Abandoned Nevele Resort - Luxurious Winter Getaway

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but it just goes on and it's up to you but you should have some privacy [Music] you can play all day in your life beside the pool the greatest food surpluses [Music] there's so much to do the portal to uh thank you people do that hey guys we're back to you today with a really amazing video we're coming to you once again from the Catskills of New York and we're at a place as you saw my commercial called the Neva League Grand Resort we were first here over the summer when we film The Crossing gears and homo back and some of the other resorts but for one reason or another we weren't able to film it that day but it's unfortunately because if we did we would have been one of the first explorers to pull out a recent video of this location but we knew once we saw that we had to return and that's why we're here today now since we were first here they have another youtubers who filmed videos of their own and from watching those videos they actually helped us out because we're able to see where things are located we have a better layout of this property more importantly I'm able to show you things I didn't show in their videos so what our plan is is to cover as much of this property as possible not going to film every square inch-- obviously but I do want to showcase and highlight as much as possible before leaving here otherwise I won't be satisfied if I didn't share everything with you that Mabel to show you so with that said we're gonna get started with the video I do have some information I'm gonna share about this place as well as some older photos from when this place was in operation well so hopefully we can do some before-and-after shots and make sure you stay tuned to the end of the video for a photo montage with that said Mike are you ready we're ready I'm ready so come along with us sighs we're making her way down there's a few things I could tell you off the bat never Lee Resort opened in 1903 and neva Lee is actually the ward 11 spelled backwards and it's reported that it was named that because the owner had loving kids so 11 spelled backwards is neva Lee wild operation had a very impressive Golf Course ski slope set you can see we're walking down now complete with the chairlift a lot of ski equipment rentals and at one time is one of the premier resorts not only in the Catskills but it's also one of the most luxurious resorts on the East Coast they did closed in 2009 due to financial trouble and it is plans to demolish his resort and turn it into a sports resort complete with baseball soccer field water park and plans restored decaying ice rink the plans are to have the new resort open by 2020 and reported that construction was supposed to start last year but as you can see that didn't happen but we did see it and signs of other videos that there is signs that they're gonna be demolishing some of these structures here so we want to get here and show it with you before it's gone why we're here - Mike is gonna be taking pictures for his page it's good day for decay if you want to check out his video and slideshow I will link it down below in the description there's one of the old snow guns here I believe they had two or three different slopes and they did have a tow rope I believe down here for snow tubing as well it makes me turn on Frisco should be able to get going here I think you broke it I think we're going anywhere so let's just imagine that we're going for a ride on the chairlift so here's where the old power plant is for the chairlift looks like it's a probably a diesel engine maybe a four-cylinder but nowadays they're all electric keep in mind too that the closing date is pretty rare for a resort up here in the Catskills being open over a hundred years it's kind of unheard of a lot of resorts died out in the 70s and 80s maybe 90s this one went all the way up into the 2000 which is kind of rare so this one really lasted longer than the other ones and for good reason because they had a lot more to offer this is more of a winter paradise most of the other resorts cater to summer vacationers this one was Karen to winter people who want to go skiing snow tubing ice skating but a catered specifically to the winter clientele us as you could say so that probably helped with its aid in lasting as long as it did you're making our way towards what we believe is the ice-skating rink and as you can already tell from this video it's most likely gonna be a pretty long video as I mention I just want to show as much as I can because very good very good chances won't be here anymore and compared to the other videos they didn't show that much so it's gonna be detailed but hopefully I don't bore you and you find entertaining if you do please give the video a thumbs up and throughout the video if you see anything you want to comment on you know what to do comment down below I'll do my best to respond to it [Applause] is this amazing or what I was not joking with you guys this is essentially the ski lodge they have a big sunken-in fireplace here with 360 seating [Applause] and you can see there's a hole in the roof so it's deteriorating pretty badly yeah is this something or what just a warden you're probably gonna be a very repetitive with my Ward saying impressive amazing but it's nothing short of that to see on the ground here these are actually either called wickets those are for putting your ski pass on your jacket let's say we got skis and boots and poles and the reason is because that stuff still here I'll be showing that a little bit but this resort definitely has nearly everything left behind got upstairs balcony area so just to show here there's a map of the ski area there's a rope tow which is for beginners easy track and the chairlift with two additional runs all it just makes sense now remember we saw that this is yes where he first came in and we saw that trailer which was all overgrown no chairs