Abandoned: Short Message - Complete Story & Lore Explained

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do you remember that phase with the Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity movies well I present to you a fan footage horror indie game that is short and sweet and a perfect little horror addition to the holiday season this is the early version of the game with the developers saying that more will be added later on so we will now do a follow-up video in the future when that is done but for now let's break down the story our first screen brings me back to the classic Windows XP or Windows 94 FS just a whole lot of dark blue and that terrible font in color Choice all the way around good times we see a glimpse of a classic spooky house as the description tells us just who we are an investigative journalist who was fascinated by the tales of the Unexplained and overlooked yep that sounds about right our mission is to discover secrets that lie beneath the surface and the key to all of these secrets lie within this creepy creepy house it's filled with anomalies from different eras relics and from what I can tell probably the entire homeless Community Within Than Miles I would be more concerned about getting stabbed by a junkie than running into anything satanic it is a terrifying image of what happened here and is painted by crypted words menacing symbols in the obvious presence of blood the date is the 24th of April 2012 and our brand new hand camera is getting put to good use the first thing of note is the destination folder in the bottom left says that the footage has been put into the recovery folder probably suggesting that whomever is currently filming probably did not meet a great end since this is within the found footage genre what we're seeing is most likely chronologically in the past also it says that this is a student account can't say for sure if the person recording is the student or if the person watching the footage is the student but worth noting now I hope none of you get motion sick because holy crap the fov on this camera is maxed the hell out and the person recording must have had 15 coffees before beginning cuz this camera work is [ __ ] shaky as all hell the garage looks pretty normal to be honest a little messy but it's what we sort of expect we find a journal entry on the workbench the author mentions How This Old House was meant to be a new beginning for them but as days passed stranger occurrences became their constant companions that sounds to me like a classic case of a haunted house this is where you knpe the hell out of there call yourself an Uber and set that location of that bad boy up to a local bar and contemplate the devil's Minions that occupy your new home over a nice cold beer or at least that's probably what I would do the owner speaks about what strange things actually occurred in the house such as whispered echoes in the halls and shadows in every corner desperation drove them to perform rituals they barely understood brother that is the last thing that you do when you have a case of the H henchmen roaming your house the blood they spilled seeped into the very walls leaving behind a stain on their souls now Trapped In The Echoes of that night they fear that they have awakened something that should have stayed dormant no crap Sherlock your decision on how to deal with a house fire was to Chuck gasoline on it and hope that the flame runs out of oxygen before you do when you deal with demons you don't ask the devil for help the garage was not too bad on the messy side but the house however is quite something to behold it's a bit of a dump and it also contains the strangest and most hipster clock I think I've ever laid my eyes on we could find a faded photograph with writing on the back it mentions again how they didn't know about the darkness that the smiles captured in the photos actually concealed reminding whoever is reading this that the Shadows are not silent the Wolves bear witness to Secrets they dare not speak and to leave this place all of their hopes have been swallowed by the abyss that now resides Within These Walls I mean the cans on the table suggest that whoever was here last did not heed this warning they have clearly been living here a long while before something happened to them that all the demons that haunt this place really love tin tomatoes and pastaa SWS [Music] hell to the no look deep down I am a realist and I understand that this house is missing all kinds of walls and I'm sure that the roof is not looking all that good either so that could have been the wind but judging by the locked door opening on its own I'm going to take a wild guess and say that that is not the case okay we're going to have to mark down the scariest paintings and photographs in the world that's a check an extra Mark for the banner on the wall that looks like it's straight out of a Terrace bunker it has a symbol crossed out with the words in God we trust we will make it run alongside it now what is interesting is the symbol used on the banner is the global symbol for biological hazards or in other words a microorganism virus or toxin that poses a threat to the health of humans it is generally used as a Waring for containers or to suggest to a person that you shouldn't touch it without some kind of protection now this is interesting because the symbol itself points towards a much more scientific reason for these occurrences since it suggests a virus or a toxin of some kind instead of the uh Supernatural connotation that we got when we read the papers but then again it is crossed out so maybe biohazards were the guess and then they realize that they're dealing with the supernatural also very possible another file speaks on how the house is cursed malevolent force is lurking within the walls and once again warning people to leave since the Shadows want more souls to eat and they cannot distinguish between nightmares and reality any longer see you see what happens when you do random rituals to deal with a ghost problem this this this is what happens we find a voice recording as well it's better for you to hear it for yourself I'm the oh this is no I don't think anybody going to another life when they die R I went over this numerous times trying to get every word but it is really hard to catch every word if you think that you can make out what he said please leave it in the comments down below I'm very interested to see what you guys think more diary Pages essentially mention how whatever is haunting this place feeds off of the inhabitants fears growing stronger each night from it not to mention that it is always watching downstairs we can find what almost looks like a doomsday setup to be honest the canned food the bed the map of the US and even what appears to be a blueprint of the house which I have to say is quite impressive how they got their hands on that I will never know but well played we see more symbols on the wall again with the biohazard symbol alongside a cross and an X another recording can be heard I should mention that this is a Monday night I'm not to sure the time is approximately 700 p.m. Monday night January 22nd 1995 the darkness has a voice and it speaks in Whispers he goes on to mention much like in the diary how the symbols hide the truth I have to say this dude was living his best paranoid life down here he had a chalkboard Maps the computer food water riding on the wall the whole nine yards if he couldn't make it I feel like we are doomed the surrounding maps have numerous States crossed out while others are circled for example Nevada Montana Nebraska and Indiana are all circled while Oregon New Mexico Georgia Kansas and Wyoming are all crossed out I'm not entirely sure what this is for since we're dealing with a haunted house here but it could be like looking for the source of the problem especially if this has some basis in The Biohazard Theory we head back upstairs and hear what can only be described as a dying Pig holy crap brother I would be jumping out that window so quickly you have no idea we attempt to flee as the pale demon man catches up to us and we just see what happened to the person recording spoiler alert it didn't end well and that wraps up the short Alpha of the indie game abandoned short message I know it was a very short story but sometimes a short contained story is enjoyable and it's been a while since I have seen the found footage genre I look forward to further updates for the game tell me what your initial thoughts are for the game in the comments down below and also if you like indie horror games be sure to check out a video I did a week ago called Holo cocoon it's a really cool Japanese Horror Story and I think you might like it until next time peace
Channel: Green Links
Views: 1,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, abandoned short message story explained, abandoned short message, horror story explained, horror game story explained, restrospective, indie horror game, indie horror game story explained, indie horror explained, abandoned short message gameplay
Id: AnLDlPSxrZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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