Abandoned Truck Dug Out Of Its Grave After 50 Years | 1965 Ford F100 Buried By Nature | RESTORED

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this video is sponsored by omaze [Music] um [Music] i ain't much for this cold weather i'm not either i can live without it well looks like another chore on it yeah yeah not a lot of trees we're gonna have to cut but a lot of trees that fell on it yeah yeah it's uh that's down there though i spoke too sorry guys something grew up through it yeah and grew up through the bumper there oh yeah that's a gmc bed oh gmc fleet side bed actually matches up with the body lines not too bad yeah bed sitting on the ground over here looks like the front end's on the ground oh yeah the bumpers on the ground up here wow in the ground i think it has all the wheels and tires man everything's stuck good grief yeah if that's stuck as much as it is i can only imagine how this truck's gonna be but yeah it's got a wheel on it but it's completely in the ground see about three or four inches of the top of it yeah like i said and the bumper is plumb which aren't a foot of pine needles on this side i'd say this has to be one of the most sunk in the ground ones we've ever tried to rescue yeah it's got a motor in it does it yeah they said it then a little bit i can see of it oh my gosh yeah what little bit you can see of it's right something moved up top i don't know if it's just stuff falling or what golly and that is the top of the most packed in rats nest in the motor i've ever seen in my life too yeah wow it's got a battery on it yeah supposedly this thing was running when they parked it i had to fix that but it ain't gonna be running right now i can guarantee that wow yeah this is gonna be a chore if i can get some shovels and try to some rakes and at least to try to we got to get that up lift it up some to get get these pine needles moved out of the way where we can at least see what we can get under i hope the frame ain't rotted out from underneath it maybe if i'm even getting up underneath there's an old tire laying there yeah let's grab some tools and get busy with it maybe it'll help us warm up some so real quick guys when me and dad make a plan of getting this thing out of the woods we'd like to take a minute to announce the sponsorship of this video being a maze now if you haven't heard of omaze they're a really great company that specializes in giving away one-of-a-kind prizes and experiences all while donating to some very special charities across the world now on this specific giveaway you can enter for a chance of winning this 2022 porsche 911 gt3 now being a huge porsche fan i can only imagine the heads you could turn in this car being that it's the first gt model of the newest 911 generation featuring a 4.0 liter packing around 500 horsepower well setting behind the wheel of this thing would be quite the experience for any car enthusiast and if it happens to be looks that you're after the more aerodynamic body style topped in an amazing shark blue color with a matching black and blue interior well i'm pretty sure this has to be the sharpest gt3 on the road 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this property and he seen this old truck out here and thought we might be interested in it we were able to get with the owners and buy the truck this thing's been sitting out here a while as you guys can tell already now we're gonna have to dig this thing out of the ground i've never seen a motor covered up with a mouse debris as much as this one is and it seems like we we've found some pretty rough ones in the past so it's pretty chilly out here we're just gonna get some tools some shovels some rakes see if we can get up underneath here with the jack jack the truck up and hopefully this thing will try to pull out we don't know there's some stuff that's just really stuck in the ground just right beside it so dig it out see if we can get it move a little bit and just get it on the trailer hard to even tell what's laying down out here golly that ground is hard big old vine there that's gonna be fun to mess with yeah i think this is the first we've actually had to do yard work like this on getting a vehicle out so say if you hand me one of the shovels i may be able to get up underneath this and pry that way i hope the whole bottom of this truck ain't rotted away though there she comes [Music] bunch of little vines growing [Music] look at that i mean that's completely consumed that wheel and i'm going to be completely amazed when that super tires will air up just because there's no reason why it ever should my goodness i guess i'll try to go over here to see if we can get a jack under this bumper somehow yeah this ground just swallowed it yeah it wasn't for the frame it probably kept on going down hoping i can get a little hole dug here that i can maybe get the jack under this brush guard or it looks pretty heavy do you i'm gonna go grab the jack see if this thing even tries to butt jenny i'm gonna try to pop this hubcap off this and wow actually has a hubcap on there see if it's got a valve stem on it [Applause] not without much more dirt coming out of it can't get it off not yet still still too much dirt around it [Applause] enough to try to see what it does now it's coming up as long as it don't bend that brush guard oh yeah that's it coming up coming up pretty good yeah probably have to get something some blocks blocks or something stuck under it yeah golly this thing was so buried up a bad thing you know i'm i'm jacking it up underneath the frame and the body so that the wheels are just going to keep going down until we get underneath the control or it probably has a beam front beam on this one and i'm betting it's completely under the ground it's uh well i think some critter i can see it's hollow up underneath it there i bet something's done nested in there and got it watered out down below it so that means you know be their advantage [Applause] i think maybe i can get oh yeah you can see that that front beam there yeah let me try to get this up as high as i can and get a couple blocks underneath yeah that's about as high as i can with that jack grab some blocks or something that's right a tire there that's gonna tire's gonna flex i'm afraid there's a tire up underneath here i hope it is i hope it ain't a lead to a well there's something big there's a whole tire big time um [Applause] and that'll let me get somewhere else not just tire taking out or i tried to move around on it earlier but hoping i could get over here not quite yeah i don't know if that helps or not but can you hand me that shovel please i think if i dig out here that's that too this one over here is about stuck the same on the wheel three quarters of the way to the top trying to see if i can get on the frame rail now ground ain't near as hard over here all right well i'm gonna lose a little bit of our lift there's only a bad day jack's saying no no no [Applause] i'm definitely getting a good bite on it though now i don't know what that popping noise is it's sliding over sliding on the jack yep all right i'm gonna try to dig out this wheel a little bit we need to get up underneath that front beam there just in case it decides it wants to come down can we get that somewhere where i could get another bite with the jack i wish we could get right there i know it wouldn't take long to warm up yeah get to digging out here try to go up a little bit more i think that works i think i got it right there okay whoa i don't know is that gonna be in the way no i'm gonna try to come at an angle right here i think and i don't know if we can get these wheels to break loose put some boards or some old pieces of wood that we can cut up out here just to get it out of that hole yeah that's what it needs yeah yeah would you say this is probably the most buried up one week oh yeah by far yeah [Applause] see if i can dig me a little trench put that jack over here all while looking out for rats i don't know how it got that buried up though really i mean it's maybe weight sitting on it i don't know maybe this floods or something every once in a while and allowed it just to sink down in there maybe someone really didn't like fords then they put the gmc they already started converting it with the gmc bed business in the front party in the back yeah [Applause] so close there we go okay got it oh [Applause] should jack's all kinds of crooked see it coming up i can't get much out of the jag here [Music] i could get more out of this jack handle but it's hitting my bumper there's a valve still on it so i mean we can try to shoot air to it but i don't know i was hoping i could just get it up enough slide some boards underneath it right it's still coming out it's still coming out yeah a little bit at a time morse code sounds like i can probably get this block up underneath this right here yeah if i clean out just a little bit of it right here i wish we could get a what about i don't know if it'd be strong enough i'm gonna say that two by twelve and just lay it if we go yeah it's locked up should have known it was that way it would go either way we can probably might need bugs but [Applause] at a point now where it's lifting a lot more let me go get those boards yeah i think we go get those oh yeah we're getting some lift out of it now i don't know if that big old board block down there is going to do much keep this if it bows something right up a little more yeah try to get it in there a little bit more um i mean i kind of hate we're close there but after ezra get it this back this way you know what i mean yeah i think it works i think that'll work um i'm curious if i should try to put i don't know how hard it's going to be to get up underneath that other side yeah i'll just move this here and we might have to take it down here a little bit well i didn't eat it so now i gotta try to get on the other side somehow man i'll lie i don't know about this i may have to come in from yeah cause i the bumpers bat yeah i think i'm gonna come in that front angle right there does it look like we can reach the that front beam there i don't know yet yeah [Applause] that rake you see that right climb anyway this doesn't have enough grab and pull packed in good there yeah i see it though about our luck great gave up working too hard you ripped the hand of the right guy now honestly i think all rakes are so poor those aren't yeah i don't know what how you design it but somebody needs to design a rake it has a lot better okay i think we can get a pretty low profile so you can at least see the cross member under there so there's a gap under it so okay yeah i'm taking everything with me that you just wrapped that here i think this will work not on the it's it's like say it's on the cross member there so it should lift kind of both back to that little lift at a time though starting upwards at least oh man that jack does not look good we are all kinds of angled i'll keep going i guess um can you get this block underneath the bumper in case it maybe not maybe that's the would a jack stand be better did i have one over here yeah i got one here i don't think we're gonna come off that jack but he sure is angled back how much more we got to go to get a board a lot six or eight inches oh wow so i might have to come on that side and actually get underneath that beam rather than because that crossmember's still allowing it to go down let me try to dig about where that jack stand is right there that way if the jack comes off it breaks the shoveling down well it's not as bad as i thought because it had a mound of dirt there but i pushed some of that down yeah that won't hurt nothing you can get it you got that brakes over here you can get it right there well it's got to be up underneath that that beam where's that rake at because what we're doing now is it's just jacking it up in the rake broke again jacking it up in