and we were wondering what it was for and it's more of an intermediate expert run those actually the same trails that we kind of walked down to get to where we are but I guess they closed it off at some point so that makes sense Jesus is like walking into a time capsule this looks like they had a little retail shop here slash rental shop probably for a gloves and hats and goggles but look at this [Applause] these boots are sitting here like just ready to go I think that's for a cross-country skiing if you're not mistaken and look at skis you still up there when I was a teenager just coming out of high school I used to work at a ski rental shop so brings back a lot of memories used to have to clean the boots and then graduate to a ski technician Wow so snow tubing $12 all day $8 half day it's pretty reasonable these are cross-country skis here that's what's all shoes before they just showed you so they had downhill skiing cross-country skiing snow tubing and not sure about snowboarding I mean these are worth money I mean even though they're older they can still be repurposed and use that other ski resorts [Applause] and they even have paperwork here with people's ski sizes boot size and here we have ice skate rentals there's like child ones okay they're still down here - well rusted but it's still very much usable just as dozens of pairs here check that out is it to have a type of intercom system here the rink lights are right there that is something else check that out it's nothing short of amazing as I already said but it is you don't see this stuff I've been to plenty of resorts plenty locations you don't often see equipment left behind like this it's easy when you're right there to be sold to help recuperate some of the losses [Applause] so we have a nice balcony area appear second floor with lots of windows say they've had a snack bar here too [Applause] I heard father lose it if I saw something came out of their soda or something so far so good this place is pretty awesome it's gonna look down towards the bottom where that sunken fireplace is that skylight just hanging on by a thread and right outside here is outdoor uncovered ice-skating rink and supposedly there are plans to save this to use it for the new resort my understand those red tubes have some type of liquid I don't it's free on or maybe something mixed with alcohol that helps keep the floor frozen it's pretty neat seeing it completely exposed and straight ahead in the distance is where we will be heading next which is the main resort [Applause] where does he even in size 11 nice pair for you right here very reasonable lift ticket prices although it's a small mountain here with lemon it slopes compared to today's ski resorts that's a heck of a deal and that's where we wore up there so go check this out [Applause] geez this is a big building this was indoor tennis court and racquetball it's massive so here's the racquet ball right here I bet you've never been inside of one of these what are the chances is the tennis ball [Music] here is like a little shop they had covered it by some equipment here's a better look at some of the more additional structures that are here on the property this is like a big web of interconnected buildings and we will be heading to the top floor of that circular tower because from what I've seen from other videos that is the only floor that still has contents left behind in the hotel room I believe their penthouse suites up there so all right to trek up I believe ninth floors but we will show that later on just for about to leave my spy at what appears to be some kind of weird and Tomb spiders here I've never seen them like this before I'm gonna try and get a better look at them I don't know if they're right frozen or that's the way they are if you guys know what type of spider or insect that is feel free to let me know it's kind of like alien like I never seen that before okay so that's where we just came from we just checked out the tennis and racquetball courts and we're gonna follow the corridor down this way and right around the corner here was a heart state is a piano still sounds pretty good seven works you know like the picture sitting in front of this church lady from SNL you have Dana Carvey isn't that special it's a horrible impression but that's what the picture there you go nice brickwork and leads us to indoor pool so we're making good progress here and this is the area that I do have some before-and-afters sorry from some before photos so I'm gonna get myself lined up and trying to show you some of those before-and-afters so next time you see this next clip you'll be looking at one of the older photos okay so here's the before photo and here's the after there are some changes but the ones that we could recognize though is two steps right in front of me and the bridge in the far right corner obviously the floor around it and the ceiling has changed but everything else is still the same okay right our next photo here's the before photo and here's the after same angle you still see the bridge in the four corner tile appears to be very similar around the edge but now the others green what is this call like terrific and astral compared to the tile and obviously the ceiling is different okay here's our next shot here's the before photo you look right in front of us there's a step ladder to climb in and out with a woman standing and here's the after photo ladder is removed the bridge in the background is still there as is as it was seen in the original photo it's unfortunate that the ceiling has changed though because the older look had those big round circular architecture things up to I don't know they're called but they did look much better compared to this flat white ceiling as always they will climb into the pool give you guys a look at the size perspective and it's one of the nicer pools it's a tile floor or tile walled clean no water inside of it so it's definitely much better than some of the other