Found Something Unbelievable While Following Some Abandoned Ore Cart Tracks In The Middle Of Nowhere

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suppose following this road and I found this which leads to all this looks like they probably had a winch there's a bunch of rope same type to use for winches you could see the tracks they go way up I'm to go ahead and follow them I'm guessing here's like an abandoned miner something up that way let's go have a look I hiked up that it's quite steep and this is the view and there's a second set of tracks as you could see that go that way looks like you're some kind of building in the distance on this side sure the winches which I'm guessing they're Gees that winch to lower the carts down this and to bring them back up and you could see some ventilation pipes probably used in the mines or their gut planning on using them now look at that hole a lot of cable and this looks like it was actually a vehicle engine and they managed to use it to power the winch you know even had to choke I'm guessing that's yeah that is the choke because it's connected to the Carver and that looks like it was the hood of a pickup truck you know one of the real old ones probably had those weird hoods on them and they even still have a built on it okay let's keep hiking and see what we find which I could see the building in the distance so should be interesting an old bed looks like that was most likely a mine and another set of tracks there's a cable that goes up that have to hike up that later on there's probably something up that way look at all this looks like here's the mind behind this building and all the bucket let's have a look inside they sure left a lot behind some PVC pipes look kind of new and they built this building right on the side of the got some hoses you can see hanging up it's a lot of stuff [Music] so above the building looks there's some old washing machines for some reason so I hiked up and found all this another kart track so you can see you got some new looking copain bottles which they're hooked up to looks almost like a generator that battery is hooked up your solar panel wonder if someone was working and this mine recently odd thing is about a three months ago a big flash flood came through and absolutely ruined the road so there's no way there'd be able to they would have had to hike up like I did because no vehicle would be able to make it oh yeah this is still used so you can see flashlights hanging up so I'm not gonna stick around just cuz you know someone's mind gotta be respectful so this is it today thank you for watching you
Channel: Proper Exploration
Views: 1,213,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rural exploration, Abandoned house, urban exploration, proper explorations, abandoned in Nevada, Abandoned town, Ghost town, Arizona, Desert exploring, Abandoned Mill, abandoned mine remains
Id: dJIy8LuT1Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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