the middle and it's allowing the suspension to drop drop be careful man that's right it's the last day it's gonna be used by me okay i've got a block under the frame so okay that'll help some okay i'll uh let me let the jack down okay re-game now i think i can come in from this angle on a good note i don't think the back is gonna be near the problem not as long as that stump or tree or whatever you're gonna call it as long as it'll cut off all right [Applause] man [Applause] that just won't get up underneath there need more out yeah i think i can dig it by hand now that i know it's not going to slide off that jacket hold it right man wow just told you be careful i don't want it to fall on you i finish this up by myself now you got me worried about how well that block is it set really good on it so ah i don't think that did much good i feel like i'm almost gonna have to lay down that way and reach around the wheel that way i ain't getting much of a movement but i think it's coming up a little bit maybe not enough is it like a quarter inch ever yeah count the pump i don't know where else to get i mean that's the only place i can get on it [Applause] see if we can get this underneath there probably still gonna have to go up quite a bit we've almost filled this hole back in yeah that might work just as well help it to climb up out of that you want to get this block yeah okay i think we're good on the front so i may want to pull it out this way just in case it tries to yeah hopefully i can get this there jack set's got the bumper off the ground on it yeah we want to try to move to the back i guess i guess so we'll cut that tree out of the bumper i'm going to try to move some of this brush off the side here okay let me go ahead and start yeah oh dad we're gonna have to cut this thing too this big old you have that huge vine three inch vine oh [Music] me jack it to there probably have to because i didn't get all the way through it yeah but my saw won't fit under it i'm gonna get this vine while you're is that going to be in your way uh it might be uh i really know right here on the corner i'm on this side over here is the side that i need to get out [Music] i really didn't need cutting just needed lifting well i don't know yeah it broke just in [Music] one two bear [Applause] i'm gonna try to get a block underneath this and then get under that [Applause] axle yeah that old tree was pretty rotten yeah but if we hadn't tried to cut it it'd have been a boat arc yeah and wouldn't come out for nothing uh oh are they i guess because i'm on that spring figure the body would be lifting up some [Music] we're gonna grab another board i think we can just use this like well my jack's in the way it's gonna say like a ramp almost come out of that this can't that jack don't do much good unless you get a full you want to try that we can try it i think i think it'll it should it'll keep it out of the hole anyways oh yeah that'll work yeah the other side oh boy i guess we're gonna have to dig out underneath the bumper or something a little bit here oh yeah yeah that right there would probably work where my shovels at i don't think it made the trip yet that should work bad thing is i probably have to do this twice right once underneath this and then underneath the axle so [Applause] oh there's a big old big old amount of dirt around that axle i ain't letting it lift up any is it let me stand this bore let me get that jackson be safer so [Music] coming down i got under the lace spring on the other side but didn't work the greatest will you push that down i don't know why it's not there we go can you see anything just a leaf spring that may be what we have to use the thing is we wrap where we put the board put the board well that's kind of how that other one was too but go for it i guess this we'll be able to get something underneath that wheel what's that hubcap saying on it uh desk or dale or something i don't know the front one said the same thing with des or oh man probably needed to get it underneath that other part of the lift spring i tried but it wouldn't get there so the angle was coming that good yeah not really but there you go now i mean there's so much junk right here and when i come here i can't get no swing out of it these are still halfway in it though halfway in the ground yeah oh what happened [Applause] and why it just went back down this keeps coming off the spring attempted just to leave they've darted up underneath yeah i'm about to come off this spring i think if i get enough dirt under it'll be just like having a board board not as good but just don't have enough to put it back up under it but [Music] better than it was i don't know that's still a pretty big wall it's got to climb right there yeah [Applause] let's just go with that that wench can't pull it up out of that i think let it down and try it just get back to the trailer up over here ain't no sense to shoot near them tires there's no way they're gonna hold it that one's got split in the sidewall which one that one right there there's tubes though so we'll get the trailer back over here see if she tries to move with the winch so we finally got this truck up out of the ground uh where we should be able to hook on to it with our trailer and the winch and try to drag it out of here now most of times if you just try to pull for them a winch when they're sitting down in the hole you ain't going to do any good so we've got it up out of holes with boards up underneath most of the tires we had to cut this little tree back here on the back there's no way these wheels are going to roll the brakes are going to be completely locked up when they were completely underground anyway so back the trailer up here hook to a winch and just see how she drags you're gonna steer it it's moving i don't know if it's steering i think it will probably when we start pulling on it it's got slack in it but i guess i'll go ahead and try to see if it moves at all