pools we've seen take you for a walk with me here yeah is the underwater lighting nice tiles walls in for so we'll use Mike this time you can see the size perspective of this pool very good size compared to an average person standing in there there's no life wings here you go swim out on your own it someone put some kind of hieroglyphics [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and aside from having this indoor pool I do have an outdoor pool as well that we will show later on so check out that little bridge in the back so just to show you can see in the back corner there's a little bridge and here it is and it's a pretty unique setup this was actually a waterfall back here there's a nice indoor waterfall of cascade over the rock walls here go down this little tiled channel under the bridge and then into the pool so that probably been pretty awesome scene it's time and right next to the pool we have an indoor obviously indoor fitness center so I'll give you a quick look at that next so here we have a nice fitness center with a view facing the ski slopes I never seen older photos and I think an older video where this was lined with treadmills and steppers and everything that so people obviously have been coming here removing stuff but still a few of them left holy crap that scared me the door just partially closed on its own so here we have a probably in aerobics room got this little step up pads like a little stage I guess that's probably ready to watch the instructor up there to picture what's his name Richard Simmons up there sweatin to the oldies so I found this little stairwell that leads to the pool that we just add down here looks like some underground towns so check these out really quick [Applause] so we're in the back house area where looks like plumbing furnaces are some old cots that's like a exxon sign [Applause] I know what this is I stumbled into something here like a old maid's room or a linen room kind like dungeon like down here [Applause] guessing this is like the laundry or dry cleaning area so get to one of the hotel wins here and as I assume it's completely stripped and got it pretty bad shape just to give you an idea it's nothing really worth showing so move on to the next area oh look at that [Applause] so ran had a disjunction next I already got lost already I left the pool area took a stairwell next thing I know it was in one of the hotel wings so we're gonna try and stay together so we don't run into issue again so looks like we found our way into one of the banquet rooms or ballrooms got the dance floor in front of us here collection of mattresses pillows and you see in the distance we still have tons more to cover so trying to show you as much as we can but not waste too much time and draw it out longer than it needs to be so there are a couple more key areas I do want to show you guys so keep moving along until we find them yes there's been a bank of payphones work as you can imagine - like any typical hotel this does have many different floors we're going to stay concentrated to the main floor for most of the buildings except for that wrong tower because it's just gonna be repeating itself over and over it is old sign there looks like a festival room or something I've never seen this room in someone else's video and looks like these lights are illuminated because they're reflecting my light but they're really not but it gives that illusion let's take a walk through here do you like the curtains that are still here that looks like a little eating area in there yeah snack counter here's a little buffet yeah like a salad bar I don't look at globe dining room off in the distance so this is a pretty neat area here we've got a nice big desk big skylight here and it's really awesome piece on the floor completely made a tile this is a really nice area it's a nice size I know if this is a lobby or not it's a good size or whatever it is if you a peek inside the globe dining room this is a enormous room this is probably almost 100 yards long so I'm guessing it's where all that guess what it came for breakfast lunch and dinner place is massive just rows and rows of tables and decay all the way up as far as you could see if you want to get peak up there at the end so I head up there next so here we have it looks like another type of dining room or ballroom this one's kind of unique because it has these very large windows here but the thing that drew me in here is up on the wall looks like some type of paintings the obviously very moldy and decayed but looks pretty awesome and locating it here and before you ask these are artificial flowers some people assume that there's living flowers but these are definitely artificial but down here we got some moss and grass growing that is very much real here's our next mirror on the wall no idea what it is but it's still kind of neat so I don't know what you guys think so far but this place is mind-blowing we haven't even covered not even half the property yet and we've shown you so much already and it stole so much more to show so hope you guys enjoyed it so far don't forget to drop a like and keep watching and don't forget the end of this video I will have a photo montage showing you some of the cool shots I got here as well as showing you once again some of those older photos as well so stick around for that you guys have an idea what this is what it was used for let us know it says Fortuna some type of press oh there are ghosts [Music] so we stumble upon to the kitchen area got it I think this is a set of oven all right no clue dewatering Whitman all enjoyed these mushrooms Sotomayor way past where we saw what we thought was a pizza oven I think it's a big rotating oven well it came into this area now which is very large and spacious oh geez they even see that let's right down into the basement I got to pay attention here this might not be the best to walk on these are thing for pizzas frozen pizzas probably look at that like a whole