's not gonna feel good when you tell feelings to get to the back of the line you're not gonna leave me today so just know that's not gonna go as planned but it's gotta happen feelings were never meant to lead okay we didn't say they could be at the party we didn't say they could be in the room they just cannot lead all the time now sometimes your feelings do leave when you got them when you look to wrong like you need to feel something every now need feel what's in the room before you go in there instead of the rough so families do get a turn but you have to recognize when it's not feelings turn alright alright so you don't know how God is gonna reward you when you choose to make that choice because God look he's always rewarding all right he says he's a rewarder go to diligently seek Him well seek him to know of his time not just seeking him for something stinking of the noise this time God is it time for me to say some up and if he goes no and you still feel like you want to but you feeling like this tug just no he's saying no and he's gonna reward you because you saw him on that right so let's broaden out the word here from what we're used to have any scriptures mean to us he's a reward of them that diligently seek Him you're not seeking him for something you seeking you not to do something you're seeking him not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time you seeking to not say something that you can't not understand all right you're seeking him not to do something that you can't undo you can apologize from here to here but you can't undo it you can't erase my memory you can't do any of that so let's just seek God and see what he says right and then that he'll reward how the situation unfold be like oh god there was so much whoa man I could've walked I'm so glad I am so glad I didn't do that don't you feel good about that he's rewarding you what a feeling that you rather have some kind of like let me go let me go say I'm sorry again for doing it I mean he's keep your mouth and stuff that we put ourselves in okay so let's wait on God rather now field we know God it gives him an opportunity to influence you or influence your problem let's see what do you want to do with things maybe you won't just make this thing you know go poof the person may come back to you go you know what that wha he's dealt with the problem or maybe he wants to do something you now you know you always act like that you always go to this we're gonna do that today give him an opportunity to see what he wants to do with either you or the problem all right now the seizures made that day going back to the day when Abigail she went and met David after she sent the food here not was that not wise so why David I'm trying to figure out what's all of this it's giving her time to get there all right so this day decisions that meant that were made this day meant life or death now many lives were put in harm's way because of the selfish response of one man an innocent lives were going to be lost that day because of an anger response of one man but staiin many lives were saved that day because of a wise timed response and decision of one woman and y'all know usually is the ones we'd ones is tossing stuff in it you know but this day things were shifted futures were changed and touched by the wisely time decision of one woman she used good judgment in her timing when she spoke her choice of words what she spoke in her manner of speaking how she spoke now verse 33 David says thank God thank God for your good sense first you thank God for her good sense then he said bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands for I swear by the Lord God of Israel who has kept me from hurting you that if you had not hurried out to me not one of nabel's men would still be alive tomorrow morning return home and peace I have heard what you said I will not kill your husband this right here this passage right here David says I swear to you things would be different I'm telling you it was gonna be so different but I heard what you say and this is significant because during this time in history women didn't have a voice of influence or authority that's what happens in God's time he does things that is just not done he does think that people wouldn't even think would dream to be done this is what happened in God's timing but Abigail was heard by David and her words were taken to heart by him to the point that he changed his mind not to shed blood alright now now okay so this crisis was averted by one woman's timely decision this crisis do you know all the futures that she touched in that household they could have been this now he was going to kill me in which men what families were gonna lose fathers and husbands and and fathers and brothers is it those families who were going to be lacking futures were gonna be changed forever kids are gonna be raised without fur look look at the extent of that one decision the extent of all the lives and the futures work that would have been touched by one decision that could have went awfully bad and that by somebody who decided I'm gonna I'm gonna do what the right thing is I mean I'm gonna I'm gonna now listen when we read the scriptures it's like vvvv but I believe the Abigail was preying on world waters have to go wonder what I need to do what I need to do what I Vigo I think she inquired of God I think she she knowledge God on what to do and so this is what was happened this is what happened the crisis was averted so now abigail returns home and she returns home to find an Eightball had thrown a party it had gotten severely drunk but anybody made a neighbor named ball is being named ball okay so here let me stop right here it's okay so Nate ball through part Nate was drunk listen now whatever you may say neighbor was being who he was right and he didn't let Dave it's kindness take him out of character it's oddly the son he didn't let Dave it's kindness take him out of character I'm going somewhere with this don't let people take you out of character if that's not who you are don't let people take you out of character you understand what I'm saying at people and see this is how you know yeah I kept you go she did what [Music] no I'm