Character Study -- Abigail

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[Applause] if you have your Bibles from the First Samuel chapter 25 and then boys and girls up to the sixth grade are welcome to go downstairs if they like First Samuel chapter 25 I'm going to ask you this morning define for me the perfect woman I can describe it in one word Debbie for me it is interesting to note that down through the centuries our definition of a perfect woman has very different connotations and very different definitions if you will my start this morning I'm kind of continuing somewhat series we're talking about people that came to to God but I'm gonna I'm gonna start really a serious kind of this people in the Bible that are often overlooked people in the Bible that are often overlooked and it's kind of the same idea people that we would look at and say why I didn't know anything about them or how they come to God this morning I want to talk to you about a woman that I believe is I think one of the most special precious and fantastic ladies in all the scripture but one that we don't often speak up and again if I were to ask you to define the perfect woman some of us would probably have a little different definition many of you have heard of a fella named of Tevye he's a fictional character and Tevye talked about his description of the perfect woman was a proper woman with a double chin I was a proper rich man's wife with a double chin there are tribes in Africa that I believe that a perfect woman has a long neck with rings sitting on top of it there are there are many people that have this definition of what a perfect woman is but one of this morning I want to define for you a little differently the Bible talks about then a woman that fears the Lord she shall be praised and the sweating want to talk about this lady now her name is Abigail Abigail now abigail is not a name that we often hear about or talk about in church and so let me let me give you a little bit of background about the situation you know it's the idea of the rest of the story how many of you miss Paul Harvey I miss Paul Harvey and I mean you can still hear him online but but he just that that phrase and now you know the rest of the story there's just something about the stories that Paul Harvey would tell he always found I don't know about you but sometimes I get tired of listening to news because every day it's said do you all know that the phrase that that publicists use if it bleeds it leads but it's your news the more graphic an event is the closer to the beginning of the newscast they put it the more vile it is the closer they put it to the front page it's hard to find good news it's hard to find good news and good events and this morning I want to give you the good news and like I said Paul Harvey was one of those guys who delivered it and so I'm gonna tell you the rest of this throne of David was King at the time our excuse me it was not King Saul was King at the time and David had been selected to be the next king David was a great man I love David and one of the reasons I love David is because David was real okay I might have a loss everybody already dealer was real he was a real guy I mean God God told not just his good things but God told some of the things that he did that we're not so good is anybody else here is there anybody in here that's perfect okay I'm just double-checking anybody want to say they're perfect all right anybody close to it yeah some guys are hitting their wife going yeah raise your hand you're next to perfect some of y'all will get that later all right nobody's perfect as a result of us all being sinners right we're all sinners sometimes we look at Bible characters and sometimes even the impression that God is only interested in people that are perfect that's not true if you're here if you're listening to my voice and you somehow think that God is only interested in perfect people somebody has fed you a bill of goods because you know what the Bible says for God so loved the world and the last time I checked all the world are sinners every single one of us in this room has done something multiple things that we ought not do and so when God tells us about David God tells us the good the bad and the ugly well David was running from Saul Saul knew that he was going to be the next king and here at 1st Samuel chapter 25 David is literally running for his life from King Saul he's been hiding in the mountains and at times he's been fighting battles protecting the Land of Israel but in 1st Samuel chapter 25 he and his men they're tired samuel has died I think it's the first verse you'll find in CH First Samuel chapter 25 Samuel the Prophet dies and David and his men are hiding and as a result of their hiding they didn't have the ability to get food and so what David does is he sends some of his men he heard that there was a great wealthy man by the name of Mable then Abel was a shepherd the Bible tells us he was a very wealthy Shepherd and as a result of that David said look if I send my men down there surely Nabal will be willing to feed my men now we live in a generation a time that you have no problem feeding people that you know but especially in the Old Testament days it was counted very discourteous if somebody showed up at your house and you didn't feed them how many of you like old western movies I'm here like me I like old westerns and if you ever watch an old Western you'll see that some cowboy rides