like pressure meter or something this place is like bizarre yeah this is overwhelming we don't know which way to go at this point that's like the back area so nothing really important is there it looks like a large event to it so it would have been lined with all grills and burners down here mr. Ajay had a huge kitchen staff so here's all those Pizza things I think it's what they're for for pizzas right 12 it in circles it says keep circle Oh case closed it's a pie [Applause] this is like a apocalyptic world back here I heard voices somebody else is here [Applause] okay there's more of that kitchen area so keep moving on I'm a little bit late but happy new year I'll be laughing at me okay so next Turks I'm gonna head his straight through you that way oh it's raining out he can see it on the glass very easy I lost him here it's unbelievable how massive and sprawled out this place is there's a little corridors there's public areas there's employee areas and check this out here okay so throughout the property here you may see these pieces of paper that are numbered it looks like almost like a radioactive sign Mike actually watched in someone else's video and notes what they're for so he's gonna explain that now what I saw in someone else's video they said especially in the the main building the circular one was where they're going to drill and put dynamite even bought a building up you'll see florescent highlighters in different areas carpets cut and whether they sprayed the area so it looks like they're going to dynamite and let it go so guess they're pretty near to that process otherwise they wouldn't be up here looks like it came just in time [Applause] this looks like most like a little business center it's like a Jewish Bible there's a little stage it's windy I thought so there's a theater in this building somewhere I don't know where it's at this is definitely not it you still have yet to find it but we will oh here's the feeder and what do you know I just found the theater all right don't say it because I do have a before photo of this and we can help see the difference though head downstairs next so we finally made it down stairs to the lower level of the cedar now going to show you the before photo so here's the before photo of the Stardust lounge and here's how it looks today I still easily recognize it's got the same swooping top there the holes in the wall fell stars we do miss U's all the tables and chairs [Music] very cool they're very retro and vintage [Music] take a look up there we'll get a closer look at it it's curtains pretty awesome nice ruffles do it to say one thing about this location is dad there's people up there oh no that's us yeah if you guys see if they're in the glass I thought someone was walking up there at the light that's actually my lights sorry about that well it's saying those one thing about this location is that there's not really much graffiti that's been spared of that obviously is very vandalizing decayed but it's nice to see a place with no graffiti or minimal at least so here's a backstage area no they got different curtains back here and backdrops this is probably something for maybe New Year's Eve or something and it's a see-through curtain to turn your lights off you could see pretty awesome so you can just imagine back in the heyday some of the performers are on that stage some of the newlyweds that were here honeymooners maybe people that met their loved ones here silence now but at one time is bustling with activity deaqon and exclusion [Applause] this is a big puddle down here as we're making their way to there's a good shot here of something that's beautiful and something that's ugly obviously the ceiling is a latter part that's as large as a marble faced wall is quite beautiful so we're walking down a main corridor now and you're the one of the front buildings and looks like they have some private rooms here some is called the current congressional - they're like little meeting rooms or something so I haven't seen those before but straight ahead of us says copy shop so we're headed that direction next yeah that's what Mike mentioned earlier there's gonna be a drill mark to blast this building up a look at tile like to add a little pastry area probably this is a little area off the the main area where you could come get some coffee or some pastries and guessing Empire fire panel reset these are the back house areas as they're known employee corridors so I think when you further this way we still got more to check out though hopefully you guys are still enjoying the content we got a couple more cool areas to show you including the top of that penthouse in that round tower that the outdoor pool and hopefully one or two other spots and then we'd be showing you majority of the cool stuff here everything else is kind of just repetitive rooms back house areas endless wings and hallways so let's tell him like he could spend all day here and not see everything that's here but like the usual places of what's not really worth showing everything so hopefully at least showed more of the interesting stuff to you guys and more than what the other explorers have shown in their videos okay we're up on the second level now of the main building here just to the orientation down there and over is where the cedar is and there's one of our soon to be destinations that the presidential room I guess since this is where President Trump is staying so we were in that room before that's a Sahara Cafe so we're kind of walking in a maze here got to figure out our orientation and see where to go from here so we'll take a little break here and be back momentarily it's like the central hub called the air room service the gal that names presidential Congressional ski Shelley paper closet Mabley boiler room okay right over here look at this all the room keys is that crazy at one it's amazing all the stuff that's left behind [Applause] so we're back in the administration area it's a fax room