ABANDONED Randwood Estate Abandoned Mansion from 1825

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okay guys welcome to today's adventure welcome back to freaked ography thanks for following me on YouTube today we are in an abandoned mansion now when I say abandoned I always use that as a bit of a blanket term nothing is ever really truly abandoned what we're in right now is in a very large mansion back in January random rider permex Carlo and myself we explored this house a house on this property that was a smaller mansion and got inside and it was one of our very first explorers of the year and we couldn't get into this house which was right next door and it's a much bigger much nicer much older mansion at one point this was somebody's house then it was used as some kind of a training institute of i don't know what art dance who knows but either way Here I am I'm inside and you're not gonna see the usual stuff that we usually see there's not a lot of decay there's not a lot of peeling paint there's no animal crap it's really just a really big house that is no longer lived in and the deal with this property is that it's been purchased and it's going to be turned into something and I'm just walking around now as I says I talk so it's gonna be printing to be turned into something but they may or may not use this house in the other house as a part of the structure they may demolish them or they may even they may use them so we're just gonna have to wait and see time will tell but for now I'm gonna walk around we're gonna do an explore excuse um video ok take some pictures really interesting place a lot of rooms it's huge so so here we go there I am right there first thing we're gonna do cue the music cue the intro then let's get it [Music] [Applause] okay guys here we go the bendin mansion starting from the very front door and we're gonna look up and there's a chandelier right there and you got your master's staircase right in the center and you come in and you look to the right and you've got a sitting room with this light up here with a nice looking mantel some nice big windows door that goes outside and we're gonna come back over here to this room now over here you've got a fireplace a large mirror just another sitting room really okay moving through you go through these double doors here for my light on where you can see a bit better coming into this carpeted room and you've got another fireplace here this is the gas fireplace as you can see take a look inside there's your gas fittings right there got some empty spots in the walls where they would have had some photos and then this room which is like a like a solarium very large windows lots of light right there we'll move all the way around nice and slow you got some fake flowers right here on the floor and then over here you're moving into another another much bigger and much brighter room over here to the left there's another solarium type of room but you can only access that room from outside and then this is the whole room right here now the floors I should say the the walls are made of fabric see see that interesting yeah see this and then over here is like a boardroom table with the plans for the property I don't know if I'm going to show you those and then here you've got a very typical creepy portrait of an old man I'll have to figure out who this guy is but it looks pretty creepy to me sir I'm going to focus here there we go alright this is where we came through over here on this side we've got a very large kitchen so you have an island here you've got sink dishwasher another sink you've got cutting stations here you know one cutting board here here here and on and on and on I don't over here you've got another portion of the kitchen another dishwasher more sinks here two more sinks on this island two more two sinks over here here we have some jam okay got some jam there pull the knees up and you've got some awesome dishes up here you've got some Corningware kettle teapots and as you can see the lights are on still have power in here moving through here we'll take a walk down there a little bit later those are the servant stairs but we'll come back to that you've not a fridge here and then here is where you wash your dishes dishwashing station dishwashing chemicals and your dishwashing machine think I will I am there a piece of chalk I think he's here yet right here on the floor hey there you go laundry and then sit back here looks like somebody set off a fire extinguisher on the floor as you can see lots of footprints left there's an office there it's a very small office door that goes outside and what we got in here this is a closet don't need to worry about that another office here well this is a classroom okay and then here you've got lightbulbs cleaning supplies brooms vacuums etc all right and then here is another room this is the tutors suite okay there you go tutors sweet toot sweet tutors sweet nice windows and then here you can have a look outside at some of the other rooms where we will go explore a little bit later and we'll work our way up there up to the top floors this room here there is no BS allowed in this room I might as well not even bother going in be honest with you if I want to say no BS I should just not go in so as you can see it's pretty empty in here but it's still a really huge place I barely even scratched the surface on what there is to see here okay long hold on a second here to fix my focus okay walk back through where we came from and let's take a look downstairs turn my light on here it's okay here we go this room is for flower arranging there okay let's have a look oh that's a pretty boring room flower arranging alright here we go looks like another kitchen guys alright so we've got a wood fired pizza stove right here okay go for a pizza right I'm on now all right there you go coming around you got your island cutting boards another you got a stove right here arranged as I call it and then back here you've got food storage back here you got some salt vinegar nothing important there that's pretty interesting though that wood fired pizza stove and here you got this nice brick archway here my focus is to make sure I'm in focus here alright okay I guess we'll head back here first you got a bathroom it was three sinks and just a big empty room in the basement so once again nothing to see well they'll keep moving through here another room lots of windows to give all that nice natural light there you go right into your kitchen there and here we have another food storage room but instead of food you have paint brooms and an ironing table go in here that's the lounge they call that the lounge all right lots of rooms here guys in here another room there's a mirror with me in it this is the quiet room guys oh that's the room we were just in guys okay here you go just another room we'll go over there in a minute and here we go all right heading into this room more lots of nothing breaks brooms chair in the corner and we'll swing around and we're not really seeing anything are we guys and this just looks like a furnace room here yep furnace and fuse boxes okay guys continuing on now that is water damage