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I have heard the memes and laughs about Garten of Banban and with the release of the sixth game in the franchise. We will be covering the story and going over what the heck is going on. Now, if you don’t know what this game is, prepare yourself for something very special because this game is… out there… Let’s get into the story. Damn… that is quite the face to wake up too… if you don’t know this is Sheriff Toadster… he is afraid at the idea of what is happening on the floor above. Hundreds of angry animals escaping with only one thing capable of giving them peace. Finding us, and getting us. He goes on to say, we are in big trouble. I must admit, the smile you have on your face my friend is giving mixed signals on just how much trouble we are in, cause you seem pretty happy about it. We need to get on out of here. We head on out with the creepy sheriff frog man as the lights turn off and we are left running for our lives. We get to a safe place and Sheriff Toadster goes on to mention how he took refuge in this place when he was dumped down here by our kind. A bunch of cold and lonely nights alone down here. He was found by the queen and Bittergiggle, yes that is his actual name. And he look like this. He’s a bit sad because he thought things would get better but here he is, back to square one. He mentions how we need to get the Queen’s scepter since it is the only thing that can recontain the naughty ones, and seal the door behind them. Thankfully, he led us right to the room that contained said scepter. Since they stored it here hoping that they would never need to use it again. We head into a nearby house and get ourselves a pair of dice that was locked in its own closet. Seems like an incredibly poor use of space but I won’t complain. We can find a letter written by Sheriff Toadster, who goes on a rant of how he wants to essentially be a dictator. After he was stuck down here, he felt betrayed. Saying that all criminals will pay, and nobody from this point will trick him ever again. Nobody will have authority over him again. We head back to Sheriff Toadster and he is joined by this terrifying rabbit lady. She is called Banbaleena. Toadster asks us if we know of somebody that tricks others and imprisons them. Saying that Banbaleena was kidnapped and imprisoned but managed to escape but she didn’t get a good look at who was responsible. Toadster feels that the culprit is clever, good at what he does and very handsome. And if I had to guess, the person responsible probably has a big ol grin on his face right now. Banbaleena is a teacher and wants to find all of her students, since she cannot teach without a full attendance list. Saying the principle would be upset if she did. Toadster addresses Banbaleena as Mrs Mason. This is likely referring to Weverly Mason, who is the genome donor for Banbaleena. We can find a note nearby from a child writing to his mother, very similar to a note found in Garten of Banban 1, so close infact that I would guess it is from the same kid. The kid is telling his mom that he will not talk to the face like Miss Mason said. Showing how scared she got in the process. Also, I think this is meant to be a face but why does it look like a jellyfish? We get inside a big room that looks like a psychiatric ward, filled with chairs and inspirational writing. “Your daily dose of motivation, life is a series of events played in the correct order”. I’m not entirely sure that's how life works, I mean, somehow my life has led to me playing this game. And judging by a lot of people's opinions, you could argue that isn’t in the correct order. Oh my goodness… Well, say hello to Bittergiggle. Looking as messed up as always. He assures us that he won’t hurt us. As he has already done enough damage as it is. He apologies for trying to take us down and for everything that he has done. Saying that he just couldn’t hold himself back, and he doesn’t know what got over him. I am starting to think that the psychiatric ward is probably the best place for my guy. He mentions how he knew the consequences but still went ahead and said his stupid joke. And now the Queen is probably dead because of him. The events he is mentioning is referring to his shenanigans at the end of Garten of Banban 4. He asks us for our forgiveness, and that he will do his best to make up for what he did. He tells us that the scepture that we are after is within the locker, but he is unsure what to do. And proceeds to give us some crazy side eye as we go into the room. A few chair puzzles and a light show later and we have ourselves a Banban’s Kindergarten logo and a movie. Something shows up as the film plays and we hide with Bittergiggle within the locker room. It turns out that the person that showed up was Banban, as he asks us to open the door from outside. In the most serial killer way possible. Bittergiggle tells us to keep the door closed. While Banban gets more and more restless. No… I don’t think I will… The film ends and Bittergiggle mentions how it’s worse than he thought and it’s all because of him, asking for us to go back to where we came from, and while we do, he will think of some jokes that might stop Sheriff Toadster from obliterating him on sight. To be honest… I think it could be for the best if he did pal. We get ourselves back to Sheriff Toadster and Banbaleena as they have set up a little security at our homebase. Some lookout towers and barricades, not bad. Toadster isn’t pleased seeing Bittergiggle. And quite frankly, is not too happy seeing us helping the most wanted criminal behind his back. Infact the Sheriff goes on to tell us that he had a bad feeling about us the moment he saw us, and he originally planned to use us as bait for the other criminals but the Queen asked him to give us a chance. Dude, this frog is jumping to conclusions… wow… I didn't even intend that pun but I will take it. He tells us to leave and threatens us that if we stay, our fate will be no better than with the Naughty Ones. Saying he will find Little Beak and rid the world of monsters kid us and