right there I think this is a dumbwaiter here's more room keys too just smile and wave boys hasta LaVista baby Robo Cod [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah big big talons doors locks and it's full of files let me guess the state here [Applause] these were cubicles there's like a little VIP air in front of stage pretty cool it's like where President Lincoln would have sat oh nice bathroom here like that tile work make sure you heed your government warning even though the government shut down right now okay we made it to our next destination we're inside the tower building right now and we have a long climb ahead of us they believe nine floors but you can see this Lobby area here it's all marble walls got a bank of elevators you see more of the blasting areas are gonna be there I'll show you guys this buildings on the outside too later on at least with some photos if not video this is a pretty impressive structure so before we head upstairs want to show you this really quick we're inside the Robin tower still I'd like a little laundry area I believe you need help laundry on here we're anything at all and it's like a little conveyor system goes down to the basement minutes it's pretty neat okay I'm gonna start setting up to the top we'll see you at the top I think I take you guys on a little tour right now around the ninth floor top level of the circular hotel tower can't through that door just the right here we got a linen closet which is really awesome looking maid's cart still has the cleaning supplies and stuff on it that's a pretty cool find and once he's caught he have some standard for the most part till the toilet rooms up here heavily decayed heavily full of mold but still at the same time very awesome looking and this is part of the reason why they're gonna be tearing this building down as you could tell by the paper right here so you come down the hallway here and you're present of more rooms here some are better than others one king bed a little entertainment center coffee table or sitting table got a bank of elevators right here and the further we go this direction the better it gets this room is too I believe queen beds maybe doubles a little more intact you got some plumbing diversion here trying to keep the water out of the building you hear that wind it's extremely windy out [Music] that is kind of creepy tokens building holds up so you got the next room here kind of repeat got sofa the entertainment center someone left there lend to it here from their camera okay say the mattresses are fairly clean not really any stains or anything like that now what I'm about to show you next is it gonna blow your mind this is the penthouse suite wait until you see what's in here we're gonna start off here going to the right so they kind of want to build up to it so you may think oh this is just a normal looking bathroom but wait until you see the master bathroom it's gonna leave you almost speechless I guarantee it so we're walking into now is the kitchen and very vintage looking satin the PVC pipe but look at that stove and look at the view out the window you kill my lights here so don't get any glare but look at that view that's looking at the Catskill Mountains and in the distance here that's where the golf course would have been all through all here so you got a separate room here for dishes and the sink there a protective cover on it it's a nice big lampshade or in the middle no if you hear they get noise in the background that wind is really throwing around outside clean refrigerator see a little paper towel with the Spencer this is a very awesome looking kitchen but doesn't really go with the suite itself this suite as you see is more modern this hasn't more 60s or 70s look to it but I still love it though right here you have your little can opener nice built-in shelving it's almost like barn door type another closet and here we are in the master suite now it's gonna tell you up up front lobby stuff it's is staged obviously as I mentioned other youtubers and explorers have been here and it's very obvious they've been doing photo shoots but aside from that this is all the original stuff from the suite and it's simply breathtaking until I could say this would have been one hell of room to stay in is he up on top they would have had built-in speakers really top-of-the-line furniture got these nice tall ceilings in here beautiful curtains lots of windows nice couch part the stains out to me is this wall over here it has the built-in fireplace and these wood walls pretty amazing and this is only one part of it we still have more of this actual suite to go so let's keep going so here we have a big closet and move down the hallway here where things get even better and if you can believe that more closet space huge closets walk-in closets got bedroom right here which has a small little library shelf in here and it caught it's soaking wet in here that your entertainment center and your two beds [Applause] the fact that this is still here is pretty mind-blowing because every other floor either 1 or 2 through 8 or completely empty all the Rings are stripped but they saved the best for last I know some of you like to know what kind of books are in these places so you be a quick look at it here all right let's keep moving on more to see so this brings us to now the master bedroom very large and spacious love that bed got a nice sofa in here my sole dresser / the entertainment center there it's not your average Holiday Inn type furniture you know this is some really ornate decorative stuff too but it still more to go this is still the same sweet they have a little balcony hearing which was may or may not be able to get out and take a look at we'll see but his master bathroom has got to be one of the best bathrooms I've ever seen anyhow in hotel anywhere and you'll see it in a second why that all tile walls looks like brass fittings there may be bronze not really sure brass or bronze if you