Abandoned Building Full Of Toys - Power Still On

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[Applause] everyone coming to you today from we're not sure if it's a large apartment building or business or combination of both but we discovered along the road I've been hanging up for weeks now making sure it's abandoned and we're able to walk in the back door and so far you can see it's loaded with stuff all around we're up in the upper level right now I believe this is the second floor possibly an attic what we're gonna explore it and if we discover anything that we know about it we obviously share with you on a side note there's one thing I do want to mention my last few videos a lot of you have been commenting and some of you have been complaining that haven't been doing research or showing information about the locations I want to tell you off the bat that every location we go to if it's worth researching we always do every location I'm able to share information with you guys I always do now there are times when information is just too difficult to research or times where it's not really advisable to share it for privacy or legal reasons as you know what I do is kind of a gray area as far as legal legality goes but I primarily like to show you the residents the building the current state of condition and to show you how the people used to live there or you have used to work there so just be understanding that what I'm able to share information with you guys I will if I don't there's a specific reason why I don't so just keep that in mind and hopefully you guys enjoy the rest of the videos okay so that's where we came in I'm not going to spend too much in each area because this is a very large building but this is where I started we got boxed uh excuse me the plastic total VHS tapes some toys but why is your land that's not too bad beating the Beast game Barnum's animals as mentioned an unsharp this was a residence or maybe like a thrift store I'm sure once we get further into the building and downstairs we'll figure that out but this whole upstairs is gutted just framework this looks pretty nice doesn't open animals ripped off of it what's a racetrack or something or matchbox hotkeys get tell her remember that thing Hasselhoff I never saw that before Knight Rider impossible stunt set motorized night 2000 car that's pretty neat save it in there tracking everything I have to guess is probably a little value to that cuz my 37 years of existence I never saw one okay that's still there - it's like brand-new like a keytar yeah so far some pretty interesting stuff and might just discovered a nice bed set here there's a matching dresser to it let's see I want to show anything personal this trophy here is a date of 1992 football champion there's a similar green suitcase which I phoned in that was that into the steeple house the suitcase green suitcases like that I think that was in the cupola house I got baseball card Minnesota Vikings look at this stacks of cards here oh yeah I know they go for some decent money too so what looks like that was potentially a bedroom up here or was gonna be looks like it was started to be finished off but never completed but okay we got some vinyl records and some creepy dolls which one's missing its hair I don't like the ones at the highs move those are just too creepy here we have an old getting a crib it's pretty small yeah I love you guys - been asking for us to show more details more items looking through drawers and containers so I'm gonna try to do my best without spending too much time otherwise we'll have a three-hour video [Applause] full house Michael Jordan Valentine's a little bit everything here huh found a troll doll is it hot wheels up in the closet there get that that present and by the way Mike would like to say thank you for everyone noticing his side job as a plumber in our previous video okay so we're gonna keep moving on we've got some English books there another troll doll on with ice skates I mean you could probably spend a few hours just going through just these couple of rooms alone I didn't really get a good look in there I mean go in there quick as random toys kids dresser excuse me let's say there's some clothes and it's still some drawings take kids artwork Disney snow look at that it's kind of oh my God look at this Mike oh yeah ecto-1 I had a friend from chocolate um still friends he had the full Ghostbusters outfit and gear I remember playing with that stuff Ghostbuster I think this is from ghostbusters yeah here's a what's his name that Egon and there is he gone again or no is that you go that's it yeah yeah that was maybe a raid [Music] you know who that is that that from ghostbusters yeah I never saw that one before balls in here who is this so he mail right sometimes it's hard it's yeah he might want to be oh there's Janine that's the one another Janine look at this I mean guys I mean I know some of you get offended from us going to see people's possessions but place like this it's sitting abandoned and this stuff could potentially be demolished or destroyed there's another one never saw them before this is Ray juice I'll say his name three times that's from that last part of the movie when his head is shrunken by that witch doctor there's another one I just know who that was yeah that is let me know like a knockoff of Elvis or something alright how I got sidetracked here so we're gonna make our way forward so let's see what else we can find one thing we can tell you right the bad is that this building has been listed for sale for years now the sign is basically overgrown with weeds so hasn't been purchased not sure there's any interest in it but whoever gets its gonna get a building full of stuff to tell you that any cigar boxes somebody's these those are nice boxes like six good cigar boxes there [Applause] okay it looks like we may have a door which should lead us downstairs just oh my god guys look at this there's still power here hmm that's kind of crazy didn't anticipate that we got two doors here let's take door number one even we can't take to our number one okay all right we're stuck there well you see is what you get it says it right up there all right all the cop buff is in front of you in the Mia on some of these down this is like a little tiny room this is weird I thought this one somewhere got some plush toys just paint it like beetlejuice this is a weird room I know if this is like a isolation room or what but it's painted a weird paint scheme and very small and it stinks like something is dead in here random junk here nothing really exciting unless you want dr. Dre and smoke your copy of it right here this is a non room definitely kids were in here imagine one day I would like to add is I'm not able to show the outside of the building and for science right on a busy road and as businesses nearby so we don't want to risk getting caught but just trust that this place has been in baman for three to five years at least it's not too far from where we live we've driven by it for years and nothing has ever been occupied here as far as we know there's been ever been businesses here cars people living it's overgrown covered up for sale side and the future is unknown so just want to add that part just again to show you we're not portraying this as a joke there is actual power here so I don't know who's paying the light bill but this place has been vacant abandoned as far as my knowledge at least five years these lights gonna give it a creepy vibe I'll tell you that so we may have hit a snag I don't think we're able to get downstairs the door to the left over there let's seem like it's barricaded it goes into another room and looks like there's another door which probably leads downstairs but we're unable to get inside so this may be a shorter video that anticipated but we still found some very awesome things up here and just to find an abandoned structure with lights on it's a rare commodity alright guys and four times gonna do it for this video we were cut short we couldn't go any farther there's a whole nother downstairs underneath this and we're just not able to get to it I never breaking into her so if we can't freely walk into it I don't go over although the SAS place is pretty awesome all the stuff that's left up here including the toys was a great find and whoever buys this place is gonna end up getting probably a good chunk of their money back by selling these toys if they wish to but otherwise hopefully you guys enjoyed this video I want to thank you for watching if you did enjoy it let me know by giving it a thumbs up also if you like to purchase your official JP videos t-shirt or like to make a donation to my channel you can find the links down below lastly if you're not already subscribed to my channel subscribe now bring that notification bill that way you'll be alerted every time I upload a new video until next time I'll see you the next video you
Channel: JPVideos
Views: 134,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jpvideos, abandoned building, abandoned building with power, abandoned building full of stuff, Abandoned Building Full Of Toys - Power Still On
Id: GY6yfXRhr0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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