Witch Hex Mutilation Murder House : Shrewsbury, PA

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hey everyone how you doing it is a cold chilly day almost fall light or winter like I'm here outside of Shrewsbury Pennsylvania with my friend Justin you can check him out on Twitter at Justin way neo art that's w AI ni o Justin you were also in the abandoned pilots house video I lost with me yes we had fun that day um anyway looking in front of me here this is or was formerly called ray Meyers Hollow and it was named that because a man named Nelson ray Meyer lived right here in this house back in 1928 a local man named John Bligh Meyer believed that Nelson ray Meyer had put a curse on him so John blah Meyer went to a witch named Nellie Knoll who told him to break into this house that you see before us and find Nelson ray Meyer spellbook the long-lost friend so we continued on here Bly Meyer had two conspirators John Currie and Wilbert Hess and they both felt as if Nelson ray Meyer had put a curse on them as well so they broke into this house while Nelson ray Meyer was home they were unable to find the book but instead they killed and mutilated Nelson ray Meyer in this house back in 1928 it got national attention national news attention it was a huge story and this is the house as it looks today now I don't think anybody lives here the house is supposed to of course be haunted and a lot of people say that the the woods here have a very kind of dark feeling heavy feeling in them lots of local lore and legends about this house let's have a quick peek while we're here it looks like they have a camera up there but it appears to be a staged camera and not an actual camera that camera is way too old to be recording anything but uh let's have a look real quick I want to get yelled at here so that would be the original door handle and there's the old key peel there this is a very creepy house let's actually see if we can see anything up here I don't see anything in there I think it's going to be difficult to even see through these windows you can see Justin here having a cigarette like it's 1928 yeah the windows are all covered they put this Plexiglas over the windows I'm sure to protect them from people breaking trying to break in because I'm sure people have tried to do that before I look here look now let's give it a try seeing anything there but my phone no peeks in this house yeah there are just no peeks inside anyway this is the property I believe that there's a documentary being made about this particular story so that might be worth checking out I don't know if it's been released yet or not but I would be interested to hear or to know the full story about this but yeah this is the house where Nelson ray Meyer was brutally murdered and mutilated by three people who thought that he had put a curse on them strange strange tale anyway thanks a lot for watching you guys have a good one
Channel: Dan Bell / Film It
Views: 417,553
Rating: 4.6378803 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Capture
Id: DQ8YiubX4n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
Reddit Comments

Interesting story; I'd never heard anything about this before. The information I found on Wikipedia about The Long Lost Friend, the spellbook the murderers were looking to find before murdering Rehmeyer, was also fun.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Squrlz4Ever 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

This incident also triggered the Last Witch Trial in US history and was tried in York PA

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheZigRat 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
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