look outside you can see the rest of the resort here's one sink right here and just look at that design inside there you don't see that typically you know that's very like luxury style accessories in here and style and items as I mentioned not great as architecture but I'm very appreciative of the hard work and beauty in some of these places got a cool light fixture boats filled up with moss and water and we have our porcelain throne I'm gonna check out this thing over here it's got these really cool light fixtures up on top mirror this little sliding shelf and again I think these are brass beautiful countertop they've got the towel hanging here still it's just really awesome and the last part I want to share with you is this amazing shower I'm gonna turn the lights on for this it's the shower you would see I like a spa look at all these fittings and showerheads that throw a water you even got a little seat in here the guy one two three four six different shower heads that throw water you in all different directions god it's completely lined with tile it looks like almost marble tile too I don't think it's ceramic but that's incredible I told you that you guys would love this and how sweetening I guess you could go outside check out this view [Music] there's another pull off here - does it flow there one over there so yeah and this building right here looks like a villa we're headed inside there next so that is a building we just came from we were on the top floor penthouse suite pretty incredible we're gonna change direction now and head inside here what do you guys think of this place aw I'm not exactly sure what this is used for this may have been like a guest Lodge possibly ski chalet but whatever it is it's very impressive large that mean that fireplace is taking i guess probably six could tell mantle on that really cool chandelier up top some mirrored walls arched doorways curving steps I mean this is just out of this world crazy we'll venture down there in a bit and just want to take in this main room here so let's explore it a little bit and see what else is here oh we got a creepy basement let's just dampen empty down there so I'm not gonna waste my time with that [Applause] look at that lattice work it's all built-in shelving on a fireplace it's really nice and it looks like maybe someone was staying here at one point a lot of personal trash clothes sneakers food garbage a little bit everything you guys nice on hallway be nice checkered carpet well this is heavily decayed look at that kitchen holy crap that's crazy this is right up your alley that's decay ooh the flooring is soft a lot of rooms in this place here I mean I don't go too far that's wet but this is maybe living quarters for some of the employees there's clothes in the closet a small bedroom entertainment center with some you know everyday essential shaving cream soap shampoo mini-fridge it's not just a record player it's also cassette player I'd go and farther but this floor is soaked and I don't know if it's solid or not so I'm not gonna risk it tile floor that's right off the plunger looking for it yeah very grandmotherís wallpaper wow this place is much bigger than I thought rock and roll let's party a lot of plastic bottles in there no got some smut on the walls somebody's a fan of Tina Turner and epidemia Dean not gonna show too much of it but I got some was it Janet Jackson they have there yeah I'm guessing this is living quarters for the employees no the bathroom there the microwave the big speaker lots of reading material novels and books oh my god this keeps going suitcase bicycle here with a cedar closet rollaway bed nice large trunk there's a with that golf clubs goes outside ok we're rich resource substitute as a main lobby area there where the fireplace is then we'll head off to the side rooms and then go upstairs now we'll be done with this building that's severely outdated but I do have fluorescent bulbs so there's the mean for your area simply gorgeous this building or home or whatever you wanna call it is enormous I cannot believe like multiple apartments in here no it's kitchen you got the hanging cups up there for the wallpaper trim it's old microwaves are not a little oven here here's the buttons for it controls if anybody wants a deflated Steelers beanbag chair you come here and get it and what is this a giant pair bedroom houses the pink room I'm pretty certain that this is living quarters for employees I'm wrong you know feel free to correct me by I'm pretty sure that's what it is carpeted bathroom floor gonna have your Listerine mmm-ma have nice full tropical fish design like the fittings on the shower okay he's a really bad shape and outside this building doesn't look bad once you're in here it's pretty bad oh yeah okay you can see right to the basement he's you're a really bad shape look at this one here this is a creepy-looking room Wow check out more rooms here off the personal items and contents left behind Little Mermaid well burner right there pots pans got a calendar there as the year 2000 on it I imagine they stopped using this well before the resort closed just very bizarre stages of decay and rot alright guys as much as I would like to keep continuing showing you everything that's in here running out of battery and memory card space we stock more to show you so might they go upstairs here it's basically just follows the downstairs and it branches off both directions and it's just more rooms that's all it is it's repeating what's downstairs and again our hunch is that this was employee quarters living quarters and it's an amazing structure from the outside it looks much better than it does inside severely rotted and deteriorated but still at the same time extremely beautiful gorgeous I mean these windows behind the earth you know just something else the tall fireplace the balcony here there's just so much to take in here the winding staircase is just if this was living quarters for employees they really