Abandoned House Full of Belongings w/ Owner Buried in Front Yard

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all right we found this house it's like well there's a lot of Christmas decorations in the window but let's go in and have a look is that a dog being given a cigarette wait it looks like the dog is vaping here what is the deal with this house whoa the whole doofus is this has not been long is this a joke looks like nobody touched it it looks like someone must have died or you know so this is a picture of your grandfather had a little bit of flatulence that's right isn't this weird just gives me a very eerie feeling I don't think this house has been been unoccupied for just maybe of year it still smells very much like like like the people son like no like a wood stove let me see this stuff my goodness hmm you upstairs Parker jeez suck it was a lady the loop chair yeah oh there's a person back yeah whoever did live here either went to a home or they passed away with it stuff on it the jokes off I hold this Oh was that it's like grease Oh where's my hand sanitizer get me out of here there is a light on is that a light oh no this guy light okay now you see some light over here well I was like there's a cat food but it's pennies very strange indeed it is a bit creepy okay so apparently if we walk around the front of the house we're going to see something that we've never seen before which way right around it's obvious okay you must be joking that's the guy in there but why is it you check it out yeah why is it not fully buried a lot of questions here this grave was dug by hand you can tell because there's no there's no back over here so so must have lived in this house then he was 85 years old when he died I know that so weird that's something in front of this abandoned home maybe he lived here his whole life didn't want to leave but you are correct why is this not covered up it's it doesn't seem like it's it's not even buried unless they unless they used this as a top to keep this is sticking up above the ground I think they dug it by hand they got tired of digging it so strange now that was unexpected because you just would look you look around here you think it's just you know it's abandoned I mean and then they came in and just boarded up all the windows and painted the house anyway thank you guys for watching
Channel: Dan Bell / Film It
Views: 904,568
Rating: 4.5682144 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, creepy
Id: pI7zngAI2e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2016
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