up to a house he's never been to before right he rides up to the house he's never been to before he gets down off of his horse he says howdy ma'am woman walks down says oh my goodness what are you doing here he says well ma'am I've been riding for a long time and I was just wondering is there any way that I could get some vittles oh sure be glad to she invites him into the house and she makes him sit down and what does she do for him she cooks a meal for him right come somebody so y'all watch the old westerns haven't you and then one thing isn't what they did real westerns that was reality that's what people actually used to do right that's what people used to how many remember your grandparents telling you about that somebody was just passing along and they and they let him and they actually didn't just cook a meal they brought him into the house how many of you had grandparents or great-grandparents that actually let a stranger stay in their house overnight that used to be common place if you walked up to a house as a cowboy and said ma'am I've been I've been during a long way is there any way I can get some some vittles no that was rude that was rude you didn't knew that you always took care of strangers where did he get that idea from came back from Bible days because in the land of mists that was common if somebody came up now David knew that Nabal was a wealthy man David had six hundred men and the last time I checked it takes a lot to feed six hundred guys so Nabal didn't just go to any excuse me David did not just go to anybody he knew that navel was a wealthy man who had lots of sheep and he thought surely if anybody can feed my men it's gonna be somebody like Nabal but David doesn't go himself because he does want to overwhelm Nabal he sent some of his young men look if you would here and let's just I'm gonna pick out some verses because we're getting to Abigail look at first in chapter 25 it says and there was a man verse 2 in May on whose possessions ok first same - 25 - who were in karma and the man was very great and he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats and he was sure his sheep and caramel now the name of the man was Nabal and the name of his wife was what and I like this read the next two phrases and she was a woman of good understanding and of a beautiful countenance and I'm gonna tell you why I like that look at the order look at the order in which it was given you know our culture today they don't care about a woman's character they just care about how they how she looks right I'd rather have I'd rather have a woman with great character first now that doesn't mean that beauty is not something that's that can be important but we live in a society that has put so much pressure on young women to try to be the standard of beautiful can I can I encourage you young ladies that if there's anybody listening to me develop your character develop your character we have some we have some we're living a generational time that we have so much attention being paid to the physical outside that character has been left in the dust you have women that are more concerned and then too they're more concerned about their looks than they are the character of their heart my dad used to say beauty is skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone and what he was talking about was the character of people you can see some woman or some man that he's he or she is very good-looking and yet they had the character of a stump look I'd rather have children and people that have character than to spend all their time worried about their beauty or their good looks God says look this is this woman Abigail she was a woman of good understanding now she did have the bonus she was lewd cooking I mean she was good-looking she was and a beautiful woman but I want you to notice look at the matte latter part of verse three look at her husband but the man her husband was churlish and evil in his doings and he was of the house of caleb now a matter of fact later on he's actually called a son of Belial not only by his servants but by his wife and so we had this situation day vandal in verse 3 or verse 4 it says and David heard the wildered in the wilderness that enabled it share his sheep and David sent out 10 young men and David said unto the young man go you up to Carmela and go to Nabal and greet him in my name and thus shall you say to him that liveth in prosperity peace be both to you and peace in thine house and peace be unto all that thou hast and now I have heard that thou hearest thou hast Cheers now those shepherds were were which were with us we heard them not neither was there aren't missing unto them all the while that they were in Carmel ask thy young men and they will show thee wherefore let the young men find favor in thine eyes for we will come in a good day give I pray thee what's whoever cometh to the INA hand unto thy servants and to thy son David now let me let me give you the context of what's happening David has sent these ten young men to the shearers of Nabal and he's saying we're asking you to go to your master and please have him prepare us we let him know that we have been around you this entire time we could have we could have taken anything we wanted by force but that wouldn't have been right so we're coming and asking will you please feed us will you please take care of us now I'm not sure about you but that sounds pretty reasonable especially when you are as the Bible