Bittergiggle. Well.. in the list of things I did not expect… a giant slug man stealing Banbaleena is up there. That was one of the Naughty Ones by the way. We make a run for it and post up next to Stinger Flynn. He calls us the duo of destruction and if I can be honest, he might be my favourite character. He is just so much chiller than the other guys ya know. He asks if we are responsible for everything happening and Bittergiggle admits that he is, but intends on making up for it. For which Stinger Flynn tells him that everyone that would care to see him redeem himself is already gone, so what's the point. Damn… Stinger Flynn is cutting deep straight away. Bittergiggle points out that jellyfish have no brains, so how does he even come up with these zingers. Wait a second… maybe thats why the thing on the letter looked like a jellyfish. It was probably a drawing of Stinger Flynn. Huh… took me a while to piece that together but we got there. We head to the next sector and find these fine fellows or fine fellow? It’s two halves of the same person… they are the experimental jesters. One of them straight dropkicks the other one and they fall to their doom below. We find Banban who seems far less like a Serial Killer than our last meeting, and he expresses his happiness that we survived earlier. He points out that we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important and even though he doesn’t know our intentions, he will join us. We get into an outside area… well we are still inside a box room but it’s as outside as we are gonna get. Banban says that the place feels familiar, but he's not sure why. We let out one of the Naughty Ones, and I have to admit, these little guys are pretty cute. Just running around with its stick. Maybe they deserve their freedom. This big guy appears and Banban mistakenly things he is a friend of ours, telling him to get down from there, since we won’t eat his pancreas. But this things pulls out the UNO reverse card of the century and straight jumps on Banban. This dude looks like a Naughty One on steroids. And it kinda makes sense cause he is, kind of like the Naughty Ones Older Brother. His name is Sir Dadadoo. Yes, that is his actual name. I’m not making this up. It turns out that the person outside the room earlier, when we were trapped with Bittergiggle, was actually Sir Dadadoo. He was only pretending to be Banban. Just when things are looking like they will be going south, Bittergiggle jumps in like he’s riding the rodeo… that is… until the bull fights back. Damn… we got two guys KO’d. Looks like we are on our own. A few creepy hallways later and thankfully Bittergiggles has awoken from his slumber, asking where Sir Dadadoo got off to. We have no idea of course and we just get back to puzzle solving. We find a few notes, firstly one speaking on Case#8. It has escaped and is believed to be hiding somewhere on the first floor. The reclamation team has been notified and now staff will be attending a mandatory training session, where they will read everything recorded about Case 8. And effective ways of fighting against it. 2 lives were lost during the escape and they will not allow anymore to die. That is, until the next note. The reclamation team has failed to contain Case 8 for the fifth time since its escape and the death told is now over 10. The entire staff will be required to attend awareness meetings on how to deal with Case 8 with minimal loss of life. They are even thinking of doing a non-lethal approach, luring 8 to be trapped. Thinking of using a similar case to 8 to peak its curiosity enough to lure into the trap. Another case report on an individual, codenamed Case#4, or also under the alias of “The Surgeon”. Now this is referencing a character that we will see more in Chapter 7 called Syringeon. Very creative. Mr Arms here is Syringeon, and he’s even got himself a wanted poster. The drawing is uncanny. The summary says that Case 4’s KAS score is far lower than many of the shelved concepts due to it equipping cases 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Type, which proved bad with children. They even thought of replacing Case 4, due to his issues. And they now await managements decision on how to proceed onwards. The LLTT also have been notified. LLTT stands for lower level transport team by the way. As we head out of the sector, Bittergiggles decides he wants to have a little heart to heart. He is really happy with the progress we have been making thus far and says that he is in the mood to tell a joke. The Naughty Ones have a sense of humor. I’m telling you, they are not as bad as we think they are. Just give them a stick, tell em a few jokes and we could be on our way to making some slug friends. We meet back up with Banban. Who explains that nothing happened while we were gone, other than the fact that Nabnab showed up in all his glory. He tried some of his usual shenanigans and Banban just threw him in a cage. Also, Kittysaurus is also here, just walked in like they owned the place. Damn these character names really are something else. Okay… Kittysaurus might be the most terrifying of the lot so far. And Nabnab is just chilling in the cell. We speak to Stinger Flynn and he immediately guilt trips us by telling us that everything that is happening is due to us. And to never convince ourselves otherwise. I mean, you have to respect how blunt he is. He goes on to list the things that would have happened if not for us going against his and the queens plans then everything would have worked out better. We would be at home, asleep in our warm bed. While he would be free and triple the size he is now. Believing that his original size would have aided us in our current predicament. He shows us a vision of us waiting for the bus with Flynn, Banban, Opila, Nabnab and Captain Fiddles. We are apparently going to the beach, I am so confused right now. The bus that arrived was the incorrect one and Banban wants to go home while Flynn is struggling to comprehend why its so hard to reach our destination. Banban roasts Flynn about his driving skills while Flynn roasts Captian Fiddles for