not hurt no she's that's with people somebody is taking you out of who you are if that's not who you are don't go there now knave all see you can learn from everybody can't you he was not moved he's lying giving you my food again you're probably out look he was not moved by kindness so don't you be moved by foolish Ness and ignorance it might be me and somebody or whatever it is don't be moved don't know don't let somebody take you out of can to do something that's not who you are you know and that's what's gonna make you feel the worst cuz then when you come to yourself and the whole series go now you unless you feel like that ain't why they either way no that's not what that's not even me and you don't want to have that conversation with yourself I'm sure we all have but you gotta learn from those I got I'm not gonna let anybody take me out of Who I am that's that's not me you ain't better than they are but you can't be better than this situation that's pulling you in to do something that you've got to live down now okay you gotta be you got to apologize for so anyway we got to stop letting people pull us out of who we really are okay so Abigail saw that he was drunk and her wisdom of tide of timing served her again she decided okay I'm gonna wait into mourning this ain't the time to talk to him so she decided to let him sleep it off and she waited to mourn to tell him about the meeting she had with David now Abigail and this text has shown us how wisdom and discretion can work for us and the strong wheels can be broken right by gentle tone you just got to know when and when to do it cuz name ball he wasn't hearing it but she knew he don't hear me not he'll hear me then he won't hear me right now who knows what he done in that state to her after finding out was she a doing so she waited so we increase our chances of a better outcome when both wisdom and discretion are present before we proceed to respond to people in situations this it's worth the time it is worth the time all right so there are so many different life scenarios that each of us face that discretion and time to me are paramount with our spouses with our ex-spouses with our own children with employers with our church friends and and all these people but a mark of the wise is the desire for godly traits you need to desire godly traits okay we can't do a thing without the help of the Holy Spirit but this deal doesn't matter if God is calling for you to act like this this you don't get to put it aside because it's hard we still need to desire and go hell holy sprit I need you to help me because this is where we get off where's like God you want me to do this when we do this do this and then we ignore the Holy Spirit when he's trying to help us do it so you need to help her to help you but we have to desire these traits because we guys it's up saying you know what would God do what would Jesus do if you don't ask the question if you don't want to know because once you know then you require to act that way okay so we need to desire these godly traits I want to do what my father would do I want to do what my father would do I want to say and respond how my father will respond that's what Jesus did so we want to be more like Jesus we have to stop and go what would you do what would you okay what would you say so we have to want to do what our father does and match it up what do you do this well Jesus do this is this something that Jesus would've saw his father do deny don't need to be doing it I don't need to be doing this era you know there are plenty situations that Jesus could have responded to differently by the way he was treated by human beings right so we have zero excuse again okay so so as our children our responses should be that which reflects our father okay I'm gonna give you some discretion to some discretion directions before I close because sometimes our lives is just lacking a little discretion just a little discretion with you when you look back on the thing you can always go I couldn't get that different that could it's all more clear more clear but we gotta put these things at the front of our situations so our discretion just directions are these all right a little discretion you know our tongue or our behavior gets in them gets us in no not on avoid it gives us unavoidable and unnecessary situations so this is what they are one we need to desire discretion first of all desire discretion there is there is wisdom and be discreet this is not even popular anymore but there's wisdom in being discreet proverbs 812 says wisdom live together with good judgment I know where to discover knowledge and discernment they work together all right - we want to pray for discretion first we want to desire it then we want to pray for discretion ask God to give you this priceless quality proverbs 16 to 20 - discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it 3 we want to learn discretion desire it pray for it now let's learn it study Abigail and others in the Bible who will genuinely and um operated out of discretion you knows a lot of stuff going on and there's a lot of stuff going on the Bible a lot of stuff that people need is some discretion for but things still need to take place Joe 12 and 12 says wisdom belongs to the agent and understand you to the old so we need to seek it out somebody has done this before y'all somebody has done this well before 4 ok we want a value discretion we've desired it we pray for we're learning now value it understand importance in our everyday human relations Sanwa 1966 I believe in your commands now teach me good judgment and knowledge teach them to me Lord I believe and I'm supposed to be doing it I believe that they can be present now teach me okay so we desired it we pray for we learn it we value it now now it's time to use it use discretion call on the Holy Spirit to help you exercise restraint calm your emotions and enable you to with discretion proverbs 3 21 or 22 says my child don't lose sight of common sense and discernment hang on to them for they will refresh your soul if you do something you decide to do something and it really wasn't something you wouldn't want to do but you do it and you feel like things are turning