Abandoned High Victorian Mansion Built in 1880

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you [Music] this high Victorian two-story red brick residence was constructed by a local farmer in 1880 the property was designated for its heritage value under the Ontario Heritage Act in 1997 demonstrating the high Victorian taste for mixing architectural styles the central tower and round and segmental arches are Italian it features and the barge board on the gables are reflective of the Gothic Revival style the roofline is a major feature with its decorated Gables central tower with mansard roof paired brick chimneys wood crusting and fan-shaped finials mixed together these different architectural styles create a unique display of wealth what's up guys welcome back to another very special freaked ography urbex abandoned adventure today guys I'm in a house that I've known about since 2012 I came here in 2012 and I shot an exterior photo I was driving through the neighborhood I saw this incredible house from the outside and you guys saw the exterior in the intro of the video and at the time this building was used by some kind of a business and I've always wondered what was up with this building and if it was if they would ever leave it abandoned or vacant because it definitely has that old abandoned house look from the outside I mean look at this exterior it's gorgeous so anyways guys I just drove by and I was gonna take some drone video and some drone pictures of the house just because it's such a beautiful house and much to my surprise it's empty guys there's nobody here the heat is still on but it's empty as you will see now unfortunately a lot of the features of the house the original features have been drywall Dover or painted over and it's not as impressive on the inside as it is on the outside and unfortunately the very highest peak of the house with the oval windows I can't get up there because there's a padlock locking the access anyways guys let's stop messing around cue the music cue the intro see you guys on the other side [Music] okay guys we're gonna start right here at the front door and I'm gonna show you the main foyer and staircase I mean I had thought the staircase would have been nicer however there is some decorative molding and some decorative features from what I'm hoping is the original build of this house here is a an old front door and it's been somebody unfortunately broke this window here and you can't open it but this is the functional front door this here would be the original front door so we'll pan around a little bit to show you guys once again what this house looks like from the front lobby front foyer area and how about we make right into this part of the house and here you can see very impressive floor-to-ceiling windows there you go so you can see that although they've painted a lot of the house they've painted the crown molding they painted the decorative ceiling they have left the exposed wood for the windows and the doors now there's a number of mattresses scattered a boat which is interesting so let's head on here guys into what would be the kitchen but it's currently empty at least I think that this would be the kitchen here's the original flooring and at some point someone did make an attempt to do some newer renovations in this house but they must have stopped now here this is interesting here you've got four doors in a row right here you've got one door to the left that goes into the living room a door to the right that goes into a sitting room with a fireplace then you have a door that goes into the basement then you have a door with a big win no to give you guys all what is up guys and I'll show you guys what's in here how're you guys doing yes what is up guys open up this door here and this takes us to where we just were guys okay to the front lobby make our way in to this room check out this ceiling I really wish that they had not painted over this ceiling you know but again nice tall windows what a gorgeous house guys fireplace here and then we got these guys here there's one of these upstairs plugged in and the lights still on I guess you can push a button and it sings a song to you or something well the look we'll do it upstairs so that covers this room what is up guys and we'll head on to the back that's it we'll go into this room right here likely with some kind of an office at one point and you've got a fireplace and a library with some encyclopedias and you have a calendar from 2007 okay that helps some things a little bit guys get a calendar some paperwork in there nice piece of art there isn't that nice okay moving along guys this is one of these doors here for you have a half door then you got these here this here is a door that goes outside I'm not suggesting that all three of these would have been doors at one time but only one is now a functional door and then we'll head back to the rear of the household there's a bathroom in here a much newer more modern bathroom got a toilet there stand-up shower which is incomplete obstruction of this beautiful window here you know you say and then a completely modern kitchen it's all dusty in here guys dishwasher sink stove pot lights in the ceiling so this is the most modern part of the house is this kitchen here and then back inside here guys is the garage just got a very simple old garage in here take a look now you can see and now you can say I've shown you the garage alright alright one last look at the kitchen here now this here you have 2003 this little dude here again so 2003 here's your servant stairs we're gonna go up the main stairs to go up there maybe we'll come down these stairs but maybe while we're here guys we'll go check out the basement first alright take a look outside coast is clear yep okay let's go check out the basement I turn the light on down here so we can see because there is power in this house all right very dusty down here what we got original stone and we got some storage here some shelving it's in here nothing in there guys this is weird you got a room here you got a door but just not I guess I put my light on okay so you got out the door you have no walls but you have a door that goes into here but there's nothing in there strange oh I see the drywall has been ripped out okay I see guys furnace and head back here and then we got here well that goes outside okay this is like a bar maybe interesting got a big hole there and then yeah you have what looks like an old bar definitely huh hell you got lights here to light it up interesting wonder if that was like a like a wouldn't like a pizza oven or something another bathroom down here and then another furnace room water heater alright so I like I'm liking the bar it's pretty cool okay so that pretty much covers this off for the basement here but let's take a walk back upstairs I do like this basement it's pretty cool okay guys let's go upstairs so like I said guys the access to the higher point of the house is up there but it's under a padlock and I'm I mean I could grab a ladder but there's a padlock so they can't get up there so this is as high as we get there's your look outside and right above us is a bit of a peek but we can't get up there let's make a left here just a bunch of bedrooms here guys across to the next bedroom there's your window still with the curtains curtains on this window here closet probably empty yep here's some original materials here and then onto the back of the house here we've got a closet it's another way up right there but that probably only goes to a crawlspace the sewing-machine bathroom modern and this is the window here another empty room so this here is the room this things plugged in and the lights are twinkling who's this guy I'm afraid I don't know who that is guys who's that and what is his relevance please fill me in guys another mattress here empty closet couple more rooms guys there's one bedroom that still has bed in it I walk all the way around and then we've got another bathroom back here shower toilet what's up guys and laundry room and that's the house guys that is it [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys that wraps this one up here I am with these guys here we got guru gum in here looks at it tastes thing take a look guru got min Singh ji sorry Guru Nanak Dev ji no disrespect to these guys I'm sure that they're very important figures in their religion I've just never heard of them before guys anyways on behalf of those two guys in myself thanks for watching guys now if I'm able to find some history on this house I will have included it on the voiceover at the beginning of the video if there was no voice over with history I couldn't find anything guys so I'm gonna do my best to look up the history on this house and see if I can provide you guys with some history on what this place is all about what's the relevance of this house why it's still standing and what the deal is guys so we're gonna do that so hopefully I have been able to provide you with some history and if I didn't I'm sorry but guys I'm yelling at you again a couple of things before we go number one hint I like button down below guys number 2 drop me a comment down below tell me anything you want to tell me tell me your name tell me what part of the world you're from tell me what you liked about my videos tell me what you don't like about my videos just drop me a comment down below and most importantly guys if you're watching this video and you're not subscribed what's wrong with you hit that subscribe button subscribe to my channel help me grow my channel make sure you watch all my videos guys past present and future sorry I'm yelling I get excited when I explore this is just kind of what I do so guys I hope you guys have liked this video I like this house thanks for watching thanks for subscribing thanks for all the love see you guys on the next adventure peace you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Freaktography - Abandoned Places & Urban Exploring
Views: 40,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high victorian mansion, abandoned high victorian house, abandoned victorian mansion, high victorian, freaktography abandoned, victorian mansion, abandoned gothic revival, high victorian home, freaktography, abandoned victorian house, gothic revival, abandoned exploring, abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned country mansion, abandoned videos, custom mansion, ontario Exploring a custom mansion, urban explorer, urban exploring, urban exploring videos, abandoned mansion
Id: Gev1Kj2_PYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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