calls enable a great man very prosperous so let's skip down to verse 9 and so when David Jungmann came they spake to Nabal according to all those words in the name of day so now they've gone to the shearers and now they've been brought to navel and it says that they said the same words to him and verse 10 and Nabal answered David's servants and said who's David now by the way who is David he's next king who is David who is David and who is the son of Jesse get your the sarcasm in the tone there'd be many servants nowadays that break away every man from their master now he's accusing David of being anti Saul anti the King Luke verse 11 shall I then take my bread and my water and my flesh my meat if you will that I have killed throw my Shearer's and give it unto men whom I know not whence they be so David's young men turned their way and went again and came and told him David if you were all these things and David got mad rightfully so it wasn't just the fact that Nabal had turned them down it was because it was the way that navel turned them down David says in verse 13 gur Jian every man is sword and they girded on every man his sword and David also girded on his sword and there went out after David about four hundred men and two hundred a bow buy the stuff but one of the young men told Abigail navels wife saying behold David sent messengers out of the wilderness to salute our master and he railed on them but the men were very good unto us and we were not hurt neither missed we anything as long as we were conversant with them when we were in the field they were a wall unto us both by night and day all the while we were with them keeping the sheep in other words he was saying they were there not to hurt us but to what to protect us to shelter us verse 17 now therefore this is the servant still speaking to Abigail now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do for evil is determined against our master and against all his household for he is such a son of Belial how'd you like to be known as a son of Belial now if you don't know what the word Belial is it's the it's it's its it literally it is a it has to do with demonic demonism it basically was a false god he's a son of black he's a son of the devil a man cannot speak to him he said then look at verse 18 here's where I got three points number one I want you to see the situation was difficult I've already kind of given that second of all I want you to notice that the husband was devilish the situation was difficult the husband was deathly he was an angry man get an angry heart he accused David of being rebellious now for those that don't know the story for those that do help us out was David rebellious against the king no as a matter of fact David on several occasions had an opportunity to actually get rid of the King and he didn't he protected the King I love the fact that one day David Kirstie I remember David's gonna be the next king after Saul and Saul was sleeping in a cave and David and his men are in a cave and and they're in this cave and Saul falls asleep in the cave and David goes down and cuts off the hem of some of the the cloak of Saul and afterwards David feel guilty about he felt terrible and he cries out to Saul from it is he says oh so I'm sorry I shouldn't have cut your shouldn't have cut your skirt I should have cut the bottom of the of your robe off please forgive me I'm sorry you gotta remember what we saw there to do so I was there to kill David that would be like me going up to some guy who's got a gun in his hand he's trying to shoot me and I kick him in the shins and I go oops sorry now Saul had a conscience fortunately because as soon as he recognized that David had cut off the hem of His garment and he could have killed him Saul stopped chasing after David David was not a rebellious man he was not a rebellious man at all now we can see a lot about that but I don't have time for but he had an angry here you have this man this this man that ate that abigail is married to enable he's that he's a devilish man had an angry her had a selfish spirit what David and his men asking for just some food just some food and what does the Bible say that neighbor was he was a prosperous man could he have afforded it absolutely a matter of fact later on his wife Abigail takes food out to them in abundance sure he could have afforded but he was a selfish man if you look invert in verse 11 see if you can notice a word that's used quite a bit in verse 11 anybody know let's get your chance to read it mine yeah again and again and again he uses the word my my my my my folks do you know that anything that you and I have is actually only on loan from God do not recognize your not recognize that even the very breath that you and I breathe is unfirm God look if God so chose to withhold the breath from you and I we're not going to stop him everything that we have is on loan you know my kids they are not my kids and no they don't belong to Hilary either or the government they're gods they're on loan to me and even some Christian people are well-meaning Christian people have lost perspective of that your children are not yours they're gods God gave them to you how do I know that because sooner or later I want them out of the house and I say that tongue-in-cheek because I want them to be what God wants them to be they're not I can call them my kit folks this isn't my church this is God's church this isn't my church that car that you drove in here