being less useful than the seat they are sitting on. God damn. Fiddles takes it to heart and gets on the wrong bus and straight up gets kidnapped. While Nabnab walks out in front of the bus and gets killed. What the hell is happening. The correct bus makes it’s way to us and hits us. The school bus drivers really need to have their licenses revoked, this is ridiculous. We awake and are told that Banban left without us, so we need to catch up with him to get the sceptre. We also get a neat moment where Bittergiggles points out how Banban got angry at him for calling him Banban instead of Uthman. This is because Dr. Uthman Adam is Banbans donor, and Banban still believes that he is Uthman. Another Case Update can be found and this time for Case#14, The Queen. The research team has been looking into the Queen’s Scepter for magical powers, since the Queen said it possessed such powers. They bring up the human genome donor for Case #14, which the Queen is not aware of since they don’t want another situation like Case #6) aka. Banban, knowing about Uthman and still thinking he is Uthman. The note mentions how both the human genome donor and caretaker have pointed out that there is no official records of a scepter even being created and given to Case 14. It only exists as a mural. Case#14 will not elaborate on where she got the scepter, always saying that she misremembers. Case#14 is not pleased with being moved down into the lower levels and is no longer willing to co-operate despite having the same calm and reasonable demeanor. We reach the next sector as we find some kids looking for their father, which turns out to be Syringeon. They mention how he hasn’t returned today and ask us to tell him to return if we find him. We find another note for the Queen. The research team have had their first expedition since returning the scepter to Case#14. And the results have been forwarded as very urgent. From the data they have gathered, it seems the regenerative properties of Givanium have allowed Cases 14 and 18 to use their own genomes to produce new cases of their own. The research into subcases has been minimal and experts believe that the subcases should have identical levels of obedience as their genome donors. It points out that cases 9, 14, 17 and 18 would not know any of this without inside information. To which they believe 4 to be the informer. They predict a rebellion, and now await management’s instructions. We get to Banban and beat up a bird before moving on towards the scepter room. Inside is a jester friend telling us that nothing bad will happen if we press a button. And to my surprise, nothing bad did happen. See… not everyone here is bad. We make it into what looks like a corporate meeting room, with ol Sir Dadadoo painted on the wall. Along with another note on the Queen. Case 4 has been moved to the lower levels while 9, 14 and 17 were given 24 hours to decide on whether they wish to proceed with their evil plan. Or to completely destroy any and all feats achieved thus far. But 18 seems to be the most in favor of the plan. They plan on annihilation of all the participating cases should they refuse to back down, but wish for it to only be used as an absolute last resort. Given the financial cost they would also cause. They plan to have expeditions every two weeks to ensure 4, 9, 14, 17 and 18 don’t get any bad thoughts again. We head back to the door now that everything has been completed. Banban decides to let Nabnab out of the cage as he dips the heck out of here in no time at all. The scepter room is as scary and strange as you would imagine. As Bittergiggle points out that the surgeon should be guarding the scepter but he isn’t here. Banban thinks that pressing the obvious eject button seems careless and is probably a hidden trap. But ol Nabnab comes swooping in and smashing that eject button like his life depended on it. Turns out, it wasn’t a trap. The heart shaped scepter rises out of the chest but is missing a piece. Sir Dadadoo arrives and starts monologuing how the key to his prison is located in this room. Unsurprisingly he plans to take all of our hard work away from us in standard bad guy fashion. He asks where Sheriff Toadster and the Surgeon are, since him showing up couldn’t have been apart of our grand plan. But of course, we got no idea, we have just been doing puzzles and reading reports. He vows to find and dispose of them when he can. Banban pulls Nabnab across and just stabs him with a syringe and yeets than man away so he can turn into a giant nightmare monster. This version of Nabnab fights and takes Sir Dadadoo and we are left to make a run for it. Bittergiggle says that he can’t go with us any further, since they appreciate his jokes and he doesn’t want to leave them behind. He doesn’t clarify who he is speaking about but mentions how it’s his one chance to have a real audience and backflips out of here. We run with Banban before being cornered by Sir Dadadoo and a bunch of mind controlled cases. He plans to have us join his army to finish want the Queen couldn’t. Banban, helps us down the elevator, telling us to find the Surgeon while he hold them off. And that ends the story of Garten of Banban 6. To be honest it felt like a fever dream half the time but I enjoyed breaking it down for you guys. If you want me to do videos on the previous five installments and future installments, let me know down below in the comments and of course, remember to subscribe for more content in the future. Until next time, peace.
Channel: Green Links
Views: 1,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, garten of banban story explained, garten of banban 6, garten of banban 6 story explained, garten of banban 6 story, garten of banban 6 gameplay, garten of banban 6 reports, garten of banban story, garten of banban 7, garten of banban vi story, garten of banban 2 story explained, what is the story of banban 6, banban 6 endings, garten of banban endings, garten of banban 6 full game and endings
Id: mUcAiNM8rYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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