around and it turned everybody if you like you feel good if so let's refresh it feels good to do something the right way even when you didn't want to do it especially after you see the results like that feels so much better what it feels good I'm glad I did that alright so Abigail's marriage require her to be wise discreet timely patient and discerning just her marriage required all these things okay and seeing this story advocate made it look so seamless she really did it made look like he did what okay I'll do this Oh pick that up that's the way she made it look okay but truth be told she had a lot of practice from a lot of hard days of living with this horrible person but God did not fail her God did I mean your everyday right it's like mm-hmm every day what you got no gods I see you I see you and think you got a pull-up Jeremiah go later I still got a plan for you I see you it looks like this but I got a plan for you got to keep going that woman was beautiful and she was smart and you'd be like wow somebody smarter stick who knows maybe of summed up and it her parents may be poor and then the endowment was good and it was like well we could use his money we sorry we don't know but God remembered her and it was God taking care of her in that household she saw all these business deals that went bad because he was cheating on me you know she saw all of these things but God didn't fail her he remembered her because of how she operated in his timing so you may be in a situation that feels unfair on a relationship that that's being challenged but let your prayer today be for wisdom and good judgment and know that he sees your everyday he saw hers he saw hers okay so yes God give me the wisdom on how to get through this day or give me the wisdom on how to deal with this because I'm in this now okay how do I move forward in my responding because the way you respond has the power to make changes big and small to your life for better or for worse just on how you respond right you don't know what kind of wheels you start turning by the way you respond do you see the wheels that started turning at the neighbors response and then an even bigger wheel to start a turn after Davis responds but when God got involved right and even bigger wheels started turning you see what I'm saying so you stopped at a pawn store you like oh man how are you do is thin up some food because he didn't know we was dealing with David didn't know he was dealing with and David certainly didn't know and we was dealing with asked him to began so they didn't even know what they were dealing with right but God used somebody who was unlikely in the middle who wasn't even supposed to have a voice and God had a servant planted in that house who respect Abigail right this is what happened when God is involved and this is what happened on your job when you feel like everybody is he you supposed to be the one that he has blended down in the center of this thing right so you can't go all off on her heathens on the job you've got to see the one that God has there that's not and how he can you he used Abigail somebody who didn't have a voice of authority or influence to save hundreds of no thousands because these being had families okay so you're not insignificant you got to stop complaining about where you are and expect God to use you to change it she touched a lot of futures okay she just a lot of futures the Lord is good to those who depend on him he's good to those who depend on him not stuff not your resources he's good to those who depend on their source not their resources not our husbands not our jobs not everything that was promised to us the source so you depended on him he's gonna be faith he's luring me he remember her the end of that story is when she got to talking when she told him everything that his heart just couldn't take it when Abigail told Nate ball everything that happened and how God now this could happen but God did his heart couldn't take it he just fell did he fell down dead and then David came running right you know I think David scooped her up for many reasons we took man's heart but she spoke to his future kingship David remembers something about her he remember something and God won't go let her be forgotten I believe that that Abigail she came into that harem as one of his favorites he she spoke to something in him when you would cause a man to stand down okay from killing David could have said stand aside woman put this food over here but stand aside woman what he says I have heard Jews thank God for your good sense I he recognized some things in her so God will not forget you even when you feel like you weren't a marriage that's life what am I doing here I don't even know how much she could have even influenced me ball from day to day but maybe she did she only had to influence one man and she didn't even know but because she was in their marriage and she honored God God honor her in an Eightball I don't nee balls lifestyle led to his demise let's his Ian and her lifestyle led to hers because she was open to this timing of God lamentation says let's search a guide search God in these situations the Lord is good to those who depend on him this is lamentation but we need to search for God in these situations you got to look for God in the situations that you're in and not throw your hands up and start cursing it like everybody else look for God because if he's got his eyes on you own the good days were you singing and skipping he's got his eyes on you when it's rough and you have to expect that he will remember you okay amen so we want to we want to close you know I want you to stand up with me and I want to pray a prayer over us in total submission to God in these areas in the area of our timing an area of our waiting in our responding and in our discretion now these are some heavy hitters because we step outside of them more more times than we know trying to defend ourselves trying to come to the rescue maybe we come to you just like that ain't no you're doing too much guy can't even get involved because we're doing too much even will you try and help somebody if you were in God's Way you're doing too much right so our timing has to be right even