you say well it's not mine it's the banks how could you afford it because God gave you the strength my see Nabal thought everything was his when it wasn't he was a selfish man he was in a head an angry heart he was a selfish man and then notice his reputation look down at verse three the latter part of the verse it says but the man was churlish this is navel he was churlish and he was evil in his doings do you know that even even and remember this remember he was a prosperous man even even people can sometimes be wealthy don't you dare equate wealth with blessings of God all the time because there are a lot of wicked people that are wealthy skip down to verse 17 okay same chapter it says now therefore no one consider this is a servant speaking to ad Abigail he says now therefore no one consider what thou wilt for evil is determined against our master and against all his household for he is such as the son of what this is the servant now skip down to verse 25 now we hear what Abigail says now she's in front of David which will get there just a second but let me show you her words she says in verse 25 now my lord this is Abigail speaking to David now my lord I pray thee regard this man of felish how'd you like your wife that's what she thinks about you now by the way you know why she thought it about you know why Abigail thought that of Mabel because it was true because it was true look fellas just because you bring home the bacon does that make you a good man just because you bring home the bacon does not make you a good man when you have a reputation like this there's something wrong let me take something this Nabal I have no idea how he got Abigail but I'll tell you this he was a blessed man he was a blessed man and he didn't even recognize it well he was taking care of the daily needs but he was a son of Bala he had a devilish reputation he was a success financially but in his family he was a failure brother Townsley yesterday taught toward the end of this session he taught about how to be financially free and he basically made a statement to this regards he said you know what he said I'd rather be poor and have a good family than be rich and had my family fall apart okay joining to say that again in English how many people that they they're so concerned about their finances you get their families falling apart I'd rather have a house with little that has God's blessing on it they had a house filled with more than I need and my wife and family not respect and love me and love the Lord Jesus Christ above all things this man neighbor was not he was a devilish 'men the situation was difficult the husband was devilish but I want you to notice last of all Abigail was a delight Abigail was a delight look at look at verse 3 verse 1 or chapter 25 verse 3 the first part of it first samuel 25:3 now the name of the man was Nabal and the name of his wife Abigail and she was there it is a woman of good understanding and of a beautiful countenance she was a woman of character see that's the first part you see the word good understanding that means she was a woman of courage you say well how do you know she was a woman of character I'm so glad you asked because I'm gonna tell you and if you didn't ask I'm still gonna say anyway look down to verse 14 now remember what the situation is okay David is coming toward Abigail and and enable in their house and what's he getting ready to do he's getting ready to basically take now everything by force okay and in the process of doing that what do you think is gonna happen people are gonna die people are gonna suffer because Nabal decided that he was going to keep all this stuff so what does Abigail do she faced first of all she faced the truth of the situation look down to verse 14 it says but when but when one of the young men told Abigail enables wife saying behold David sent messengers out of the wilderness to salute our master and he railed on them but the men were very good unto us and we were not hurt now they're missed me anything as long as we were conversant with them when we were in the fields they were a wall unto us both by night and day all the while we were with them keeping all the sheep now therefore no one consider what that will do for Eve what thou wilt do ok-hee you know what the servant recognizes navels not going to do anything Abigail we need you to do something for evil is determined against our master and against all the household for he is such a son of Belial and a man cannot speak to him look at the first part of verse 18 then abigail made haste then Abigail in other words she put herself - what - action yeah she wasn't she wasn't waiting for her for her husband who'd failed now let me let me let me give you a couple things to think about the Bible makes it very clear that men are to be the heads of their homes you can say amen to that is that's that's that's that's biblical it's okay and I'm not throwing something out that's unbiblical God told men there they were to be the heads of our home right so God said what do you do ladies when your husband doesn't take the family to church what do you do when your husband does not lead your family and Bible reading what well you can get better you can get angry or you can take action you can talk to them and try to see if they will take then you can also say look if you're not going to take us I want to go if you're not gonna lead us in family devotion and by the way you can say that without having a bitter