were living pretty well tell you that so we do want to head outside now we have the outdoor pool possibly wanted two more things that we could fit it in and then we'll be wrapping up the video so don't go anywhere yet a little bit more to come and here we have is the outdoor pool completely filled with water you actually see some stuff in the water there it's umbrella so here's a nice looked in the pool area that's the tower rear up inside of earlier and the rest of the buildings on property he's just so massive there's a little snack stand over there called aquaponic cafe it's just a little snack stand nothing really of importance and a little seating area up on top there and I believe in the back is a thing a hot tub so we'll check that out so here's the jacuzzi you can see it's quite a good size you could probably fit probably 3040 people in here that's something that's really amazing is this shot right here look at this is that now it's like a postcard or what the nice blue sky in the background reflective surface in the water and that massive Tower that's what they call the money shot right there since we're near this little aquaponic Cathy I'll give you a peek inside and then we're gonna be wrapping it up pretty soon after this this all is just a little walk in snackbar so we're still making aware in the grounds here in the distance there's several tennis courts golf courses behind that there's I believe another pool and I think a couple more little outhouses buildings up here so we're gonna check those quick and then we'll be wrapping it up okay so way in the distance right there is where the big swimming pool was up we just showed you guys and probably about three four hundred yards away came upon another one this one is empty compared to the last one and much smaller but if I'm not mistaken I believe this one was for the employees and right next to it is a daycare which I believe was for the employees kids as well that's my understanding I could be wrong but based on what I've seen from the other videos and what has been mentioned that would make sense that smaller farther away from the guests and in the distance you could probably see is a little playground and stuff so I do know it's pretty rotted in there the floors are rotted out it's mainly just like really colorful walls some I think some old child's toys nothing special so gonna spare you the look on that one okay sorry about the wind my duty to make a retraction of my last statement based don't we see here now this playground slash daycare and the pool is for hotel guests children so that pool is for the kids that would be here for the day while the parents were off doing whatever they want to do it's not employee employees kids it's guests kids so at least we have clarification on that all right there's the daycare I want to show you something really awesome look at this it's a little jungle gym set this tree is growing right through it it pretty much busted right through the floor it's coming out the side of it Wow never seen that before okay guys I hope you enjoyed our adventure here today as an evalee Grand Resort in the Catskills of New York this has been an awesome experience to be here you guys made it all the way through to this point this one say thank you so much for sticking it out I know it's been a long video I had to cut a lot of it out to make it to this point because we probably covered about three-quarters of the property here we didn't show you obviously the upper levels of the hotels and some of the back workshop areas and stuff like that because just because it's not really of importance but everything we did show though we thought was interesting and hopefully you guys did as well just when I first asked you know already so please give the video a thumbs up it means a lot to us and tells us that you like the content Mike I'm gonna tell you stops in in a moment but don't forget he did take a bunch of photos for his channel a good day for decay the link will actually pop up in the corner of the screen as well as down in the description you can find it as well subscribe to his channel and check out his video I just want to say though that this Resort is not gonna be here much longer by the time you watch this video it may be gone and I'm glad I got to document it and share it with you guys so Mike your thoughts amazing place amazing the penthouse the roller skating the or the ice skating the skis all the stuff left behind is like a pure time capsule it's nice to see this stuff and sad to say but it's not gonna be here for much longer so it's gonna be gone but those are the key points I liked and the funny thing is too as mentioned this place did shut down due to financial troubles you know they're struggling to make any profit and the among the stuff that's left here they could have easily recoup some of their money the ski equipment you know the furniture up in the penthouse I'm sure they did liquidate some of this stuff but they left a lot behind still but um with that said comments or questions thoughts leaving down below do my best to answer them for you and if you hear my channel make sure you subscribe Rena notification Bell don't forget to that I have a Facebook page to follow me on and I also have a patreon page page and this page if you pick up something there you can help support my channel and fund for future adventures so that said before I get carried away with rambling so I say thanks for watching and as always see you the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JPVideos
Views: 1,046,041
Rating: 4.8487349 out of 5
Keywords: jpvideos, abandoned resort, abandoned hotel, abandoned ski resort, jpvideos abandoned, abandoned nevele resort, abandoned catskills resort, Abandoned Nevele Resort - Luxurious Winter Getaway
Id: cx-0vz9TJXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 43sec (5383 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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