in here if you look right here even got some water damage coming out of there with some black mold growing on the walls and then it's creeping all around and onto the floor here so you've got some water damage there and you've got some water damage up there as well is right here so this is a bad sign of things to come but hopefully if they're gonna keep ah preserve this place hopefully they're gonna take care of that let's take a walk through here okay this looks like a change room because here you've got well you got lots of hooks for putting up your stuff and then here you've got one two three five showers six seven eight nine have nine showers in here so obviously this is some kind of a residence of some sort some sort but I will get to the bottom of you guys for urinals but two sinks in there I'm gonna guess that's another door to get in this room all right over here you've got just a boiler room and an elevator take a look in the boiler room probably nothing to see like a blueprints they got a whole wall full of blueprints of the building like so it's really cool right here old blueprints floor plans that's pretty cool stuff right there glad I saw it bathroom bathroom this here is the way I used to come inside and this is another boiler room so let's take a walk up back upstairs okay so we've covered off the main floor so let's go back to the main entrance and we'll take the stairs up okay here we go once again front door swing around here's your main staircase there is a servant staircase but this is much nicer as you can see swing around take a look down and make our way up okay second floor lots of sunlight in this room and lots of chairs another fireplace that's a natural wood fireplace and the windows here are much bigger that's a nice big window there move it back through another random room and then this room has lots of mirrors in it what's up guys this doesn't look very old oh yes it does somebody had a drink here from Tim Hortons okay another room here two fireplaces lots of windows down here is a bathroom here's this what I'm guessing is the servants stairs yeah so there's the servants stairs we don't care about that we got three showers in here three showers here toilet toilet and sink toilet and sink so let's count one two three four five six seven seven toilets six showers alright moving right along that's going to be to the stairs yes this is probably just a closet off the elevator four chairs another fireplace thank you nice view outside from here does a fountain down there we'll check that out before we leave and then back to the staircase up to the third floor nice big mirror here ain't there you go and I think this is as high as we can go moving up you've got a room just of that straight-on room to the right and room to the left this reminds me a bit more of the room on the property that we were in in January the rooms in the upstairs nice tall windows another fireplace dead flies you go and zoom in right there hope and see you guys I was looking for this room but you can't get to it from inside he can only get to it from outside you have climb on the roof and go up on top ening inside those windows it's strictly decoration that we saw there now you can see there it is okay guys pretty much wraps it up for this place we've gone from the basement all the way up to the top up to the roof so before we go I'm going to go outside and I'm gonna close the video off with some clips from the outside so you can see there's some nice statues out there it's a really nice building so I'll show you some stuff on the other side and then we're gonna wrap this place up I'll show you some photos I'll show you the outside as always guys thanks for watching thanks for following make sure you're following urbex Jamie creative writer make sure you're following Carlo Pulitzer thanks for watching everybody stay tuned for the outside and photo Gallic peace [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys so since I'm on the property here's a little bit of a reminder this is the house that we explored back in January and I managed to get in it's open so we got a lot of raccoon footprints in here so this is the house that we discovered back in January and we explored it but we couldn't get into the house next door and so today I got in the house next door and as a bonus I'm in the other house again so here you go moving around just a quick walk through my favorite room in the place is this place right here this up is Green solarium right here really bright nice colors really nice windows tiled floor and here's your living room area here and so this is your main foyer from the front door and then you spin around get your main staircase and we'll take a walk up and take a look upstairs I see a bunch of cobwebs I'm gonna walk through some cobwebs on the way up there oh okay head on over here pretty much the same as it was last year not much different curtains are really nice the shadows come through another nice room here you got somebody left their lipstick here looks like guys yeah hold on a second there you go lipstick and through here take a look outside spin around go across the hallway to the other side right here and another room here and again like I said about the place next door so these I believe have heritage designation which means that the houses actually can't be demolished but they can build onto them so what the plan is is to build a larger a larger structure and Ilario they got like some sort of a event center or a conference conference center on the property and include these houses into the plan from what I understand the people in the town aren't very happy about it but I mean what are you gonna do you gotta do something with the property you know it's this it's a clock here I don't know what that is anybody know what that is interesting all right we're almost done a little bonus video here that we didn't expect up to the top floor hey you got your fire escape these ropes here this is your fire escape attached to the wall if there's a fire open the window let's throw this outside I'm flying down bathrooms in here especially nice another fire escape nothing in here whole place is empty then vacant for a long time unused get back to the main staircase so look for you that way nice for a wallpaper okay there you go bonus video guys hope you guys liked it let's go to the green room here and finish up okay guys thanks for watching thanks and following thanks subscribing all the you said earlier thanks a lot
Channel: Freaktography
Views: 47,111
Rating: 4.8059134 out of 5
Keywords: Exploring a Large Abandoned Mansion from 1825, exploring with freaktography, freaktography youtube, youtube freaktography, freaktography abandoned house, freaktography, urban exploring with freaktography, freaktography abandoned, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring with, abandoned mansions, urban exploring, Urban Exploration, abandoned places, urban exploring videos, abandoned, abandoned houses, abandoned mansion, randwood estate notl, randwood estate, randwood
Id: _vM-yM4vsYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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