in the good things you were trying to do even in our helping and responding to people so it's not just some I say some of you you could like hold me back God hold me let me not not just that but all of our time because then you know you gave what he didn't say give because he's been working on her to give her a time he tell you to show up for the fifth time and pay the light beam you tell you that now we use of my year light bill you go oh don't be in the dark you like my plan with them see what's the sit in this dark for the week and let her call me right so it's waiting on God's timing in a lot of things but we don't want to look back we don't want people to think we don't have the money and we don't want to think of these people being we didn't mean all this stuff and we step outside of the timing of God and we're hurting we're not helping we're hindering we're not helping we're getting in the way we're not helping so we have to ask God God I want to submit myself to you and I want you to train me in your timing Holy Spirit of God we thank you Lord because you are all wise you know everything Oh God and when you're talking to us and delivering us about a thing God you've got other things and other people in mind father and we pray O God that you will help us to submit to your timing in our lives and even in the lives that we're praying over God and we're praying for and those who are weighing heavy on our heart we submit God to your timing for their lives and we pray father - even our care and even our compassion father won't step in front of you God help us to be consistent in our prayer life Oh God so that we can be comfortable will you tell us don't do that I got hurt don't pay that I got and be comfortable God when you tell us not to do even a good thing in our own eyes but to trust father that you see oh and you're wise God and you know all and you can be trusted father even when our eyes are telling us something different we pray O God that you will help us in our waiting father but things that we feel like that's just taken too long we submit to you God because you're perfect in all of your ways o God and your the word is flawless and we submit to that thing oh god we submit to you to your war to the waiting seasons in our lives father and we trust o God that even when it feels like it's past due Oh God that you have not forgotten us because your words that you will not forgive us O God and you've not been from forgetful of us O God but you have us in mind father you're teaching us to hold on to your word father you're teaching us O God to stand on the faith father that you've given us you're teaching us to grow in our faith God help us in our responding Lord that we don't always let our feelings leap in front of our lives father that we tell our feelings to step back so that we can yield to the right approval Lord that we're looking for from you not from our sales father we want you to approve our responses Lord Jesus help us will God not to be so quick to give what we feel like is do somebody else are speaking on my father because we feel like things are wrong at all help us to submit father because all of us O God are under your watchful eye on your care lord help us O God in the areas where we need more discretion Lord Jesus what we've thrown caution to the wind Oh God where there is no prudence anymore o God have also got in the area of our discretion father to watch the things that we do and watch the things that we say in the places that we go guys help us to know that our lives are always on display Lord Jesus supposed to know God that there is no hiding from you lord and just because people that we don't want to see us don't see is Lord that we just throw things and beat ways and the same way while they help us forgive us today O God but when we stepped out of line with our discretion Lord Jesus have also got even the simple of simplicity of our lives oh god no matter where we are what we're doing Lord Jesus that our lives are on display to you Oh God our lives are on display to those around us help us Lord God to be to be fruitful in our living Lord Jesus so that we can gain those who are looking or afraid to ask so those who are looking upon our lives father won't have to look with question marks but in wonder God in wonder of how we can even let certain things pass and wonder how we can be certain ways father to the floor what they want what we have Oh God and now look at us O God with question marks because they thought we were Christians but we're not behaving as such father we step back in line with your timing on what we say what we do and how we say it is how we do it we step back in line without way do you know God we're not gonna be fearful of God because of things and me and what God because our lives are in the hand of the Almighty God we step back in line without responding Oh God we don't have anything to offer in our flesh oh god that's going to be right but that's going to be useful but we wait on you O God to speak through us you've given us of the Holy Spirit now God help us to be led and influenced by him in the name of Jesus and we step back in line with our discretion Lord believing that somebody is watching us Oh God believe you know God that if nobody we know is watching us you are Lord and we want approval from you over our lives in the name of Jesus we see your God and we want to live as such in the name of Jesus amen and [Applause] just taking a few minutes and just step back in line he's so patient he's so gracious he's so long-suffering he says all those stages just take a couple minutes go back through some situations 30 fans diamond something I need to get back in line here I need to step back in mine I need to step back in line get back in line thank you Jesus we'll just recommit these areas back to him because we've been running on too long and we're running them in the ground in the wrong direction so we gonna just submit it all back to God amen amen [Music]
Channel: Refreshing Waters Live
Views: 4,387
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: #rwwclive
Id: 9sXtS3QwEgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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