we may have to end up hooking a snatch block to it and double lining it if this if this don't pull it okay i thought i'd roll the window down and give myself a access get out of the way here hell let me put a block behind my truck okay i think it's on the a lot further on the passenger side i think lance here we go i don't know i might have to double on it ain't trying yet is it let's move some then pull plumb over my block there we got any of them other wooden blocks uh one of them's up underneath the front i think most of it is we're just it's just moving my truck and trailer think it'll be better up underneath the truck or the trailer here truck i think it might be i mean i think the trailer's just gonna come come on over yeah there's no weight on it all right [Music] still just pulling me backwards that whip that first little block didn't know good it's smurfs pieces another one's up underneath the front tire over here i'm gonna say i back up a little bit more and get the truck right there where it's or get the trailer right closer but i was hoping we could turn the truck some well right did dead block right there on that dirt like we didn't want to be uh [Applause] ah try it again so one reason we did like that was because it's this stump right here got against the wheel i believe i hear something humming back here i've got my brake pressed in on the truck and then the trailer brakes set so i don't know if that's what that is or what or she's sure plowing [Music] looks like the winch was smoking but i don't know if it was or not huh looked like the winch was that's just the dirt once it gets up on the trailer the back end then it'll be a lot easier but it's just getting it up there [Music] whoo that thing we might have to do a snatch block on that thing pull it back either that or our battery's dead on our trailer that winch is sure it is dragging just i mean it's yeah it should still drag that thing no better than it's doing let's uh let's go ahead and go back with the snatch block okay there we go again we're gonna end up holding the trailer underneath that rather than the truck on the trailer [Music] we're hitting something this bumper's hanging the these bolts on this d hook and that jack i think i got it up enough i think oh you're just left in the back i wish i had a pry bar or something i got one it's been a lot more stubborn than i thought it was gonna be crazy we're still just dragging the trailer underneath the truck the truck is not moving hopefully it will once it hits the tires well it's against this one here so is it yep go a little bit more just watch it watch that cable too man i'd never drained that thing pulled better just straight lines what's bad is the trailer has lifted up about four inches and we're about to miss the trailer over here too oh yeah so we're hitting dead on the yep it was almost about to go over it right there no way that jack's gonna fit up underneath there either to jack it up to help it all right that's the way this ground's so unlevel yeah you're down in a hole this is a hill and it was down in another hole on this side so yeah so i think i can get right down the frame underneath there not really paint bucket fell out well i ain't even on the stinking thing right with that uh i need to be where the jack will go with it [Music] [Music] i don't know about you but i ain't crazy about this new jack no that new jack is junk yeah i'm gonna try this it's hopefully it'll roll with it yeah but i'm about to about to fall off with the jacks there's everything fighting against us now well that bad's crooked well snatch block everybody always says it and there it happened snatch block broke well that's up there so i'm assuming it's either it or the chain rope chain broke [Applause] well praise god no one was in the line of fire no i haven't even you know they mentioned they had a tractor we may have to take them up on it right it should pull out of there but if we can get it out of the hole so it finally happened with not the cable breaking but we had a chain break on our snatch block so praise god no one was in the line of that no one got hurt there we're not having a lot of luck getting this truck onto our trailer though we tried straight lining it and it actually pulled the truck better than running it back with a double line so i don't know if we've got a weak battery maybe the the cold weather has zapped our battery uh but we're also back in another hole on the front driver's side there so the previous owner of the truck had mentioned he had a tractor if we got in a spot in a bind and needed it so i think at this point we're just going to see if they can hook onto it try to pull it out and then maybe we can get it on the trailer from there so that pulled out easy so once they were able to hook up to it with the big tractor she come out pretty easy and we were able to winch it on the trailer you can tell this truck had just been setting out there forever so we're pretty anxious to get it back to the shop and just dig into it a little bit more now once again this thing was running when it was parked but as you guys could see up underneath the hood i don't know if she's ever going to run again but you know us we're going to have to dig into it and at least give it a shot i hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure to like subscribe ring that bell and we'll see you on the next one [Music] [Music] um [Music] you
Views: 356,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, will it run, neglected, swamp, honey hole, woods, saved, parked, found, lost, uncovered, rusty, graveyard, forgotten, run down, be restored, jungle, vgg, vice grip, nature, texas, rat infested, land clearing, clean up, international, international kb1, rescued from woods, left for dead, ford truck, f100, digging up, wrecker, 1965 ford, fleetside
Id: tMSj23z8eFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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