spirit you don't have to have a bitter spirit to say something recently I was we were we all know we like roller coasters and we were on a roller coaster here and there was a guy about ten rows in front of my wife and I and he had his cell phone out on the roller-coaster ride like this taking selfies of himself in the right well I I got I got a little upset I'll tell you why I got upset because last year I watched a girl come into the train station at a music park with her front teeth knocked out holding a phone in her hand because some num knockin halfway up the car he decided they were gonna take selfies of their rollercoaster ride and I'd let go of the phone and it came back at the speed of the roller coaster and hit the girl right in the mouth she's sitting there blood flowing out front teeth are gone from a cellphone so I'm watching this guy he's in front of my wife about ten rows and I've got my hand I couldn't I mean I got my hand I wasn't telling my wife look there's a guy up there I just had my hand up and ready just in case we get off the ride and I went to one of the guys before I even got out of the car I said look that guy right up there he had his cell phone out and he's like oh which one I said that one he said oh okay and he didn't do anything so I walked up to the guy now as he's walking up I walked right past and I said look you had your cell phone out well I put it away I said you had it out and the employee kind of got and I got a little frustrated and I raised my voice afterwards I felt bad because I shouldn't raise my voice the way that I did I didn't yell I said look it's not his Lisa dinner last it's not a joke it's not a joke it's serious and I looked at the employer I said you need to take action you need to do something because the next time he's on the ride if he lets go that phone somebody is gonna get hit they're gonna get hurt you need to take action what am I supposed to do I said I don't know find out what the protocol doesn't do something so what you telling that for I'm telling you Abigail reking she was in panic mode her households about ready to be overrun by David and his men and her husband was the cause of it now I'm not trying to say to women look don't honor your husband instead the head of the home but don't let your family be destroyed because of a wicked husband come on am i right don't let a family be destroyed because of all huh look be a woman of God and take some action to protect stand up to him and ultimately she does which I'll show you just a second or she's to be submissive she's to be submissive to God first my wife when I listen to me I know you may not like this but I've got scripture to back it up so you can take it up with the author when I'm doing wrong my wife has every right to stand against me when I am disobeying this book she has every right to tell me I'm doing wrong well she's to be submissive there's a difference between submission and slavery abigail was a woman of character because she took action she knew she faced the truth of the situation she didn't just back up and say well you know it's not a big deal she recognized it was a big deal and then she faced the truth about her husband look at verse 25 of chapter 25 she faced the truth about her husband what did she call him in verse 20 you know enables name means nabel's mein name his name literally means fool that's what the word Nabal means Nabal means fool now whether his parents gave it to him or whether he was renamed somewhere down the line I don't know but his name literally means fool it's like the name Len charlotta means anchovy the word Nabal means fool she had to face the truth about her husband she called him what he was she said she did not act as if he was you know what sometimes it's hard to admit that we have a problem in her home am i right is this sometimes to admit and when we have a problem in our home it's hard to admit it she faced the truth about her husband then want you to notice in verses 20 to 24 not only was she a woman of character but she was a woman of courage look at verse 20 it says and it was so she gets together a bunch of food davidís troops are coming and a verse 20 and it was so as she wrote on the ass that she came down by the covert of the hill and behold David and his men came down against her and she what picture one woman riding out to meet 400 armed soldiers and she's taking them lunch that's courage that's courage that she was a woman of courtesy took responsibility to protect her household verses 18 and 19 she tell us the servants look this is what I'm going to do then in verse 20 she actually goes out and she faces these individuals she faces now again you say well these are just David and his men okay hold your finger here and turn back to first samuel chapter 23 let me tell you what these these men had just got back from doing in 1st Samuel chapter 23 David and these men defeated the army of the Philistines in 1st Samuel chapter 23 it says in in verse 20 verse 20 of chapter 23 verse 2 therefore god excuse me therefore David inquired of the Lord saying shall I go and smite these Philistines and the Lord said unto David go and smite the Philistines and save kyla and David's men said unto Him behold we be afraid here in Judah how much more shall it come to Kela against their Kaila against the armies of the Philistines then David inquired of the Lord yet again and the Lord answered him and said arise go down to kyla for I will deliver the Philistines into thy hand you know what God does he delivers them into their hands the army of the Philistines is beat by these 600 men these are the same men that one or two chapters later Abigail is now standing in front of and what are they coming to do they're coming to basically take by force she faces David that's a woman of courage I think we live in a generational time where unfortunately the women's rights movement have confused courage with selfishness can I say that again everybody understands it the women's rights movement of our generation has confused courage with selfishness because they are two different things look selfishness is saying I'm going to abort a baby because I can't be bothered courage is saying this child may have birth defects but I'm going to love it anyway that's courage selfishness says look you know what we need three cars and we need a big-screen television and so you know I'm gonna go to work and we're gonna put the kids in daycare courage says you know what how about we buy an old used car that runs so that maybe I can spend time at home with the kids and they don't have to come home from school to an empty house now folks I know that's not popular today and I'm not saying that a woman who works outside the home is some how outside the will of God I'm not saying that I'm just saying that we need some women to recognize that courage is not following the women's rights movement that's not courage courage is is protecting the family it's protecting a marriage it's protecting the character and the testimony of God she was a woman of courage and then last of all she was a woman of compassion look if you would here in First Samuel chapter 25 beginning in verse 25 now I don't have time to read all of this but let me just give it to you in a capsule David's army comes abigail basically says to David please be merciful be be merciful to us beginning in verse 25 it says let not my lord I pray thee regard this man of bulow even Abel for as his name is so is he in Abel is his name and folly is with him but I then handmaid saw not the men of my Lord whom thou didst sent now therefore my lord as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth seeing the LORD hath withholding me from coming to shed blood in other words God's been merciful now listen to this this is what she says God's been merciful to you and not killing us you say what does that mean how many of you have ever had somebody that used to have the ability to drive and then if they got old or they lost the ability to drive what would have happened if your mom grandma husband wife or whatever if they had lost the ability to drive and they had hurt somebody in an accident how would they have felt afterwards they would have preferred for themselves to have been that's what she's saying she's saying David if you if you if you God has been merciful you haven't killed any other yet because you didn't know the whole story and for your sake I'm glad because when you know the whole story I think you would have regretted she was saying I know you're a man of character you'll find it later on I know you're a man of character and had you done harm to us you would have regretted it she says in verse 28 I pray thee therefore forgive the trespass of who she doesn't say forgive my husband you cannot be responsible for somebody else's wrongdoing you cannot be responsible for somebody else's wrongdoing but you can't ask God to forgive you for your honor she says for the Lord will certainly make my lord a shore house you know what that phrase says abigail knows who's gonna be the next king she says David you're gonna be the next king I know that and I'm okay with that but the soul of my Lord shall be bound in the bundle of life of the Lord with up with the LORD thy God in the souls of that enemies him shall God and the soul excuse me then shall he sling out as out of the middle of the sling you know what happens at the end of this story David doesn't even bother about does not even bother enable navels drunk let me just quickly finish this story a baby girl comes back to the house David has has been placated he and his men depart back up into the hills Abigail goes into the house and there's her husband passed out drunk though she was a son of Belial he's passed out drunk so she doesn't tell him what's happened even though what you know what she's just done she's just saved his life she's just saved his life because who do you think David and his soldiers would have taken out first she just saved his life but he's drunk passed out had a big party finally a couple of days pass he Sobers up she tells him what he's done the Bible so it makes a very interesting statement I want you to see something here could I show you one verse and then we're done they started looking at scripture and then I'll close with the final end of the story look at verse thirty Six's and Abigail went to Nabal and behold he had held a feast in his house like the feast of the king and navels heart was merry within him for he was very drunk and wherefore she told him nothing less or more until the morning light and it came to pass in the morning when the wine was gone out of Mable and his wife told him these things that his heart see that his heart died within him and he became as a stone you know what that was help you out you know if you don't get the story he was so humiliated that his wife had to protect him that he withdrew and the Bible tells us that ten days later he dies and that's not the end of the story I'll give you the Paul Harvey moment David hears that Nabal has died now I got to remember who is going to be the next king he's gonna be the next king David was so impressed with Abigail he was so impressed with Abigail he says I want her to be my wife and you'll find later in the chapter abigail marries david and becomes queen abigail was a godly woman that's a woman that makes times we don't leave I mean we don't it's a story that we don't we don't the times one think about we've heard the name Abigail I believe Abigail was one of the greatest women in all of Scripture yet she's hardly known by many people she was a woman of character now there was a good blessing I'm sure for David along the path my wife is not perfect should be the first one to say that she just like me have made mistakes both of us at times I'm sure I've hurt people and done things we ought not do but I know this I know that I know my wife loves the Lord I know my wife loves me loves our kids she cares about people and God gave me a bonus that she's good-looking too that's what Abigail was that's whatever Gil was hey hey you you young guys that you're not married you know a box can look good but he can still be empty if you don't get that let me say it again maybe I'll have to give al explanation you can wrap up a box really nice that it looks good but it can be empty that girl may look good and there may be nothing inside character-wise young lady can I ask you a question what do you want to be good-looking or a woman a character by the way become a woman of character and one day one guy look at you and go that's a good-looking woman abigail was a woman of character and I think it's something we need to consider father we ask your blessing now upon these thoughts Lord I know this was not a Salvation message but I believe is a challenge that we all needed to recognize Lord we're living in a generational time especially right now looks slenderness athleticism has become synonymous with beauty and yet father we have young men and young women that have no idea and not just young but even older that have no idea about character about the willingness to stand and do what needs to be done thank you for Abigail thank you Lord that she was willing to view the situation as it really was that there was a problem that she needed to deal with that she told her husband the truth that she had the common sense to make sure that he was in a position to be able to understand it that she did what needed to be done even if that meant going on and standing in front of an army of men and saying David please forgive us we didn't know what he was doing be merciful because you you would regret hurting people and then later finding out that it was just just one man that caused this loss thank you for her testimony lord I pray for every young man in this room that they would not settle for any young woman solely because she is a pretty package may they look for a woman who has character above all things and that beauty that that woman has will be magnified by her character and so lord I pray for the I pray for the young ladies that may be eliciting what even those that are young for moms for grandmas may they encourage their children and their grandchildren to become men and women of character and not just of good looks and athleticism lord thank you for Abigail thank you Lord for her testimony for her love for her country we didn't even have a chance to get there Lord she knew that there was a division in the nation and yet she knew that David was the man to unify things Lord what a woman of character she was lord help us to learn from her lessons I ask him pray in Jesus statement for his sake whether heads bowed and eyes closed let's stand together if you would as the instrument begins to play I know this was not a Salvation message I understand that so let me just say this salvation is by grace through faith it's not of good works Abigail was a godly woman yes she was a good woman yes she did good works yes but those good works did not earn her a place in heaven salvation comes the grace of Almighty God through Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection this was a character study message it was a message that we need to look at and say do I have the character of this person in my life do you well the first character that we need to have is trust in Christ as our Savior the Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever that's you that's you for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life if you're here this morning you've never trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior be our joy our privilege our pleasure to show you what it means to come to a saving knowledge of Christ to repent of your sins and to turn to Jesus Christ and let him save you yes repentance is necessary yes understand that you're a sinner is necessary but the saving work is done by Jesus Christ well there has bad knives close if you're here this morning you've never trusted Christ as your Savior if you would just slip out of your seat make eye contact on your way down here we'll take you to quiet place show you from the Word of God
Channel: Valley Bible Baptist Church
Views: 22,251
Rating: 4.756906 out of 5
Keywords: Baptist, Independent, Fundamental
Id: 2fa3rO7wnug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2016
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